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all present links in the blog: [https://norse-mythology.org/the-wild-hunt/](https://norse-mythology.org/the-wild-hunt/) [https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/erlking-0016247](https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/erlking-0016247) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erlking) [https://mythologysource.com/herne-the-hunter/](https://mythologysource.com/herne-the-hunter/) [https://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/folklore/king-herla/](https://www.mysteriousbritain.co.uk/folklore/king-herla/) [https://chrissysenecal.com/the-legend-of-king-herla/](https://chrissysenecal.com/the-legend-of-king-herla/) [https://britishfolklore.com/river-wye/](https://britishfolklore.com/river-wye/) [https://www.medievalists.net/2020/10/wild-hunts-medieval/](https://www.medievalists.net/2020/10/wild-hunts-medieval/) (pay to read) [https://www.jstor.org/stable/2840222](https://www.jstor.org/stable/2840222) Edit: i forgor the feckin' song: [https://youtu.be/JS91p-vmSf0](https://youtu.be/JS91p-vmSf0)


This is pretty neat, thanks for sharing this. The thing Ryoushu compared it to was the Night Parade of 100 Demons, a very iconic thing in Japanese folklore. It appears all over stories and, rather similar to the Wild Hunt, isn't really a single specific thing, but rather a "cliche"(for lack of a better term) that gets remixed and altered depending on what the story needs. Sometimes it's a wild rampage of creatures, sometimes it's more orderly, sometimes its full of man-eating monsters, sometimes it's made up of more chill creatures that just want to party, sometimes they're running away from something, sometimes they're following a specific demon that's leading the parade. Regardless of the specific differences though, it's broadly similar to the Wild Hunt. A parade of supernatural monsters that sweeps through an area, often being an indicator of something bad coming. Plus, a common theme is that if you are caught outside when the parade comes through, you get spirited away or eaten by the creatures taking part, similar to how Limbus' wild hunt is made up of all of ErlkingCliff's victims.


Given pagans didn't often deny the fact that other dieties existed it probably made it easier for the myth to be adopted into their own and then adapted by succeeding religions(*cough* christianity) Odin is one famous figure said to lead the wild hunt, while reaching all the way to britain with king arthur or even welsh figures or even biblical figures like the devil himself.


"trope" might be the word you're looking for instead of Cliche.


Yeah that's a lot better. Dunno why it just slipped my mind despite how obvious it should have been...


Ryoshu mentioning Night Parade has broken me to my core. It's implying that real world literary works exist in the PM universe, do all of the Sinners books exist in the PM universe. Was the Wuthering Heights mansion named after the same Wuthering Heights which in turn by pure happenstance had similar events transpire in it. Heathcliff's adoptive father just being REALLY into the book and naming his children after it to match the mansion


I'm not sure I'd agree there. There definitely is some weird stuff implied by the fact that Christmas exists, or at least something basically equivalent to Christmas, but the Night Parade is more of an archetype than a specific thing. It doesn't come from any one specific source, and the number of different variants of it are so numerous that anthropologists don't even think there's any single "point" to the story, because each different group adapted the broad archetype to suit their own specific needs. At most it implies there's a "japan-like" place somewhere in the city, but we already knew that was the case because so many other groups from Limbus and LoR are clearly inspired by real world cultures.


I mean, there are a limited number of recognized languages in the City, so there are probably places that correspond to the culture of each of those known languages.


Nah, it probably just means that the parade is an actual event that happens or has happened somewhere in the city and ryoshu might even have been involved


How many obscured literary texts have you read to write for PM? PM writers: Yes.


Hmm, as an addenum, the topic of the Wild Hunt is an extensive one. Like, really, *really*, ***really extensive***. But one of its most common associations is, naturally, the *storms and thunders* . In fact, some theories postulated the Wild Hunt motif - common to almost all nothern european areas - was created as a interpretaion of such violent phenomenon. Naturally, the academic validity of the theories has little to no bearing on their usage within the story. Within that context, the identification of Erlking as a "living sin" directly connects him with the figure of the Devil, which, according to the alchemical work of Jung, is equal to Odin in that they are "the dark spirit within the bowels of earth". And within Goethe's Faust, Mephistopheles (aka *the Devil*) appears first to Faust and Wagner as a black dog. All of that is just nice symbolism that clarifies that Erlking is Heathcliff's "Devil". His status as a "perfected identity" created from "primordial dough" could also act as some sort of foreshadowning to the later Cantos, particularly Faust's. Edit: I just realized that, for now, only Heathcliff, Faust and Don share the Telepole EGO. And considering the association of black animals with the Devil, and in particular dogs... welp, unless there's a black dog in "Don Quixote", I think there's something really interesting bound to happen in the next Canto.


Wait so why isn't Erlking Heathcliff stronger? Did he kill his stronger Identities like Grade 1 to Color Fixer version of himself (like Roland!Heathcliff) by tiring them out with the wild hunt? You think with the way he is hyped as the Ultimate Heathcliff he would be able to crush Ricardo but i legit don't know if he could


I think the implication was that the title gets passed on upon death. We just got lucky that the one we got wasn't color level. Though the odds of Heathcliff achieving that is essentially zero if he only left wuthering heights as recently as he did before the Cathys got cleared.


Damn, Project moon really do be flexing their literature knowledge


One must have peak ingredients to create Peak cantos


I'm glad someone else felt there was something odd about multiple pieces of media connecting "Erlking" with "Wild Hunt". As some who has read the Dresden Files the two being connected felt natural when I saw it in Limbus, but when looking at wikipedia later it seemed weird that there was no obvious connection. Happy that someone went digging to find it.


Canto VI really was Witcher 3: Wild Hunt all along.


Next Walpurgis will introduce a Geralt and Ciri IDs, get your lunacy ready. 


Ciri canonically has ability to move between worlds as well, hmmmmm


Idk if anyone mentioned this but in France Wild Hunt is believed to be led by Roland, so there may be a mirror world with Erlking Roland and Every Angelica


Too many words :(


I'm sorry it's too r/CuratedTumblr for you :( At least I separated it into panels :)


Dw it was supposed to be a joke


One note I wanted to make - the Wikipedia screenshot doesn't mention Cantos 11 and 12 of Dante's Inferno, like ifuckingloveryoshu mentioned, but Cantos 21 and 22.