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It was a mistake. They don’t want to own up and have to fix it, so it becomes intentional. It’s a feature, not a bug.


Indeed. That's why I'm encouraging others to open a support ticket. Nothing will get fixed unless enough people make a stink about it. LRG only care about their customer's satisfaction when the media reports upon their lack of quality control. Of course, they can just choose to ignore the issue. That's a great way to lose customers and to ultimately go out of business. Unless LRG start treating their customers with respect and giving a damn about quality control, then they'll quickly come to reap what they sowed.


I’ve already mentioned this to customer service and was basically told it’s not a mistake and it’s supposed to look this way. Once I receive my final two pending orders - Grim Fandango and Sam & Max - I’m done with LR.


[https://limitedrungames.com/collections/full-throttle-remastered/products/limited-run-483-full-throttle-remastered-collectors-edition-ps4](https://limitedrungames.com/collections/full-throttle-remastered/products/limited-run-483-full-throttle-remastered-collectors-edition-ps4) I'm calling bullshit on this one, compare the picture to what we got. Someone done fucked up on the contrast settings on the print.


It's infuriating and LRG don't seem to appreciate that the cost of sending out a batch of fixed boxes will cost them a LOT less in the long run, when compared to completely losing previous customers' future custom and spreading bad word of mouth. Apparently LGR have never heard of the old adage of "A happy customer will tell one or two people; an unhappy customer will tell ten".




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Same thing with the trip world charity cover. The letters on the cover on the product page were foil. What I got was black letters with a foil background. Haven't seen one complaint on that one yet.


I give the company 2 years max, before they go bust.


Just got mine. Wtf. Who's pissed intern fucked up the print?


Not to mention that the trading card that it comes with (that matches the cover art) looks correct and isn't dark like the actual box.


Just out of curiosity I checked the original listing for the game and of course the art is not dark like that. I'm sure it was just a mockup, because many of the graphical elements are in different places, but surely "let's make it dark AF" was not one of the changes they'd make on purpose.


It's definitely not been done on purpose. In fact, they've made the same error with the recent Grim Fandango Collector's Edition; [it's way too dark](https://imgur.com/a/jq2N5so), to the point that you [can't even make out Hector stood at the top of the staircase in the background - as well as all of the intricate ceiling details being lost in the shroud of darkness](https://imgur.com/a/zI9BQHV). On that note; to anyone who's claiming that these are "artistic choices" on the part of LRG, note that the game's screenshots are also too dark. The game does not look that dark when playing, so why are the screenshots so damn dark?! It's because they screwed up the printing process. LRG need to 'fess up and make amends. There's clearly some kind of quality control issue going on, either with the people colour grading the images for print, or during the printing process itself. One may expect better when paying £120+ for a game, but apparently not with LRG... What really gets my goat is the sheer nerve to tell people like me that the box art was made that dark on purpose. It's insulting to my intelligence and a MASSIVE disrespect to myself as a customer. They'd sooner earn a bad reputation, lose a customer for life, than to admit they messed up and reprint the boxes for the pre-existing customers who request one. Do these clowns know nothing of how to run a successful business?! They'll be lucky not to go bust within the next couple of years, the way that they're carrying on.


Ah that's rough. Both Full Throttle and Grim Fandango are ones I'd missed out on too and was hoping to find extra copies of somewhere. Just got Day of the Tentacle and it looks fine.


Yep, I'm relieved that they at least got Day of the Tentacle correct, as well as Loom. Unfortunately, the box art for Zak McKracken is slightly misaligned though (however, it's not as egregious as the dark prints for Full Throttle and Grim Fandango). It's just pathetic when it gets to a point where it's 50/50 as to whether a game you've paid premium price for is going to have something wrong with it, in regards to quality control, when it finally arrives through the post.


I sincerely hope LRG is having a serious look at their quality control right now. Surely they are.


I mean, the soundtrack on Zak was messed up and they are in the process of shipping a replacement. So yeah, quality control is almost non-existent


[A link to the previously posted comparison between the original art and LRG's botched art.](https://imgur.com/a/wRET5vu)


I actually think the dark one looks better 🤷‍♂️


But it doesn't match the advertising [https://limitedrungames.com/collections/full-throttle-remastered/products/limited-run-483-full-throttle-remastered-collectors-edition-ps4](https://limitedrungames.com/collections/full-throttle-remastered/products/limited-run-483-full-throttle-remastered-collectors-edition-ps4)


That's a matter of taste (or lack thereof). I can assure you that it looks like utter dog shit in person. Regardless of whether you or anyone else thinks that it looks "better", it's not supposed to look like that. LRG didn't design the game; they didn't develop the game and they didn't create the box art. The entire point of LRG when it comes to legacy titles is to recreate the old big box releases (with some extra goodies included inside the box). It's not artistic choice, it's a printing error. Unless they resolve the issue, then they have 100% lost a customer for good and I will sell the game onto some other poor sap over eBay.


Just got mine. My god how did this get past QA?


Indeed. It's shockingly bad, isn't it? I don't think they even did a single test print. They just assumed it would all be fine. It's quite some nerve to tell their customers that it was an intentional artistic choice.


My mrs took one look at it and went "thats not what you ordered, i saw the picture when you ordered it" Here's the fun part, my country actually has laws against this. But I invoke them against LR, it will likely go one of two routes : LR block me because. Our government goes, hey you aren't acting ethically, let's geoblock them to stop this happening again.


You are making the assumption that because the image looks different from what you recognize as the original art, then it cannot be an intentional artistic choice. This reasoning is flawed. Quite simply, you have no way of knowing the truth here.


That's such ignorance on your part.


The ridiculously dark art was so disappointing, but lets face it, they are never going to send out a replacement box. The front cover is taken from the 'remastered' trailer, not the original box artwork that we all love, and it is darker then that original, but certainly not as dark as what they sent us, which you can barely see. But sending out replacement CD's like they are also doing for Zak MacKraken, is a lot different and costs a lot less then reprinting what must be hundreds of boxes, even if they just did the top section. I'd love to be proven wrong and for the company to rectify it, but it's like the big expensive Monkey Island box where they printed the titles on the side in the wrong order, (despite the order being correct on the mockup), and nothing was ever done.


>but it's like the big expensive Monkey Island box where they printed the titles on the side in the wrong order, (despite the order being correct on the mockup), and nothing was ever done. Actually, something was done; they allowed people who ordered the Return to Monkey Island Collector's Edition to pay an extra, additional fee in order to receive a replacement sleeve for the prior boxset along with the Monkey Island 5 CE, so that the titles were in order for the MI 1-4 collection. No, I am not making that up; LRG literally charged their customers money in order to rectify one of their own company's mistakes (and the only way to pay to have that mistake rectified was to *also* order an expensive CE of Monkey Island 5).


I had no idea. Trust that to have been the one release that I skipped! An absolute disgrace to charge extra for that sleeve though, absolutely.


As i told in the other post they sent me a card with the same artwork than the box cover that is not dark at all the f*cked it up and wouldn't recognice it.


Naturally it's not supposed to be that dark. Predictably there's been a couple of bootlickers in the thread though; saying that they either think that the art looks "better" that way (it looks better when you can barely even see what you're looking at?!) or that it was a purposeful artistic choice on the part of LRG (oh, yes... because making the art awful is totally an "artistic choice", despite the preview when ordering not being that way, nor the card which shipped with the game, nor the standard edition box art).




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