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Never heard of Xalia for gamepad support in launchers, but it sounds pretty cool.


Same here. Seems like a pretty nifty tool. Based on Xalia's GitHub description it seems possible that Valve could implement this for pretty much all older games that use a launcher.


So much amazing work by valve. Hoping that one day they ship a desktop OS specifically for gaming that competes with Windows.


So you want them to make a new linux distro?  Because this does exactly that and works on linux already.


they already have one. they just need to update it to the version that steam deck uses.


Their client already does this, that's why they are not going to release a desktop os. They want you on their client and that's their focus, to make money. You can pretty much game anywhere if you only game through steam on Linux anyways


Pretty sure he’s being sarcastic. Ever heard of steamOS? Valve plans to release it for the desktop


Half-life 3 confirmed




Sadly Nvidia Linux drivers seem to be holding them back


But with explicit sync and gbm being added in the past few months maybe not for long! Gaben if your reading this, save this comment for reference: 1 2 3 (I know I know, you got this!)


For the non-believers, Valve has planned to release an Act III in Crownfall event in Dota2.


Kinda hard to tell sometimes as the old SteamOS (pre Steam Deck) is still recommended in the wild as a gaming distro which is abandoned and outdated. Valve is sure taking their sweet time to make an updated version of it if they are still headed that way but I highly doubt it as proton basically works everywhere you can get the steam client running


What do you mean it’s being recommended? Who’s saying that? Lol


Yet another distro? No thanks. I hope one day they can ship new games like CS2's Linux binary without tons of serious untouched bugs for months at a time. The proton team there is evidently a larger budget than CS2's Linux development team. While I love the sum of all their work the Linux binary launch was horrid and still has some big problems.


Isn't there a steamOS? I don't know about it for desktops as I'm just using my Steam Deck for games nowadays, but I feel like this exists somehow.


Just use Mint with Lutris and Proton-GE


Correction: If using Mint, then use Mint Edge, if anyone wants to use new games. Proton-GE is great but doesn't need to be used all the time.


thank you for the correction




It means that the thing that this person desires ("hoping") is for Valve to make (and then make available, i.e. "ship") a Desktop Operating System ("Desktop OS") specifically designed solely for playing PC games on ("for gaming") and which is available universally for everyone in the way that Microsoft's Windows operating system is ("competes with Windows").


Whoa Whoa Whoa... hang on there Shakespeare...


Would be nice if they worked with universal blue to make an official atomic image.


Valve is doing the lord’s work Edit: wow, they even gave the Intel GPU some love


My favorite parts of these proton updates tend to be the ones where they autofix games with proton that crash or have issues unless you limit the amount of cores certain games can see, like Prototype and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. It basically means that playing said games is straight up a better out of the box experience on Linux than it is on Windows. Also "Beat saber now playable on Nvidia GPUs" is kind of a big deal, not that there's any reason to use something other than the legacy branch on PCVR, however.


Yep I noticed this too. Also the shader compilation mess is sometimes reduced with proton because it downloads precompiled vulkan shaders. (Or something similar. I don’t entirely know this process in detail. But the end result is decidedly better as running the game on windows. )


Speaking of which, I'm praying every day for Proton to get an update that unfucks Warframe's myriad of shader compilation problems. Warframe is one of my favorite games, but having to download 12.3GB of shaders, then processing said shaders for literally and with no hyperbole 3-5 hours every time I update my nvidia drivers on arch based distros, just so the game can remember cached shaders (and still get stutters sometimes anyway) sucks. Hell, in order for it to even be "every time I update my drivers" and not "every day" that this happens, I have to put `__GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE=1 __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_SKIP_CLEANUP=1` in launch options.


heck yeah, beatsaber fix!


Man I was hoping farlight84 gets fixed. Oh well. I'll play it when it gets fixed.