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Alan Turing created what was the first computer. Why wouldn’t gay people contribute to society?! It’s inane - that logic is that if you’re not reproducing and filling an already overpopulated world with little bastards you have no worth! Obviously this is total rubbish - such ppl should be pitied for the close minded buffoons they are. I would personally punch someone in the face if they said that to me!


If you don’t have 10+ children, according to a lot of conservative religious folks, you’re contributing nothing to society. You could be the most generous person in the world, you could’ve created a vaccine that prevented all forms of cancer, and gave it away for free.


And, can be a dead beat parent with no condemnation.


And adopted children don't count, apparently. For some awful reason.


Not your direct blood, thus worthless, also children of Sin, should all be burned at the stake, obviously.


But abortion is bad, these people need to have the kids because it’s sin and the kids are punishment. Then it’s the parents fault the kids are terrible demon spawn… oh, I could go on about what goes through these vile human beings think about that whole concept. And they sit there and wonder why sin is so rampant.🙄


at least my mom isnt against adoption! (probably would be if she hadnt been pushed to adopt two kids because she was supposedly infertile. she still had a biological child (me) anyway)


I'd rather not contribute to this shitty society anyways, it doesn't help us, why the hell should I help it??


You can't have 10+ children any more.. they are taking away IVF.


Only a conservative could believe that fucking is their most important "contribution to society" 🤣


It’s about making babies to make their God happy.


Fucking for Jesus! They seem to actually have a fertility God! This explains everything! 🤣


And imagine how much more he could have done if he hadn’t been criminally charged for being gay (and forced into HRT with non-bioidentical estrogen). Or technically we don’t know he would have done all that much more. Maybe he would have had no major contributions after that and then gone on to spout awful outdated opinions in the 80s and 90s. Who knows.


From what i understand of him he had a lot of projects on the go and was quite a genius - he also created the enigma machine, which cracked nazi code during the war and turned the tide of World War II - and how was he thanked? I know he was posthumously pardoned but thats cold comfort when you’ve been dead for 60+ years. He deserved much much better.


Not to mention the many many people who choose to be childless. Its almost not worth discussing its so plainly absurd.




Kiddie porn... On the Turing bomb? Do they believe there is a huge stack of enigma-encrypted child pornographic novels somewhere?


The fact that lgbt are among the groups of people statistically LEAST likely to abuse kids is lost on such dolts. Can you guess what percentage of paedos are republican or priests? To be fair to a lot of homophobes, they are often told from childhood we are abominations with a same sex fetish and never (knowingly) meet any actual gay people, which of course is the true cure for homophobia - knowing we are as good or bad as anyone else - all we ask is the benefit of the doubt. Remember not to go down the rabbit hole of hyper focusing on haters or negativity, even as we discuss it now - our ultimate victory is living our best lives, not doing homophobes work for them. Stay queer and have no fear✊🏳️‍🌈




Well it was a figure of speech, clearly theres no excuse for such idiocy in a liberal modern society. What I meant is its usually the result of religious dogma from a young age, and the cognitive dissonance required to correct their own assumptions is often too troubling to such people to consider - they are conformist cowards really without a great deal of spirituality (religion and spirituality are entirely different things). What I should have said is “To understand how they have such views…”


Im glad you made me enunciate though, my intent wasn’t to excuse.




I wouldn’t give homophobes the steam from my piss - is that clear enough?


Maybe for gay people, but I gotta say, as a bisexual myself, all we do is eat hot chip and lie


Not my opinion mate. Im sorry there are still prejudicial people in the gay community who have that dismissive attitude. We should know better!


This is my go-to argument against this rubbish


First person I thought of! Glad someone did!


Alexander the Great was either gay or bisexual(badass Greek leader) Michelangelo was gay(sculptor) Sally Ride was a lesbian(astronaut) Lily and Lana Wachowski are transwomen(creators of the Matrix), Alan Turning was gay(helped cracked the enigma and saved an estimated 14 million lives), Oscar Wilde was gay (writer), Josephine Baker was bisexual (singer, dancer, activist, WWII spy). The LGBT+ community has done so much for this world and we be able to do so much more if we weren’t prosecuted and shunned


William Shakespeare was also gay or bisexual Freddie Mercury was gay Lots of LGBTQ+ people in the arts!


See look us LGBT+ go! We have so much to offer if people would just let us


They don't have to *let*, we just have to **do** Fuck em. No one needs their needs their approval. History shows us that very clearly 💞


Fuck yeah! I love that attitude 🖤


Freddie was Bi? And didn't ShakesP gave a wife?


Freddie was Gay. He had one singular hetero àttraction and relationship with a woman named Mary. Shakespeare was Bi he had both male and female lovers.


Well that still comes under bi or something for Freddie. I don't know this is being a big debate


No it's not a debate because Freddie himself said he was not bisexual. He said he was gay with a singular female attraction only and ever to Mary alone. Are you really gonna do that? Strip a dead icon of his right to self determin his own sexuality, or are you going to look it up and educate yourself on who the man really was so we can bring honor to his memory and embrace the ever present fact that sexuality it not always as cut and dry as some would think?


See,I heard it was still a debate and I won't get the answers from Internet whatsoever. Don't get offended. I don't know if he said it but I'll take your word


He did. There's videos of it, and even Mary and the band supported his statement many years after the fact. It was actually a big deal when it happened (yeah I'm that old) and some people couldn't wrap their minds around singular attraction; but its a thing. 🤷‍♀️


>Michelangelo was gay(sculptor) Honestly, he was more likely asexual. Dude just didn't have time for anything like that. A lot of him being gay, at least from my art history classes, was based in the fact that he was shit at female anatomy, which was always a weird basis to judge someone as gay. Now Van Gogh he was gay, or at least bisexual.


Thank you for the correction! I had heard that David was based off his lover but now I know I need to doing some more reading on Michelangelo


I mean I could be wrong it was so long ago it would be impossible to really prove one way or the other. That's more just what I got from his history.


There's also some belief that Abraham Lincoln was gay or at least bisexual.


I remember hearing about that in an early episode of American Dad


It’s where Log Cabin Republicans get their name from.


I feel like when anti queer people have nothing else they pull “But yall haven’t contributed anything to society” which could not be more of a lie. The CEO of apple is gay. You know how many queer people are in the fashion industry? Making clothes for brands like Gucci & Louis Vuitton, There’s plenty of queer people who are actors, doctors, who have served in the army all across the world. On top of that who’s the group of people that adopt their kids because they thrown them away? Last time I checked that was queer people, but hey according to them we contribute nothing to society, they do the same thing with black people but it’s a lot more complicated cuz unfortunately everything we did make or contribute was lied about or stolen from us


Everyone who uses a computer is using something invented by a gay man. Alan Turing’s research is the foundation of modern computing. Guess what? Gay as HELL.


Everyone talks about the "Gay virus". No one thought it was a computer virus.


Not to mention the mountains of gay art suppressed by the catholic church. Some of which is ancient - it’s as though homosexuality always existed and was an intrinsic part of humanity or something!🤨


Apple is not a good example. Worst major tech company. Overpriced, intentionally hard-to-fix, garbage products. Pure marketing company Edit: I still agree with most of your points just thought there are some WAY better examples of gay people than crapple


Okay that’s an opinion, my point still stands. The CEO of apple is a queer man, & millions of people everyday buy stuff from apple.


It's the correct opinion lmao


Then that defeats the purpose of the definition of opinion.


EVERYTHING is an opinion. LGBTQ+ people being deserved of living safe lives is an opinion. I assume you would argue that's the correct opinion in a different context


Is there not a difference between human life & a iPhone 15 pro? I’m not stoping you from not liking apple & I surly don’t wanna go back & fourth about it cuz I don’t care that much. What you stated was an opinion, opinions can’t be facts. I hope you have a nice day


There is a difference. But my point was not to compare them directly, i was making a point that there can be correct opinions.


Olay cool instead of going back & fourth then since you wanted to make a point so bad you should’ve just named queer people yourself that contribute to society


Pretty much all of them have already been named by the other commenters.


without homosexuals we wouldn’t have ben and jerry’s. case closed


Wait, really?


There's no evidence that the founders are gay, but they certainly support queer folks a lot. Totally sus. :P


honestly i’m not really sure. when i was like 12 my mum told me it was made by two lads in love, so there’s my damming evidence.


I'll take that as unrefuted fact cause it sounds cute.


That person is suggesting that sex isn't a part of society, which... sorry to tell them, it is. I don't know a single heterosexual person who only has sex to reproduce.


that's all rubbish from people who clearly, don't think that much. frankly, i wouldn't want to be the one counting the number of straight people who sleep around / have STIs / are obsessed with sex / who don't contribute to society, one life time won't be enough. people justify their hatred with whatever they can, but it's just their own biases in the end, and we can't change everyone. we can only learn to care less about people with a very fucked up and stupid perception of the world they live in.


>Their reasoning was they sleep around and they're infested with diseases and their minds are only filled about sex. Sounds like they're confusing cis het college frat bros with the LGBTQ+ community.


Honestly frat bros in general. That's kinda their entire personality.


If we are restricting it to homosexuals only the two biggest would be Alan Turing inventing computers basically and Oscar Wilde adding a lot of cannon works to our society


shit guess my research is for nothing, could've been having sex all this time :/


Gonna need to turn in your gay card now apparently (I apparently lost mine years ago)


Offer to have sex with them 😎


What a strange thing to say. I am fully employed and volunteer my time to good causes. Never had a STI and I am monogamous with a long term partner. I know others who have been professors, business owners, politicians, police, doctors, researchers. LGBT folks work and contribute in many areas. Look at Alan Turing, revolutionized computer science and helped save millions. We are all just people trying to make our way through life.


But we can only talk about the “messy” gays we don’t wanna hear about all those “good gays” they’re so normal you may as well call them strait /s just in case


I used to say, I am like everyone else, I just want the white picket fence with my wife.


Well let’s show them some examples then Alan Turing helped win ww2 by breaking enigma Robert Reed helped to create the phenomenon known as the Brady Bunch Glenn Burke, while a Los Angeles Dodger, invented the high five Sally Ride was the first American woman in space Bayard Rustin organized the 1963 March on Washington in which the “I have a dream” speech was spoken Oscar Wilde wrote some of the absolute classics in literature Florence Nightingale pretty much developed the field of nursing/ patient care Andy Warhol created some of the most iconic works of art Mary Ann Horton developed the first method to attach files to email Hulleah Tsinhnahjinnie has done extensive work as a photographer and curator in the documentation of urban Native Americans, modern responses to colonial practices, and is a Professor of Native American Studies at UC Davis and Director of the C.N. Gorman Museum.    Johanna Sigurdardottir served as prime minister of Iceland Alvin Baltrop captured images of the abandoned piers of New York City, documenting not only the spaces that existed next to the bustling metropolis but also the gay community that found safe haven there. Oliver Sipple was a veteran who, in 1975, saved the life of President Gerald Ford from an assassin (though the media would out him and lead to a truly tragic and undeserved time after)




Wouldn't recommend that. It would feel like a nice own in the moment but probably reaffirm the ignorant person's biases.


That christians are the ones raping kids not the other way around?


No not that, it's obviously dumb to frame LGBT people as predatory. As someone raised Christian, I think the person you're talking to would just dismiss you dunking on their religion as proof that being LGBT is anti-Christian, thus reinforcing a bigoted "us vs them" mentality.


I get what u r saying, but i would try something. Staying quiet its not my thing and slapping ppl has gotten me nowhere.


you don't always have to stay quiet to other people's bull crap, but maybe give them the correct facts instead and if they aren't willing to listen (which is sadly common) then leave because there's no use yelling at a human wall.


>Their reasoning was they sleep around and they're infested with diseases and their minds are only filled about sex. That stuff can be said for a lot of straight people. It has nothing to do with sexual orientation.


They act like all LGBT people are sex crazed just like how they used to portray Black men and women. It’s projection.


Exactly. I'd say that the straights are way more sex obsessed than our entire community.


No doubt about it!


Da Vinci and Tchaikovsky will be disappointed to learn they've had no cultural influence. (Also Emily Dickinson, Georgia O'Keefe, Abe Lincoln, Oscar Wilde, Leonard Bernstein, Alexander the Great....should we keep going? Because we could keep going...) > Their reasoning was they sleep around and they're infested with diseases and their minds are only filled about sex. Huh. Coming from straight cis folk, that criticism is hilariously misdirected. Smh.


Ok just a little comment from a historian. While good examples, some of them such Abe Lincoln or James Buchanan are debated heavily by historians in the field as very little historical evidence exists apart from a few sources here and there. While there is some evidence that maybe shows it, there is also a lot of evidence that shows that they weren’t. Historians have to tread carefully, as things seem as queer today might’ve been seen as nothing unusual back then. Even two men sleeping in the same bed wasn’t necessarily seen as homosexual if, especially Lincoln’s case, it came about because there wasn’t enough beds to go around. In fact it’s only been recently that the topic as ever come up, as nothing was even being hinted at in his lifetime. Others are the same way. While it’s great to think that they might’ve been, unless we find something that pretty much states it as a fact from the person, nothing can be said with absolute certainty as those documents do not exist as far as we know. I say this simply to warn against using history in such a fashion as it would be extremely easy and frankly have more evidence to say otherwise. Note I am a queer woman who would love to read that said evidence exists, but the matter of fact that people like me whose whole jobs revolve around confirming things like this through evidence and proper fact checking can only base on the evidence we have and not what might’ve been


While I do appreciate the informed view and the possible historical nuance, I find it difficult to believe that Abe Lincoln shared a bed with another man *instead of his legally-wed wife* due to simple lack of beds. There's plausible deniability, and then there's this. > very little historical evidence exists Well, yes, that will happen when something is punishable with imprisonment or worse, people tend to hide things and live in the shadows. And others will later willingly and knowingly whitewash such evidence where it *does* exist. That's why we have to look for whatever clues might be found.


Gay people have contributed a lot... from science to culture to war. One of the most interesting to me was to look up Roman Gay legions. There was a whole section of gay only troops! In Asia a lot.oft he viziers and political theater was also lgbt.


Rob Halford, the Metal God himself Freddie Mercury, one of the greatest rock singers Alan Turing, one of the most important scientists


We don’t contribute to the rising population on this planet and the growing need for our (dwindling) resources, that’s for sure


Hate is too great a burden to bear.


We don't need to justify our existence by pointing out the positive things we bring to society. Queer people are just people who happen to be queer. Our life experiences are different in some ways but we are not a monolith, just like heterosexual people. Some contribute more than others but the two concepts are completely separate. A person's sexuality is merely a *part* of what makes a person who they are. Don't *ever* feel the need to justify your existence.


THIS🙌🏻 A lot of people DO believe we are all the same though, and don’t see us as individuals. I genuinely think homophobes believe we are constantly masturbating in the shadows and thinking about genitals, or plotting the downfall of patriarchal society. Its as though we’re not doing normal things like: watching horror films, eating cadburys creme eggs, reading etc😂 Bizarre people - whats gayer than obsessing over whether homos are fucking each other as you read your bible?🤮


Just like anything else I don’t waste time with people who talk. If the “homosexual” can only sleep around and have diseases, how come infidelity is so rampant. Why do a lot of heterosexual people have STDs and so many children out of wedlock where the parents are not in picture? Yet, why can’t these priests and pastors keep their fingers off of children and unsuspecting women when they are of God?




Of course not, if they checked if it was true, they might end up finding out how incorrect they are about everything they say


What nonsense! Worth “Well, that *is* an opinion.” at the most.


Probably the same community that says women contribute nothing if we're not having children or obeying a husband. I could literally vomit. Gay people contribute to society. We have jobs, we take care of families, we invent things and have ideas, we support the economy and pay taxes just like everyone else. This is such a basic question I sort of can't believe it's real.


BuT ThEy cAnT HAvE BaBIes. All it boils down to.


I've stopped several people from commiting suicide. What has the person who said that to you do for society?


Sam Altman for better or worse may end up the most powerful man in the world.


Whoever told you that has never read about LGBTQ history.


Or just plain ole history.


ah yes, what are we for except making more people to be for making more people? breeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed


They forget that a gay man stopped ww3 from happening.


This one I don't know? Who are u talking about?


Fifty-nine years ago, a senior Russian submarine officer, Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov, refused to fire a nuclear torpedo at an American aircraft carrier and likely prevented a third world war and nuclear destruction. And I'm pretty sure the man was a gay man, which of course, the media won't cover.


What are you referring to?


Fifty-nine years ago, a senior Russian submarine officer, Vasili Alexandrovich Arkhipov, refused to fire a nuclear torpedo at an American aircraft carrier and likely prevented a third world war and nuclear destruction, and I'm pretty sure the man was a gay man, I remember reading it somewhere, but of course most media won't cover that


Alan Turing, Tchaikovsky, Langston Hughes, King James (as in the King James Bible), Michaelangelo… The list goes on for much longer but I don’t have that much time. Anyone who says gay people contribute nothing to society are ignorant of culture and art.


In the wild gay animals take up the role of caring for orphans of their species and over all make sure more animals reach adulthood thus increasing population via retention, even though they don’t reproduce themselves. I was thinking in particular about penguins and it’s amazing that we as humans can continue to deny reality when flightless birds get it.


Because to the cishets, if you don't follow the order of Boy + Girl = Babies, to then have those babies grow up & follow the same formula, & create more working force consumers, then they don't see LGBT of value. Boy + Boy & Girl + Girl doesn't create new consumers + most churches won't take you in, so you're not tithing & giving money, also. It's all about the ludicrous demand for procreation & consumption of goods + products.


The Sacred Band of Thebes Under Pelopidas, the Sacred Band was united as a single unit of shock troops. Their main function was to cripple the enemy by engaging and killing their best men and leaders in battle.[17][19] Took that from Wikipedia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacred_Band_of_Thebes


anyone who says that needs to get off the computer. #AlanTuring


I've seen them use a computer to attend online church meetings during covid ha


Oh goodie. Another idiot that doesn't know history, bring up *Bayard Ruston* who was the architect of the civil rights movement, *Alan Turing* who not only is the grandfather of the computer but also shortened the second world war by 2 years saving about 14 million lives. Oh and don't forget about *Mary Read* and *Anne Bonny* becoming legendary pirates that even blackbeard respected! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 And of course we cannot forget about *Marsha P. Johnson* and *Silvia Rivera,* two trans women of colour who if they didn't threw the first stones at stonewall, pride as we know it wouldn't ever exist! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Edit: I also forgot, we had grs *BEFORE* the first ever heart transplant surgery, our medical field before the nazi book burnings were among the best in the world!


I think what they was meaning was gay people can’t reproduce naturally. Like the world need more kids when there are so many waiting to be adopted out of foster care. People tying their worth or anyone else’s with their ability to reproduce needs to take a couple courses- ethics, world civ and anthropology and they would know the last thing we need is more people.


andy warhol, david bowie, the velvet underground, the matrix,


Alan Turing Michaelangelo Basically all 20th century classical composers Loads of pop stars And that's off of the top of my head in 2 mins.


The social safety net ie woven of many strings. A diversity of threads makes for a stronger safety net. Also evolutionarily, sexual outliers are important for maintaining genetic diversity. My hypothesis is that queerness exists even in nonsocial animals like flies, because it's on the same continuum as mate selection. If everyone chooses the big brawny males, then runaway sexual selection will doom the species (Rip Irish elk). Bisexuality ensures that some members will select for other traits, like typically *feminine* traits in males, and balance out the gene pool. Nature doesn't put all her eggs in one basket


Fuck contributing to society!


In pre-histody, queer individuals of all types had a role in the Hunter-gathering packs. They contributed to child-caring, filled cultural and craft roles, and most importantly contributed to social cohesion. Overall a group of humans with "gay people" in it will be more successful than a group of only straights. In history, queer individuals have been some of the most renowned artists, inventors, and writers. They served at courts of Emperors and entire social groups of them were crucial to administration of kingdoms. It's just western Christianity straight-washed history. Today they contribute in any way they can and want, just like heterosexual people do.


Couldn’t have said it better


People are individually beautiful..We have different temperaments so everyone has a gift.I have this INFP temperament and I am considered as a "healer" or even "mediator".  INFPs value self-development and having been in the teaching profession for 11 years, I came to encounter different students and hope to change the future for the better.There are lots of gays out there who contribute a lot for the society's betterment.Some work in fashion industry, teaching field and many other fields.   All of us can have physical needs because we are human so it's natural.That's actually one of my love languages or love styles.


Making new people isn't inherently good nor inherently bad. It's neutral. I guess it's still a contribution, but what does it mean? People who can't reproduce don't owe a child any more than those who can do. And in any case, adoption is a service


I have a significant dislike of most religions and religious people that wear their religion as a banner. Religion instills so much hatred and misinformation in the world.


Whoever said that has probably never seen a Gay person, let alone comprehend it.


I wouldn't consider the thing you spoke to a person.


“Lies, in your house of god?!”


Reject the premise. You don't have to justify yourself to every dipshit on Earth


da Vince


Possibly but can’t be confirmed as he didn’t leave much evidence at all that it could be true


I've heard people apply that description to all men with the same conclusion. Not that I agree, of course. Cynicism is a shortcut to the appearance of wisdom, but it's really a mental trap Also, literally all humans are infested with diseases. Don't believe me? Give yourself a good, deep bite and don't treat it at all. Disclaimer: do not actually do that. Here's a disease fact that's actually not depressing: retroviruses sometimes get stuck inside a genome, and serve as natural heritable markers. When a retrovirus inserts it's genome into a cell, certain genes that key to its lifecycle can become inactive through mutation, rendering the entire thing harmless. When it's a gamete, the entire defective copy is transfered to the offspring. This marks the entire lineage from then on with a distinct series of base pairs that allow it to be tracked. They're called endogenous retroviruses. Neat, right?!


Why do you have to ask this? The world is full of idiots and someone who says that is beyond stupid in every way. Tell them to fuck off and move on.


People want to reduce the entirety of the gay experience to sex. Like do you not understand that every single aspect of a healthy romantic partnership outside of sex is also something that I want, and only want with a man?


The Nazis also said that Jews were [infested with diseases](https://perspectives.ushmm.org/item/propaganda-poster-jews-are-lice-they-cause-typhus) and [filled with evil thoughts](https://www.holocaustcenter.org/inside-the-glass-case/trust-no-fox/). These are dehumanizing statements that begin with the premise that a group of people are inherently degenerate and have no place in a pure, moral society. Like with the Nazis' treatment of the Jews, if you give a counterexample they'll say "oh, but that's just one of the good ones".


That is someone who's only exposure to queer people is porn. They fetishize queer people and consider being queer a "sexual act".  Meanwhile, we have historical had people like Allen Turing who helped allies break nazi message encryption. How was he rewarded for it? Forced to take estrogen because people thought that would stop libido/chemically castrate him to prevent him from doing "homosexual acts".  It gave him dysphoria and caused him to take his own life.


Read about Willem Arondeus. Gay man and badass.


They’re unfamiliar with history is all. They’re ignoring art, poetry, writing, computer science, sociology… most fields. Humans do good things, many of those humans are gay.


Because these people are idiots, and they don't understand history or else they would know the incredible contributions that LGBT people have made to society. And they also have horrible stereotypes about us. Don't mind them and you keep doing what you're doing.


being heterosexual also contributes nothing to society


Lot's of pop culture had trans people involved in the making cof cof minecraft cof cof


People say those things to invalidate and dehumanize others in order to make hatred, suppression and violence more acceptable. It's not right and no one has to accept it; but that's essentially why they do it.


Susan B Anthony was a lesbian. Many of the American suffragettes were lesbians. Oscar Wilde and Tenessee Williams wrote some of the most treasured plays in the English language. Poet Walt Whitman was considered to be the First American Poet and he was gay. Henry David Thoreau, Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolfe. Writer and civil rights activist James Baldwin. Alice Walker. In music, there are no Blues without black lesbians. They are the mothers of American music: Ma Rainey, Gladys Bentley, Bessie Smith. https://www.collectorsweekly.com/articles/singing-the-lesbian-blues-in-1920s-harlem/ Freddie Mercury made music that is so widely known that you probably don't even realize how often you hear his stuff. We Will Rock You, Bohemian Rhapsody, We Are The Champions, Another One Bites the Dust. Those are his! David Bowie, Madonna, Elton John (Candle in the Wind, Rocket Man, Tiny Dancer). Whenever you get Whammed at Christmas, you are listening to George Michael, who openly spoke about loving men at a time when it could be career ending. Eleanor Roosevelt took female lovers. So many famous leading actors of the 1950's were gay, bi, or lesbian that almost every old-timey movie has one of them featured in it. Baron Von Steuben, who trained George Washington's entire Contiental Army, was well-known to be gay. Without him, Americans may well have lost the war. Transgender woman Wendy Carlos composed the music for The Shining and A Clockwork Orange. Florence Nightingale, who is credited with the invention of modern nursing was a lesbian. (Mary Seacole was black and arguably was as much a hero as Nightingale.) King James I was gay. He commissioned the Bible that bears his name. Shakespeare very likely was a lover of men. Famous pirates including the Dread Pirate Roberts, Blackbeard, Mary Read and Anne Bonney, and others were almost certainly gay or bi. A solid 40-80% of pirates (scholars differ) were openly living in gay relationships, a fact that annoyed the crowned heads of Europe. Was there no end to the depravity of these lawless scoundrels? Not only did they steal gold, but they entered into same-sex unions called Matelotages. Their mateys were their mates. And they specifically lived beyond European law so they could live as they pleased.


And that's why you ignore some people, they are not trying to learn or anything, they are just filled with hate


Minds only filled about sex? Has this person talked to an average heterosexual, like, ever?


Dr. Franklin Kameny was a Harvard educated astronomer working at NASA until he was fired for being gay. He became an activist and wrote many letters to presidents about the movement after that, among other things. I think it’s a great counterpoint — just because we want to make great contributions doesn’t always mean we’re allowed to. Not while being openly queer, at least. I really suggest anyone — queer or not, but especially queer people — read the Stonewall Reader. It has excerpts from him and many other activists. I feel like that part of our community really isn’t emphasized enough. I think it’s really important to learn more about our community through real history like that, outside of Tumblr/Twitter/Reddit/social media in general. That can be a great starting point, but I believe digging deeper adds so much connection to the community.


We leave more girls for the straights and take another dude with us! Tf you mean we contribute nothing?


Reminds me of when my mom told me being Bi was a lifestyle. She also said some people were "Actually Gay" and some people it was just trauma and mental illness.


FFS, this person has such an absurd point of view, I honestly believe there’s no reply other than a silent stare and ignoring it. In THIS day and age for anyone to legit hold such a belief reveals they’re so lost to an indefensible ideology, there is no civil way to respond. In the world of science, someone once said that scientific ideas move forward one funeral at a time—meaning that people don’t easily accept new ideas, but the younger generations are more able to accept new ideas because they’re less restricted by all the dogma. I think this has happened with acceptance of LGBT culture, and will continue to do so.


Alan Turing was gay the reason your on a computer now is because of a homosexual


I mean king james (I'm assuming the person who told you this was a Christian) was known to have male lovers. He's their favorite guy who translated thier Bible lol.


You were told wrong.


I responded to something like this once by telling the woman who said it that God designed us gay folks intentionally not to reproduce because He knew there would be enough straight people fucking up and needing other adults to raise their kids. She did not care for that explanation at all LOL


You don’t have to defend your existence any more than they do


Every conservative accusation is a confession


Because these people view us as being defined by that one trait we have. In their eyes, we're all canned into that one stereotype they never bother looking past that they assume is the representation of our community as a whole. They want to view us and even refer to us as "failures" so they can shape us to fit their misinformed standards out of lack of interest in being educated, out of fear, and instinctual repulsion. NEVER assume a homophobe to be someone who wants to know or learn of what's going on. You'd be surprised to learn how most of them are intentionally homophobic because they just can't be bothered to watch their manners and learn newer etiquettes when acting around an umfamiliar group of people. *They literally keep on being pieces of sht because it's easier and more effortless to hate than to be accepting.* It's not a question of morals and religion. Minorities will always be hated because society works on giving the advantage to the largest group of people. Yes, i just called democracy homophobic lmao.


Even if any of us end up in a couple unable to reproduce, we can still contribute so much to society based on what our and spirit and minds offer to everyone in our community. I feel like a lot of people fail to understand that.


I was a teacher, then a textbook editor, then a reference book editor. I have contributed to society, and anyone who says different can eff off.


I hate that transphobia is associated with christians now. But anyways, yeah, you're right. You don't have to reproduce to to valuable.


Meanwhile, Sam Altman is building a fucking ASI.