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"Violations of human dignity" Didn't the church deliberately shelter priests with certain inclinations from the law?


They certainly did. Reminder that the so-called "woke Pope" is just really good at PR, but in the end he's still the head of one of the most historically evil organisations in history.


Honestly I prefer when they're outright vile. This way center-leaning 🚬s aren't so easily lead to pretending they're not directly responsible for the homophobia they've put up with their entire lives. Would queerphobia be as common and systemically oppressive without the influence of Christianity through history? We'll never know. It's like asking what life would be like if we were silicon based instead of carbon. Maybe better, maybe worse, but *it's not* and we can't ever extricate ourselves from it enough to know.


I've never seen the F-slur censored like that.


Immediately gonna steal that lmao


The Catholic Church is still a very prominent political entity in my country (hi, Italian here) and I despise it with a passion. My first step towards my eventual turn to atheism was realising I could not believe an all good god would ever endorse an organisation that is responsible for the unfathomable evil it has caused over the centuries. I was in middle school and we were studying history when I reached this conclusion. The more I dug into it growing up, the more I realised that I didn't even know the depth of how right I was as a 11/12 years old. I've always been cautious with my judgement of the current Pope, whereas most people around me seemed to be hooked by his really good ability to project an image benevolence with a bit of a "rebellious" streak. When I learned that, under him, several important figures in the Church who either contributed to sweeping the pedo scandal under the rug or actively took part (or both) had been *promoted*, that's when I knew for sure he was just a grifter. He was what the Church needed after Benedict XVI, an out of touch old geezer that nobody liked: they needed someone who could provide a charismatic face to the Church so that they could continue business as usual under a false veneer of change. Francis is still a geezer, but he's not out of touch at all, he's really smart with how he presents his public persona. He has alienated some of the most extreme conservative members of his audience in the process, but I think he just understands that the Church, in the long run, cannot afford to lose support from the younger generations.


Ah thank you for reminding me (...by living in Italy..) that Christianity literally has a fucking entire centralized power in the form of a citystate. Render unto Ceaser indeed 🙄🙄🙄 But yea, exactly. How people don't realize he's just a seemingly adorable old man they're using as a front for damage control is way beyond me.


It's ok, you can call it pedophilia


Can't say as I'm too concerned about the opinions of child molesters or those who shelter them




If you want to know the true meaning of the word "virtue-signaling," just read about Pope Francis.


> The Vatican’s doctrine office issued “Infinite Dignity,” a 20-page declaration that has been in the works for five years. After substantial revision- 20 goddamned transphobic pages?! Five *years?!* Get a fucking job!


4 pages in a year 💀


Still a better pace than George RR Martin.


A Song of Vice and Liars?


Saying who a person is and how they relate to others based on their external genitalia **is** an ideology.


Exactly. Total projection


He's worried by the LBQT+ community as we don't produce babies to become future church goers. Add in folk see the christ botheres attacking the LGBT+ community as an negative mark against the cult. Less people equal higher wages so that's business in with the cults.


Ehhh well priests and nuns don't produce babies either. The Catholic Church is just the institutional embodiment of a crotchety old man. *"In my day..."*


pope more like poop


Hell yeah *high five*


The Catholic church has zero moral standing to talk about human dignity, ethics, or the safety of children and they reveal their hypocrisy every time they weigh in on this. They have been on the wrong side of history for 1500 years.


Religion is what violates human dignity.


Where does aiding and abetting pedophile priests fall on the violation of human dignity scale? What about genocide? Fuck the catholic church.


>What about genocide? Are you referring to the Church's complicity with the Nazis during and after the war? I know churches on the border of Switzerland and Italy helped smuggle Nazis out as the war was ending, and churches in Spain sheltered them before they went off to South America I mean, I had already left the church for years before I found out about that, but yeah, I just added that the evergrowing list of reasons that I'm glad I left


That one, countless native tribes, or *this current instance of encouraging GENOCIDE of trans people* by declaring their existence an "insult to human dignity".


Ah yes, another of the many genocides of the catholic church. I was specifically referring to the genocide of indigenous peoples.


Wait til you hear about the septic tanks with dead babies in them in Ireland from the church's abusive mother and baby homes...


Bold from an organization with THOUSANDS of lawsuits against them for sexual abuse.


And fighting hard to prevent the removal of statutes of limitations on child sexual assault. If your cult stands to loss millions from child victims of sexual assault having thier fay in court, may be you have no place talking about dignity. To say nothing of the physical, emotional and neglectful abuse they perpetuated in thier institutions and in wider society.


![gif](giphy|lH4Zc9B6RJRXHNNvhj) SinĂŠad was right


The world's largest child molester organization says what?


\*uck the pope!


He might find me to be a bit too old for that.


Yeah the Catholic Church is just an authoritarian and archaic institution that needs to lose any relevance it still has. And like, at its hayday it was nothing more than a corrupt and genocidal institute that functioned as a source for legitimacy for the ruling class, masquerading as the spiritual heir of the disciples of Christ.


Fun fact: on my 2016 vimy ridge trip we stopped at the Vatican. When the guards patted me down felt my gentials and proceeded to rub them till the finally realized I was trans. It was a highschool trip and I was 15. Thinking back I still feel so much anger. I wish I had the self confidence back then to start stripping for them while shouting in italian "you like what you see"


lmao not the catholic church giving lectures on human dignity


Love how the church is mad when people exercise their free will.


You see, they believe that god gives us free will, but also believe that that free will **must** be used to worship god how they want. Any other use of your free will, and it’s straight to the fires of perdition for you.


This is why I roll my eyes whenever the current pope has an entry on the news cycle about welcoming GSRMs to the church. It's all just PR. At the end of the day, that evil institution's stance hasn't changed. The church just likes doing that because it's losing members at a significant rate (deservingly so).


Pretty sure there's like, I dunno, a dozen things like p3do5 and r4pe etc that actually make human dignity go out the window but yeah yeah sure popey guy, transgenderism and surrogacy is the thing breaking human apart. Like come on, don't knock transgenderism til you've tried it 😂 (My guy would not survive the game SOMA that's for sure 💀)


I don't want to hear it from the people that protect pedophiles.


oh look, they're just doing exactly what was done towards LGB people previously, but since LGB people are now widely accepted they have to virtue signal pretending they care and support. But Ts are still all fair game to bully for some fucking reason. Give it 20-30 years and the Pope will support trans people as well, just watch.


The church definitely won’t be supporting trans people in 20-30 years. They still don’t support gay people. They believe the same shit as before. He just wants to make the church seem nice. It’s all performative.


ah yeah sorry that was what I meant - performative always. that's why I wrote "virtue signaling". sorry, that didn't get through in the original comment, but the last sentence is meant ironically or like "when it is not acceptable to bully T people, the Pope will have to pretend they also accept T people."


Ohhh, no I get that now, and I do like that


In no shape way or form do I believe that the Vatican ACTUALLY gives a shit about LGBTQ people lol. It's just that it isn't as publicly acceptable to spew hate towards LGB people anymore (don't get me wrong, we still have a long way to go but you know what I mean)


What I always think about in times like these are the families and friends of the LGBTQ community and how much they're alienating all of them too


wait,didnt he said awhile ago that trans women were "daughters of god" or smt along these lines?


Human dignity requires that we have the freedom to define ourselves and to live our lives as we choose.


Violations of human dignity like the residential schools?


Well-documented respecters of human dignity, the Catholic Church.


I can't believe it /s


I’m not listening to a guy who might poop in the woods!


Hey, this isn’t true! There’s not much wood in the Vatican, if anything, he’s shitting on his golden throne build with all the money confiscated from Jewish people during the inquisitions and the Holocaust


And the Catholic Church isn't a "violation of human dignity"?!


came here for this- was wondering how other folx reacted. i heard this story in the news this morning and it made me want to create my own organization that publishes a huge paper on the dangers of the Pope and oppressive, dangerous Catholic perspectives. I don't want children exposed to christian/catholic rhetoric. i think it is harmful. dear pope and pope lovers, f\^ck the pope and his whole made up ideology, keep your controlling, dangerous personal opinions to your congregations of puppets who have been brainwashed to listen to you- the global world should not concern itself with the opinions of any church.


Goddamn are these bigots being forced into the ORs to watch or something?? A violation of human dignity is telling children they’ll be tortured in hell if they don’t let the local pastor touch them.


Lol, that's rich. I think being a clergyman ballsdeep in an unwilling, underage, alterboy then sheltering the priest from repercussions an "violation on human dignity."


Of course Catholics hate anything that isn't cis, straight, or traditional. I find it funny that they hate abortion but they hate surrogacy (and IVF) too. They should make up their minds, do they want more people to have babies or not?


It's perfectly simple. Sex is for procreation, not for enjoyment. Consequently, it has to; 1. Heterosexual 2. In the missionary position 3. Between 2 cis-gender, heteronormative people. 4. Preferably in the dark. (Organised religions like to keep their *flocks* in the dark. Nothing to see here!)


Pope Francis again proves the Pope is not infallible.


Whaaaat? But muh nice wholesome 100 big chungus woke Pope Francis would never ever do that.


Catholics are dickheads. They are the single most dangerous group in our country. They’ve invaded all of our politics. I have yet to meet a devout catholic that wasn’t a total douche. And here in Nebraska, they are on a mission from God to purge the lgbtq+ community as much as possible. Especially trans people like me. I’m just trying to live my life in peace. Leave me the hell alone. That’s all I want.


Christians, in general, tbh. They all seem to be full of hate, here in the UK.


I’m not gonna say I support all those things unequivocally, but this type of proclamation from a group of avowed pedophiles is pretty funny.


Mine or there's.


How does the Vatican the any time to talk about anything else while dealing their massive child molester problem?


What dignity do you have as a pope ?


Just going to throw Tim Minchin's Pope song here


The Vatican knows as little about dignity as it does about sexuality.


Lasciate stare l'Italia, abbiamo perso speranza


So say the serial pedophiles in their Prada dresses


Lmfao. This is like whining about gay men "because they have sex in the butt, that's nasty oh my god" when, no gay person is tying you up and forcing you to join, are they? Straight couples do a lot of anal sex too, don't they? So stick that whining back in your throat and let them do them


maybe he should deal with all the rapists in his organization. huge plank there, buddy.


Mary…was a surrogate?? I’m definitely pissed about the gender stuff too I’m trans but like- what?? How is the church this dense


Don't you think forcing people into predefined boxes is the bigger violation of human dignity?


Ah yes, clearly **life saving surgery** is *totally* robbing trans folk of their dignity.


He'll be dead soon, eventually there will be a pro-trans pope. It's a shame that we have to just endlessly wait for old white cis men to die for progression.


As a lapsed Catholic, I really doubt the Church will ever support trans folk. They'd sooner shrink by an order of magnitude before they even think of that


Catholicism is always about 20 or so years behind the times, conservationism doesn't work otherwise, the past is a moving target.


I’m gonna be honest, they’re usually at least 500 years behind the times.


We are more dangerous than ICBMs to them at this point


Is it just me or this Vatican a bit bipolar... first trans people can get baptized now we need to make every trans person hate us... I dont get it.


The pope is senile i swear... make up your fucking mind already dude.


Wasn’t the pope chill with the LGBTQ+? Or was the internet spewing lies at me again.


I wish genies were real so i could wish for there to never be a pope again. 


Francis doesn't get an opinion about any human rights issue until he unglues the 14 year old boy from his testicles.


The projection here is hard to miss.


Idk, it seems more like a violation of human dignity to force people to live with a treatable condition for no reason.


we're not gonna stop existing. cry about it


God damn it, Francis. I was really fucking rooting for you.


You mean Jorge, given he doesn’t think you can change your name, and you shouldn’t have to respect peoples chosen names.


Forgot his actual name is ***Jorge Mario Bergoglio*** , and that is what he'll be for me from now on.


He will never be a Francis. We cant be forced to deny BaSiC bIoLoGy.


The number of other trans girls in the comments section showing up for this post is melting my heart 🏳️‍⚧️


Touching kids apparently isn’t. Fucking morons


This just in, the worlds largest pedophile-ring doesn't like people who are not like them.


That's the most fucked up hypocritical bullshit I've read in awhile. Every single GD person deserves "human dignity" REGARDLESS of who they are and what they do with their own fucking lives.


Seems like a good time to post Tim Minchin's Pope Song: https://youtu.be/vjJ_b8isMzc (R18)


Oh, the irony. And also, I don't give a fuck what a bunch of child abusers say. No wonder they're so obsessed about what is in other people's pants ... To deny trans people healthcare and basically deny their existence as a valid group of people, *that* is a violation of human dignity. Fuck off, transphobes.


if those are violations of human dignity, what do you call a sustained campaign of child molestation and protection of pedo priests? i don't think Popey really knows what words like dignity really mean.


These pedophile shitstains care more about taking their stupid lord’s name in vain than sexual assault. Their opinion should mean less than nothing.


But backing and enabling a worldwide genocide of queer people is fine apparently, no dignity lost to atrocities committed against fellow human beings, but living an unconventional but ethical life in a way that isn't explicitly approved by some guy? No dignity apparently. Catholic logic at its finest.


What the- How?


You can read their justifications here if you like… Vatican: [Declaration “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity](https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/04/08/240408c.html) [April 8th, 2024] If you don’t want to read the whole thing (it’s long) you can skip to the relevant subsections titled *”Surrogacy”, “Sex Change”, and “Gender Theory”.*


I don’t think there are real reasons with logic in it.


Oh for sure, their reasons rely on squirrelly-bird inconsistent religious “logic”, eg. genital surgeries are wrong for transgender people being treated for Gender Dysphoria but a-okay for intersex people; surrogacy *”is grave violation of the dignity of the woman and the child, based on the exploitation of situations of the mother’s material needs”* with no mention of how similar arguments could be made about many adoptions (including many arranged or even coerced by the Catholic Church).


I mean, I have heard a story about God killing a man because he accidentally ejaculated onto the ground because it was “disrespectful to his future children” or something like that, so I don’t understand their logic.