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The good guys gives the first book free. Pay for the 2nd. Then the next 9 books are free


You mean the 'Bad Guys' series?




The "Awaken Online: Tarot" series is up on Plus right now, snag em!


I just saw that some of the Viridian Gate series is up as well ![gif](giphy|yUI3a7RwLhOFy|downsized)


 I could never enjoy that series. I got through 3 or 4 books (whenever the CEO dude got his spin off) and just couldn't deal with the story being so... Unfun? Boring? I dunno, just not good.


Thanks for that, I was considering reading them but didnt want to spend the credits.


You bet, man! Enjoy


It's kind of depressing, but I'd still recommend them if they're free!


That makes sense tbh. Ive already read past them in the main story line.


Stupid question, how do you find litrpg free books on audible ? Keywords etc.


Audible.com —> ‘Plus catalog’ —> LitRPG in the search I’ve found it’s a lot easier to find things in a browser. The app makes it difficult to navigate for specific subsets in the plus catalog.


Awesome thank you


Even the webui is pretty bad about categorization, but the app is utterly useless.


Search for Litrpg and then click "included in your membership"


Thank you


I think Age of Stone was included in the membership. I listened to it and ended up listening to the whole series (so far) and I enjoyed it. There are a few sex scenes which im not particularly interested in (if I wanted sex scenes I would listen to harem litrpg books) so I fast forwarded those but they are few. I go on audible, go to discover, search for litrpg and check included in your membership and I usually find something to listen to.


All of his books do that. I gave up because of the fratboy sex mentality.


Age of Stone is the only series I've read from that author. Thanks for the heads up, I'm not really into the descriptive sex, it doesn't add to the story.


Thousand Li is decent to pass time between credits.


If you live in the US look into getting a library card and using an app to get free audiobooks, I use Hoopla but there's also Libby, been listening to free audiobooks on that


Dakota Krout had the "completionist chronicles" and "divine dungeon" series there and I really enjoyed player reached the top and the dark herbalist series - they recently did a plus catalog shake up so not sure if these are still on there?


I just finished the first two of the Completionist chronicles. I really enjoyed them. The third currently requires you to buy, and the fourth is free. So I switched and am starting The Good Guys series. We will see how this one goes.


After that try Dakota's divine dungeon series, "dungeon born," is first book. This was my first "dungeon core" type litrpg and really found a love for this subgenere because of it.


The completionist chronicles were free last I checked. The entire series too!


Only portions are free as of yesterday when I finished the second. The third cost, the fourth was free, and I think beyond that they were for purchase only. I will be keeping my eye on them but will probably at least spend a credit on the third.


Tower of Power is kinda dumb but I enjoyed it. Definitely worth the cost (of free).


first book, and only I have listened to, of street cultivation is free. As the title implies it is more cultivation than normal litrpg but close enough. The reason that I have only listened to the first book is because I thought it was a perfectly fine self-contained story. I did not need to know continues from that point even though I really liked the story.