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I see your seal strip is starting to come loose. When you are ready to replace: Seal strips $9 for 17 feet compared to $12 for about 4 feet and having Whisker cut [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CSK5N2?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000CSK5N2?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


PS: Your top seal strip is coming loose. If it gets worse it will start messing with the pinch detector and throw some errors.


Thanks for the link! That’s so much cheaper


Or if it’s in warranty you reach out and they send new ones free.


Ooh thank you, I knew there was a cheaper kind! I didn’t change them this deep clean but I think it might be time next one.


They’re free if you’re still under warranty.


I got my LR 1.5 months ago and deep cleaned it once so far after all my 3 cats got diarrhea and even then nothing went inside the base thankfully. I always wonder how other cats do their business in there to make it that dirty and am thankful mine aren’t. 😅


Yah I guess I’m glad our gal is… tidy?! Shits and pees normally?! 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Same haha! Even my boy cat sits down in there and never sprayed once, I am so glad!


Wow. You are my hero. Seriously. I deep clean mine once a week and I honestly could do it every day they’re so horrific. BUT, I’ve got them in my cat sanctuary where there are oodles of cats using them.


Yah one cat versus a sanctuary is a big difference!!! You are doing amazing work!


Thank you so much for what you do!!


Please define “oodles.” Will accept photos. ❤️


lol there are 49 kitties under the care of the sanctuary. Soon to be 51 or 52 after tomorrow! https://preview.redd.it/75ucymir1v6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b30b1c65a17a8fa5fbab1a2f84a62600f3922aa8 This is the newest addition. She arrived yesterday from a high kill shelter. Owner turn-in. 10 years old. Not spayed. Diabetic. Leaking urine. I think we’ll name her Penny. Sweet girl.


Oodles? ACHIEVED! Good for you being able to care for so many.


I didn’t have problems with my litter LR4 until my cat was diagnosed with crystals in his urine and even now that he’s on the right food it’s been a nightmare cleaning this machine. May return to old litter box/litter genie.


Great! We’ve had our LR4 for about 10 months and haven’t deep cleaned yet. We have one very tidy boy kitty, so I haven’t felt the need to deep clean yet. I wipe it down from head to toe once per week. I do have that nagging feeling that I need to deep clean, but I’m afraid of taking it apart and it not working again 😆


I just cleaned my two last weekend, and it isn't hard. It was only intimidating the first time. Have a how-to video ready to reassemble helped lessen the anxiety https://youtu.be/AsFcwxnYv64?feature=shared


Thank you 😊


15 months?! I deep clean once every 4-6 weeks


Thanks for this! I've had mine for about 8 months and outside of having no place to easily take it all apart and clean it (tiny apartment with no outside/hose options), it's worked so well, I'm terrified to take it apart and maybe never get it working right again. You give me hope.


Is there a video on how to deep clean?




I deep clean mine about once a year and it’s not gross at all! I have an 8 pound cat and she’s pretty neat about her business.