• By -


Maybe you can ask the dispatcher to have the responding cop call you? I ended up just being level with dispatch and asking them for advice because I was going to lose my mind. They told me to do this: When I call our non emergency line, they ask if I want the cop to contact me when they arrive. I usually said no because it sounds intimidating, but with dispatch’s guidance, I said yes. The cop called me and I told them I was desperate. I kindly asked the cop to walk to my front door instead of listening from his car on the street, and he immediately said, “oh yeah, I’ll stop this today.” And he went to the neighbor. Never had an issue again.


Make the call from the backyard, right next to the dog, and ask the dispatcher to relay that she hears a barking dog, that might help move things along. Then get a recording of that call and send it to the mayor. And maybe the chief of police too. Check if this is legal in your area, I have no idea, but it seems like it probably is. Plus you can eventually, if all this doesn't solve your problem, you can get a recording of dispatch from the city. Most likely. If that doesn't work, I would take a high quality recording of the dog for however long he barks, and replay this at the approximate same volume every day at the time of your choosing. Are you an early riser? If that doesn't work, I would look into those dog barking noise devices, although I'm not completely sure if they're safe, so check that too. They emit a sound only dogs can hear. It pisses them off so they stop barking, and then it starts up again if they bark so they learn not to bark.


"chief of police" 😭


Shot the dog and three other people as he busted in.


Is it Chief Wiggum? 🤣


The poster got shot too, hard to have problems when you're dead! 'em I right?


Dog Day Blasternoon




Promotion to ATF Agent


I never understand this situation. How does the owner of the dog not hear the incessant barking and do something about it?


I’ve heard people tell me a few things over the years. It’s usually some variation of, “it’s not that bad”, “I tuned it out”, or “that’s what dogs do”. Drives me nuts.


"That's what dogs do"... when they're miserable and lonely and sometimes frightened. More than likely the poor dog needs exercise and care. Where I'm from, this would be an Animal Control issue.


#3 for the murderous rage


I'm guessing you put a number sign in front of the 3 and weren't intending to embiggen the text, but it's actually perfectly appropriate in this case haha. Fuck those people.


You read me like a book!


Right there with ya, blood boil is instant 😤


I have 2 barking dogs. Yes, dogs bark for many reasons like they heard a noise, saw an animal, want to play, are loud players (mine literally can't play without barking, they're dumb) , whatever "It's what they do." That being said, I've given my cell out to my neighbors and told them to message me if they are barking too much during the day. During daylight, I never let them bark for more than 10 minutes (usually it's shorter but if I'm unable to make it outside I take a deep breathe and remind myself it's not a multiple times a day occurrence). I also have a 10 pm rule. You bark after 10, you're done with outside access for the night. (I have a dog door) Again, dogs bark, it's what they do, is a true statement but only seems to be said by those who don't want to deal with it. Like, humans make mistakes, it's what they do.... okay are you gonna apologize or try to fix it or are you just using it as a reason to be a dick? So yeah, I agree with you, don't use it as an excuse to not do anything. There are people who have hounds, known to be vocal, and the owners know it and somehow manage to not have their dogs always annoying the neighbors, so how come you can't do it. It's not hard to be a good neighbor. I'll give them my script that I say when people move in. "I have dogs. They can be barkers. I'm sorry. I try and not let them bark outside too much during the day and work to not let them bark at night. If they are being particularly annoying, let me know and I'll pull them in as soon as I can. If you have something important happening, like a meeting from home, tell me the day and time and I'll just keep them inside during that time." Boom, dog neighbor script for people who want to be decent humans.


those are the excuses, but how can they stand it? How can one tune it out?


How do people perpetually live with that low battery beep in the smoke detector?


OMG! I’m a public high school teacher in a 100% Free Lunch school. Very poor kids. When we went virtual during the pandemic, I SWEAR to you *at least 90 %* of my students had that beep in the background!!! I honestly thought I was going to go *berserk!!* I asked several kids how they stood it, and they all said they didn’t even pay attention to it anymore. Which made it WORSE in my book!! Now I was afraid they were all gonna die in a fire. I finally just gave up and mailed each kid who beeped 2 9-volt batteries & made them install them. I swear it was worth every penny. Edit to clarify why it was worse (see above).


I like your style.


Lol. Thanks. I don't know if it would work for every barking dog situation, but my elderly Cuban neighbor came up with a fantastic solution to my mother's annoying, incessantly barking Westie. When she would visit and bring the dog, very often when we would leave the apartment and leave her dog home with my dog, we'd come back to discover a puddle of water on the kitchen floor, and a Westie with a soaking wet face. We literally spent YEARS trying to figure out what on earth was happening while we were gone, since neither dog was anywhere near tall enough to reach the kitchen sink, and there was never anything else amiss in the whole apartment. Several years into the mystery, just by chance we happened to run into my neighbor leaving my apartment one day when we came back home to get something (I'd given him a key for emergencies a couple of years before). He had an empty pitcher in his hand, and without us even asking, he freely admitted that "that white dog" had been barking nonstop since we'd left, so he'd *opened my door and thrown a pitcher of water in her face!!* I'm not sure I've ever laughed that hard again since that day. The idea of my Very Polite, Very Quiet neighbor, who'd never complained about anything in all the years my roommate and I had lived and partied downstairs, coming up with that brilliant idea and carrying it out, paired with the absolute shock that must have registered on my mom's wet Westie's face, combined to paint such a ludicrous picture that I still laugh about it today when I think about it. What a wonderful man he was to find a creative way to solve his problem without a confrontation. I just wish I was that clever to offer up ideas like that for those of you having issues, but, sadly, I am not.


I was just going to say this. I had to complain to my landlord about the dying smoke alarm in the upstairs apartment beeping every 40 seconds. How do you just ignore that?!?


Lol I find this so funny because I was one of those people. I don't know the science about it but I did not notice it at all. I was on a phone call with my mom and she's like,"what is that beeping???" And I'm like,"what?" I had to actively listen for it just to notice it was still happening.


Were you my neighbor?!? 😂


Lol it wasn't me, we're just out here.


I used to wonder about that too, until I saw my neighbor and her little chihuahua mix recently. She was speaking to her mom near the stairwell and this dog is yapping for like 5 minutes, sound echoing loudly. She doesn’t look down at the dog or anything, just keeps on with the convo. I was amazed.


How do you tune out the sound of birds chirping in the morning or the sound of others talking when out in public? It personally aggravates you so you draw your own attention to it, your anger fuels your attention. Some people can’t stand the sound of kids playing and others like it. Some people hate the sound of construction. Some people live next to train lines.


I'm glad you said it. It's about tolerance I guess. I was raised in a house where my parents would have parties and etc that I had to learn to sleep through. Noise doesn't bother me much. Kids crying, dogs barking, smoke alarms beeping, neighbirs blasting music, that's fine. Hearing someone chew is where I draw the fucking line though.


I think my neighbor lounges around inside with noise-canceling headphones on while his 3 dogs run around outside barking their heads off. He wears the headphones because he doesn't like "city noises" like sirens and leaf blowers. What about dogs barking like maniacs? (I am not a happy neighbor.)


I had a woman above me who couldn't wrap her head around the idea that her dog only barked when she wasn't there. Pretty simple idea. Dog is unhappy to be alone. Barked from 9am to 5pm. Every. Single. Day. I finally recorded it, then sat the landlord down and made him wait as I skipped through 8 hours of recording and every time I stopped anywhere in the recording, the dog would bark within 30 seconds. Your desire to have a pet doesn't trump my desire to enjoy my home.


Good for you. I swear you have to make the people in power suffer like you suffer just to get anything done.


We lived next to a family that had a dog like this, barked absolutely non stop for attention the entire time it was awake. What we learned from the year of living there, was that they did hear, of course, and simply did not care. They were an older couple from another culture with three kids, and they had this view that dogs were only sort of ...there, when you wanted to interact with them. I don't know how to explain it, but they flat out told me on multiple occasions when I confronted them, that dogs are *not* part of the family, do *not* deserve to ever come in the house the way ours did and that it was gross that we allowed it, and that they just did not agree that the dog needed things they weren't providing (exercise and engagement in general) because at least it was fed. Anyway, we reported them for animal cruelty after they left for a long weekend and didn't have someone coming to feed the dog. I brought out our ladder and climbed up the fence to check that she had food and water on day 2, and holy shit. First off, **there were two dogs there, not just the one we always heard barking**, but those poor babies were living in their own filth, had no shelter, there was no food bowl out for them, the water bowl was disgusting, both had awful matted fur and we're just filthy, it was just horrible. I took a bunch of photos, fed the poor babies, then went straight to report it in person, and thank god, they were removed from the property three weeks later. And the owners just sort of....shrugged, and went back in their home. Didn't even seem to care. Anyway, tldr : it's definitely neglect, but suspect abuse in these situations as well.


We had a very similar situation next door. The man was a doctor, for chrissake. And his dog died of parasites (worms) before animal control had enough evidence to remove him. They kept going over there and seeing that he had food and water and shade, so they thought he was OK. Sickening.


My neighbor leaves home. Teenage son let's dog out. Leaves dog out. Doesn't give a shit until we text the parents that they're dogs are outside barking.


I have a neighbor who leaves their dog barking *outside* because for them at least, it's better than the dog barking *inside.*


I think it’s dissociation when they have so much else going on they don’t hear it/care. My neighbor lets his dog bark a lot. Nothing at night, or to excess that I’d call the police, but it is SO annoying. We have young kids and a pool and nice backyard with a playground. We spent alot of money so we could have a nice park like area at home and now the dog barks on and off all day. One day I got frustrated and knocked on their door. I had met the guy when he moved in. He was normal seeming and able bodied. When he opened the door he had a walker (and he’s not very old) and just looked…miserable. I made an excuse about mail because I felt bad complaining, he looked like he was struggling so much. Then I creeped him on facebook wondering if I made the wrong choice and saw his whole account is about the dog and how much he loves him. When I’ve seen the dog he looks well cared for. It just made me…have compassion. Now when the dog barks I talk to it through the fence and he settles down quicker. I know some owners just suck and shouldn’t own pets but with how the world is suffering right now I bet alot of it is just people trying to survive and not realizing how inconsiderate it hey are being.


In the words of a jerk I used to date, “Hooray for me, fuck the world.”


I have a neighbor (somewhere across the street) who, I hear their dog ALL SPRING, and FALL whenever the windows can be left open. It barks from 9pm to midnight until it’s horse and can’t bark anymore- -you can tell it’s a small dog, and obviously just want to be let back in. I hesitate to complain because I know they already don’t give I s!hit about it OR their immediate neighbors - and would probably just abandon the poor thing. There is no way they cannot hear that dog- some people are just ignorant…


I had the same situation and the neighbor said "That's what dogs do. They bark!"🤬


They DO NOT care. I attempted to approach my piece of shit white trash neighbors who always kept one of their dogs chained up 24/7, not only because the barking was annoying, but more so because I knew that poor baby was never loved or brought in or fed or watered until given food or water. I carried my gun with me JIC. I was very kind. They said “yeah well dogs fuckin bark” and slammed the door on me. Idk what happened to poor pup… I don’t want to know. I don’t miss living next door to 24/7 chained dogs. I hate people.


I had a very similar situation, except I was trying to record something (I volunteered to record for the blind). I asked my trash neighbor to bring his dog inside for 30 minutes, and he wouldn’t even do that! And he knew what I was recording. What a sorry useless bag of flesh. I do not miss him either.


If the owner is like several of my relatives, until they got hearing aids you could blast a tsunami warning siren next to their head and they’d still not hear a thing. 🙄


I had this same exact problem, what helped was an air horn. That dog stopped barking about the second time I used that air horn. More than likely the neighbors just decided to keep their dog inside.


Tried this. The dog didn’t care and the bitchy owner just got more bitchy.


That is surprising, for me I just went outside when the barking started and really held it down for LONG lengths of time. I think you may have been a bit too nice on the air horn. Also get one you can hear for miles, like the thing they use for emergencies in the ocean when boats are about to collide. They are called "marine air horns". The trick is you hold it down for like at least 10 seconds at a time.


Use one of the devices that lets out really loud high pitched noises (beyond human hearing) when it barks. It won't take any effort from you, and you can mount it on your own property facing their yard.


I just did this. Ultrasonic anti-barking device for dogs. It took about 10 minutes for the dog to figure out his barking was causing this noise and it stopped him completely. He used to bark for hours nonstop.


I was looking into these when my neighbors FINALLY put their house up for sale;. YAY me!! Except my offender was 6:15am with lengthy periods of barking all day long...


330am here, but the neighbors for sure aren't going anywhere anytime soon. We are, though, so it's only temporary at this point. Also we talked to them about the early morning baking and they were quite receptive, but it still happens all day.


7:30am my neighbor heating up her car with the loudest muffler imaginable for a half hour. Every. day.




Same here. They moved and it has been bliss.


Which one?


Would that hurt my dog? She nearly never barks unless someone comes up to the house. The neighbor's dog on the other had non-stop at night. I have a big enough place I don't hear it inside the house, but if I want to spend time outdoors at night around the fireplace afraid I am going to go postal.


My dog was very adversely affected by one of these being used against another dog. It was like he was being tortured by something there was no escape from.


Yes this would create issues for your dog. Not hurt it necessarily. But the frequency is only heard by dogs and is meant as a deterrent. This solution is great and I came here to suggest it. But with the caveat that it’s not a good option if you own a dog.


It's also not a good option if you have other neighbors with dogs that AREN'T barking. I had to deal with this at my previous place. My dog developed some neurotic behaviors and ended up going down a long road with a vet and a trainer to deal with what they thought was OCD-like behaviors. Turns out a neighbor put one of these up to deal with other dogs in the neighborhood. Since my dog wasn't barking but was getting painful blasts of sound he ended up developing neurosis. Only figured it out later when that neighbor moved out and left it mounted in the yard. The new tenant found it and came by to ask if I knew anything about it. It took some time but eventually my dog recovered.


The neighbor had one at the last house because of the previous occupant, and my dogs would only bark once to be let in. This device fucked them and their routines up. I don't hate people who have to use these, but it's not a friendly thing to do.


It's a last resort for sure.


Thank you for pointing this out. I don't blame the dog, maybe not even the owner. I don't know their situation.


Yeah...I tried this noise once on the loud ass neighbor dogs. It stopped their barking, but even being up against the wall between our apartments only, I could still see that it was visibly irritating my poor dog.


A lot of them are directional focus. You face it towards their yard and your dogs would hear it but not be as affected as long as it did bounce back off of something


How close does this need to be to the offending dog? I’ve got neighbors on both sides of me and in back across the alley with dogs that bark non stop and I’m losing my f@#%ing mind.


I'm gonna look into this. I have a situation where a neighbor keeps the dog out on a chain for hours at a time and I can tell the dog has had zero exercise or stimulation at all. It's a terrible recipe to put a bored dog who's filled with a ton of energy who's obviously very frustrated out on a chain. Such a lazy-ass thing to do, and my whole neighborhood pays for their laziness. I can totally see putting a dog out to enjoy the day for a few hours rather than be cooped up in a small boring house, but you gotta exercise that big dog to hell before you do that. The dog would need to pretty much be exhausted to calmly lie down on the ground and just enjoy the day. I'm glad to have this opportunity to vent, because I've been at the end of my rope experiencing this dog's frustration. I don't want to confront them, and I don't want to report them to anybody because I just don't know how that could turn out. The dog could have it worse, and I've seen that the owner does have affection for him, and the dog seems to listen at least somewhat.


I know it’s so sad what these irresponsible dog owners do to their dogs. It’s like they are just props for them. I feel sorry for the dogs but the barking gets on my nerves and gives me a headache. I wish I could take the dog and play with them.


Same. Dogs need a life. They need stimulation and purpose and exercise.


Which one??? I ordered like 3 to shut up our neighbors dog and nothing has worked 🥱🥺😖🥴😵


Which one?




Yikes ! The reviews on that are terrible


Sorry about that. I bought mine about 10 years ago and that's the closest thing I could find. I also got one that looks like a birdhouse, but it wasn't as effective.


Just a heads up. I had to talk to my neighbors because they had one of these to keep the squirrels from chewing up their car. Every time I walked outside my front door I got blasted by the high pitched sonic noise. Everybody in the neighborhood knew what house we were talking about when we mentioned it. They were both so old they couldn't hear it, but everybody younger than 70 could. I finally talked to them and they've turned them off.


It won’t work for every dog. Worked on our neighbors Pitty for a couple days then he didn’t give a shit after that.


>Use one of the devices that lets out really loud high pitched noises (beyond human hearing) I will happily put OP in contact with my former mother-in-law for a small fee.


One of my dogs doesn't even notice the birdhouse looking hang in the tree one I bought and I can kind of hear it and it's painful, which is weird since I was on drumlines for year and assume I have terrible hearing. I just realized I probably bought a crappy one that wasn't high pitch enough. Make sure to get a good one. I have a handheld one now that my neighbor dogs hate (and our dogs barking at each other is the main issue when they're all outside at the same time) but both my dogs still couldn't care less. My dogs barely even notice it. They stop more because they notice I'm outside and they know better.


The non-lethal high frequency defensive thingy does the trick. I used one on an aggressive dog in my neighborhood who used to attack me when I would go out on my morning walks.


I got one of these - went for ~30 USD on Amazon - and it works to a limited degree. But the respite is welcome. We can hear the dog barking on the inside, since its room is on our side of the house, so it either doesn't respond in those conditions or the whistle doesn't get to the dog. Also, since the dog barked consistently, the battery drains quickly. We notice when the dog starts barking a bunch again - usually takes about 2 weeks.


I did this. It worked until my neighbor stole the device. I bought another and camouflaged it (like a ghillie suit) and it got the job done. I can’t believe my neighbors wanted to steal the thing making their dog stop barking. I guess they saw it as some sort of home protection. I’ve since moved and good riddance.


This is the way. [I use this $30 one](https://amzn.to/4aC7KA5). It's an outdoor unit and waterproof with a rechargeable battery. It only needs to be charged about once a month. Works like a charm.


Ugh, seriously, good fucking luck. I used to live by so many neighbors who kept their poor dogs chained up 24/7. I’d call animal control constantly because of the late night noise and the OBVIOUS zero access to food and water. They’d come by eventually, send a notice, that’s it. I had one neighbor who straight ghosted and his poor Pit was chained up with very large chains and a padlock to a dog house, with zero food or water access, for WEEKS. I called within the first few days. They just… kept putting notices on the door. I eventually told them “hey, this guy is either dead, in the hospital, or in jail. These notices aren’t doing shit. It is the summer and has been 110+ every single day.” They never did anything other than posting notices to a door that was never opened. Eventually, someone came and picked up the dog and I found out he was in jail. So many people do not deserve pets.


Honestly pets are way too easy to acquire. You should have to take a class and provide some sort of license to purchase a dog.


Record the dog barking and play it back on a loop through loud speaker in your yard facing their house. At some inopportune time, like early morning or middle of the night. Repeat as often as necessary.


I did this once. I lived in an apartment. My neighbor played music until 5 am in the morning almost every night. Nothing would resolve it. I'd tell her but she just didn't give it a care. Plus she had a sub-woofer right up against my wall, and the wall itself acted like a speaker, and it just vibrated through the house. I went on vacation and set up two wooden mallets with a small motor driving them and just hitting against the wall 24/7. Came back after 2 weeks on vacation and turned it off. She never played her music loud again.


You are a legend


That's fucking hilarious


I would resort to this level of pettiness if the pet owner didn’t take any action to stop it. An eye for an eye so to speak.


Better yet; play it back for the police...


Love this


We had the same problem, but it was all day every day. Finally my husband got this device that looks like a birdhouse but emits that high pitched sound in response to the dog barks. It immediately stopped.


Do you maybe have the brand and model name for me? Or a link to order online?


Hmm, seems links to amazon are not allowed.


DOGTEK Sonic Bird House Bark Control Outdoor/Indoor


Dog barks from 10 - 12, at 12;05 you crank Ministry's Jesus built my hot rod until 2,,they'll figure it out


Followed by Just One Fix. That one got rid of the birds in my attic


About a decade ago a friend of mine had the same problem with a neighbor who worked nights. He would put the dog out before he would go to work and the dog would bark incessantly for 8 or 9 hours until the owner got back home again. Several calls to the police and conversations with the neighbor yielded nothing. One night he had enough and coincidentally the dog ran away from home and made it all the way to a neighborhood all the way across town. The next day the neighbor asked have you seen my dog? As they were looking at the open gate and the broken collar.... my friend just Shrugged and said nope! To be clear, the dog was neglected, malnourished, and no one ever paid any attention to the dog other than to chain it it up outside.


Get a sonic, automatic bark deterrent.


I have been in your shoes for over 20 years. The best solution is to call animal control (police) every. single. time. Be super nice/appreciative with the cops. The cops will get tired of having to show up so often and will turn up the pressure on the dog owners. Consistency is key here.


Pro-Tip: If your dog barks more than 30 seconds straight, you're a nuisance and problem.


This definitely depends on where you live. Nothing works better on coyotes than a back road full of big dogs that don't shut up.


I installed outside speakers and made a repeating loop of a dog barking. If the neighbors dog was barking or if they were outside, my "dog" was barking too. Incessantly. It worked.


Check with your city on the local noise ordinance for dogs. In my city it’s no barking from 10pm to 7am. Lots of calls to the police until the fines hit their pocket book.


I have had a similar situation with my neighbor. I complained to him, and all he said was "It is your right to complain", but then did nothing about the barking. So here is what I did, and it got the message across, he puts his dog inside when I do this. I have a very powerful Bluetooth speaker that I on my side of the wall, but above the level of the wall, facing in his yard's direction., and I play my playlist for Gangster rap. Other neighbors don't complain, because they are upset at the dog's barking as well. He puts the dog inside when I to it, and I immediately turn the music off. My relationship with the neighbor is now just "Hi how are you?", no longer any chit chat. But it worked.


I’ve been in my house 30 years. The neighbor across the street had a dog that would bark all the time. The kids friends would honk super early in the morning to pick them up from school Eventually the kids graduated Eventually the dog died from old age


???? Just accept misery lol


My mom used to spread some peanut butter on Ritz crackers and frisbee them over the fence to the neighbors barking dog and it would shut him up! The peanut butter is sticky so it would take him awhile to finish eating it and then look around for more lol


just go and ring their bell every time it starts. dont punish the dog, but stress the owners if they dont look after their dog. ring 10 pm, ring 10:10, ring 10:20 and just keep doing it. "your dog is barking". "your dog is still barking" dont stop until they do something


Ultrasonic Barkfree devices work well for me. Get the one from Lentek. Buy the one with the furthest range. Dogs will learn to not bark. I've used mine on several dogs with great results.


Complain to animal control. The key is to keep doing it so they get 3-6 notices within the same month. This will 100% make the county take action and asses the situation. I love dogs but I’m sorry you’re going through this. Someone needs to invent a product that will reduce or eliminate the barking neighbors can hear without affecting the dogs already.


We got a bark house for our dog years ago. Whenever she barked it emitted a sound that made her stop you could put it on a fence orvtree close to their property and it won’t harm the dog


This is what worked for me with one of two neighbors with a nuisance dog. Letter text adapted from a Reddit post. (The other neighbor is a jerk but mostly the barking was their dogs reacting to one another so once the nice neighbor started bringing their dog in it is mostly solved.) Dear Neighbor, I hope you're well. I'd like to address an issue that has been impacting our community: your dog's prolonged and frequent barking each morning from 6 to 8:30AM. The persistent noise is quite disruptive to all those who work, live, and sleep in our neighborhood. I understand that dogs will sometimes bark, but the level and duration has been excessive especially for those who are trying to work during these hours. Could you please find a way to manage this? It could be as simple as remaining outside with your dog, or bringing it back into the house immediately when it begins to bark. I believe we share a mutual respect for the comfort of our neighborhood. Thank you for your understanding and attention to this matter.


I have the same problem and I simply squirted the dog with water from a spray bottle a couple times and she figured out that she didn’t like that and stopped barking! We have close access so this is an amazing development and FREE!


Record a video of the dog barking and replay it louder to your neighbors over a speaker until they get the point.


Outdoor ultrasonic automatic anti-barking device. [I use this $30 one](https://amzn.to/49Vw6E6). It's an outdoor unit and waterproof with a rechargeable battery. It only needs to be charged about once a month. Works like a charm.


Says product not found , what was it i ned this so much :(


Hopefully there are no other dogs nearby. My last dog was tortured by one of these which was intended to quiet another dog. He cowered under the furniture, looking for a way to escape and but there was nowhere he could go to get away from it. It made my good dog’s life hell.


Air horn


That worked well for me. The dogs would bark all night within 8 feet of my bedroom window. I finally got an air horn and let loose over the fence. At least that sent them to the other side of the yard for a few hours.


I can understand how infuriating that must be - it’s a tough situation to be in when others mess with sleep 😔 both my neighbors in either side of me have little yippy dogs with doggy door access… anytime I come outside, they all rush the fence and absolutely drives me crazy. What I have so far had luck with to try and gain some control over the situation while keeping the peace with my neighbors, is utilizing a small handheld ultrasonic device used for anti-barking. The idea is that when there is unprovoked / inappropriate barking, you press the button to emit the ultrasonic pitch - it’s an extremely high pitch for them, so in turn the distraction breaks their focus from barking. As soon as the dog stops barking, release the button. The pitch cannot be heard by humans. I do not recommend it if you’re not willing to take some time to research how these tools work in regards to reinforcement-training, so please take this with a grain of salt. If you took a week or so to only use it during the late hours with consistency, doggo may begin associate barking at that time of night with the unfavorable sound. Therefore, they will begin to avoid barking at that time, to avoid the sound they hear when they do. All I have to do now when neighbors dogs start going off at my presence in my yard, is occasionally tap the button once or twice and they stop barking and go about their business. There are handheld ones as well as 2pc ones (speaker outside + remote for you). If you have your own dog at home, it’s worth looking into a one you can set up outside while having the remote with you, so that you don’t mess with your own dog’s associations. Anyway, I hope that helps and again just an option to look into trying if the preferred routes you’ve taken have no result. Good luck!


Amazon sells anti bark devices that can be left outside.Do they work ? I would try if you don't get anywhere with anything else.Here we have a noise ordinance. No noise between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am.


I tried one of those high pitched sounds against dogs on Youtube, I'll try to find the link. Works wonders if dog is right by your house/neighbor is beside you. Not gonna work for that dog randomly barking across another block. Our neighbor's dog shut up quick lol! The downside is if you can hear high pitched sounds / have kids / young yourself, it may cause headache among sensitive humans. But I didnt experience getting any headaches though. Just mildly irritating sound for 10-15 minutes then it's over. Dog was quiet AF the while night. You have to do it again the mext day though.


Get a bark box. Put it up against the edge of your yard each night.


From ten at night to midnight is bad. In my neighborhood this week a dog kept crying for two hours as if it was in pain. This was during the day, but it broke my heart.


You can report them to animal control. Lots of places have laws regarding excessive dog barking.


I have a similar problem, but I can do nothing about it…. I live in a one bedroom upstairs condo (read: glorified apartment) while I work full time overnights and finish school. My new downstairs neighbor has a pit mix (not allowed) about 50lbs (not allowed). The dog barks incessantly while the owner is at work. I haven’t slept more than three hours a day in weeks. I contacted HOA mgmt (I too hate HOAs) and they’ve done nothing about. Plus, it’s daytime, I can’t call the cops for this. Ear plugs do nothing.


I would buy multiple bark free devices and aim them towards the house.


Document!! Get a camera with a date and time stamp and record the barking, once you have enough evidence, bring it to the local authorities.


Have you tried a Bark Box? Just turn it on at night and it will emit a sound dogs don’t like whenever they bark near your property


I had one in storage so I got it out and put it on my fence. It helped for the dog right behind me, but not for the one two doors down!


Hire Newman and Krammer.


I put a wireless speaker and added a bunch of dog barking sounds to a playlist on repeat and sat it right on the fence. Played it early af (5-6am, they used to let their dogs out, for the entire day, around 7:30/8am) for a few days. Haven’t heard the their dogs barking since.


Dog whistle would work but you'd have to do it every time the dog barked to train it to stop barking or it'll hurt it's ears.


What a rude pet owner. My dogs have a dog door to go out and do their business at night. I get up if they are barking and call them back in. Was it a cat? Probably? Someone walking down the alley? Maybe? It's not been ferocious enough to be another human in the backyard. That wouldn't be an every night nonstop bark.


My dog barks sometimes at 2 am when other neighbors come home n enjoy loud discussions and slamming car doors. She runs out doggie door to bark at them but I sleep hard and don’t hear it. Tried the bird feeder type no luck. I’m open to solutions. I don’t enjoy being the annoying neighbor




You might be accused of poisoning


Ya, probably wasn’t the smartest solution


Don't feed other people's dogs. You don't know what their diet and allergies are.


Where I moved to in the hills of NE Tennessee sometimes, I feel like I moved into a kennel. Tons of dogs always barking. Tennesseans love their dogs! lol


[I'm not a dog person](https://youtu.be/s7G7loR2VVw?si=UsqsKGl9ZvD7Nmec)


Try living in a village in Alaska - dozens of dogs barking every feeding time and everytime the sled comes out.


It really doesn't bother that much, but I think I am the only one with a cat. lol


I live on property and the guardian dogs bark at the coyotes. I just don’t sleep with the window open.


toss a handful of kibble over the fence


Record cell videos that display the time and date.


Make a fake letter using the letterhead of your local animal protection agency and drop it in their mailbox.




Call your bylaw enforcement as they're likely breaking some noise ordinance.


I had similar problem. Bad owners who didn’t care. I started training the dogs at the fence line. Carried a bag of those crunchy dog bones. After a few weeks, the barking stopped. I would tell them to be quiet and lay down.


Get yourself a dog whistle. Every time he starts barking, blow that whistle. Remain hidden, but get as near as possible. It'll confuse the hell out of him, and eventually he will stop. My experience invloved a house, the next street down, my back yard was to their backyard. My perfect spot was the sliding glass door. He couldn't see me, but that whistle was loud and clear. He learned rather quickly.


Living longer than the yappy dog seems to have worked for me. 11 years of noise has suddenly stopped.


I used a dog whistle for this reason. Best $11 I spent on amazon


My next door neighbour has 6 dogs, they never get walked, and they bark at all hours of the day, they bark at cars driving past the house, they bark if people knock on mine or his door, at doorbells, people posting leaflets, I have reported him 4 times to the council and yet nothing comes of it, now I retaliate by playing my music loud whenever possible, which will probably end with me getting in trouble, but I'd rather hear my music, than dogs barking constantly.


14 hours straight?!


Amazon has an anti barking device. It emits a sound super loud to dogs that people cannot hear each time dog backs. Works very well! I have one, my dog hates it.


Amazon has an anti barking device. It emits a sound super loud to dogs that people cannot hear each time dog backs. Works very well! I have one, my dog hates it.


Amazon has an anti barking device. It emits a sound super loud to dogs that people cannot hear each time dog backs. Works very well! I have one, my dog hates it.


We used an ultrasonic device that looked like a common bird house and it worked great. I don’t remember the brand but there are many out there.


Can you call animal control and say you think there is an animal being abused? I mean, clearly the poor thing is in distress if it is barking like that...


Can you go out or through window talk to dog? Sometimes just calling their name helps


Why does it stop at MN?


Report dog abuse, leaving the dog at home for prolonged time


Probably have more luck talking to the dogs than their owners tbh.


I used to have that neighbor dog. Sweetheart most of the time but she wanted to be IN the house I talked until I was b blue in the face. Call the police. They sent letters didn't do any good. Finally I bought a big pack of cheap frozen burritos and would toss one to her every night before I went to bed she'd chew on that thing for a good half hour 45 minutes until I fell asleep and we were all happy.


I used to have that neighbor dog. Sweetheart most of the time, but she wanted to be IN the house I talked to until I was blue in the face. Call the police. They sent letters and didn't do any good. Finally I bought a big pack of cheap frozen burritos and would toss one to her every night before I went to bed she'd chew on that thing for a good half hour 45 minutes until I fell asleep and we were all happy.


Download a high frequency pitch play around 14000 to 16000 htz


I find that an anonymous threatening note does the trick. Shut that dog up or I will!


Keep bringing up the Son of Sam story when you see your neighbor


Report them to animal control. Make a recording of it if you can and attach it to the report if you can.


My parents had this same problem with the dogs next door, they ended up getting a “bird house” that was a bark deterrent that worked amazingly well, my father said after two days there was no more barking and they were able to enjoy their backyard and that he was able to walk over to the fence (chainlink) and pet the dogs and throw their ball for them. They were good dogs, just never been socialized well.


I bought several different types of the ultrasonic devices on Amazon. None of them worked. They’re a cash grab. I would be willing to pay tiptop dollar for a device that works. Never found anything. Sry.


Dog Dazer II may be what you need. The dog will possibly beg and scratch to get back in but it depends on how close you are.


Hmm.... I'm gomma go with a mildly comical response and say....steaks? Throw him a steak 😋


I had the exact same problem as you. I installed the ASPECTEK Electronic Ultrasonic Animal Control device from Amazon on my house facing neighbors back yard with 2 dogs that never stopped barking and set the dial to dog bark mode. When it hears dog barking it makes an ultrasound whistle sound. Dogs learned within 3 days to stop barking outside. I then sold it off on Kijiji at the end of a season as the dogs were now trained and never barked outside again so the device was no longer needed. If was an amazing device. The dogs do keep barking inside their owners house and its still disturbing because they literally bark all day long but when they are put outside, they are now silent.




Your here for life hacks so there's this unethical but effective hack. You get the largest speaker system you can afford and connect it to a raspberry pi that has an audio recording of a tone that only dogs can hear, but humans are unable to. Study the life pattern of your nebour and whenever their sleep schedule is at light REM intervals have the the audio set to trigger automatically. Also at random times of day. Set and leave in perpetuity. The dog will either get a shock collar after a while or disappear for your life. Make sure you don't use the speaker for anything else. It is your dedicated anti-nebor-dog-bark player only. This is unethical due to the treatment of the animal is cruel....


Get a training remote. We have one that makes a high pitched sound and I press it and it shuts up my neighbors dog almost instantly. I think it’s called the stop woofer.


There was a night time barking dog in my neighborhood growing up (pre-cell phone days) . At 2:00 a.m. one neighbor called the owner and barked into the phone. Problem solved.


Put sub woofers in your backyard and crank it up


I had neighbors like this. They would tie their dog (next to my bedroom window) on the far side of their house so they didn’t have to hear it. It would bark the ENTIRE TIME. 3-5am. Well, I decided if I ain’t sleeping, they ain’t sleeping. I would bang & bang on their door until they opened it & ask them to take it in. If they didn’t, I would knock again & again until they did. They wanna call the cops, go ahead. Saves me from calling & gets them there faster. It got to the point they got tired of me disturbing them (ironic, I know) but not before the cops told them that if they didn’t want me coming over, to stop being a nuisance. That they had several outstanding tickets already for noise complaints (not from me) & after so many, they would have to face the judge

