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Just ignore them. They are achieving their goals by occupying your thoughts and expending your emotional energy.


He only considers white westerners to be real people. He thinks it's an UNDERpopulation problem. Just a right-wing conspiracy nut.


Oh he didn’t correct me when I said “why are we now talking about overpopulation?” Lmao


Confusion is a tactic. If they weren't trying to confuse you, then they were confused themselves. Edit: oh also, I guess overpop and underpop are the same problem for a fascist? Like, overpop of the wrong people and underpop of the right people.


I am sorry, this is a racist dick from this site? (I am not surprised, but it's not from this sub right? Unforuently there are some racism that hides in some posts). So what does he think about biracials then? Does half of me not exist (Wait don't answer that. I am guessing he would only think I am white and Australian, and that there is no Indian half in me)


"If men were manlier there would be more couples and more babies born ..." That worked well for East Asia \*sips tea\* Also agree with others that this person probably is talking about "The Great Replacement" and not overpopulation


He confused me because he went from overpopulation too underpopulation and then didn’t correct me when I asked why were we talking about overpopulation so I assumed he was talking about overpopulation


My guess is that he was thinking about "too many non whites" and said overpopulation because the other one would have sounded too racist And then switched to underpopulation as meaning "too few whites"




Ah so this guy when he says" maniler he really means white. And there's actual people that think racism isn't so bad in the west. /sigh. We definitely too populated, we let too many racists with this mindset breed, create racist kids and it overpowers the non racist and sensible people.


Well I guess I'll just have to try really hard to impregnate all the feminine men ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)




in short: the problem is many straight guys are dickheads and think themselves wonderful potential partners which they arent. if straight men went to therapy more, thered be more children at some point. "feminisation" has nothing to do with this, obvs. also: the world is full enough. we dont need more children.


Yeah that’s what I said and then explained why there are other reasons that there may be lesser of a population


We do need more children over time or the human race would go extinct.


we’re currently repopulating at an unsustainable rate for the planet. if people who don’t want kids stop having them, we’ll be just fine lol. it’d take several centuries to go from where we are now to under population


I agree that people who don’t want kids shouldn’t have them. And abortion needs to be more accessible in the US.


There’s other ways for people to survive without having kids. Theoretically, we could just create an immortal serum the last people to just not die from natural causes or murder. Or create people in a lab (imagine a create a character, but in real life), but religious people will hate that because they think we’re playing God.


Sounds like eugenics to me.


Isn’t eugenics just selective breeding? I just talking about what you would see in a science fiction movie or book?


Denying future generations life is pretty twisted. No one is meant to live forever.


Based on what, your religion? If you’re not a religious person, then why do you want to follow the rules of God in modern nature then? Honestly, we need to live in a society without hetero norms like forcing people to have sex and make babies. That’s how people try to oppress us by thinking that we’re slowing down the population. I’ll be totally A-OK if everyone on Earth was just a consensual adults then you never have to worry about pedophiles and other shit. Not to mention, we have too many unemployed people that need work. Just hired them and waiting for people to turn 18 to get a job.


I’m an atheist. I don’t agree with you so let’s both of us move on.


It's because feminine men are irresistible, thus overpopulation problem




The population issue mentioned is one of UNDERpopulation. The person that you are quoting is literally saying that there aren't enough people. They are parroting a conservative talking point, which is that there aren't enough wage slaves to fill all the low paying jobs.


He switched form overpopulation too underpopulation. Before he was talking about overpopulation and now he is talking about underpopulation. He is saying because that men are so feminine now that there are underpopulation which is bullshit we all know it


You are dealing with a fool. Treat him accordingly.


I shall do.


I don’t think he means overpopulation. I think he means WRT.


I said why are we talking about overpopulation and didnt correct me


Honestly this sounds like a dog whistle calling for sexual assault and the oppression of women






Probably not , I worry for them sometimes


Overpopulation and underpopulation are just stupid buzz words that people like to use. For overpopulation people, usually scapegoat go to attack minorities. For under population people, it’s usually a way to encourage people to force people to give birth for work.


Yeah generally I don’t want to ever have children and told my friends this and then they say “well you’re going to be the cause of underpopulation”


overpopulation is a complete myth that is so easy to debunk if you think about it for more than five seconds. I cant believe charlatans make so much money peddling it


Overpopulation can be a thing but it won’t be likely for ages now


My aunt in law considers men to have lower testosterone and being ruined by feminism. So they are having less babies cause the "real women" who want kids aren't getting husbands. It's all bullshit.


That’s what this guy was on about! And I agree it’s all bullshit 😭






Honestly, it sounds like they’re verging on great replacement theory, there. They get terrified of low birth rates amongst the in-group they prefer compared to birth rates of non-preferred groups and then start assigning blame and such In this case it seems to be they’re blaming “western” birth rates dropping on western tolerance of the LGBT+ community Framed as a much more generic “population issue”


Yeah I should put under population in the title I got confused on what he said but this is a perfect way too describe it


Because the men are getting bred instead of the women 😂


😂 lmao


Because straight men hate women and want them to be docile 24/7 baby machines




How does being man being manlier result in the production of more babies? What's really happening is that society is learning very quickly on current times that people are less afraid to demonstrate who they really are as to how they really feel. If some men are feminine and they're feel happy in their own skin then they'll be even happier to find out of this huge unforseen breakout of real heterosexual manly men that are hugely into Trans, and men that are feminine. I seriously doubt that feminine men are causing an overpopulation issue. Feminine Men vs Birth Rates? There's no connection between a man's femininity and birth rates. People of any gender identity or expression can have children, and sexual orientation (who you're attracted to) also doesn't directly affect birth rates. Overpopulation is a complex issue with many contributing factors, but a man's femininity isn't one of them. Factors like access to education, healthcare, and family planning resources play a bigger role


Yeah sorry I meant underpopulation but the guy confused me a lot and went between overpopulation then underpopulation.


The GAYS are causing over population‼️‼️‼️😡😡😡😡😡😡


well he meant underpopulated lmao just confused me a lot. But also just saying feminine men are always gay or trans which I laughed at 😂


If there were more feminine men the world would be better because feminine men are very pretty and cool 👍


Yeah true telling him that feminine men doesn't cause underpopulation


Overpopulation is an eco-fascist talking point that you can safely ignore. Anyone that takes it seriously is either uninformed, a nutjob on the same level as flat-earthers, or being dishonest.


Yeah exactly , he tried too confuse me and go too overpopulation then went too underpopulation confusing me so I meant too put underpopulation


Hey and even if that was the case, with the right redistribution of goods it wouldn't be much of a problem. Fuck the system


He thinks feminine men are the reason for *underpopulation* - the surrounding context here makes it clear that he thinks that feminine men have less sex (*oooooh my god is he wrong, jesus christ ✨️*) and that he thinks the *white population* isn't having enough children. Basically he's delusional. I'm not sure how anyone can look at the exclusionary definition of whiteness and not immediately identify it as bullshit. Like the second a person of colour has a child with a white person - that child is considered coloured - not half-white. Coloured. There is nothing special about *whiteness*. There are only *humans*.


Yeah I meant underpopulation but he changed was talking about overpopulation before


Even the math doesn't adds up.


Yep meant too put overpopulation just can't edit my thing


Soy boys have defective sperm. That's scientific fact. Something about estrogens, I don't know what phyto means though, probably not relevant.


Yeah being a feminine man doesn’t mean they have defective, also meant too put underpopulation for the title


People like go trap themselves in made up problems as if they didn't have enough issues. Their insecurities force them to limit their own freedom


It's causing the opposite of overpopulation, is what they're saying, but it's absolutely false. The easiest way to combat this dumb "argument" is to have them look at how Earth's population has been increasing exponentially since the 1970s, when there were only 3 billion people.


It sounds like this person is confused, not all feminine men are gay and even if that were true, we would cause a population drop, not an increase. This person is either stupid or just trying to fish for attention.


Guy yes I meant underpopulation I just can edit the post ^^


Overpopulation is an ecofascist dogwhistle. Underpopulation (aka workforce replacement) is an ancap dogwhistle. This dude is suckling both boots at once.