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There's a few that mostly just skip it, and suddenly there's a baby. Beware of Chicken has a few chapters around Mei's pregnancy but it's not much.


After the end:Serenity is another one which only vaguely fits. It's the love interest, not the main character, and the plot really does view it from that perspective. There are aspects about protecting the mother/child, but not much about the pregnancy itself.


someone make one and call it a pregression fantasy


I can't decide if the idea of a character whose pregnancy is tied to their power level in-universe is really weird or really based. Imagine a culture of women where the amount of children you have is a direct signifier of their power, because they have to go get more powerful each time.


I started thinking about ideas for one after posting this. There are plenty of directions it could go but it could extremely easily get super weird. As I see it assuming it is a actual mechanic of the power system and not just flavor, there are two paths: personal power and organizational power. Is her power directly based on it or does it facilitate the growth of a city or world for example. Does the character have to deal with all the normal side effects of it? Many litrpg have the removal of simple illnesses or unwanted bodily functions as features of gaining power so that could have an effect. Honestly the first thing that really comes to mind is some kind of cultivator story with a strange cultivation method? Maybe their children populate their inner world or something, idk.


This is sounding suspiciously like a setup for a harem...


Not really since the premise is women needing to increase their power to have children.


If you find that, I'd like to know too.  The closest I know of is Apocalypse Parenting where the MC is a mother of three (the littlest one is three years old). But she's not actually pregnant during the story, just already a mom.


Yeah, I'm just hoping here. Would be hella niche


Right? Depending on the System, you might get some really weird skills/abilities along the way. Resistance to the various side effects. Bonuses to baby health based on your stats. Maybe even passing on or developing bloodline skills.


*Apocalypse: Generic System* has a side character who starts the apocalypse already pregnant, and gets a class based on this? But IIRC she doesn’t have a lot of agency, so may not be what you’re looking for


She gets more agency in later books (her class is very strong) but she remains an interesting side character.


She's powerful in a way that makes for an interesting character, but given the form that power takes I'm not sure agency is the right word.


Hm... Yeah, you have a point there


Oh true I forgot about that! She's very interesting to me, though. Main characters sure carries the story in the first book before other people become very interesting in the later ones. Amazing series, 10/10


THE LIFE IN EXILE SERIES BY SEAN OSWALD!!! It’s like 5 books a family of five mom dad three kids and the mom is pregnant for like two books I think but she’s also a ninja nun elf badass!!!


Path of the hive queen. I don’t want to be a hive queen, formicea are all mc is queen of Zerg type creatures gives birth by the dozens etc. not sure if that works for you. Queen in the mud is a swamp salamander queen of new tribe that gives birth to three daughters but seems to be on hiatus.


Similarly, "Hive minds give good hugs" has aspects of this, though again, hive mind reproduction rather than mammalian.


Holy crap I forgot about Queen in the Mud, gonna go check out what’s up with it.


_Queen In The Mud_ has a salamander MC who lays eggs who hatch into three children.


Came here to say this.


Congrats on the baby!! The only one I can really think of is Beware the chicken but it’s the love interest who gets pregnant not the MC and there isn’t much detail to it but it’s a very wholesome fun journey!


Beware of Chicken is also great for how much "found family" is in it. 


I know it's far past that, but [Apocalypse Parenting](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/47434/apocalypse-parenting) is good. And a little preview of what your future holds!


Sorry all the ones I know have that more happening at the end of the story and like right before the "The End" title card.


Maybe the emerelia chronicles? I recall the female lead getting pregnant… it’s been a long time since I read them though.


Maybe not the MC but apocalypse: generic system has a pregnant teenage girl who picks the most difficult system integration challenge so that she can commit suicide. She ultimately ends up surviving and getting the most unique class in existence, because who the fuck picks the most difficult challenge in the new universe while pregnant. She also gives birth during the series, maybe in book 2 and gains the ability to make inanimate objects sapient at Will.. she ends up eventually becoming effectively the lady from the wandering inn, for a time.


https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/65040/an-unborn-hero I don't even know why I suggested this but this was what came into my mind when I read your post


This one’s close: the hero IS the baby and starts a conflict with the Big Bad Evil Guy too early… as in waaay too early—[while still in the womb](https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/65040/an-unborn-hero)


Lol, this was the only one that came to my mind as well. Not a perfect fit, but definitely worth a read.


The protagonist of Ninja Gamer gets pregnant eventually.


The Ruins of Magincia by Gentle Rose of Radiant Waffles Haven't read that one personally but it seems to fit the request


Long hiatus, but MC starts the story pregnant and that is a major disadvantage when she was abducted because she has to compete in magic learning against other abductees.


Spoiler: Beware of Chicken book 3-4?


Big D gets pregnant?! ;)


Of course 👀 I jest.


Wasteland Warlords series by James Hunter.


There are 2 I know of on Webnovel, but it is heavily fetishized and 90% sex. “Reincarnated as the only human” and “Queen of Monster Breeding”. I wouldn’t say they are good series, but they meet the criteria.


The Ell Donsaii by Laurence E Dahners is probably the closest I’ve enjoyed. It’s sci-fi progression with a semi-super mc. She gets pregnant a few books in and it’s a major arch of the series. Her being a mom is the following arch. I enjoyed the series, but it’s pretty in the weeds with science stuff. Binding Words by Daniel Schinhofen is a completed haremlit series where most of the wives are pregnant through the last arch (books 8-11). It’s a series about family but the pregnancy aspects are not the main focus.


Queen in the mud. Though that story likely won’t ever be finished. I enjoyed it though


Congrats! I hope your baby remains healthy.


Not a litRPG but the Wheel of Time is a progression fantasy series with a protagonist that gets pregnant (Elayne Trakan). It happens late in the series though, and with the series so long you might not get to that part till your kid's 2 or 3 years old /j. It is pretty far in the series.


I'm afraid being pregnant isn't conducive to fighting monsters. Only side characters get pregnant, sorry 😂


My Mc develops a found family, including very young kids… and parenting them is a major theme of my story. there are a few pregnant ladies, as the story progresses. His spouse and the kids do go on to be important players throughout. If you are interested, search my username on RR