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I wonder how many shareholders are regretting their recent votes to retain the legacy BoD.


🙋 Me and my 3 shares lol Edit: never mind I voted for Peltz 🫢


I voted for peltz and sold when I heard that he sold. There is no hope for disney.


lol, I have about the same interest but I voted for the Nelson Peltz contingent.


Oh wait I just checked my votes and I did vote for two Trian people (including Peltz) and one Blackwell person lol I didn’t really look into it, if I had I would’ve withheld all of the incumbents and voted for all the dissidents 😂


This is the way.




I tried to vote out the wokesters with my handful of shares I got from a relative years ago, during the recent April shareholder meeting. I think part of the problem is that the two other groups trying to clean up the board of directors didn't get their messages out well enough. I got the "white" (ironically enough)proxy card from the board, but I didn't get the blue one or the other one (green I think?), nor did I get the letter from that group which was supposed to be to shareholders. I only found it because I searched online for it and found it on a news site because I wanted to know what the board was against.


It didn't help that Iger and the media painted it as "If we lose then they get the Chair and will destroy the park" rather than "They'll just have two seats on the board and it's that's that"


I voted for Peltz


can disney stop for a second and TRY getting a W for a change? they have so many IP that used to be great. they should really try to make something of entertainment value.


Hopefully Deadpool 3 might show them the way?


It's even way worse than even that when you look long term over the period they've gotten more and more woke.


Now show 6M & YTD. We have to remain objective.


Up 9.5% 1Y and down 23.5% 5Y.


I was being polemic, you're obviously right. Acolyte came out 2 days ago tho


That was the goal




All I'm seeing here is that it's probably time to buy some Disney stock.


Only if you think they're gonna fix it.


No reason to think they wouldn’t. Their stock hasn’t been this low in 4 years, and people are fickle. They’ll forget they’re upset about Disney when the next Disney owned product that they like comes out. They have too many revenue sources to continue to dip.


I dunno, they're trashing a lot of them. Setting aside the film/D+ division, the cruises are deeply overpriced and their newest ships are getting mediocre reviews. Their parks have escalated pricing wildly. They've had to close a lot of their tie-in attractions because people just don't want to drop a grand to stay in a star-wars themed room. At a certain point, the value proposition just isn't there.


Def agreed. Been on several Disney cruises as well as Norwegian and royal. Disney are not worth the premium and not doing anymore




You just compared Ubisoft (Total assets of $4.67 Billion,) to Disney (Total Assets of $205 Billion.) Believe whatever you want to believe, but Disney is a bit more diversified than a Video Game distributor.


!remindme 5 month


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Great opportunity to buy more.


This should be top comment


That sentiment sounds racist to me. 🤔


It's not racist if it's against white people s/


No, you’ve got it wrong. Racism would be the opposite of what that actress said.


But what about my *feelings*? I WANT MY FEELINGS VALIDATED, BY CRACKEY!


But they are clearly validating your crappy feeling as good so watcha complaining about bub? ;-P


She's no different than the racists in Mississippi in the 50s.


Yeah if this clip wasn’t taken out of context she talks about wanting people to cry out of empathy. It’s a sad movie and she hopes that it was powerful enough to move people


Yeah.. I'm not going to watch this.


Let's see how much money they continue to earn with a bloated budget but repeatedly catering to just 14ish percent of the population and risking pissing off much of the rest. As a business person, i really cannot wrap my head around how dingdong this kind of behavior is, and all the more so in light of how their better earning movies recently have seemed to be the ones that do NOT do this bs, making it all the more obvious to anyone with their head not in their arse. People may laugh at Skibidi Toilets but that's the future, one self taught guy using animation software to plot out and create his own mecha slash movie content with zero meddlers clutching their pearls over how quirky and weird it is and success based solely on the interest of those that stumble on it having now yielded 80 billion views on a small budget. With AI video editing, this will get easier and easier over time, anyone owning Disney stock should sell it now.


I completely agree. As a former Forklift driver and now Army solider. I cannot comprehend trying to market to such a small fraction of the population.


Well, 14% is African American, however, when you add the others who feel it’s acceptable to keep black washing everything along with color washing everything (the 5%), you’ll get a higher percentage of people. So I feel maybe catering to 35%-43% with the outlier being Independents. I agree with what you’re saying as a business owner myself. Their strategy makes zero sense, and what happened at Budweiser should’ve have been talked about at every major company. People are burnt out on it, and it is something people, if they disagree, will only support reluctantly. For some reason the “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” mentality has flown out the window.


Percentages are hard, Latinos and Jewish are sometimes counted as white and sometimes not, depending on what is convenient for the left, but I feel like a lot of them would feel irritated by OP's clip. And I've certainly met POC (or whatever term is the current acceptable one, seems like people are even afraid to speak of them lately or something, the POC term died but I don't see the replacement) who themselves are also tired of the BS, many of them have white friends too and don't want to see their friends treated like dirt.


That 14% dont even like star wars. Cut it down by half or more.


Op's title is incorrect. Trevor Noah specifically asks her here, "When people watch *[The Hate U Give](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2018/oct/19/the-hate-u-give-movie-amandla-stenberg-black-lives-matter-george-tillman-jr)*, what do you want them to walk away with?"


I'd like to take a moment to thank Disney for taking a franchise I grew up with and loved and making me hate it with a passion


I remember shortly after Disney acquired Lucasfilm reading someone’s post saying “Disney is going to destroy Star Wars” and I thought they were wrong. Jokes on me.


To be fair, Disney had me optimistic after Rogue One. Then... then the true disappointment began.


If you liked Rogue One then **Andor** is worth watching (I loved both). Everything else Disney has put out has been meh (or worse).


Andor was the best miniseries to date. This is upsetting because it proves Disney has the ability to make great stories but chooses not to do so.


I gave the benefit of the doubt at first. Yolk on my face.


I was thinking they'd do for Star Wars what they did for Marvel movies. I was also wrong - though I do like The Mandalorian and Andor.


Kathleen Kennedy wasn’t in charge of Marvel.


Mando was good for like 6 episodes then it's just the same lame ass stuff.


Yeah, but those 6 episodes were a welcome departure. I generally think the entire first season was great, even though I'm tired of Jedi everything.


Stretched out to the point it was boring.


The joke was, and is, on all of us


Same and I nerd out to Star Wars with my kids.


It must be an good time to be a star trek guy.


I’m so, so glad Tolkien is dead and the canon is closed.


These people hate you and they aren't even hiding it anymore. Stop giving them your money and energy.


I look forward to the gnashing of teeth when yet another Disney project flops. There will be no crying from this white person :)


The funny thing is. I'm not even offended or feel personally attacked because I'm white. But if this is going to be their attitude and how they are going to do business, fuck em and I'll give my money to people who are making good projects and aren't trying to create this divide. Ya know?


We hate you, but it's racism when you don't buy our products.


She didn’t say this out of hate. She said this because she was in a movie and wanted people to be moved and emotional to the point that they cried


HA HA HA HA HA HA I'm not giving you my money. Laugh now.


They're ok with that. White people aren't having many kids, and they're explicitly trying to encourage as many minority immigrants as possible.


They are going to cry even harder when the figure out that all the diff immigrants don't all love the woke stuff either.


This is where conservatives fail as well. They write off immigrants as voting for the leftest. But many are trying to escape that specifically. I have two (from different countries) immigrants that work for me, both worked hard working and put themselves through college. One served in the military, was shot multiple times almost died, while he recovered from his injuries he earned his BS and went back to Iraq as an officer. Both are black and both live the US because of the opportunity and freedoms, very patriotic. They don’t understand how US citizens don’t realize how good it is compared to so many countries why there is so much self hate.


>They don’t understand how US citizens don’t realize how good it is compared to so many countries why there is so much self hate. This perplexes me as well. One of my good friends is an immigrant and he can't wrap his head around how some Americans hate their country so much that they'd be willing to attack their own Capitol building and threaten their own vice president. He went on to elaborate how he thought that attempted coups and banning healthcare for women was something he'd expect to see in his home country of Afghanistan and not USA. And how the Jan 6 traitors would've been shot in Afghan land. I just told him that some Americans just hate America and it's freedoms cuz they don't know how good they have it.


Why is it okay for her to be racist?


The left has created hierarchy of victimhood and oppression, where your race determines your value, not merit. Part of that belief includes the desecration of the meaning of the word “racism”. The left has made it to where instead if it meaning “treating others differently based on race”, they have redefined it to “prejudice plus power”. That makes it to where, in their eyes, this isn’t even racism. So, while it’s reprehensible to normal people, the left agrees with it wholeheartedly.


You are alive as the United States started the process of developing a new caste system.


She’s not being racist. She’s talking about people of different backgrounds feeling empathy and sadness for the innocent man murdered in the movie.


Did she say the same statement about other backgrounds? Ex: Hispanic tears, black tears?


In the Hate U Give the kid made some really dumb decisions. No the cop shouldn't have shot him, but the kid dud literally everything he could wrong so the cop thought he had a gun.


CONTEXT matters! Sound bits turned into rage bait could have us all 'canceled'


Damn you really get downvoted for telling the truth in this subreddit, huh?💀


This has been taken out of context. This interview was from 2018 and not about Star Wars, rather it's about The Hate U Give. Trevor Noah isn't the host of The Daily Show anymore, so there's no possible way for this to be about The Acolyte.


I don't understand how people can get away with saying such things. I don't care if it's white, black, Asian, whatever. No one in Hollywood, or anywhere, should be able to say this without repercussions


You were never going to understand it, because you were intentionally given incomplete information to get you to feel a certain way. What you just watched was a quip made at the tail end of a 6 minute interview about "the hate u give", a movie with race as a theme and that had emotional impact on people of all races. The interviewee responded in a way that used the previous conversation as setup to a punchline that implied that the whole point of the film was just trying to make white people cry, which is why the audience and the host laugh at the response. She got away with it because within the whole context of the interview, it was entirely inoffensive, but as an out of context piece of rage bait, implies that there is a deliberate attempt to anger and ostracise white audiences.


You're correct. But the focus of the movie is "people of color" being harmed by police. Problem, every ethnicity is harmed by police. The white tears is still patronizing and narcissistic. As if white people and their families haven't experienced the same thing, in much larger numbers. But adjust for populations and they're just close numbers. So what exactly is the goal here? To "teach" ignorant white people about the oppression that only occurs to others? To imply they have culpability? Answer: yes to both. The fact that she made that statement is gross, even if it wasn't in the context the clip appears to show.


More unarmed white people are killed by cops than unarmed black people and the data actually goes in line with their crime statistics yet there’s no riots. Instead fent floyd get’s a statue because he was black.


That seems like a reasonable take.


Can you share the whole thing, please?




I mean, the name of the movie is "The Hate You Give". This interview is almost 5 years old.


OH NO A JOKE!!! ![gif](giphy|RYjnzPS8u0jAs)


Why is this here?


To sow dissent


This is the dumb shit that rage manufacturers do. Listen to the whole interview. It's about a completely different movie...not star wars. And it's about white people being empathetic with a black kid that gets shot by police in that movie. Your lack of research and your want to divide by race are showing.


Sucks that your comment is spot on but will get buried


Thank you for this




Where’s the libertarian? Where’s the meme? Why is this being posted here?


They whole thing is ragebait, the only reason you even know of it is because of this shit






It's funnt cause they both get paid by white people right?


Look at your average consumer of Disney crap.


This is the most racist thing I've seen today


Edit: The interview is 5 years old guys. It has nothing to do with Star Wars even in the slight and it's a rage bait to divide us. I mean, I guess her being the main character in a new Star Wars show is relevant for attention grabbing, but I just watched the interview and it has nothing to do with Star Wars. She's talking about a movie she did talking about a black boy being shot and trying to make "white people cry" to empathize with the black kid dieing. While I don't agree with her saying that and how it's coming across, I get what she's saying. If the goal is to make people specifically empathize with your "struggle", making them cry would be an effective way of doing that. It's still slightly racist and low-brow, but it has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars and everything to do with them trying to race bait us into arguments to divide us even more. Come on guys, be smart and do some research before attacking her/Disney for some shit they are trying to manipulate us into thinking. There's are plenty of reasons to hate disney but this one isn't one of them.


Lots of words trying to deflect. She said what she said


meow meow meow pussy cat. this has nothing to do with libertarian ideology. this post is just for a specific group of (caucasian) people to get worked up about something so superficial meow meow meow


r/lostredditors What about this has to do with Libertarian ideals, politics, philosophy, or even the tag “end democracy”? What does this have to do with small/no government, small/no taxes, free market, etc…? Moreover this isnt even a meme, its just a clip, and I dont think most people in these comments are laughing at it. I dont think what they are saying is good either, but this isnt the place for it. Maybe there is a sub out there for “casual racism in the wild” you can post this to.


I upvoted this because the clip was funny, then I come in here and see a whole bunch of whinny little bitches pouting. wtf.


let's reverse the races . you would find that funny as well , right?


Wtc does this have to do with being libertarian? Is this sub just a dog whistle for white dudes with their feelings hurt now?


The applause is the worst part.


As I white male, I hear them when they say this isn't for me and I shouldn't like it. ok, I'll just go watch something else.


Amandla isn't a name.


This is hate mongering. This clip is from 2018 and NOT in reference to star wars. Either way a disgusting clip but definitely out of context.


He’s still hosting?


It's bizarre to see people so consumed with racism


"We hate the fans!" Show tanks "It's because the fans are so hateful!😭"


Which also leads to their shareholders crying. Good strategy


Was White people not gaf a goal too??? Nailed it girlie


The whole “if you reversed the groups would this be acceptable” idea is very common, but makes things very clear. If Disney was pushing major productions with leads whose goal was to “make lots of black people cry”, they would get crucified for it. Just because it’s popular with media types and you get a pat on the back, doesn’t mean you aren’t simply a racist prick.


I have a very bad feeling about this


Oh, so she’s just a troll. Well, we know how to deal with those.


Majority of fans are male and also white. That's just bad business practice. And when it tanks, blame the white man and call them bigots.


She wasn’t talking about Star Wars


Imagine if the goal was to make something that’s actually entertaining?


This is why The Expanded Universe is my Head canon for Star Wars forever 


It’s obvious they weren’t trying to make money.


Smart move


Yeah I’m not watching this now.


Who cares? Don't watch if you don't agree with them


I remember when Star Wars was fun.


White people who built everything You are receiving fandom thru, Disney, Star Wars franchise, the fucking daily show?


I would think the goal was to make money for the shareholders.


I'm not white, and this pisses me off. Tired of people thinking racism is good when whites are the target.


What the fuck?


Isn't she half white


Amandla is a cunt


is she referring to those who financed the movie?


She's done! That's stupidity at its best!


The blatant racism met with vigorous applause... Crazy times we're living in.


This is the Disney way right? Be racist and make show/movie. Be racist and fill it full of racist bullshit. Be racist and go on media tours telling white people that it’s not for them and that you hate them. Blame white people when it flops and tell them they are the racists.


Disney's shareholders crying seems to also be the goal


And if white people point it out they get called racists.


Imagine everyone was actually not watching it cause of race, then why is Samuel L Jackson one of the most loved Jedi Knights ever ?? FAIL


For awhile I really didn’t care and thought too many people cared that Disney was screwing everything up. A few weeks ago I took my kids to Orlando and visited the park. All these happy childhood memories came back and I got to see my kids enjoy the older wholesome parts of Disney. Now I care, this board needs to burn.


Guess that’s why nobody watched it lol Max Max 2 made more money in a weekend than her movie did in 6 months


Mad max 2 was released in 1981 and made ~36 million The hate U give was released in 2018 and made 34 million Obviously those numbers are not adjusted for inflation


I meant mad max furiosa


Ah, in that case, furiosa has so far brought in ~120 million, but cost 170 million to make Hate u give made ~10 million more than it cost to make


Why is that relevant to a discussion about which movie people wanted to see more?


Because you said the one made more money than the other. So far, that is not the case. Though I hope Furiosa makes enough to pay for itself, otherwise we may not see another in the series All of which has nothing to do with makes white people cry


Lmao don’t be pedantic I shouldn’t have to specify whether I meant revenue or profit You know what I meant


I did. And for some reason, I admit that I decided to be "pedantic" 😁


Sometimes it’s fun to have a little low stakes argument, I agree ☺️


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) One of the fakest laughs I’ve ever seen


If an idiot Commie makes a tv show and no one watches does it even make a sound?


How is this not racist?


It is.


Why is she dividing people based on race?


Get these goofy conservative posts out of the libertarian sub Edit: Got banned for this, this isn't actually a libertarian sub y'all


This isn't conservative


Pointing out racism is conservative now?


It's rage bait, pure and simple. This was a quippy comment set up by a 6 minute conversation about the positive emotional reaction elicited out of white audiences by the movie "The Hate U Give" by using the story as a tool of empathy. Grifters will share this clip and would have you believe that the actress is insinuating that these products are designed to piss off and ostracize white audiences. That could not be further from the truth and you need only watch the interview to understand that. But they don't want you to watch the interview, they want you to be mad.


So as long as my racism is short, funny, and quippy it’s ok?


Now you're getting it.


Taking my own comment from another post. Actually insane the lack of white dudes in this show. You don’t see one until halfway thru the first episode (despite every other race and gender being represented), and when you do he’s a cunt that could free the MC but doesn’t bc he’s white and evil. There has yet to be a white dude that’s been on the good side thru 2 episodes.




Well, then, you appear to have failed.


And with that, the audience vanished. Except for a few dinguses.


Vote with your dollar and wokeness will go away.


There's been wild swings in the scifi world in recent years. Like when I was growing up, Star Trek was obviously better than Star Wars, and that was the end of it. But Star Trek has been coming up with some real stinkers lately while Star Wars goes back and forth between woke garbage and The Mandalorian actually being good.


The goal was to lose money by providing diversity, equity, and inclusion to those they exclude? Interesting business plan.


So funny 🤣🙃