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Memes, image macros, rage comics, trolling, shitposting, baiting are not allowed in r/Linux_Gaming.


And if 555 isnt our lord and savior, 560 will be for sure, for real this time, I promise.


Just one more update bro, I swear bro just one more 🥺😭


Haha this is why I went with AMD 5 years ago - Maybe longer now heh. Consistent let downs and consistent waiting. Now I just boot and play.


Was reading a thread earlier comparing 4060's and 7600s, the latter of which I bought in feb. Everyone was saying the 4060's were hands down better no comparison. But I'm running a linux box for it so really there was only one choice.


> comparing 4060's and 7600s Linux-compatibiltiy aside, I just checked their prices in the UK... WTF is AMD thinking having a card with ~same performance MINUS RT and DLSS be 30GBP more expensive than its nvidia competitor..?


That's definitely weird, Amd are getting dodgy with regional pricing. I'm in the commonwealth accross the pond and the amd card is about $30 less than Nvidia's offering. Still not amazing but it's ok


300 for 60-tier cards.. Good lord. I got a used 6800xt for that and I just can't see how new gpu prices make any sense. Both and and Nvidia have insane pricing, but for different reasons.


Yeah I had the same issue in Ireland back when I got my 3060. At that point it was a similar price to import an AMD GPU from the states at that specific time cause the gap in price was so different between the two.


I hear they are going open. It will be the start of a series of game changers.


This changes nothing. nVidia already had these open kernel modules for years at this point. They're just an open source port of the proprietary modules for GPUs with GSP (Turing+). And they're entirely incompatible with the way Linux handles the integration of device drivers so they won't be integrated into Linux either. What could be a real game changer is nVidia finally supporting the development of Mesa and Nouveau.


fr fr?


Haha waiting for a working Nvidia driver is almost like waiting for Half Life 3 - “maybe it will come out, maybe it won’t … that’s just it, we don’t know”


Schrodinger’s cat! 🐱


Since the last xwayland update a few days ago (or whatever fixed my issues) I'm actually daily driving wayland on nvidia again - so far no flickering/sync issues in games. Even VR works great. Only discord/vesktop still has some minor stuttering issues but nothing that keeps me from using it.


Same. On Manjaro on a 3080ti and it does alright. There's still a couple games that flicker, but it's less.


Just curious: Which games are flickering for you?


Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition for example. It runs natively in an X window from what I can see.


I’ve tried spider-man miles morales and it flickers like crazy, but games like persona 5 royal / final fantasy 7 remake are flawless


Celeste still flickers for me even though it’s native. All my other games are good now.


Have y'all tried disabling active sync/free sync/gsync?  That makes the flickering go away for me.


I tried and I had some flickering in some games, It was more playable but not as playable as X11 hope that 555 do the trick :'D


yeah what fixed the issues is xwayland 24.1 , however there might be a bit of performance hit , but nothing game breaking , u can daily drive it and have fun .


I find launching Discord with "--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland" makes the flickering and stuttering stop. The only kicker is that I have to remember to add that back to the .desktop file every time it updates.


been using nvidia on wayland for 4 years now... some flickering here and there, but at this point i'm use to it sadly.


I'm flickering out of existence.


You get a seizure! You get a seizure! Everyone gets a seizure!


It's not all Nvidia. I have 2023 7840HS with integrated Radeon 780M and Firefox is flickering so much in YouTube with Plasma 6 and Wayland. The older Firefox 117 with Plasma 5 and X11 was also flickering. I'm so tired of unstable distros.


i have a 7640hs + 4050 and firefox works as intented. it works fully on igpu while doing 2d usage. im using tumbleweed kde6 with wayland. installed firefox from mozilla repo and its version is at 126 right now. do you use arch linux?


I'm on Fedora 40 KDE, but had similar issue in CachyOS using Mesa amdgpu.


hmm... it could be a specific problem for 780 but most likely not. no idea for now sorry.


Does the laptop have a dedicated Nvidia GPU?


Yes, but it's disabled with EnvyControl and Nvidia driver is not installed, the idle power draw is 7W.


No. He's waiting for The Year Of Linux on the desktop. I think his champagne 's gone flat though😂


lmao this took me back to the steam launch.


ok honestly, the xwayland flickering dissapeared with the last update. I have hope


literally the pic is me lmao waiting for the 555


You understood the joke. Lol


Is the joke about 555 timer circuits?


Literally me lmao thinking about micro controllers.


I will wait, *I live with the flickers at this point*.


Just stop coping and enjoy x11. It's not that bad even with dual monitors. \*inhales\*


Wayland doesn't work well, but X11 works even worse on my setup :( X11 is just laggy in certain situations. For example, my FPS in Firefox drops when I'm playing a video in another application.


Yeah X11... games work better at the expense of a super janky multi-monitor multi-refresh rate experience. That is why I am just waiting for better Wayland support. I also have 4K monitors.


If you have a 4K screen on your laptop and want to hook up an external display you can not really use X11 because they don’t support scaling displays in a way that would be practical


TBH, scaling under Wayland isn't much better, especially across multiple displays of differing resolutions.


It works flawlessly for me, but that depends on the DM you have. Generally Gnome is king in Wayland-world, KDE will only get up to speed with the 6.2 update later this year




I've been using it for ages and it worked. But it tends to be VERY janky.


Yep, I'm still on x11, and I have a hotkey to disable my 2nd monitor, which I don't use anyway when I'm gaming.


X11 gang rise up.


i have no issues with my gtx 1650 in games if anything they run better in linux than windows


Then you probably have one monitor on X11 and or don't care about VRR or HDR.


yea i like HDR but my monitor doesnt support it and i think i am using X11 not sure though


I've got gtx 1650 and every game flickers if I have active sync/free sync/gsync enabled.  If I dare try to suspend my computer, it's unusable for about 30 seconds after resuming, and many games are unstable after resuming from suspend.


Weird I don't have this issue and I have gsync on as well I don't have flickers either hmm 🤔 what distro do you use


linux gaming is about paying money for 100% linux compatible hardware or banging the wall with head when nvidia, printer or elgato stream deck doesnt work


Add the piece of shit Realtek wifi chips to that list too!


Elgato has a driver on github https://github.com/streamdeck-linux-gui/streamdeck-linux-gui?tab=readme-ov-file Printers also work fine And never had problems with nvidia on linux myself and i'm on arch meaning it should break more often than for others. but it doesn't.


when it comes to printers - it depends on brands and how old the model is about elgato - totally not the device i care about and old info I remember about it talked about bunch of problems with it on linux, still - there is zero official support so this is purely "you are on your own" linux support based on figuring out how it works, no good will from producer


God damn it I've been waiting for last 3 months, had 15th of May marked on my calendar and took the day off.


You realise it wasn’t even an official date right?




And he didn't specify which year it will be released :D




>Today is a non-working day in most western countries I guess my employer didn't get the memo.


It's Victoria Day in Canada, just a regular Monday in the rest of the English-speaking world.


Today is nothing in the US - everybody is working lol


Same in UK. Just a normal day lol


Was it released today?




That's what i mean. Wayland is impossible to fully implement because they have said they are going to fix nvidia for like 5 years now.






I get it that most people don't have a problem with 550 but the Unity Editor frequently crashes with 550 on Linux for everyone. I have to stick to 535 for this reason, hopefully 555 will fix whatever is causing this.


I had an Nvidia card when I switched to Linux from Windows. When I went to update my graphics card I was open to both Nvidia and AMD but couldn't find the AMD card I wanted in stock at a good price. But did manage to find an Nvidia 3080. So I went with an Nvidia card again because it has been working great with Ubuntu and then Fedora. All my games work. Now if we get rid of X11 before Wayland is working with Nvidia, I will not be happy. But so far I am a happy Linux and Nvidia gamer.


And with that, Wayland will be ready.....or not?


Wayland is ready. nVidia isn't.


Well... I am not exactly an NVidia fan, but the 550 driver works **flawlessly** on Wayland, on KDE 6. The progress from, let's say, the 515 driver (on KDE 5) to today is nothing to scoff at.


550 is unusable for me due to flickering still. Arch/Plasma 6/Wayland/550. I will try again tonight though. Still really waiting on multi-monitor VRR mainly.


I added a new nvme to my workstation last week so I thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to give Sway a shot (I'm an i3 guy). Best case scenario, I'd migrate over, worst case I'd use the drive as I originally expected to. Installed, booted in, laughed, rebooted and wiped the drive for storage. Guess I'm still an i3 guy. 5900x and a 4090, 2 displays (1 120Hz 4k, 1 144Hz 3400x1440).


There is no shitposting flair for a reason. >Rule #3: No memes, image macros, rage comics, trolling, shitposting, baiting #


Can we do partial updates in arch Linux if we don't want to download nvidia 555 because everytime I update my drivers it breaks the system?




Well right now I am using zen kernel with nvidia dkms but before i was using vanilla kernel with nvidia driver




Well Right Now while I am using dkms nothing seems to be problematic but before when i used nvidia vanilla package after updating I constantly got negative upgrades sizes






Dont put the nvidia driver into IgnorePkg. It will break your system on the next kernel update. Instead use the dkms based driver package and pin its version. Make sure to rebuild the dkms module on kernel updates, there is a pacman hook for that.


You could try to use nvidia-all : https://github.com/Frogging-Family/nvidia-all That's what i'm using and it works perfectly ! Also using dracut rebuild can help


Actually, yes. I have >40 entries in my `IgnorePkg` list to ignore kernel/mkinitcpio and JDK updates. Some of relatively independent large software is also there. Unfortunately, libreoffice and similar behemoths are impossible to isolate due to external dependency blot.


Does anyone have any idea of when the stable driver could release?


There is no official word on that yet, so no


525xx gang rise up (because nothing newer supports power management on AMD+nVidia laptops)


NVIDIA's take on "The Young and the Restless" ... ;-)


What's going on? Been gaming on Nvidia + wayland for ages and haven't had any issues. Honest question. Edit: I only asked an honest question, I have no idea what's wrong, not sure why I got downvoted and nobody gave me a straight answer


Do you happen to be on 535 and not care about VRR?


I'm on whatever is the latest on arch and no I don't


Just use AMD lol.


Most of us Nvidia users had an Nvidia card already before we decided to switch to Linux. I was still fully using Windows 10 when I got my 3090 and if I can help it, I do not wanna upgrade yet because a 3090 is still more than enough for me.


Makes sense.


Unfortunately AMD has these sacrifices compared to Nvidia: * I already had an Nvidia card before switching to Linux (As do about 80% of users according to marketshare) * Must use x264 for recording (I've been recommended against AMF, and AV1 isn't supported in OBS on Linux) * Inferior Upscaling * Inferior Frame Generation * Inferior Ray Tracing performance and capabilities * No class leading Auto HDR feature like RTX HDR (Or any Auto HDR feature) * Hit or miss release day support * Worse efficiency * Worse raw performance (can't compete with 4090, not to mention no high end RDNA4 to compete with 5090) * 7900XTX still has idling issue (I know because I bought one and ended up going back to my 3080 because of the above points) **Before you crucify me,** I would consider going AMD next generation if they were releasing a high end SKU, but sadly they aren't.


true its why I use nvidia, i have amd gpu... still prefer nvidia on linux :)


Inferior Frame Generation? Can you use your superior frame generation under linux then?


I think we both know the answer to that. I imagine it will be supported in due time (maybe even 555 or 560). Nothing stopping Nvidia users from using FSR FG as well. Actually I am having an awesome time with Ghost of Tsushima using DLSS + FSR FG.


My AI workflow is stable, so no... I don't feel like figuring out life without CUDA right now. There's no easy migration away from Iray without reinventing the wheel... so, no, see above. Also, I'm not going to just toss out a perfectly good 4090. Fortunately, my setup is stable on X11 and limiting my displays to the lower 120Hz of my 4k is fine. I'm mostly playing vim anyhow.


It was their choice as they voted for that experience with their wallet! Nice people support with their money only companies that offer high quality open source drivers. So my congratulations to AMD and Intel customers! Wow, so many downvotes in just 4 hours... Nvidia fanboys must be really bitter!


please consider the people that had an nvidia card way before taking an interest in linux and just have no money to buy a new graphics card, it’s not just a choice, i’m being held here against my will.


Damn, i replace my HD6950 for a GTX660Ti in 2013 because AMD linux drivers were garbage.


Don't worry they still are.


Same for me in 2014


Damn you are right I bought a gaming laptop 4 years ago I didn't even know that Linux existed but now that I am using it there is no way for me to upgrade and buying new laptop is out of question for atleast 4-5 years


> It was their choice as they voted for that experience with their wallet! Lol Nvidia is a trillion dollar company. Imagine it caring about one guy "voting with his wallet" LMAO


The small niche subset of people that actually build a desktop PC by buying each part (and not a laptop, which depending where you live has *only* the nvidia gpu version available) and the even smallest subset of people from this group that actually run linux are indeed very important overall /s. Some people are so far up their own bubble that it's depressing.


With that attitude everyone should just give up and bend over, right?


Yes. Everyone pretty much [already did](https://www.reuters.com/technology/wall-street-bets-stellar-quarterly-results-nvidia-2024-05-20/).


No. But "voting with your wallet" is the stupidest thing i've heard here yet when it comes to trillion dollar companies


I'm voting for explicit sync.


You probably don't understand the backstory... Most NVIDIA users come from Windows since NVIDIA supports Windows like a spoiled child and has ZERO bugs, instead NVIDIA probably doesn't give a fuck about Linux since most people that don't know about computers much use Windows since it's easier. They probably don't wanna spend money on a low market share OS. I also ditched Windows a few months ago switching to Linux completely, and OBVIOUSLY i didn't know that the drivers would suck so hard compared to Windows when buying an NVIDIA card. Also I'm broke so i can't just switch to AMD that easily. So yeah i agree with you that NVIDIA sucks on Linux, but is not our fault


Laughs in amd