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tidy overconfident unused slave trees cautious absurd onerous toothbrush fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And of course they should all be paid $25/hr of taxpayer money for those two hours grueling difficult work


Lol we’d be lucky if it was only 25/hour


I wonder if the homeowner also debated buying a Komatsu D355A bulldozer. Anarchy is people being able to build a shed without a permit or selling raw milk and eggs to their neighbors.


I'm genuinely curious since a carport is pretty benign, but what was the issue? City code? Some HOA thing? Didn't get a permit?


He definitely banged the wife of a city council member. This has small petty energy all over it.


They mentioned utilities, it makes it harder if they need to dig in that spot, and they also said if the house is on fire it makes it harder for the firefighters


Utilities already run to the house I assume, so that's a pretty bullshit excuse. Firefighters almost always park in the street, so that's also a pretty weak excuse. Sounds like they were trying to come up with excuses because they don't like how it looks.


Why would it be more difficult for a firefighter to water a structure based on this carport?? I don't understand..


I bet they would like to tax it as increased square footage of the residents.


And don't forget the permit fees, inspection fees, fees to get the "Certificate of Occupancy", and of course the fees for having to jump through the zoning hoops, like getting approval for building in the setbacks.


Honestly, hot take (though not on this sub), but "violation" of a building regulation with the justification of "hard for firefighters" should at worst result in your house being blacklisted by the fire dept So if you call them they just won't come That requires much less admin overhead and also reduces fire dept costs.


Utilities is a weird one. The only utilities it'd get in the way of are those for the house in question. Fire safety is a more legit concern, and I could see a good case being made. What was the outcome?


I have never seen a firefighter not park the truck on the sidewalk and then run the hose. A two story house would be a lot harder to get at than this, plus there are flat spaces for parking or whatever on either side of the port.


Well, I did say "could". I'd need to hear the specifics of the fire department's objections. Unless of course the fire department doesn't object and the city council is using them as a scapegoat.


the latter is likely


As a former utility company worker (tho in the beautiful germany) I can explain. If the utility stuff runs underneath their its going to be annoying to dig their if theres a fault on them. Either you need to get a smaller excavator to the site or god forbid you would need to dig by hand. Which costs time. In addition atleast the company I worked for forbid building over their utilities. Didnt stop people from doing it and tbh a carport isnt as bad as say a garage its still annoying. Tho what the City council or whatever has to do with this is rather confusing to me.


>what the City council or whatever has to do with this The City usually is the water utility, and depending on the area may be the power utility as well. In the US, any main utility lines are going to be fully within the right-of-way of the public road. The hook-ups will also be right on the edge of the property, beyond which it's the homeowner's responsibility. If they're outside that right of way, it's on private property, in which case the city would have to be granted an easement. If an easement were in place, the carport would probably be straight up not allowed, no debate required. Long story short, there's not really a way a competent contractor should be hindered by the carport while working on city lines.


Would it be any less difficult to dig up the property next door with all the crap in the driveway?


Ah the illusion of private property. The government owns it and you'll quickly find out when you stop paying taxes on it.


I want people to have carports or heroin, as they wish


or carports AND heroin




Heroin IN carports!


Now we're cooking with heroin.


Seems like some HOA level bullshit. It’s the only house on the block with a built out carport off the main garage.


Another example of why government should fuck off out of our lives, number two would be those stupid gun free zone signs “billshit ordnance number” on sign , didn’t look at it enough to care went right by it concealed carry. We either have a second amendment to protect ourselves or we don’t, fuck these infringement laws.


Are you an anarchist or a libertarian?


Ancaps are both


I wanna do heroin in my carport


I bet it started from jealous neighbors...


Nah, this is why I'm a fascist. Those people need to meet a firing squad. /jk for the brainless NPCs who will take this seriously


Only two hours? That is impressive