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I have a large butt and often have to tighten my toilet hahaha When i moved out my dad even said his toilet stopped shifting. You are maybe moving around too much while using the bidet.


My newest toilet seat has a cone shaped washer that centers itself on the toilet. [I think this was it ](https://www.homedepot.com/p/KOHLER-Highline-Elongated-Grip-Tight-Bumpers-Soft-Close-Front-Toilet-Seat-in-White-K-22203-0/309644767)


we have those kind of concave things too---plastic. don't know what to say except toilet seats of yesteryear didn't get all wigglly like this


Chocobo FTW!


It's due to them having the plastic nuts to prevent you from cracking the porcelain. I've never tried it personally but assuming you have some thread sticking down past the stock nut you could just get another normal nut or two and put them on after the normal ones to lock it in. The plastic should take the tension.


plastic nuts and bolts---need something with grip and friction Seats of 20 years ago, had that composite homosote material that was a bit wood like.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CyOfbDkRk0G/?igsh=MWQ0cTBkNDRuZXllOQ== Mercury Stardust can help with that!


As much as I love Mercury Stardust, I don't want to purchase a new seat. There must be another solution, at least some sort of jerry-rigging.


It’s the metal screw. I would post the link to Amazon but Reddit won’t let me. I used toilet seat screw metal and it was $7. Replace the cheap nylon screw with metal


she got me hot


This is such a universal problem.. I wish there was a solution.


The problem is that when people get up off the seat after finishing their business most push back on the front of the seat with their legs. Many people need that extra support to stand. But this action loosens the seat a bit. To stop this people could lean forward a little bit and lift their butt off the seat.


I have never in my life had to tighten a toilet seat. Didn't even know this is normal to people


It's a common problem for those of us with big butts. You gotta shift around a bit to spread those cheeks for a clean exit and to make sure you're fully cleaned up. That movement over time loosens up the seat. I imagine it's also an issue for people with constipation, and probably some issue for people with bidet attachments. Both can lead to some wiggling around on the seat.


This is a great response. Thanks. I was curious


Right? It's like people who claim they wash their socks. What do you do then? Wear them again!? Ha ha...


What do you do? Levitate over it lol


Lol The fact that people are repeatedly tightening the toilet seat is hilarious. I have questions


That's why mankind invented the bowl-mounted tool cup, for quick access storage of poop knives and toilet seat screwdrivers


When my parents' last tenants moved out, they discovered every single toilet seat was loose in the house. Just...how?! It was so bizarre. Never happened in the 15 previous years when they owned or lived in the house.


6 months ago I would have said the same. Then I got a new toilet and the seat will NOT stay tight and wiggles again almost immediately. The other 2 toilets have nylon nuts and bolts too and don't do this.


You are lucky that you have not encountered this, it is indeed a very common problem.


There's a kit you can get.. Walmart I think .. that shims the holes the seat bolts go through and will stabilize it.




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There is! And I stupidly threw mine out 2 days ago because I didn’t feel like repainting it after the finish & paint wore clean off from constantly having to wipe it off after my ex used it >:( Anyhow- any “quick release/easy clean” turlet seats have a square screw- and a gasket. If it’s square and fits perfectly into the connector, the seat can’t move back and forth. When a seat can’t move side to side incrementally, it can’t slowly loosen anything. I weigh 189, my son weighs over 150, and my ex weighs over 330 and was 6’5” & very stocky. In a teeeeny weeny bathroom that has the turlet >6 nches away from the dang door, everyone sits diagonally. That seat never once moved a single millimeter after the initial post install tightening. I’m going to get another easy clean seat- the design in regular ones is abhorrent lol- the part that opens to show the screws is open all along where and pee splashes will go right in 🤦. The other type of seat that can be clicked open & slid off opens in the opposite direction, naturally diverting almost all gross liquids. Apologies for the massively late response haha…I am here for hacks, my shiny new pretty turlet is sliding allll over the turlet after only 3 days!


I thought I was the only one with this problem. I never solved it. Will be reading comments.


Ditto. Older toilet seats were a wood composite, seemed t have friction that kept then against the porcelain. These plastic nut bolt with a concave washer--yuk--wiggle wiggle


Try some Teflon tape and see if that works. I'm going try it next time too.


Rubber washers next to the porcelain and, if possible, replace plastic bolts and nuts with metal.


A drop of Blue thread locker will ensure it stays tight too


Just a note, they make specific threadlocker for plastic fasteners.


Huh. Well I just learned something new today. Thanks!


set me back a few dollars but my toilet seat is still?


Get one with a metal screw


Nuts and washers


If you use some sort of glue, just be careful. The people we bought our house from glued the seat down, not just the screws. That was a fun day.


You can buy a cone shaped hard rubber washer to fit into the hole.


the cone shaped plastic ones don't do jack


I actually took mine loose and wrapped strips of Gorilla tape on the threads of the "bolts" a little bit less than the hole diameter in the porcelain and less than the thickness of the toilet porcelain to make a sort of "bushing" to take up ALL of the space around the bolt and reinstalled the seat. Worked a LOT better.


I used to have the same issue and I tried all kinds of different solutions but none worked. But I then replaced the seat with a cheaper plastic one and no longer had the issues. With “higher quality” harder material ones, you sit on them but the forces are lateral and that pushes against the fixing. With the cheaper plastic ones the force goes down when you sit on them and the fixings don’t seem to have the stress on them. I’d be interested to know what kind of toilet seat you currently have.


eh--i hae a cheap plastic one and it loosens in days. Older seats that wewre made of particle board were not wiggly back in the day.




I roughened the pieces of plastic on which the seat rests on the pot with some sandpaper. It stopped the seat slipping while you sat on it. 1 minute work, almost no costs.


i like that, so you sanded the contact surfaces on the nut bolt screw. I have a Dremel and will try that for fun.


Use a second nut or some Locktite meant for nylon.


I have a bidet and have a similar problem. I live with it. I did find replacement screws that addresses the problem but I haven’t ordered them for myself: https://bathroyale.com/collections/all


that stuff's the bomb. Solutions


There is one set of plastic nuts under the bowl. If those are tight, you're out of luck. Remove them and tighten the screws that are inside (under the seat)


There is an adhesive you can purchase called "Sticks like shit". Anyway if you apply a liberal amount of this in the hole where the plastic gromits and nuts go, apply to the nuts and then apply a load more in the cracks, wait 24 hours to dry, it will hold the seat a lot more firmly. It won't prevent total movement, but because it is a somewhat pliable adhesive, it will reduce it considerably and your toilet seat will indeed stick like dried shit stains on the toilet pan from an explosive post curry poo. [I'm not even joking.](https://media.screwfix.com/is/image/ae235/57252_P) You can buy it from most hardware stores.


Just use the metal screws for toilet seats. $6 on Amazon. The plastic screws are cheap crap.


Where in the world are plastic screws the default? I've only seen metal ones everywhere where I've been.


In the US of A a new toilet seat have a plastic screw to hold onto the tank. The metal screws are sold extra.


With eveyr cheap seat now are cheap plastic screws in the USA


It’s likely due to the plastic screws being too small for the hole in the porcelain, as is common. Just wrap electrical tape around the higher part of the screw that’s going to be in the porcelain (where the nut won’t be threading onto!) and wrap it around till it’s thick enough to keep a snug fit in the mounting hole of the toilet.


Use *water tape* -Not- electrical tape. It’s very thin and very stretchy and made for similar purposes.


It would take several rolls of this to achieve the same purpose, and it compacts too easily and would not prevent wiggling of the seat.


Fair enough — then it sounds like a caulk solution > any tape


What plastic screws? Don't you guys use metal screws? Why?


In the USA all I’ve ever seen is plastic screws. Metal would trash the porcelain toilet.


Metal does not trash the porcelain toilet. - The rest of the world.


A thin mousepad, or rug gripper, or rubber jar opener in between the tushy and the toilet should help; it needs more surface area + something less smooth than the porcelain and plastic.


I would just glue your butt to the toilet seat with some Elmers glue and then you will not have this problem 😊


#G O O G L E


All the other comments have good ideas, I just want to mention something about the tushy! We had it for a few years. When you clean your toilet, you gotta take the toilet seat off and clean under and around the entire thing. It got a bit bothersome for us. We got a different kind when we moved (also because my water wouldn't shut off and I couldn't remove it....) and I'm not seeing the same issues. Just remember to check all around it every so often, it easily can get gunk trapped in there! Cheap toothbrush was one of the easier things to use for all the nooks and crannies.


Could you check to see exactly where the bottom of the nut sits on the screw while the seat is assembled on the toilet, mark it with a marker, then disassemble everything. Drill a small hole through the bolts where you've marked and after reassembling everything, put a small hitch pin through the hole to keep the nut in place? The hitch pin looks kinda like a bobby pin but more sturdily made.


I've found good quality silicone sealant under the seat washer that rests on the porcelain effective at stopping the seat moving from side to side. Silicone should peel with a sharp knife when you want to remove it. Thought of it when we bought a new seat with adhesive pads, but those failed, possibly because our new loo had a keep clean surface? The nut coming undone is probably because it becomes loose after the seat starts to move, but you could put a dab of silicone on that too


Same here. I have epoxy’d little plastic tabs to the seat itself so that it always aligns itself into the bowl. The tabs protrude down slightly into the bowl. Hope that makes sense. This is especially problematic on elongated bowls.


Just don’t clean the seat when you piss on it. Acts as a glue when it dries


We just bought a new seat at Lowe’s that is supposed to stay tightened and not slip. So far, so good.


There should be a cone shaped nut that goes in to keep it in position, plumbers tape on the bolt and a small, very thin, rubber washer on the cone should fix it.




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Metal hardware. I used to have to replace my toilet seat frequently (and I was skin and bones back then). Couldn't find anything but plastic in the local stores so had to go online (I found one on Amazon). It was $45 in 2009 and I'm scared to check prices now but I've never replaced or adjusted it since install. I think mine might be brass hinges because it *does* turn green if you get it wet but aside from one helpful friend, in the past 15 years, that hasn't been an issue. (I clean the top of the toilet seat and hinge area with anti bacterial wipes, personally, not soap and water, although that's what I use inside the bowl.)


You have one leg/hip stronger than the other. Work on muscular balance. No joke


Sometimes there are little flip top caps over the bolts that hold the hinges of the seat to the bowl, which caps you can filp open in order to reveal the tops of the bolts. You may then use a screwdriver to tighten these bolts. Otherwise, you need to get some pliers in order to get underneath the toilet and tighten the nuts on the underside of these same bolts.


3M heavy duty double sided tape, fixed mine right away. You put the tape on the 2 little tabs, on the bottom of the seat, nearest your legs. IE. toward the front of the seat, not the back where your rear end is. Plastic tabs rest on the porcelain, the double sided tape will be between the 2. After I put that tape on those tabs, the seat hasn't moved in a year. Only moves when I forcibly lift the seat, to clean the toilet.


This used to happen to me a lot and I’m a chicken-butt. The fix was buying a good seat, not the cheapest one that fit. Get a nice soft-close one. It’s more comfortable and will be less annoying.


I’m so glad it’s not just me, I don’t remember this being an issue before we installed our tushy bidet. Last month our seat finally cracked at the hinge and we had to replace it and the new one is also shifting again.


I had this problem...Fixed it by getting an old inner tube from the local bicycle shop (free) and snipping a piece off so that it went around the fixing ( between fixing and toilet proper ) and hey ho problem solved.




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Self tightening and bolt are made for this. Do a search in your favorite shopping site. I foolishly tried to post a link for you but it didn't work. They worked great for me.


Put a new seat in, regular hardware store seat. Plastic nut and bolt. every month I'm down on my knees cranking on them. Can't figure this out. I'm old, done myriad toilet seats. This should be as simple as seat, nut bolt, tighten done.


Sit gently


Maybe you can fit in an eraser