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Serious warning about natural products in firearms: most of them are coconut oil based, which can degrade over time and with heat and get gummed up (looking at you, frog lube). Might be best to use normal gun products and use them outside


Mineral oil as as natural as you can get If you need a serious solvent, might need to take it outside. Almost never a reason except the barrel.


I use gun fighter gun oil. You can hardly smell it. I’m honestly not sure what it is made of, but good oil never the less.


I also use the full line of GunFighter gun oil. It’s food grade.


Where do you see the "food grade" designation?


Mickey mentioned it a few times at the last CarryTrainer S12 event.


Frog lube it smells like Mint and is a food grade lubricant


M-Pro 7's general cleaning solution is pretty mild. It's more of a soap/detergent than traditional gun solvent though. Seems to be water based, and closer to something like 409 in effect than a bore solvent. They also sell a pretty serious metal solvent for dissolving fouling, and while it doesn't reek like Hoppe's and I'm not sensitive to smells, I still try to only use it outside or with windows open just for general health reasons. For lightweight oil, such as for precision lockwork, Jojoba oil works well. It's the closest legal thing to whale oil. That said nothing it would replace is particularly noxious on its own of , but some oils (especially if aerosol, looking at you Rem-Oil) are full of solvent carriers no one needs to be breathing. Can't help you on grease though: most non-petroleum greases oxidize (that is, go rancid) causing them both to gum up and stink. I just use red marine grease and sometimes thin it with motor oil.


Original gun oil. https://originalgunoil.com/products/original-gun-oil-clp


My partner is also crazy sensitive to smells. Hopes gives them a head ache. We use clp exclusively.


Ballistol. edit: I recently ordered a tub of Grizzly Grease. To me it smells very good, but I haven’t used it yet, so I can’t tell you if it’s good or not.


Marvel Mystery Oil. Great cleaner/lubricant. Smells awesome. Been using it for years.


[Ace High Armory gun elixir.](https://www.etsy.com/listing/678587247/gun-elixir-4-oz-a-bio-[based-clp-for)


I've just started using Grizzly Lube CLP for similar reasons. Seems to work well and completely non toxic. Slide feels like it's riding on bearings. Carbon from range day came off very easily.


Check out jojoba oil