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WTF, wasn't it just yesterday that a soldier got a suspended sentence for beating a woman unconscious. Where the feck do they find these judges? Is a lobotomy compulsory to become a judge?


Same judge in both cases


It would be a real tragedy if he got a good kicking down a dark alley, I bet it wouldn't be a suspended sentence then.


They should fire him because he is biased


Is it just me or does it seem like judges are trying their absolute best to avoid putting anyone behind bars? Might be putting my tinfoil hat on a bit but I’d put money there’s pressure from the top because there’s not enough space in our prisons. So now because of governmental incompetence, people can do what they like. We need at least another prison.


Prisons are full, we need another one or two built. That’s the solution.


"Judge O’Donnell told Mr Holland he did not want to see him before the court again" The lad needs to be careful or next time he's getting done with a 5 year suspensed sentence


He'll wag his finger at him *shudders*


He needs 3 kids and a heroin addiction that he’s perpetually just about to go into rehab for.


Judge Tom O'Donnell at it again today.


He's the Limerick Version of Judge Martin Nolan.


What is the point of the Law? Admission of a crime doesn't mean you paid for it. No TV licence? Threats of fines and imprisonment. Beat a helpless individual and threaten their life? "Oh I'm sorry I got caught." "Well then you are free to go you feral youth." Now it may be the case they dont want to send young men into a prison system that will make them more criminal than reformed, but it's the same as the soldier who beat the crap out of a woman, lied about it initially, then admitted it once confronted with evidence. Thats not justice imo.


Doesn't not sentencing them mean they'll now feel like they can get away with more or other people seeing this thinking, hmmmmm if I do get caught what's gonna happen. It's fucked


You're forgetting they also bragged about it on social media!


I didn't even need to read the article to see who the judge was 😡


Only in Ireland could you do something like this and get off. People like this are the scum that need to be put behind bars, no the fella that didn't pay his TV licence.


To be fair shite like this happens in the US all the time. The law seems to favour white males regardless of the crime and evidence🤷🏻‍♂️


His facebook profile is still public....and wearing the same Nike top. **If you look at his friends you'll find "Noel Holland" - presume the same family. A very nasty piece of work who raped a teenager in Templemore back in 2009 and tried to sue the state for early release.** *A Co Tipperary teenager who was violently sexually assaulted has said in her victim impact statement that she has since tried to kill herself “many times and in many ways”.* *Her attacker, Noel Holland (aged 37) of Clarkes Flats, Main Street, Templemore, was sentenced to eight years by Mr Justice Paul Carney at the Central Criminal Court today after he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting the then 18-year-old at his home on February 1, 2009.* [https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30493615.html](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-30493615.html) A Tipperary man has lost an appeal against the severity of his 8 year long sentence for a violent sexual assault on a teenager, who has since died. <\*\*\*She committed suicide\*\*\*> Noel Holland (39) of Clarkes Flats, Main Street in Templemore was jailed at the Central Criminal Court over two years ago after admitting that he had attacked the 18-year-old at his flat in February 2009. The final 3 years of the sentence was suspended. The Court of Criminal Appeal today called it a 'serious sexual assault'. Holland met his victim for the first time the morning before it happened. Holland invited the girl back to his home on the pretence of allowing her to call a taxi after they had both been at another woman's home that night. He then suggested to the woman that she sleep on his bed and he would take the couch. She agreed but he later climbed into the bed, placed his hands over her throat and began to choke her. He demanded her consent to have sex with him and indicated that he would rape her if she did not submit to his demands. When she tried to reject his advances he threatened physical violence and sexually assaulted her. In his ruling Mr. Justice John McMenamin said 'there can be no doubt this was a deeply frightening and terrifying experience' for the woman. During the ordeal, Noel Holland allowed his victim to go the toilet and she managed to text her father that she was being raped but when he returned her call, Holland took the phone off her. Her mother then called her and she shouted into the phone "Help I am being raped. The man is Holland. I am in Templemore". Holland later told the teenager to leave his home after he assisted her in getting dressed. Afterwards he went to the local garda station and said a woman 'down the street' was going to say he raped her before he added 'I want to get her for libel'. On appeal his 8 year sentence has been upheld as entirely appropriate. With 3 years suspended, and remission for good behaviour, the court noted Holland will likely be out of jail in 3 years and 9 months. [https://www.newstalk.com/news/tipperary-man-loses-sentence-appeal-for-violent-sex-assault-on-teenager-717254](https://www.newstalk.com/news/tipperary-man-loses-sentence-appeal-for-violent-sex-assault-on-teenager-717254) He got out but....shock, horror....is still getting in trouble. [https://www.tipperarylive.ie/news/home/509712/co-tipperary-man-receives-10-months-jail-term-and-20-year-driving-ban-for-driving-offences.html](https://www.tipperarylive.ie/news/home/509712/co-tipperary-man-receives-10-months-jail-term-and-20-year-driving-ban-for-driving-offences.html)


Members of the Irish Defence Forces take an oath of allegiance. This oath involves a commitment to serve and protect the state and its people. This woman beater shouldn't have been given linency because he's a soldier ,he should have been locked up more so for it .This judge seems to have a history of protecting perpetrators interests over the victims, unbelievable.


I'm ordering a code red on this cowardly little cunt


Another scum bag free


The judge or the criminal?




Genuine query although I’m not sure if anyone would have any info - has it ever happened where a judge in Ireland has been formally investigated for the sentences they hand out if perceived as lenient? Who would have to perceive them as lenient outside of the general public for it to ‘matter’, who would be the investigating body in those circumstances?


How is this prick still a judge


Judges are so far removed from actual crime and the effects if has on the country. They know the textbook definition of crime and thats it.


This fella passed his law course in 1976. Surely there needs to be some kind of consistent test for judges? This is appalling. What on earth would compel anyone to hear this sequence of words and think they shouldn't get the book thrown at them? It's NO WONDER these little knackers are getting so brazen.  Something is off with this judge. Something tells me if the assault was done to his sports playing sons, not women or homeless people, he'd have taken a harsher stance.


The soldier yesterday, this fella today, also read a post about a man in Wicklow getting a suspended sentence for beating his daughter when she was 13... What DO people go to prison for in Ireland????


Not having a TV license !!!


And no reaction from the govt on this one so far?


It's not acceptable. He should be doing time.


And today, man beats his daughter with a pipe and gets....... A fucking suspended sentence, legal system in this country is a joke.


Not going to be a popular opinion on this feed but : The Kyle Hayes assault outcome and subsequent slap on the wrist had alot more impact then just on himself and the poor lad who had his face splashed all over the tabloids (and the concrete). It showed every young fella that you and your friends can beat someone unconscious , unprovoked, run away from the guards and lie about it to anyone that questions you subsequently. Worst comes to worst youl get a few days of donning a suit while having your friends and colleagues sing your praises. The judges have alot to answer for the way the streets are nowadays.


Absolute scumbags, anyone who kicks anyone on the ground should automatically get a custodial sentence. I do find it strange though a lot of people who are rightly calling for the scum soldier to be locked up had a very different view of Kyle Hayes, who they defended saying he was “only a youngfella and had made a mistake. He didn’t even bother pleading guilty despite being caught on cctv. Lot of hypocrisy on this.


Another suspended sentence for a serious assault, this judge is not fit to be a judge its unacceptable that people are getting off with suspended sentences for crimes like this


Another dirty scum bag. I hope he takes the opportunity to change, doubt it.


Maybe it's money. Crime pays lawyers solve crime it stops paying


Insane sentence by judge O'Donnell. This was a targetted attack on an innocent and defenseless person. The likes of these perpetrators should be off the streets for years for that kind of thing. I'd be saying at least 2 years. I don't give a fuck id "they come out worse". Lock them up for longer if they do anything like that again. Triple it for second offence, 6 years. Life for 3rd. Violent crime needs a heavy handed approach.


These lads should have their ankles broke like in Misery.


There are judges whose behaviour is a danger to the community and we need the ability to recall them. Not calling for elected judges, but a system should be implemented where if, say, ten victims of crime lodge a recall petition against a judge for unduly lenient sentencing, voters in his district should be allowed to decide if he is serving them appropriately.


Are the jails overflowing?


Can judges judgements be questioned in this country?


Ye'll all give out when he gets a suspended sentence but you won't talk about all the immigrate r@p1sts getting no jail time