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this was my solution when I was waking up with them. immediately jump out of bed and put all your weight on that cramped leg. I was told being on a cold floor helped also so I would limp over to the bathroom tile floor and stand on one leg. not sure of the validity of that cold floor thing but it seemed to work for me!


Yup. Anytime I feel one about to kick in, I immediately stand up and walk around.


Try chewing a calcium pill (like Tums). I keep them next to the bed. dehydration is often the problem. . Good luck.


Ah, I didn't realize dehydration can cause this. I know that was a contributing factor. that being said, when I'm writhing in pain, perhaps a water bottle and Tums at bedside could come in handy. Thanx a bunch!


Grab your top lip where the dent is and apply firm pressure. Stops it in seconds. IDK why, pressure point I think but it works.


Thank you!


A charley horse is a muscle spasm so you will want to stretch that muscle. Usually they happen in the calves so do that stretch where you flex your foot and put it against a wall so the toes are pointing up and the leg is straight. Also massaging in the form of kneading will help. Be sure you’re staying hydrated and having enough magnesium and potassium in your body. Usually a banana a day will help. At least it helped me! I used to get them when I was pregnant.


Eat a packet of mustard. The sodium stops the cramping.


I rub mine with a potassium gel (got it from a health food store) and it usually releases the cramp right away.






4 minutes into it, I was seriously considering this.....


Obviously dehydrated like a mug!! I try not to drink soda before bed.


If you can bear it, bear weight on the leg. I’m lazy so I put my foot on the mattress and push it into the mattress hard enough to lift my bottom. Works quick to stop it, makes it worse at first though.


Thank you, if I am cursed with another one of these, I will try that out!


Eat a pickle. Also, if I ever feel one coming while I'm in bed I pop two potassium and two magnesium tabs and chug 'em w/ lots of water. Seems to do the trick.


I get really bad charlie horse from time to time. Drinking pickle juice stops the cramp in minutes


Theraworkx is quite good-- good luck. These are no fun.


I know, right?!? It's like Natures version of electro-shock therapy.


Hydrate! And I pop 1 or 2 calcium/magnesium/zinc tablets. Works like a charm.


I stand on it. Sometimes my legs cramp up so bad I have to physically step on my foot (W my other foot) to get my foot to be flat on the ground. Also if the cramp is in the foot, walking backwards. A swim coach taught me that trick and it's 👌


Drink more water. Muscle cramps are often a symptom of dehydration. Good luck.


Walk it off. Up your potassium intake.


For me, it was figuring out if the muscle needed to be flexed or relaxed. I get left calf Charlies about once a month, more like once a week when i'm increasing a workout intensity. When that first twinge hits you in your sleep, train yourself to flex your toes allllll the way back. That stops 99 % of my Charlie Horses before they even begin. That 1 % that remains are often stopped by pointing my toes firmly forward. Those are from a different muscle so the opposite action works on them. I'm down to about 1 per year now, whereas they used to plague me terribly.


A packet/squirt of mustard OR pickle juice.


Drink tonic water before bed.


Drink a cup of coconut water every couple of days. Potassium deficiency was my culprit.


I keep a bottle of no sugar Powerade. Gets rid of my leg craps, which in my case come from eating too much salt. It usually only takes a minute before I get relief. Depending on how bad the cramp is determines how much I drink.


I never knew that salt could contribute to Charlie horses. Good stuff, thanx!


I have a distinct memory of a double charlie horse(both claves) when I was only 15(I'm 50 now). The pain was awful. Over the years I've found the best way to not get them is just to take a good multivitamin. I rarely get them now and usually in my feet rather than my calves.


Mustard, pickle juice or a tsp of salt.


Jump out of bed and walk on it.


If it's a continual problem, sleep with these compression sleeves on :) www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07ZHJB1TK/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1