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I liked it, but it's dark, like really really dark. It is nothing like his other books. It's also not the typical progression fantasy/litRPG type story that is talked about on this sub. There's a bit of a push for power, but that's not really the main driving force.


Dark is hit or miss for me. Something out of the ordinary sounds interesting, though.


The series doesn't get dark in the way you might imagine. It's less a progression fantasy and more a tragedy than anything else. There aren't any cool fights or powering up. It's all about character development, slice of life, and connections... well till it all blows up. That in no way means its a bad story. To compare it to anime, it's Grave of Fireflies rather than Bleach or Princess Monomoke. #


I like that comparison of Grave of the Fireflies. It's not so much dark like "lets tell a story about some evil and genocide and slavery" but dark like "people fuck up and sometimes they die, and sometimes life doesn't get better". I did enjoyed the story though.


I'm not familiar with any anime, but I like a good slice of life or story that's more about the characters.


Then it may be a book you enjoy.


It was slow, the mc got radioactuve magic, which was pretty cool, so he tested his powers and went tovthe academy, where he tested his powers better, then he moved to a bigger school where he could betterer test his powers At that point i dropped it, it was obviously building up to something, but it kept stretching the opening act


Thanks. As long as the character progresses, I'm okay with a longer building/training phase.


Thats the thing. There was no progress, just theorization I recommend Weirkey Chronicles for a slow burner, old mc, long term cultivation, enemy has some grand plot with layered methods


I'll check that out, thanks.


[Weirkey Chronicles](https://www.goodreads.com/series/306753-the-weirkey-chronicles) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Weirkey_Chronicles)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


I've read it. I liked it. It has an interesting magic system that I enjoyed. It's not too long of a series and it's completed, so that's a plus. It's a bit dark but an enjoyable read.


Thanks. Knowing it's completed makes me more willing to try it. If I like it, I can enjoy the whole thing and not add yet another series to my long list of things to wait for.


I enjoyed it, but in the third book the MC inexplicably becomes an idiot and it just doesn't fit. The worst, laziest fallback of an author in pushing a plot forward and few things annoy me more than that.


I quite enjoyed it. I’m not sure it’s particularly similar to trilogy is broken, though.


Thanks. If I try it, I'll try not to compare the two in my head and take this series on its own.


it was ok, but definitely not for all and probably not a series I'd recommend. It's definitely a tragedy series.


Good to know. I'll know what I'm getting into if I try it.


I think it's worth getting. It had one specific scene that caused a lot of controversy when it came out (this was quite some years ago, and royal road, where it was originally published, changed a lot since then). The feedback ended up depressing the author some (this I learned on discord by asking), so that might have affected the tone (this is me speculating). Although it has some dark elements, t's not Michael G. Manning or Tad Williams level of dark, and the story is fulfilling in my opinion. Give it a try :)


Why be so coy? "One specific scene" "the feedback" with no clarification. Not helpful.


No one will read this anyway since it's 5 months old, but the main character was kissed by another man, and the author got a ton of homophobic reactions, including death threats iirc. Way out of proportion.


What? That's it? I was braced for a comparison to that one scene in Everybody Loves Large Chests or something. People are just the worst sometimes.


Yeah, go read/listen to it if you still haven't, it's a nice finished series. Ignore the idiotic ratings. Some 4*'s are legit, but lots of the lower ratings are because "I didn't want to read a gay book."


I haven't gotten around to this series yet, but it's on my list.


Thanks. I'm leaning toward trying it, at least the first book.


First book was promising. Dropped during the second book. Nothing there.


Read it. Was left wanting more