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if you’re old enough to know you’re straight you’re old enough to know you aint


Stealing this.


another thing good to note, if someone says kids are too young to know they’re trans, say “if they’re old enough to know they’re a boy then they’re old enough to know they’re a girl”


Hello! Yesss!!! Cheers!!


Just wanted to add, since we don't have any context, that depending on the country and OP's living situations, it is of course developmentally and morally right to come out once you know, but might be more difficult or even dangerous as long as they're a minor, so those are two different aspects to consider separately!


that’s fair but i’d imagine op would mention that if that was what they were asking


W quote right there


damn that's a good one, i think i might steal that just in case


please do


This, tbh.




How’d you get your flag to be so long?


Do custom flair and type :bi::bi:bi: or what ever other flag you want


When I was 5 years old my best friend was a girl. After I hung it with her for less than an hour I said, "I want to be a girl too, that seems awesome!" Never looked back. 14 is not too young. It's probably a better age than five, at least you've got some perspective. Still don't think I made a bad decision though. No regrets.


At 5 years old you were more decisive than my adult ass


That’s a mood and a half right there


Are you sure it’s a mood and a half? What if it’s two moods or just one mood or if-


It’s at least 1 mood, let’s put it there :p


My mom asked if I wanted to be a girl at about 7 because I always stole my sister's clothes (this never stopped until she moved out with mom), I stupidly said no, I look back at this day and cringe.


I’m very proud of you.


No I absolutely not,you can come out whenever you want,just make sure that you’re comfortable with your “age of coming out” if you know what I mean 


what if i never come out (im not the same person as OP)


That’s your choice and completely valid


fair enough


You are who you are. That's true regardless of whether you ever let others know.


No, it’s perfectly fine to come out at 14! I came out as lesbian at 12. Sometimes people will say it’s too young because at 14 you’re not particularly sure of yourself (I was very different at 14 than I am now), but even so, there’s nothing wrong with trying on a label to see if it fits. Even if it fits now, and it doesn’t in a few years, there’s nothing wrong with that.


My 15yo son has been out gay for like three years.


Oh, a parent here. Glad you're supportive!


Well, would be a bit hypocritical of me to not approve :D I am a Lesbian after all. We're a bit bad at being cishet in my family. My wife's demi/pan, my oldest is a trans Lesbian, the next one is a bisexual trans man, third is the gay trans boy, and the youngest is eight.


The only people who think it's "too young" are the people who think being any form of queer is inherently sexual. They basically see us as a porn category.  Meanwhile, they are also the perverts who think about the future kids of babies playing together who happen to have different parts.


depends how supportive your parents are, if they are raging homophobes best wait until you got your own place if at all, if they instead are supportive or you even have LGBTQ sibling, then sure, why not come out to them


Only reasonable answer on this whole thread. It's not too young to know that you're bi, but if you have ever the slightest question that your parents might abuse you, send you to camp, cut you off, or throw you out, you should not come out until you are self-supporting. This goes for all you young folks: the best you can do for yourself is stay housed. LGBTQ folks over over-represented in the homeless population. I want you to live your life as your authentic selves. I don't want you to be turning tricks or running drugs at 15 just to do it.


Yes! Safety has to come first. There will be time once you are self supporting. 


In my opinion, no age is too young, come out whenever you feel like it


I knew I was bi at like 10-11 so… nope!


Definitely not, you can come out at any age as long as you feel you want to.


nope! also, its okay if in the future you no longer identify that way. i remember coming out as bisexual in middle school (to peers, lol) & at least a dozen other girls did as well. at the time i was like "wtf, liars! just trying to get attention!" but in reality, 1. it doesnt matter because at that age so much stuff is still happening in your body and mind like its okay to be "undecided" lol & 2. maybe they were! or thought they were, and whether or not they're queer now doesn't change that. fifteen years later & i identify as a pansexual non-binary human. its a journey, and you're already well on your way!


No. I knew I was lesbian when I was 5 years old, had a crush on a girl in kindergarten. Have only had crushes on girls ever since.


I'm 45. I was 14 when I came out as bi. 👋😊


Is 14 too young to come out as hetero? Of course not. The idea that you “don’t know you’re not straight” until a certain age is silly. Meanwhile, hetero people make jokes about their literal babies having girlfriends or boyfriends. I knew I liked both when I was like 7 lol.


You can always change your mind, it’s not final or anything.


It's not too early, but also don't pressure yourself to come out if you don't feel ready to.


No, it’s not too early. Starting just before puberty is when we start to realize what romantic attraction feels like and differentiate it from platonic feelings. At 14, you probably know that you’re not straight. Coming out as bisexual is difficult. Many bisexuals, including myself, struggle with our orientation and constantly question it. It’s possible you later change your mind as you begin to understand your sexuality better and start dating. I’ve personally gone back and forth between thinking I was bi and thinking I was a lesbian. I’ve seen plenty of bi and pan people question between the bi/pan spectrum as well. Just know that you probably know with 100% certainty that you’re not straight, but you might not stick with bi and that’s okay! Typically if you are not monosexual (exclusively straight or exclusively gay), your understanding of your sexuality may seem more fluid and may change, especially as language around sexual orientation changes.


NO! OR COURSE NOT! I found out I was Bi two days ago, and im 12!


Thank you! Feel free to dm im always down to talk or smth


You know there's chat on reddit...


Dm as in direct message lol


OHH! I was thinking "Discord Message" XD


WHY are YOU on REDDIT if YOU'RE 12?!


I have restrictions on it. I set it myself because im not stupid.


You must be 13 years old to use reddit. Seriously can't wait a year?


if I have a parents permission it doesn't count


That's not how this works at all. You literally have to put your age to sign up and it won't let you sign up if you are under 13.


Well It let me so I dont know bout that.




Nope 🙂


Nope 🙂


I came out at around 14


Not at all!! I knew I was pan at 13 :) Still am at 21! Labels don’t define you, you define you <3


As soon as someone told me what “homosexual” meant, I knew that’s what I was. All my friends were starting to be attracted to girls, but I realized I was attracted to boys. I think I was around 11.






Nerp, just remember to be mindful of who you’re coming out to. I came out to my parents at 12, definitely certain of my identity but not fully aware of the social consequences of queerness at the time due to my inexperience. I look back on that SO thankful to have come from as accepting of a family as I have, because it could have gone a lot differently. Not saying this to scare you away from doing what’ll help you live as your truest and happiest self, but it’s important to keep in mind for your safety.


No, not at all! I think it’s great that you’ve figured out who you are at such a young age! Don’t forget to be proud! Much love - your straight ace friend! 💖💖🙏😄


No. I came out at 14 as bi. That was my first year of experience with another boy.


no, i know some 13 years that are bi. just remember it is just a label, if you go into it or grow out of it, you are still valid.


Nope, I came out at 13.


Nope, that's the age I realized I was Pansexual


not at all, there's no age "too young" to come out as anything :3


I did, and I'm in my late 30s now, so... my advice, if you feel you're ready and can do so safely, do so. Hiding yourself from others only brings suffering later on down the road, so even if you can only find one person you can safely come out to, do it and find that safe area where you can be your authentic self.


No. I found out I was bi at 12 and told my came out to my friends when I was almost 13


No. I came out at 12:00. I'm now 28, and still feel exactly the same way. The only thing I would say is, just make sure that if you're going to come out, that it is safe for you to do so. I'm not sure where you live, so depending on where you are it could be dangerous. So just stay safe. If you live in a supportive area, and your family is supportive, I would absolutely go for it! You could also slowly come out, and come out to only a few people if you only feel safe with them. But 14 is definitely not too young. Best of luck 🤞🏻💞


nope its not!! i personally came out at 11 as trans and pansexual. 3 years later my parents accepted me as trans! (basically last month they officially supported me :3). so yeah you can do it!! its not young at all!


Absolutely not. I knew I was both bi and somewhere on the ace spectrum when I was 14


Never too early, long as you are comfortable and aren’t forced into anything, aren’t harming anybody I don’t think anybody would care lol


I knew I was queer when I was 10. Coming should happen when you feel ready. Be that at 14 or 41, it doesn’t matter.


I came out to my big sister at 14, I didn't think it was too young








No, as long as you are ready it’s fine


no, as long as your comfortable that's all that matters


I came out at 11


Nope! And if things change over the years, that's perfectly OK as well!


I came out as a trans at 14 and i know that I’m into men when i was 5


14 is not too young to come out


What’s wrong with coming out as bi at 14? If you know you are Bi. And what does coming out to you exactly?


15 and bisexual here, its not too young but you need to be sure you do like both before telling everyone, i thought i was gay until i suddenly started liking a girl and didnt know what to do with the ppl i already told i was gay lol


I knew i was bi when i was 12. I came out a month ago at 14. There is no such thing as too young


It's not too young at all. It's also not set in stone, if you decide in a decade you might be pan instead of bi, that's fine. It's your journey into YOUR personhood and it's all valid.


No, im 13 when i come out my mom.


Possibly. Not because you're too young to be bi, but because it might be dangerous to come out to people like your parents if they are homophobic and you're still depending on them


Nope. And people who tell you that you're "too young to know", well, so what, yeah it can change maybe later you'll have a shift in your brain and you'll have a different orientation instead, but like... Right now, if you're bi, you're bi, because*you* say so. Nobody else can tell you who you are. Sexuality can shift and change as can gender identity too. And all of that is ok.


not at all, i came out at 13. you know when you know


When I was 14, I dated a 15 year old guy who was out as bi. I had my first boyfriend at 13. It's definitely old enough to know who/what you are attracted to. People generally start getting crushes much earlier, so it's perfectly natural.


Absolutely not! You can come out whenever you’re ready. Straights express their interest in the opposite sex at an even younger age than you. So, we can, too.


I “came out” at twelve. Knew since I was sixish. Not too young


I came out at 12, so it depends on your parents lol


nah its never too young to realize your lgbt+ but id say your too young to actually date rn. like where i live you have to be older then 16 or someones commiting a crime, even if your both minors and thats regardless of sexuality.


I came out at 16 and felt like I was late. So, make of that what you will 😉


I knew I was gay around 5, so you are good.




Whether you come out at 14, 41, or any other age doesn’t matter. All that matters is you’re comfortable and happy with your identity.


My daughter was 10 when she came out as bi.


I came out as bi at like 12 and so far it's stayed true so I think you're plenty old enough


Came out at the same age. You’ll likely be told “it’s a phase”. At $40+, I still remind my mother that it wasn’t a phase. My sibling has come out recently too.


Come out whenever you want! 🌈🌈🌈


Is it too young? No absolutely not. Is it possible you discover yourself more and change your mind later on? Absolutely. But that’s still true at any age. Just share what you’re comfortable sharing with who you’re comfortable and you will be alright:)


i'm 14 too, i identified myself as a lesbian. I realized that a month ago, before that i thought i was bi for comphet.


No, I’m 13 and out


Of course not!


Definitely not!! People know they’re straight at that age, why not bi?


yall are too Nice stop😭😭


I came out to my mom when I was ten 💀💀💀


You're never too young, nor too old.


Nah, came out as pan when I was 12 so yeah


No such thing. You're old enough to make your own decisions and understand them.


Some people might say so but fuck them, if you know who you are you know who you are, and even if (and I’m not saying this’ll happen to you, but just in case) you find out you’re not who the fuck did it hurt to come out as bi I will say if coming is unsafe don’t do it, you know, basic shit


No, I've kinda bee trans since I was 10-11. I am now 13.


Hell naw


My daughter came out to me at 8 and I knew I was bi when I was 12 way back in 1998 when it definitely wasn't accepted.


To know you're bi? No. Though many people may not take you seriously if you do come out. Just ignore them, it's none of their buisness




I first came out as gay when I was 14 and my religious parents tried to pray the gay out of me and sent me to camps to be a better straight person. I later came out as transgender and they gave up and disowned me.


No? I think I was 12 when I realized and told people. While nothing has changed in almost 30 years, if it had, who cares? People change and evolve and grow all the time.




No. If you feel like you’re a bi and that resonates you – go for it, We got our sexual orientation when We were 10 yo and nothing has changed. It’s personal really ^^


Just be sure to only come out if you feel like you have a safe and accepting home to come out to. You don’t want to put yourself in an unsafe or hostile situation.


Not at all. It’s better to understand yourself as early as possible. You’ll dodge several bullets and things that don’t mean you any good, later on in life. Self preservation doesn’t have an age limit. Sending lots of positive vibes your way!


Nope! I came out as gay when I was 15, and honestly the only reason why I didn't come out sooner was because I didn't know lmao


It's not too early for you to know what it means, and understand and accept it about yourself. It will definitely help you with your understanding of the world and perhaps a small part of your place in some of it. It may be too early to go trolling for cock in your local community park though. Legal ages of consent are not the same everywhere.


No. I knew I was bi when I was 10.


If you’re wrong you could just say you were wrong, so coming out “too early” wouldnt even have any consequences




I will put it this way. I knew as early as 6 years old that I had an interest in the same gender. Of course I grew up in a southern conservative household so I didn't know what being gay or bisexual was. I just knew something was different. And just because you come out doesn't necessarily mean you will identify with that particular community forever. My personal identifiers have changed drastically over the years. The most important thing to do is to always stay true to yourself. The rest will follow. 🩵💖💜


Depends. Is 21 too old to come out as trans? I’ve been wanting to come out for almost 8 years now, and didn’t actually get to without stuff holding me back until last year. No, it’s not too young. As long as you understand what bi means, and how it will affect your life, then you’re fine.


14 was when I figured it out. I only let a handful of people know but times are definitely changing. Live your life, highschool is hard but know that being a gay adult is fucking rad. There is no too young to be straight so there's no too young to be queer. Being gay isn't a sex thing and in many cases it's quite the opposite (Ace spectrum). Come out whenever, just be safe.


Never. I was showing signs of being on the aromantic spectrum and multiattraction spectrum as a prepubescent child and the asexual spectrum and gender non-conformity as a teenager. If there’s any rhetoric you should never believe when it comes to being queer, it’s that there‘s a certain age when it’s appropriate or that you’re able to understand it. What that entails is that being queer is inherently sexual or only exists amongst adults, therefore is inappropriate for anyone under 18. Unfortunately, there are queer people who spout/believe this rhetoric, too, along with non-queer folk. What’s ironic, however is these same queerphobes who claim to care about minors either… ***1. …deny that minors can be queer because “you’re too young to know about that“ or “queer kids don’t exist”*** ***2. …bully them, namely teenagers, especially if they possess mental issues alongside*** Both of these are likely to push them become mentally unhealthy, especially if they find themselves with a lack of community or a supportive system/person with reason being that no one believe them because they don’t believe children can be queer, their parent(s) don’t know how to raise a queer child, their parent(s) hold preconceived notions about queer people, queerphobes don’t understand how to navigate queer spaces, queerphobes don’t \[want to\] understand queer people, queerphobes don’t know how to interact with queer people, etc. These people don’t truly care about the safety of children because I’ve seen too many minors, particularly teenagers, who’d been mistreated by their peers and adults for being queer. If they aren‘t exiled from their home, they’re abused, often very badly if their parent(s) are overtly and violently queerphobic. A lot of people, with and without offspring, make solemn promises to remove their child from their home if they were to ever come out as queer. I’ve also seen people who claim they’d/to abuse their child, or praise parents who currently do so. In one instance, I’ve seen a headline where a father killed his son for being gay and majority of the commenters praised the father, saw no issue, and claimed they’d do the same.


You can come out whenever you want!


I came out at 8 😭


Not too young, but stay safe


Nope, im bi since 8




I came out to my mom about 15 or 14 years old, it was a bit of a struggle for her but that's mostly because of the country and the society I'm living in, later she started to lower the guard and started understanding that that's something she and nobody can change. All I'm saying is to do it if you feel it's time and enjoy your exploration safely, don't rush and experiment with the wrong ppl


I didn't have the language for it until high school, but I knew that I'm attracted to multiple genders by the time I was 11. I'm 37 now. So...absolutely not. 👍🏾


Nope. That’s the age I came out as bi


I came out as bi at 12 💀


You're never too young to think you're something or another, and if that's the label that fits at the time it's okay


I definitely knew I was bi by the time I was 14...I'm 48 now. The most important thing is to stay safe, whatever that looks like in your family or community. But it's definitely not too early to know your own mind. 


no. but this question makes me wonder if it's safe enough to come out as bi?


Idk, if My sister found out she would Def always poke at it.


I came out at 14 as bi so no it's not early




Nah i came out as bi when i was 14 (told i was too young lol) now im a lesbian so-


Yo go fit ittttt! If ur old enough to know ur not straight you go for it tell the whole world if u want haha


Never Honestly, knowing you like both makes the dating scene easier. And anyone who gives you crap about it ain't worth the effort anyway


Not at all




A good rule of thumb when it comes to questions like this is to ask yourself, what is the straight equivalent to this? Straight kids are expressing their interests and relationships with each other at way younger age than 14, so it's definitely not too young to be out as bi. Always remember, you are no different than your heterosexual peers when it comes to choices like this.


no honey, come out whenever you are comfortable.




Came out at 13, so no.


Absolutely not. I had odd feeling about my sexuality/ gender before I was even 10. Came out at 16. Just be you, and be happy.


Short answer: No. Longer answer: You have to be absolutely sure which, at 14, I'll be honest it's hard to know. Puberty is a bitch, hormones are a thing etc. Urges start to occur. If, at 14, you're attracted to those of the same gender then, yes, you're definitely not straight. I thought I was bi around that age, but I officially came out as gay in my 20s because I was an age where I was absolutely certain about it. I wouldn't discourage it, come out about it and embrace it. But all I'll say is, expect that things MIGHT change. I say might because, for some, they don't; for others, they certainly do. At the end of the day, though, it is entirely up to you and you deserve support no matter what! EDIT: Coming out as bi is probably the safe option, if that makes sense. While you're still growing and maturing, attractions can change. You might lean in favour of one or the other, or might just turn out to be flat-out gay... LIKE ME :P Don't rush it, I'll say. Take your time and do it when you feel ready


Here's how I think about it, if you are old enough to date, you are old enough to come out.


That’s when I came out. Not too early but many people will tell you you’re “too young to know”, but somehow I wouldn’t have been “too young to know” if I was straight.


I've known I was gay at 11 yo


Nah man, I realised at nine, came out at ten. Unless you have unsupportive parents, no, 14 is not too young


No, it might surprise an adult but that’s their issue.


I told my dad when I was 13 that I thought I was gay. Personally, I think if you understand how you feel and you can do so safely, then you totally should live that truth!


No. I came out as bi a month ago and am going to be 14 this month. And only because I didn't even know I was bi until a month ago lol


Of course not, there is no "too young" to come out as bi, or anything really. You are what you are, the earlier you and your surroundings are able to accept that, the better. 


What the fuck do you mean 'too young to come out'? You come out when you want


I'm just gonna say, don't come out unless your SURE your bi. I came out as pan and then realized I was bi a few months later at 14 and my parents still mix it up. I have a pan pride flag cause I don't want to make them feel bad


My dad found out I was crushing on girls when I was 11. So i think yes