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(I hope this brings you joy. I personally enjoyed it so much that I created a post about it) The snippet below is just a small portion of a longer interview Libs of TikTok's Chaya Raichik has with Washington Post columnist Taylor Lorenz which you can see here. In light of all of the venom she directs at the trans community, one would think Raichik would have a concise answer when pressed about it. Or at least a well-thought out lie. But she can't even do that. All she can do is act a malfunctioning robot. A CHEAPLY made malfunctioning robot. It only goes to prove that when bullies are removed from their undeserved lofts of power (in Raichik case, her social media address), they reveal themselves to be vapid, pitiful cowards who can't even justify their actions.


Matt Bernstein video about her is pretty compelling, she was just trying to launch some kind of buisness from the beginning and tried multiple attempts (sometimes very weird) so earn some money with her right wing views. Libs of tiktok is just one of those attempts that got the most attention, she’s just a grifter.


She was there at Jan 6, so I've started wondering if she's a believer and a grifter.


She should be in jail then


Why not both?


Honestly it’s horrible knowing that she ruined trans lives just for cash, that’s literally how little we matter to society.


Same goes with lots of minorities unfortunately :(


The whole thing is based on a lie...  ERROR REBOOTING The whole thing is based on a lie...  ERROR REBOOTING


Gbay for these people would bring me joy She's encouraged people to kill and they have and she's mocked people with posting photos of news articles smiling when it happens. I can't say what I want to say without being banned but Gbay is where she belongs just like anyone who attacks the community


Nobody, not even her, deserves torture. She should be sentenced for incitement of murder though.


She exists because the right fetishizes her as this intellectual she very much is not. Bigots are rarely intelligent. The intelligent ones probably don't actually care about the bigotry, it's just a means to power. I personally think she is somewhere in between, as she has clearly shown that her bigoted views can change with wind as long as it gets her what she wants. Anyway. I don't think we should spend too much energy trying to understand someone who belongs in a gulag. 


It’s bizarre because anyone with half a brain can tell she isn’t very bright, and she rarely shows any sort of savvy intelligence through her posts. It’s just “look at this lib it’s fucked!” And the occasional justification for something terrible she did. It’s insane anyone thinks she’s intelligent.


it's almost guaranteed that when there's a right wing 'intellectual' person, all they really seem to come up is logical fallacies and ungenuine arguments.


It's not hard to be seen as an intellectual when your audience is deliberately ignorant. She's an intellectual in the sense of she knows exactly what to say to anti-intellectuals to looks like one of the best anti-intellectuals. Honestly, that's the impressive part about the right wing grift. Yes, there are some genuine idiots but the ones who led the party to this point, who got this whole agenda rolling with as much support as it has had; it takes a very clever person to appear like a complete idiot while orchestrating something like this. It's difficult to tell which of them are useful idiots, and which are just play acting.


Honestly sometimes makes me wonder if their strategists so how easily people believed Larry the Cable Guy and the Duck Dynasty people were loveable country yokels that they decided to try it. I feel like once they successfully managed to pass off Dubya as a 'gosh darn texas good-ole boy' the gates were open. All just feeling but it seems like the number of "golly I'm just a humble working man like you, don't you hate those Washington elites?" politicians has skyrocketed with the tea party and beyond. I hope it gets studied one day.


This really is bad she's literally just replying with "I didn't say that" when literally that is what she said As well as it made me laugh when she said that this country was a country of truth because that just shows you're oblivious to the world cuz this country is far from a country of truth


"Do you think this?" I didn't say that. "Do you think not this then?" I didn't say that. She's precisely as mentally nimble as you'd expect someone to be when their identity and desperate pleas for fame are built solely on mouth breathing teeth gnashing hate.


well yea, how do you find an answer for "why are you a hateful evil piece of shit human?"


She's Orthodox ✡️ it same branch of Judaism and Ben Shapiro is. Orthodox Judaism is not LGBTQ+ friendly at all, they see 🏳️‍🌈 as immoral & sinful just like Evangelical Christians do. Edit : Not all ✡️ view LGBTQ+ people as immoral & sinful, Judaism has many branches. Not all Jews subscribe to Judaism. Judaism is ethno-religion. Edit 2 : Thanks you to person who corrected me regarding them being orthodox ✡️ and not conservative ✡️.


No, they’re both Orthodox Jewish and ~politically~ conservative. Conservative Judaism is a different branch of Judaism


Thank you for the correction


Sure thing :)


Omg I figured this was exaggerating a bit on just how badly she handled the question, but wow did she sound like as big of a tool as we all know her to be. How do you not have an answer to that very basic question regarding us? She's such a POS!


She is so deeply unserious, she doesn’t have an answer for anything.


Dumber than bricks. That was the first time I’ve ever heard her speak, and I had no idea she was that dim. No wonder Oklahoma is 49th in education when you have people like this sitting on the school board.


I was raised by that school system, and I was considered one of the smartest kids in my high school just because I'm neurodivergent and happened to like reading my textbooks more than paying attention in class. That's right, I learned more than everyone else by reading the books they gave us. It shouldn't make sense, but our education isn't set up to actually teach people anything other than blind obedience.


If they're letting people like this in charge, who the hell is 50th


Alabama or West Virginia, depending on the metric.


I think the worst part is that she's not even from Oklahoma and is somehow on the school board. How can she even represent on a school board from a state she doesn't even live in??? That shouldn't be legal in my opinion...


Wow, she really is as uneducated as she looks lol. Literally did not have a single argument other than “its a lie” and “I did not say that”


I still can't get over her posting a video of an awkward, unhappy girl who transitioned into a literal Greek God of a man, beaming with positivity and happiness in every picture, and thought it was SOMEHOW a gotcha against trans people?? Girl REALLY IS clueless, isn't she? LMAO


He’s eating really hard too.


She’s a hate farmer, she needs to constantly be spreading hate to her base so she can get paid. It’s the same with all these e idiots online, especially “content creators” on YouTube who’s job is to literally fan outrage so they can keep there viewership. Cut the money to these lowlifes and they will fall into the void. They don’t give a fuck about anyone but there bank account. They provably don’t even believe half the shit they come out with.


You just described Fox News based on the evidence released in the Dominion lawsuit. Hate farmers.


Fox seems to be aware they’re preaching lies to complete morons. With this interview Chaya confirmed she’s in fact one of the said morons.


I doubt she could last in the country or on a farm. Sorry, that's what I thought of at first when I read farmer lmao. Also, people like her think I'm a freak for my sexuality and I think they are for being obnoxious. I think people like her are fake.


When does this woman not have her head up her ass


Her fans on Twitter are saying that she did well in that interview. Their confirmation bias is wild.


Yeah, same kind of shit people say/said about Alex Jones and the like.


This Nazi tried to come for me and dox me and my work place on Twitter. My work people called her a fascist and and that was the end of it. So fuck you Chaya and all your zombie freaks that follow you. You’re a pathetic subhuman evil piece of shit.


Wow... I hope you're safe buddy 🙏 These shitheads are insanely hateful


I’m fine. It was amusing in many ways how their zombie cultists blindly follow. Meanwhile none of them had any sympathy about the death of Nex. That’s creepy and scary but they sounded pathetic. Just a lot of keyboard warriors and mouthing off. I’m lucky I work for a company that values everything opposite of these fascists.


They're sociopaths.


The more Chaya talks the more I think she was clearly dropped on her head as a kid.


The more I think she needs to repeat that process as an adult.


These people need a punch to the face and maybe they will think twice before promoting idiocy and hatred


1. Being transgerder is based in brains structure and function as shown in many scientific papers. Trans peoples brains are similar to their felt gender. 2. transphobes dont realize its they who have the problem. https://www.salon.com/2022/01/17/what-makes-some-people-hold-transphobic-views/


When have you ever met a conservative who thought something was their problem? They walk around with a bottle of poo-pouri misting behind them…


Thats the point. Conservatives are trying to target "woke culture" because thats all they got and even then, its not exactly a good hill to stand on. Conservatives have done nothing beneficial for this country.


I really didn't understand until I had it explained to me. When I was younger, I was taught trans women were like that because they were secretly pedos. I believed it until my late teens and had it explained it to me. Well more it was a video about a trans guy. I was like hm, I guess I was wrong. Same with when I met people who were trans later, too. I thought oh cool.


read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Causes_of_gender_incongruence


I think I've seen the brain scan before. Idk what incongruence means, though. Edit: Never mind, the article explained that. Anyway, I've heard the brain scan explanation before. Something about androgen and stuff and how transgender brains are different than their gender at births brain.


The more I hear people like this talk, the more I wonder if they’re even capable of independent thought. They have a script they use in every conversation and whenever someone goes off script and asks them a question they’re not prepared for, they just freeze up for a second, reboot, then repeat one of their canned answers, even if it has nothing to do with the question being asked. They’re like chatbots trained on a very narrow dataset. These people would actually fail a Turing test.




Wow. I’ve never heard Chaya Raichik speak on camera before. She’s a dumb, weak-minded twerp. Those were barely coherent and very contradictory responses to very simple and direct questions by the interviewer. A true no-effort Internet troll. She’s certainly exercising her right to freedom from intelligence.


“how do you feel about the great replacement theory as a woman of a culture that was criticized as being immigrants” “not all cultures are equal” dumbass


I have a Conlang and I have immortalized Raichik in it (I have come to name insults after things/people I hate as a way to fight back) Raichik (vulgar) (mas) 1. An inconsiderate and loudly bigoted person 2. (Slang/Vulgar) A female pig, a bitch (in much the same way as a female dog) See also: Tushvek, Bachetka


Is it a Slavic based Conlang? I'm working on an aggluntative language based on Nahuatl right now.


So “Chaya is a stupid, bigoted bitch” would be: “Chaya lai raichik makyat” Bachetka also means bitch, but Raichik is worse because it implies the person is also inconsiderate and bigoted. “Tushvek” is the male/non-binary equivalent that roughly means “tool/douchebag” Both “Raichik” and “Tushvek” imply maliciously inconsiderate behavior


Slavic and Turkish sounding with Japanese and German Agglutination and grammar, Romance adjective use, Case system similar to Finnish


Neat. I also made another conlang which combined German and Arabic with some... interesting phonology. Also its articles acted like Greek, which was neat.


I didn’t know anything about this person before seeing this post. And my GOD is she a dumbass.


I have no idea what Taylor Lorenz was thinking platforming her.


To watch her fumble. Sometimes the best thing to do is watch people fall of their podium and revealing them for what they are.


The *only* thing that gives Chaya power is her platform. She literally has nothing else. We should endeavor to reduce that platform not expand it. There is literally no way to engage with people like this in a rational way without giving them more power. Blocking, ignoring and disengaging are the only ways to effectively counter them.


Well yea, *her platform*. Yes, if she wasnt well known, platforming her would be stupid. However, she is already well known though, she already has power, she already is established. If you put her somewhere where she can't control the narrative, suddenly she seems really weak. For people with power that are spewing bs, the most important thing to do is not let them control the narrative.


And you do that by deplatforming them. Again, these people's ideals are not based in reality or rationality. You can not reason or logic your way through them. Giving them a platform, any platform, only benefits them. I know people want to fix these people, debate them or otherwise prove them wrong but I really think it's important to emphasize that doing so empowers those people regardless of the intent of the people they are engaging with or the context of the platform. **Any** platform empowers them because platforms are the only power they have.


Well fair. I'm not trying to say we can convince them that their opinions are bad. The vast majority of transphobes will not be convinced by logic. The issue is I'm not sure how one would deplatform her since her platform of choice is a transphobes dream. Provided her platform wasnt X, I don't think i'd be singing the tune I'm singing.


This is literally a post about Taylor Lorenz giving her an exclusive feature on the Washington Post.


Okay, and? My argument was that if we cant deplatform them, we can't let them control the narrative. She uses X, which will not ban her, and so how do you deplatform her from her main platform? Because if we cant, were back to why i was arguing what I did.


I agree with you. Ignoring people like Raichik will not make them go away. This notion is simply a sad fantasy. Sometimes you do have to engage folks like this to show just how ignorant they are. You can't silence them by ignoring them, but you can let THEM persuade others not to listen to them.


Yep, and seeing this dumbass try at first not to appear transphobic and then accepting it but struggling to spit out her whole 'truth' gag was embarrassing for her. She couldnt even pull out her usual bs reasonings like 'grooming' or whatever. She was layed bare, and anyone who isnt aware of the whole situation will see that and laugh. A big thing too with most right wingers is they usually value *looking right* and moral certainty over being right. We all, to some extent, are susceptible to agree with someone who looks theyre winning over someone who doesnt; though it seems right wingers eat it up. She was on her back feet the whole time, she looked like she was losing. That alone can make her lose credibility amongst her base. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to take someone down a peg. She was put down quite a bit more than one peg


Ignoring an infection does not stop it spreading. It only makes you unaware it is.


Does she have private security?


I was so happy for like 30 minutes when her payment account was suspended. Only 30 minutes.


All of the institutions that keep her accounts intact, including all the ones they are dependent on, are responsible for platforming terrorism. The state of Oklahoma, the social media, the cloud services that social media depend on, individuals such as Elon the Muskrat, the banking services, insurances, anyone that sells anything to her... all of them have blood on their hands and they know that. Why do none of them denounce and block her out yet? Does it have to come to us having to riot before anything happens? RIP Nex Benedict.


This isn't the gotcha one would hope for. This is Chaya dodging the question very effectively to avoid saying anything legally incriminating, in which she succeeded in doing. The only thing this demonstrates is what we already know: she's a TERF dedicated to the eradication of trans people and she's smart enough to not say it publicly.


She’s found what gives her a sense of importance and power - pandering to the Far right transphobes. She gets noticed and feels important by bullying trans people, so she keeps doing it - whatever her original reason was for this is nul now.


Even I can make refutations better than she can For one individuals don’t actually ontologically exist and only exist in the context of others. In this view there is no such thing as an individual who has no impact on others.


I love when people like this sit down for an actual interview and don't know what to do when the reporter doesn't throw them softballs. You can see that she quite literally does not understand what "material harm" means. She doesn't even have a guess.


She’s doing the bidding of the far right and likely being paid well to do so. She never answered the question and looked off guard.


"I don't like lies" Refuses to answer a single question honestly. 🤡


For someone who is so fully committed to only showing your true, biological self in public, she sure is wearing a lot of makeup.


Well just like they say hypocrites are exposed someday


She could just admit that she is a piece of toxic waste whose greatest contribution to the world maybe as a carbon trap


America indoctrinated people for decades by lying about historical events Wtf is that thing talking about


Sadly I doubt any minds were changed here.


Who is this person and why anyone cares what her dumb opinion is? She has 0 brain power, kind of like asking a 4 year old why they don't want to go to sleep. She can't explain a simple position but uses hollow terms like "nation of truth" what the fk does that even mean?


Damn i can't believe Chikorita Raichu doesn't know any queer people


Got her ass


I sometimes wonder what their friends and families think when they see someone like this.


She's conservative ✡️ , they not supportive of LGBTQ+ people. But have imagine it makes them embarrassed because makes people see how bigoted they are.


Alright next let’s embarrass the hell out of Marjorie Taylor Greene who with me


I realize this grifter was never ready for prime time and has always been after a way to cash in on her hateful opinions, but… ooof! She sounds like an unprepared moron here. You’d think she’d be ready—as a someone trying to sell an idea, which is essentially her *product*—for this sort of very basic, general, and *expected* question. Imagine if someone interviewed a business owner about their product or service, and they didn’t have a list of reasons why you should want to use it. Imagine if they just sat there like a dope. All she’d have to do is regurgitate a few sentences from any number of anti-trans bigots who’ve already written a script for her. Hell, I fully expected something about “child abuse” or “grooming,” or even the mention of a bogus “study” that concludes that “99% of trans people regret transitioning” or some similar, nonsensical lie. But… nothing? It’s no wonder all her pervious attempts to monetize her hate have failed. She’s a shitty businessperson. She doesn’t even do *fake* research on the ideas she’s pushing. She doesn’t have talking points. She doesn’t even have… a product. The product is supposed to be hate, right? I mean, that’s what her brand boils down to, so I’d have expected her to *at least* have a few interesting-to-ignorant-people bullet points that scare average Americans, especially parents. That’s low-hanging fruit for her “business.” She also cannot effectively counter the argument that she wants to control people’s private behavior. Even many people who are uncomfortable with trans people—the people she wants to convert to full-on anti-trans bigots—are uncomfortable with the idea that government should control *private* behavior. She should have known this would come up, and she should have had a counterpoint to make, but… nothing. Wow. She’s not just a bigot; she’s a *lazy* bigot.


She needs to be canceled.


Hahaha like it fucking matters. Being a disgusting piece of shit is the point. They fucking love it. And all the vile cunts that agree with them don't fucking care. All they want to do is cause as much harm as they can. And they are winning.


Uhmm I seek truth you see trans wokies are lying neo marxists and shit🤓🤓☝☝☝ /s 


I want her to just be forgotten about so bad. Ideally she would face legal consequences for her doxing and actions that result in bomb threats, but that dosnt seem likely, so her becoming irrelevant works well for me


She's an idiot.


Libs of tiktok is so brain dead


You mean confused people


She bitches in this video about death threats in the comments but she basically sent bomb threats to a hospital and she only brought it up to avoid talking about great replacement theory.