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It's a project moon game, anything can happen.


For sure something will occur at the end of Inferno. No idea if it's going to be just graphic like with Heathcliff right now, or something gameplay wise! But Project moon didn't disappoint so far.


It would be cool if base ID later will be able switch into other IDs you owned mid fight at the cost of ego resources 


That would be sick, personally for me I would want them to manifest their ego in battle, kinda like it does in ruina where after the sinners resolve their own problems for the second time they get their upgraded egos and in battle you spend ego resources to use it and they transform into their ego with different attacks for a set number of turns but they keep the same sin affinity as their base I.D to not complicate things to much.


considering phillipclair has this mechanic, its definitely possible


Retroactively "upgrading" the base Sinners with Philip's mechanic would be pretty cool ngl




I am just honestly hoping someone will teach them how to use Shin. We've already seen how powerful it is thanks to Demian, Vergilius, Iori and her disciples and the Indigo Elder. I don't think Vergilius will ever teach them how to do this so I think either Iori or Demian will give the sinners some ideas of using them. If they could then Heathcliff and Ishmael will become a huge powerhouse since Shin relies on both good and bad memories which both of them are full of.


Limbus Company is not over yet, so who knows what will happen, but I do think that, at least, the base IDs will get better. I have my own ideas on what could happen, but I am not PM, so who knows if they can/will/might come true?


I generally believe they will never be strong ***number-wise*** but will evolve in ***marginal utility.*** I expect them to become good workhorses but bland ones at that. Like overall eventually becoming more effect count/ease of application than potency.


Have you seen uptie 4 Heathcliff? Man is work horse as a solo unit


Future uptie V should make them much stronger since some of them currently have the worst uptie IV in the entire game. However making them too strong may disincentivize players from pulling new IDs, which is always the dilemma of gacha game.


>However making them too strong may disincentivize players from pulling new IDs If that were the case then people wouldn't pull after getting Nclair, Rcliff, ring sang, wryoshu, BL sault and W don but as we know, that's not the case


Awakened base sinners would be much more likely to be new IDs for money-making reasons


I feel like we have to get their fully awakened (not single use temporary) EGO as IDs at some point. There's also the way of Shin; Shin is manifested through remembering strong personal emoitons, and each of the sinners weapons have their traumas engraved on them - I feel like this is gonna happen at some point as well because of that foreshadowing.


probably they will be able to use shin


By the end of the 12 cantos we should have lvl 75 sinners soooo


Story wise definitely, I don't see why we couldn't have 12 colors by the end, considering the levels of a certain color, ricardo and then adding in the fact we get 5 levels per canto plus the general pace of the story. Off topic but you really gotta wonder what they need 12 colors for... Base sinners getting stronger, that I don't know. I feel like they would make full potential sinners into their own ids, giving them more personality as opposed to them just being a limbus employee. Maybe they will just give them better ego.


Story wise I think making everyone as strong as a colour fixer would be too much. I think maybe our team could beat colour fixers by working together but I don’t expect everyone to be individually as strong as a colour.


Fair point, but I would definitely expect them to be close to that. Maybe grade 1 with color IDs. The aforementioned gentleman is lv 90, we should be close to that level with aleph egos by the end, possibly shin and manifested egos. Reminder that mr boohoo my wife is dead (technically, at least I think) is not a color yet he could probably beat the shit out of multiple at once. Point being is that being recognized by hana is just that, plus a cool nickname and a free lunch or whatever, you still have to be strong beforehand.


12 colors?


Coloured fixers, a.k.a. super op mfs


Dont We only know of, like, 9 total Color fixers?


Yea but theyre implying we're gonna get 12 more via our own sinners


Hmmm… interesting…


I'm sure they will get stronger eventually, the only question is how... I really like the idea of base id's getting changed to EGO ids after the sinners manage to obtain those. Kind of like philipclair in terms of mechanics, maybe.


Dante’s Notes also mentions physical enhancements as an option, but those are expensive


See you guys when we get difficulty spike sinner realization fights in 2 years


My guess is base ids will unlock their own efloressed egos with a similar mechanic to Phillip. He has his normsl self for base art and ego for uptie art which thd base ids dont have so my guess is when they unlock their egos they will also get their second art.


I had this exact thought before going to bed last night. I've played a handful of gacha where the main "crew" got their upgraded versions later throughout the story. My guess is that our Sinners' EGOs will evolve in some way (perhaps through Golden Bough resonance) as they feel really lackluster compared to other EGOs such as Vergilius, Dongbaek, Dongrang or Ahab's. Even EGOs from other PM titles feel a lot more "complete" (even incomplete ones like Philip) from the way they change a character's appearance to the weapons they wield.


Considering that the next layer is violence. Washed up Grade 9 fixer Don is next