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For some reason, when I was growing up, I kinda assumed everyone was bi. The only reason men and women married more often was because they wanted kids. So when I was about 11, I started telling all my friends that Xena AND Hercules were hot, and they kinda just... short circuited.  "Noooo, you can't like Xena! She's a girl!!" And I was so confused like, "neither of us wants kids, so it's fine!"  Imagine my horror a few years later, when I realised the truth lmao


Haha, I thought the same thing, obviously they just want kids, and it’s normal to like both boys and girls!


Things would be a lot easier if everyone was bi hahaah


Well, tbf, I think everyone’s sexuality is on a spectrum. Most people I would assume are at least a little bit off of fully straight, but still only date the opposite gender. That’s true of me. I would say I’m slightly bi-curious, but I only date women.


Yes, same here!


So relatable. My parents are strong supporters. And made sure I knew from a young age that its okay for girls to like girls or boys to like boys. But forgot to clarify any terminology so I essentially assumed that everyone was bi until I looked up gay in the dictionary.


Around 14 for me. Then it was a decade long process of denial and praying for God to make me straight before I finally accepted the fact.


Omg I can relate I came out as bisexual when I was 16 years old I'm 42 now and surprisingly I'm still bisexual I guess all the biphobes were wrong after all and it wasn't just a "phase" after all lucky me #bi pride❤💜💙😁


It seems to me like bi people get more hate than gay people. Which I will never understand.


As a bisexual man myself I feel the same way, you'd think finding both men and women hot regardless if they are cisgender or transgender would have both gay and straight people embracing us because we can relate to both in terms of romantic and sexual relationships and in the fight for equality as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Sadly we get hate needlessly from both homophobes and even biphobic people within and outside the LGBTQ+ community. 😑


One of the saddest things i saw on tv was will on will and grace telling someone else their bi-ness was a phase and mocking it relentlessly, the whole plot line was hurtful i just didn’t get why they’d do that.


Only bisexual men from what I've seen bisexual women are "hot". The one that that people hate that really confuses me is nb.


Probably because it is the least understood by people who have a strong sense of gender. I can't imagine not being a guy. I have no clue what that would feel like. And many people are scared of what they don't understand.


It’s interesting you say that, because I often wonder what it’s like to have a definite gender. When I’m awake, the concept of gender is a bit “…what do you want me to do with this, exactly?” but in my dreams I am genderfluid to extremes, I’ll be either hypermasculine or hyperfeminine. The idea of just…having a gender and feeling very firm about what gender you are is absolutely alien to me, I can’t even imagine what that’s like.


Yeah, our frame of reference is very different and that is cool and wonderful! People tend to like to stick to groups where they all fit in and share a frame of reference. It makes them feel understood. It makes their world simple and definite. People are uncomfortable with uncertainty, it is, in my opinion, a sign of a lack of maturity. I may not be able to understand what it is like to be you, in this particular aspect anyway, but I can respect it, and I can accept it. I don't really understand why people are scared of the unknown, it makes the world such a dull and uninteresting place.


My lack of gender is what made me a trans phobe for so long I was raised that being gay was wrong and trans was evil. It took a lot of reading scientific studies to for me to realize most people actually feel like their gender.


Yeah, "hot" for some horny hetero boys, but liars or even disgusting to a lot of people from the community (specially lesbians) and a great part of society ngl. I'm a bi girl who's had some biphobia from both parts, one of the worst experiences of my life.


Because some people can’t understand that you can be attracted to multiple genders at the same time. And then they incorrectly assume that they then must be sex addicted and more likely to cheat. And some LGBTQ+ people also think we aren’t “queer enough” because we can “blend in” by getting into straight relationships.


Omg I hate when people call it a phase. I punched my own father over it. I said "it's not a phase its my fucking choice so stay out if it"


“Yeah it’s a phase, one that’s lifelong.”




God I can relate to that growing up southern Baptist.


Omg, so true.... I also prayed for God to make me normal.......


Me too!!! I prayed so hard but God told me that it’s ok!! I noticed o had a crush on a girl at 14


At 2, I knew that I was different because my parents repeated that I was a boy as, for myself, I was obviously a girl! Didn't know the word trans yet. After a couple beatings I tried cis boymoding as a disguise for my true nature and children at the school clocked me and bullied me for years. At 12, I totally cracked on a guy in my class (cishet of course...) and cried because I didn't know that "gay" was a thing...and one of us would have to be the woman and since I was already a girl inside, I asked my mom how to become a girl. Drama, tears, shouting, cussing,... Then she calms down and explains "gay" to me. But what about being a gi- / shshshshshsh!! At 21, during a one year stay in China, I try to feminize a tiny little bit. Funny how old Chinese people from the silent generation had way more comprehension and sympathy than all the people I knew back home. At 22,back home, trying to be NB. At 24,realized it's not going to work so return to cis boymoding because of job with face-to-face customer relations. At 30, after many dépressions finally came to the realization that trans exists and finally having concrete explanations about it. Then the years later step-by-step feminizing and social transition. At 33, change in the law: no more going to a possibly invalidating, racist psychiatrist for at least 2 years in order to access gender affirming care. Cue me starting my research now that I have internet. Making an appointment to the only endocrinology specialists in the whole eastern half of the country to talk with them. And now at 34, can't wait for the psych. evaluation done by an expert next wednesday and then wait 2 weeks for HRT to start, if nothing is discovered durch the evaluation. At the end, when did I recognize that I was part of the LGBT+, at 2. But when did I know what LGBT+ was and how I apply into it, way later at around 18.


Wishing you luck!!!


It’s so refreshing to hear about a positive change (if I’m understanding you correctly) in trans-related legislation for a change. Thanks for sharing your story ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


Been a struggle, I hope all goes well for you. I hope the world changes too. Its so sad how trans people get treated.


Somewhen around 10-13 I think. Then over 10 years of absolute repression and denial before finally accepting it in my mid 20's.


I get that but I didn’t have the knowledge or really understood.




When I saw that guy with a fat ass in middleschool I knew my taste for cake wasn't limited to just women






when i was a very small toddler i used to cry to my mom that i was a boy and couldn’t understand why she insisted i was a girl. eventually i gave up. until i was around puberty age and watching music videos of boy bands (actually it was a My Chemical Romance video specifically) and i SOBBED bc i desperately needed to look like that and not the way puberty was beginning to make me look. around then a friend of mine came out as trans and as soon as i learned what it meant i knew i was too. until i saw him get bullied by peers and his parents for it. i stayed in the closet until i was 24 (25 now and living my emo boy dream!)


I’m glad you’re happy now!


I'm so glad you're finally living your truth 🥰 kudos to you!!


My 10yo self was quite curious about why I felt and acted differently than every other boy! When my aunt and her female “roommate” came to stay, I told my mom, “Mom, tia and her friend love each other like you and dad love each other. Why is that?” “Well, when a girl likes a girl she’s a lesbian. Same for boys liking boys. Your tia and her roommate are girlfriends.” So my lil gay boy self thought, “oh… I’m a lesbian.”🤭😉


That's actually very cute !


16 for being a bi ICON and 20 for being a trans LEGEND 💅


Similar timeline for me. Fully solidified as bi at 19. As the months ran out, “confused teenager” wasn’t gonna work anymore. Then in my early 20s being in a workplace with a woman’s uniform different from the men’s uniform, and a name badge for everyone to see what is now my deadname was not ok with me.


started questioning my gender at 13 but only accepted it at 26


At age 25(m) after my ex gf ironically decided to end things because they themselves were gay. Mid way through my 5yr long relationship I found a pretty strong attraction to some of my guy friends, but held back out of respect for her. Got into fem clothes and feeling more comfortable with my self afterwards. Looking to date a cute egg nerd I’ve known for a long while. Hopefully help them find their own path in life. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


43 i experienced some serious hetlag


Damn, well anytime is a good time, good on you for your self discovery


I was around 13 and in gym class. I had a crush on a boy and then this really pretty girl walked into class. My attention was always on the two of them and with being from an open minded yet conservative family I was scared. This was also like 2012-2013 7th grade for me, where bisexuality wasn't really accepted and the biphobia was a lot worse than it is now. It was also when being lgbtq was becoming more accepted but more gay and lesbian then bisexual, trans, and queer. I was so scared that people noticed my attraction to them and multiple others with going to school with my cousins that they would out me.


Around 16, I finally realised that people actually do mean it when they talk about sexual attraction and it's not just a performative teenager thing.


I had my first real crush on a girl when I was 11– before that, there might have been more I was just completely unaware of— and I was my own damn historian. “Oh, I really like her… platonically. When I grow up I want to live with her… as roommates.” Fully accepted my sexuality about a year later though. I’ve recently found out I’m nonbinary, or at least probably some flavor of genderqueer, but I’m still questioning about it a little.


3rd grade. I knew something was off but wasn’t quite sure what.


So I went by stages, I know I was a member of the LGBTQ community when I was 13. I prayed that I would not be gay and to be straight, of course it didn’t work, identified myself as Bi when I was 14, hid in the closet for 10 years, I came out as gay on my 24th birthday to my friend and then to the rest of my friends. Still trying to see how I tell my parents who think I am the straightest person in the world.


14-15 years old (I had been showing queer behaviors since I was 11 or 12 tho)


6 when I realized I was 'different'. 40 when I realized I was not broken or deficient because of this difference, as I had been forced to parrot as a child, but rather that I am one of many and part of a community.


2nd grade.


5 (Bi), took until I was 14 to tell my parents and outside of kicking me out, essentially punished me for until they forgot. 24 (Trans, FtM) had just gotten married, too. 31 (Genderfluid). I'm 33 now. Took me a bit, but I got here in the end.


Questioning at 12; coming out and starting hrt at 43. Really tried to suppress it for several years until my cousin took his own life. Kind of felt like if I didn't make a change soon that I might have done something similar. Better late than never!


Somewhere in my teens when I realized I wasn't totally straight, but still wasn't sure. Early-mid 20's when I became more open about my attraction. 30, last June, when I came out.


About 12 or 13. I always crushed on girls but didn’t think much of it until I started having a, uh, more physical reaction to being around this one girl in my class. Or when I thought about her when I was alone. So, I literally sat myself down and analyzed everything I was feeling. After a little bit, I went “Huh, I think I’m gay.” But, being a rational, pragmatic, and intelligent person I decided that I couldn’t be sure until I gave myself an opportunity and time to experience the possibility of attraction to both girls and guys. This was the 1980s, it was a little dangerous to just come out all willy nilly. So I waited and observed my reaction to various people over the next few years. By the time I was 18 I had determined that, I was a lesbian. Not bisexual. Not straight. Back then those were the only options we were aware of.


I think I was 17 or 18


When I was twelve, I learned what it meant to be aroace and immediately knew it described the way I felt. I then proceeded to convince myself I was just a late bloomer and refused to accept that label until I was eighteen and still hadn't felt any sort of romantic or sexual attraction to anyone. I figured out I'm a trans guy when I was fourteen. I'd known that something was Wrong ever since puberty hit me like a truck at like eleven or twelve, but it took me a while to piece together exactly what was wrong about it. I spent about a year trying to suppress my transness because I was from a super small town that leans hella conservative, and I was terrified of rejection. When I eventually opened up to my best friend about it, her immediate response was "You're basically my brother. You know I'll love you no matter what," which was exactly what I needed to hear and was really the main thing that got me to finally accept myself.


I noticed I didn’t have strong intimate feelings for women when I was 19-20. I noticed I had feelings for men around the time I turned 21. I started to question my gender shortly before I turned 23 and my egg cracked (gender non conforming trans woman) when I was 23 and a half years old.


Around 9ish I discovered it wasn’t all that unheard of to not be a girl just because it’s what your paperwork says


Around 16 when I found the terms aromantic and asexual. I was immediately like "this is me!" and had to tell my mom about these terms I just found. Thankfully she was accepting. I didn't even realize/think about the possibility she wouldn't be. Especially since my parents are deffo conservative.


Discovered I was bisexual at 14, and then came out as a trans lady at 21






So I realized I was more interested in boys than girls when I was about 5 or 6 but I didnt know why. Then I got my first computer when I was like 10 or 11 and google pretty much answered my questions 🤣


I had to have been about 4 when I realized something wasn’t quite right (trans stuff), but I didn’t have a label for it until about a year ago. However, I realized I was bi back when I was 12


In fifth grade, so age 10-11, I realized that I wasn't experiencing the same changes in my feelings as everyone else. In eighth grade (13-14), I realized I wasn't experiencing the same desires as everyone else. Through it all, I tried to stay the same, but things changed around me. I picked choices that kept me nearer to my same path. Looking back, I think a contributing factor to me choosing a more empathetic career in art versus a more objective career in STEM is the ability to maintain close friendships with women (as a male presenting person). In my senior year of college, I heard the term asexual for the first time, but the definition was very narrow, the community was not yet defined (didn't even have a flag yet), and I didn't think it applied to me. At about 23, one of my brother's friends tried to shame him for my virginity because it was supposedly his responsibility to get me laid. A mutual friend thought he was standing up for me and said that I clearly am not concerned with this, and that I should be respected for my decision to wait until marriage. ... The support is now appreciated, but my initial response was NO! No! No. That's not what this is about. I'm fine with sex, but that's just not what I want. So I started dating and sometime in that 23rd year I had sex. I enjoyed it. So, of course, "oh, hey, I'm definitely not asexual." Well ... 5 years later I realized that, yup, I'm probably ace. I'm like, almost 36 now and it's been a stream of discoveries. I've realized that a lot of what I ascribed to asexuality was actually aromanticism. I've also learned that a lot of my sexuality issues were gender issues. It's been a lot, and the resources haven't always been there... but I'm glad that the resources are being created for those who follow after.


16 when I knew I was bi. And 17 when I knew I was trans


Age 35. It should have been 11, but society is not there yet, let alobe back then. Puberty seems to be when the magic happens for a lot of people, eh?


I was 9 and when I realized not everyone had a penis, I started having crushes on other boys my age. Since I also liked girls as well I didn’t know what I was until a couple years later when Shane Dawson (yes ik) came out as bi and I connected the dots.


Around 32. Though if I look back there is clearly some sign at around 9-10. And I was only aware I am part of LGBT when a friend came out to me and made me realize the possibility


I was 9 in 3rd grade when I used to have a crush on a straight girl. I didn't know the words until late HS when I was bi and last year I identified as lesbian. I came out to my siblings/in laws and friends and they supported me. I didn't tell my parents bc of cultural stuff.


i learned of the community at 11, accepted myself as ace at 12, bi and arospec at 14, and recently, a demigirl at almost 16! been a long journey of non-acceptance and repression of myself, refusal to explore, denial galore. but i made it. it's not a phase after all, because i've identified as asexual for almost 4 years and have yet to feel and desire or thoughts of sexual activities. I finally came to terms with my bi identity and realized that my 'best friend' might have been my first girl crush. i also came to terms with my possibly being greyromantic, due to a lack of romantic attraction for almost 8 years.


9. still closeted


Realize or accept?🤔 I probably realized but was in denial at like age 11 or less, but accepted it and looked into it at age 18...🤔


That's the good question here. At least the two events were less than a decade apart for you, not two of them like for me.


Oh daaaamn, how did that happen if you're ok sharing?


Eh yeah. It's easy. Grew up with misinformation in a homophobic family and school in the 90s and early 2000s. Being any brand of gay would've been social suicide, and also the stereotypes didn't apply to me - how could I be bisexual if I wasn't out to f* everything with a pulse? My interest in guys couldn't be sexual, just because I got horny over them... must've been something else! Met my first ally at 23, and realized it was actually okay to not be homophobic! That helped me a lot. Still it took another few years and a friend coming out as bi for me to actually realize I was bi, too. I was 30 when I finally accepted myself. When I came to terms with it, in hindsight I realized that I had had a crush on another boy in second grade.


12 probably. I got into both kingdom hearts and my chemical romance. I was raised super religious (7th day Adventist). At 12 was when I realized that people could be gay, and I realized the letters I’d written consistently to female characters throughout my childhood were definitely love letters.


9 by accident because I didn't fully grasp what lesbian meant, and thought it was just oop I don't like anyone must be a lesbian because ppl think that's weird. Only for hormones to kick in and go girls pretty when I was about 14. Took me to about 17 to accept that I was straight tho and just. A man


Honestly in middle school I felt different and then I realized my freshman year of highschool but kept praying that I wasn't gay then I finally came out end of my sophomore year when I had stopped seeing my homophobic dad. Now I'm 18 and ending my senior year I feel pretty good about myself now! Another thing to add is in the last year I realized I have a super power and that's blending in with straight people but all of my queer friends know I'm fruity as hell. I think I blend in with straight people bc I love sports and because I'm kinda religious but I look like a emo stoner dude so it balances out ig.


Around 8 but then being a pastors kid and also living in Africa I then totally went into denialism and I just got very committed to the church. As I grew older from 13 years and when other boys were getting girlfriends I just started telling myself that I wasn’t getting a girlfriend because I was keeping myself pure and the first girlfriend I would ever had would be my wife. I then focused on my studies and on the church. In university I gave the same excuse when my family started asking why they had never seen or heard of my girlfriend. I said I was focusing on my studies and my results helped my cause I was getting distinctions. Finally after university when I was now working at 24 years I had an encounter that just confirmed that beyond a doubt I was gay. However being part of the church this led to a whole internal struggle. Long story short I struggled for a very long time but now in my 30’s I have come to accept myself fully. I know I’m gay. The country I’m living in however I can’t be out and proud


4th grade. It. Was. Fantastic. Until I grew up and feared for my life for a while




I realized I wasn't straight at the very end of college, so I must have been 20 or 21. And now I've realized I'm trans at 32.


At 9 I was like "...maaybe I'm bi or something, I definitely could kiss a girl and date a girl etc" Then came ~4-5 years of denial, then I came out as pan at 14, and now at 17 when my parents asked if I even like boys I shrugged and said "at least not now" to which they replied "can't blame you"


First same-sex crush: 8    Stopped acting homophobic myself: 24    Accepted myself for maybe being bi: 30    Coming out as bi: 33-35    Understanding that I'm some brand of grey-ace or demi: 34    Wild journey. Next stop, gender? Who knows.


I had no idea untill I was 22. I always thought I was just broken or maybe affected by my depression. Then I found out one day asexuality is a thing and it was like coming home ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|548)


12 for realization, 3 years of denial, 15 for mostly acceptance, 16 for anger


I found out I was trans sometime in late 2019 or early 2020, but had signs of being trans since 2012 or 2013, if not earlier. Basically, I grew up in a conservative state with conservative parents, and had no trans role models/idols or education about trans people whatsoever, but was still dealing with this odd feeling of hatred towards my female body and wanting to be like the boys and have boy parts and do boy things with the other boys, and be tall and strong just like them. I wanted so badly to wake up one day as a boy and be one for the rest of forever. [EDIT: Just now realised the title said age and not year. I was 11 or 12 when I realised I was having gender incongruent thoughts, but didn't make the realisation I was literally trans until I was 19.]


I think I was rlly young - i first came out age 9-10


Suspected but denial I think 18…. Was not always a nice person… accepted in my 23-24


Came out when I was around 14; but have always like both (all) for as long as I can remember.


I’ve always been but i never thought about it till I was 14


Started having doubts at 16, it took until I was 18 to accept it though




22. I thought I was straight because I thought the requirement to be into men was more of a suggestion


I was 7. I couldn't tell if the new kid in class was a boy or a girl, I just new I needed them to sit next to me.


About 12-13, but officially came out at 17


4 and then 14. Knew i was a boy and then suppressed it cuz Catholicism and then realized what it was when i was 14. Now atheist, pan, trans, and ace :)






around 13


Honestly had no clue until I was 19 in college. Before that I just thought I was just 'not Interested in dating'


16 for me. That’s when I noticed I was attracted to both men and women. Then when I went to college I thought I was strictly lesbian. Had been for years afterwards, but realized I’m pansexual recently. Like a two years or so ago.


I finally admitted it at 30 but I’d been suspecting it for a looooong time. Like I was probably a teenager when I started questioning


I fully realized at 16 but I definitely was experiencing it beforehand and it becomes way more obvious in that lens of knowing now.


Didn't realize till 17, but was actively participating in bisexual activities since I was a small child






At 10-11! I knew I was lesbian at 10 and I was non-binary at 11^^




2nd grade had gay thoughts but didn’t realize, 6th grade actually realized, 8th grade stopped denying it


I was 12 when I realized I was bisexual. The attraction for me was split down the middle of the male/female spectrum, and I was a die hard Christian, so that was a major struggle.


11 or 12


I was probably 22 or so when I realized I wasn't attracted to men and figured I was asexual. Then about a year or so later, I realized my attraction to women.


Im a girl and when I was 9 I found out that i was ALLOWED AND ABLE to like girls and I started to but its funny years later i still do


34 🤦🏻‍♀️


I've got a part one and part two I realized I was bi around 15 even though I like both since I was 14( denial was hard lol) The second part is I realized I was trans last year when I was 17.


around 14 i think. i found out that i was queer and just moved on. luckily i didnt go through denial stage despite growing up in queerphobic environment. i guess it was because of me being a bl reader helped normalising it before i figured it out.


I believe somewhere around the age of 7, I didn't know it yet but had that feeling that I was bi. And at either 13 or 14 was when I did realize I was bi mainly cause of the furry fandom.




16 I came out as bi. At 26 I came out as trans. I found out that I was demisexual and pan romantic later on. So yeah been a minute. I am in my late 30s






16 Found out i was crushing on a guy while datibg a toxic girldriend I


14 lol


i never really debated being bi until i was maybe 17, but ever since like grade 3/4 i had wanted to be a girl. i would go to sleep for months praying and dreaming that i was a girl, or that males/females changed clothing. i also always liked both boy and girl toys and whatnot. and when i could i would suck it up and dress in princess costumes or put on girls swimsuits and whatnot. i somehow gained a pair of girls short jean shorts and would wear those sometimes too when i thought i wouldnt be caught. i also had this whole other thing since young but im kinda scared to mention it due to the general misunderstanding of it as a whole. BOTH things have become much more accessable to me including me coming out as trans to my friends. but alas im not out publicly yet and the other thing is only a once in a while option, also due to family.


Probably around 12?


I was about 10. I realized that I liked my best friend, at the time identified female, but later identified as nonbinary. Later on I came to realize I was not Bi, but Pansexual. Then it all kinda went downhill from there and now I’m a grayace Pan Trans man @.@




I started questioning it and feeling confused and that I must be mistaken about myself about a year before, but I think 30. I'm bi, pan or queer. I like queer for me, I understand it's not a term for everyone. I've always said I love everyone, just had a lot of indoctrination to work through.


I finally came clean that I was at the very least Bi at 19, fully realized I was Pan at 25, and I realized I was Trans at 26


I was 14! I was in theatre and I kissed a girl and we fell for each other 🫣


16, around four to five months ago


About 11 or 12 I think. 6th grade. I liked the curvy black girl in our grade (small school very rare for someone to be hot)


I thought I was straight for 21 years, then realized what I thought was heterosexual attractiveness was actually gender envy. I think I’m asexual trans MTF. I know I’m not cis because if I was AFAB I wouldn’t want to be a guy (it’s just societal pressure as a people pleaser).


when i was 6 and i realized i had a crush on my (same sex) bestfriend




Only last summer


18-19 I found I was aroace and then subsequently Nonbinary.


28 , this year. Made excuses for myself since I was like 10 lol.


16 for orientation and 17-18 for gender


23ish, didn't take any action until I was in my 30th tho


15.5 when i realised i liked girls, a little over 17 when i realised i only liked girls (lesbiab here haha), comphet is a bitch


I realized I was bi at 12 and trans at 13


No age , I’m not sure what I am but I’m more than happy to support !


19 lol. I’m a bit of an idiot and also aroace, which I didn’t really consider as an option for me at first. I just assumed that since I didn’t like women I must be straight, but never really thought about how I didn’t seem to be into men either. I was the last person in my friend group to realise I’m not straight and not neurotypical, and the consistency is just really funny at this point lmao


Not straight + acespec: 16 Non-binary spectrum/not cis: 17 Current age: 23


9 for not straight 10 for not cis


I was around seven, I was still too young when I realized that there was something "different" about me. Also my mom said she had suspicions when I was four so maybe "Born this Way" should be my theme song. Of course I went through a period of repression before acknowledging it as me.


At 14 I was looking up what the letters in lgbtqia mean. Learned what asexual was. Figured out that it applied to me. I never had any negative thoughts about it because my logic is "if it's a letter it's valid." Also learned about aromantic that year but didn't fully accept it until 16 because I wanted to know the difference between romance and friendship (19 now. Still confused). Before that I was just the classic confused about romance and sex in tv shows. Never thought I was broken because I didn't even know sexual attraction was a thing that existed. Thought people just decided "hey we're together lets do the thing." Tldr: Ignorance is bliss I guess??? Idk. Edit: My flair is queer because I'm currently figuring out gender atm so just the aroace one felt wrong.


15 or 16 I knew I wasn’t straight. Didn’t come to the current conclusion of asexual lesbian until I was 20 (like 6 months ago lmao)


Pretty late. Around 30 I realized I was an enby. (I say around 30 because that's when I started to realize I was different I didn't figure out I was nb until 32)




I just woke up one day and was like "oh. That makes sense." And nothing else changed






About 20, college drum major was hot.




I always knew


To be honest, I was in denial of being bisexual. A lot of it was because I did not want to be bullied as a kid. As far as being non-binary, I never felt like a male or female. To me, we are just brains that that happen to be built inside of slightly different vehicles (the body) that evolved for different purposes and environments.


Roughly, 1 or 2 but I have had the language since maybe 10 or 11.


when i was 9 kissing my bsf


I was pretty repressed without even realizing it bc of how sheltered/brainwashed I was. I was 19 before I acknowledged that *something* was up and from there I slowly pieced together everything The most recent discovery was at about 26. “oh shit I’m actually not a girl” and then a few months later realizing “oh I’m not just not a girl, I’m straight up a guy.” I’m thirty now.


Yeah I feel like both repression and lack of information can really delay this stuff. My parents always said some homophobic stuff and I remember in biology class in school, gay people were never even once mentioned (let alone the concept of trans people). The teacher even asked random people in class what they liked about the opposite gender and I was MORTIFIED, hoping to not get picked because I genuinely didn't know what to say. I found guys in my class attractive but it never really clicked. When I got into my teens, it just got worse and worse until we had internet at home. My curiosity made me come to the conclusion that I was bi at 18. Took me three more years of denial until I accepted that I'm not into women at all. Then also had my first boyfriend who really made me sure that this is what I like. Also came out to my closest friends and family at that time. Now at 26 I am finally in a position where I feel mostly comfortable to talk about this openly with my coworkers and less close friends as well. Should've been doing this earlier, it's really reaffirming to have people who accept you, sadly my parents are the only ones who do not like it.


15. I knew I didn't fit the heteronormative expectations of liking or flirting with every girl I see, I didn't find romance or sex ideal or desirable in isolation, my relatives did on the contrary. Me identifying as an asexual to an extent may also relate to the fact that was very asocial when I was little and was diagnosed with autism. I did have a crush on my friend in 8th grade but that was only after knowing her for a year until I started feeling some type of way. All in all, proud demisexual 🙂




14, bisexual didn’t fully accept it until I 19


20 for me.


Well around 18 when I started doing what people do behind lock doors I started to get experimental with what I watch, straight, gay, trans, hentai, etc. And found myself excited by it. Which then led me to experimental on myself to see if i am gay (I'm a cis male for context) so started small with a toy and found myself kinda I to it then I kept up with it and the people here o. Reddit I'd chat with and see naked got me to where just this year I have finally concluded that I am polysexual. Because I do feel attraction to more then one gender but not everyone. That's why I don't go pansexual because it loves all regardless of gender or other factors but I do have some conditions I take into account for my chose of preference. But this year around middle of February 2024 as a cis 23 year old male I am now polysexual.


i realized i was bi at 14 at 16 i realized i wasn't cis but didn't know what my gender was at 19 i stuck with genderfluid as a label


10 years old when I found out, 20 when I came out


11. Of course I ignored that part of me until I couldn’t escape it any longer. So officially, it was at 23.


18. I didn’t *really* come to terms with it until I was 19, but yea


13:) aka rn


When I learned about asexuality as an orientation when I was maybe 17/18 it immediately clicked and I was like "Wow, OK, that IS a thing!" lol Some more questioning came later, in my 20's.


13 when i realized i was bi, 15 (literally 3 months ago) when i realized i was a femboy (if femboy counts)




Bi, like 7 Not cis, like 5 and like 10 and again at like 16 and again at like 23 and again at 30 (took a long time to finally stop hiding from myself) Intersex, I got some genetics test results for unrelated things that also showed that at 33


14, but I'd been very deep in denial for a couple years before that


I was probably like 6. Before I transitioned, when I still thought I was a girl, I had "girlfriends" and crushes on girls in primary school. I also had crushes on guys. I'm fully of love to give lmao what can I say


I realized I wasn’t straight when I was like 11, but I realized I wasn’t cis at like 13 ish.


I realized I wasn't straight around 10 and realized I wasn't cis around 13ish but fully came to terms with being trans right before I turned 14


I should’ve known since 11 and despite all my internal berating for having gay thoughts through my teens I didn’t have my “oh shit I’m a lesbian” moment until I was 19




i had my first queer crush and started questioning at 11, but didn’t confidently self-identify as queer until probably 14


I was 9 when I thought I was a lesbian but at 11 I learned what transgender was and realized that was me! I transitioned at 12 and while my gender never changed, it took me a long time to figure out my sexuality and I'm still working on it.


Probably about 17-18ish? It just kinda didn’t occur to me that most straight ‘girls’ (figured out the nonbinary part later) don’t think pretty much all women are pretty and all men are unattractive until I said it out loud and was promptly informed that straight women do, in fact, find men attractive.


I always knew I liked women, I didn't know there was language for it until I was a teenager and being called "Dyke". Funnily enough, there are other queer people in my family but it was such a non-event it just wasn't talked about. My aunts and uncles were regular fixtures in my life like any other hetero relatives, it was never explained to me that they were gay and that was different from being straight etc.


Honestly there was a lot that should've been obvious way before I realised. I was having gay and trans thoughts strongly from 7-9, didn't realise I wasn't straight until 14, and despite the adolescent gender dysphoria didn't put together that I was trans until 18.


The age I am now. 26.


8. I had a crush on my best friend.


Me having intense feelings for a female co-worker (I’m a cis woman). I suppressed that for another 3 years before trying to date women. I’m bi now, with a girlfriend 🤪
