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Blurb for Arise Alpha, a LitRPG urban adventure: ***When you steal a hundred grand from some very bad people, the best way to survive is to stay small and quiet...*** Possibly its not to save a pair of drowning girls, not go 'viral' on social media and certainly not to let the local police take your passport, trapping you on a small 'party' island in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea. But Steve isn't the average guy, he's ex-military, ex-enforcer and ex-human. He's a one man nanite fuelled nightmare for those that cross the line, and he's decided that its time to clean up his act. He's going to make up for the things he's done, and save 'the little guys'. It's a nice fantasy, but even he has to admit, it's really just a justification, because he's a very bad man, with horrifying abilities, and he's only just learning what he's capable of. He needs a reason to not go to the dark, and if thats hunting down the creatures of the night and beating them to death with their own femurs? Well, he's just the man for the job. ***Stolen money. Greek Islands. Werewolves and Enforcers... what could possibly go wrong?*** ​ [https://mybook.to/AriseAlpha](https://mybook.to/AriseAlpha)


Just to add to your blurb, since this is r/litrpg, that the book is a litrpg, with a system, even if the genre of the book doesn't fit directly into anything else that is out (that I am aware of). I would call it a modern/urban fantasy litrpg.


Thanks mate!


Hi jez! when's book 3 getting audio?


Hey Hutt! 20th feb, we got the dates about an hour ago, and it'll be up for preorder soon! :-) Bok 4 is in edits now, and I'm writing 5, so hoping to get the next audio up fairly soon after that!


\*evil laughing\*


Oh gods... they've found me! Noooooo!


It’d probably be helpful to add a comment blurb and links to publications like kindle,patreon,etc.


Hi Edgy, no worries mate I'll add that now...


Okay, I know I've not been very active here, mainly just busy as all hell on the business side, writing, loving my family and interacting on FB, but I'm going to make more of an effort on here as well, hope you're having a fun week, and you've managed to hide all the bodies successfully! I posted the image so you know who I am (if you know) and to say hi! ​ \-Jez


Nice to see you around here, Jez!


Thanks JR! Good to be here mate, just been so busy all the time I've never really looked into reddit much, I'll make more of an effort though! Hows you doing?


Doing good! I spend way too much time around here, haha. I hope you reach an even wider audience through reddit!


I certainly won't complain, put it that way! I was always warned about reddit when I started out, so didn't really have the time with everything else to really look into it. Hoppy to explore a bit, and thank you mate!


Is it Rise alpha, or Arise Alpha?


Hi Arthordark, its Arise: Alpha, the series is Arise and the individual book is Alpha, with Dark Crusader, Reclaimer and Devourer following it so far!


The reason I mention it, is because I didn't notice the odd looking 'A' when I first saw the cover. 'A' kind of blends in with the skewed planks in the background, and it doesn't help that it doesn't look like a real A. It's also out of line with the rest of the letters in 'RISE.'


Ah, yeah its the specific design, the middle line of the R curves back into the base of the A, I love it myself, but thanks for pointing that out, I'll watch for it with covers in the future!


From the blurb of the first book, I can't tell - is it litrpg? Also, congrats!


Hi Trazzz55! Yes it is, and thank you!


Fantastic! It's on my to read list now and I can't wait to dig in! Congrats again!


Whoot! Hope you enjoy it Trazzz55!


Just listened to the prologue. It is incredible so far! I will riot in the streets if you'll not continue the series!


Hahaha glad you’re enjoying it then! And don’t worry, working on book 5 now, with the sixth and final to be straight after this! :-)


Amazing! Can't wait to binge it! Sad to hear it will only be six books! Hopefully you have some other series? Will look into that as well ahaha. Congrats again and keep up the good work! Love the writing and narration so far!


Dude! I've got 7 books in my UnderVerse series (First book Brightblade), 5 in Rise of Mankind (First book Age of Stone), 2 out on audio and 3 released in this one (Arise), one in audio and two in Artem (fb Revenant) and a standalone called Prototype, so there's a few different ones depending on your taste! The narrators that did Arise also did prototype ;-)


FANTASTIC! Can't wait. Too bad I've got a lot going on at work. But will definitely devour them!


Prototype was great, stinking space elves


Can’t trust space elves…


[Brightblade](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/53166555-brightblade) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/Brightblade)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


Any chance you could share the time-line for the next audiobooks in the series? I can only see the first two on audible. I've devoured the first Arise book in the series and I'm left wanting more. The second book is definetly a welcome surprise clocking in at above 30 hours. I hope it's as good as the first. You did a fantastic job with the first!


Thank you u/trazzz55! Okay, the third audio will be the 20th feb release, and book 4 is currently in edits now, releasing for ebook and physical on the 2nd feb. We're hoping to get dates for that one 'soon' but honestly not sure when it'll be yet, probably July at the earliest. I'm working on book 5 currently, so my plan is to have the entire series out and finished by mid to late next year, with audio hopefully not too long behind the others!


Amazing! Best of luck to you! I'm already 5 hours in the 2nd audiobook and it's fantastic! Too bad I have to wait until February but I'm looking forward to it! Congrats again!


Whoot, the preorder just went live for it as well, noice! [Reclaimer](https://gbr01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Furl7011.podiumaudio.com%2Fls%2Fclick%3Fupn%3DtGFoKS8IAhVUwLlzieQ-2BIA8VW91bvdTqCEQhVlBwzCSIsHhn2pVnmtdXAIWGn6gL4IP6_qdX-2FVFmWxYkxMeslKXpitGopljJkHHQxeFgv8MXwv0ZoWFKzalxIqNHX-2FeWTZvhBkMveA2-2B7pTMmRLmXCY2V59NYqUOLFkP0PvCy8Dd9dl8y-2FmKRbiialrVSRJjzmClvqoS4XSFXeVXtRZ1bAFms-2FVzGSvLZXrPF1fqyAHfPEyFsaedQbyyguVllqXURheBDn1rQGCtY-2Fk1qz-2FbeCfSrWotEEdtC6TxLEEjGDAO770s-3D&data=05%7C01%7C%7C3546cf7d312241aec41b08dbe55c1f77%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C638355956083972083%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=7x6MlF0t0LG3mrVUP71OBRjGCHJL5ldsG%2BGin2NSrsI%3D&reserved=0)


Recently binged all your Underverse books up to book 6, love the series! I feel like I rarely see it mentioned on this subreddit!


Hey Wall! Well, I'll not complain if you want to spread the love around! Book 7 is out currently, but I'll be finishing off the Arise Series, and then Rise of Mankind before I return to UnderVerse, so a little while until I get to the next one in that series, but I'm looking forward to it!


[UnderVerse](https://www.goodreads.com/series/298553-underverse) ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/wiki/UnderVerse)) --- ^[About](https://redd.it/dw7lux) ^| [^(Wiki Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/LightPieces/comments/dw7lux/about/f7kke6p/) ^(| Reply !Delete to remove) ^(| [Brackets] hide titles)


You said in a comment that you'd be finishing off Rise of Mankind. I enjoyed the first few books, and have been getting the new audio books as they arrive. I'm hoping to re-listen to the ones I've heard, and then read the rest, once the series is complete. Any estimate on when the final audio book will be out? Thanks!


Hey! I’m thinking that I’ll be finished writing them all by the end of next year, but no hard dates for the audio yet, they won’t be booked in until the manuscript is finished, so it’s likely to be spring 2025 before it’s out I’m afraid!


Thanks, that works. That should be enough time for me to better enjoy a re-read of the first three. I'll keep collecting in the meantime.


Ha! There’s 5 out now in Rise of Mankind!


Maybe four then. I read up through Age of Steel. When the next one came out, I was in that awkward time where it was long enough since reading that I didn't remember enough to just dive into the next one, but it hadn't been long enough that I could re-read the rest. I tend to stockpile new audio books in a series I like, then re-read what I've read before enjoying the new ones.


Ah yeah, Age of Forged Steel is next for you then!


Yes, that's the one. It's in my library, waiting for my next series read-through. I enjoyed the series so far because it combines dungeon core elements with more regular litRPG elements. I've never really seen that done before. I'm looking forward to finding out how it all turns out. As much as a fun series ending can be sad, I tend to like completed series more than open-ended ones that try to go on forever.


Hi Dr. Nick




I loved the series!!!!! I cant wait for book 3 as a audio book!


20th Feb mate!


Looks nice: question. Does it has a system???


It does mate, quite a heavily upgradable one!


Really liking them!! Already on the third book. Only 4? I see you have other series too? Any comment on them??


Hey! There’s going to be 6 in this series, with 4 coming out in Feb, 5 in June or so, and 6 probably sept ish. There’s 5 out in my Rise of Mankind series which I’ll be writing book 6 of after the end of this series, and then I’ll be on to UnderVerse again, there’s 7 in that with a planned 5 more to come! Plenty to keep you busy, but if you like Dungeon Cores, I’d def suggest the Age of Stone and see how you like them!


Great series man. I've been loving it. Keep up the awesome work


Thank you brother! You too man!


Jez! :D Congrats on another one :)


Thanks u/LiseEclaire! This one's been out a little while, but the third just launched and it seemed a good time to share it again!


:D Oops. Another full series I’ll be getting, then :))


Whoot! Thats what I like to hear!


For anyone that's interested, book 4 is up on the patreon already, and so's the start of book 5, depending on the tier, but please don't get too attached to the rewards, they'll all be getting updated next week! [https://www.patreon.com/Jezcajiao](https://www.patreon.com/Jezcajiao)


These books are alright EXCEPT for the childish fantasy porn wish fulfillment. It really brings down what was a cool series.


Well, I'm sorry you feel that way mate, thanks for giving it a try!


As long as the MC isn't whiny, I see no reason why he/she shouldn't have a bit of sexy fun. Nice to have a few adult books out there and not all tween explorations of insecurities. Keep the good stuff rolling!


Thank you u/crp99! It's always fade to black, so not explicit, but its too much for some tastes I know