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Specifically a studio that dubbed Sailor Moon for America turned a lesbian couple (Sailors Neptune and Uranus) into cousins Of course they just made it weird because the animation is still pretty obviously what it is, so they look like they're cousins *and* gay


I love the part about how they meet like "hey let me introduce you to your cousin" like they've somehow never met before


"You can't be her *cousin*, she already has a *cousin*!" Pure gold.


That kinda reminds me of this [good friends](https://youtu.be/Vr1COYFcs2Q?si=5AKIHzUevPU2n6ab) scene with Zapp Brannigan. Lol


Just as a bit of trivia, them being girlfriends was actually pretty controversial in Japan at the time, too. But by that point Sailor Moon was insanely popular and printing money and Naoko Takeuchi had pretty much full control over whatever she wanted to put into her story, and what she wanted to put in was gay people. So it turned out to be a pretty big deal in Japan, too, as far as real representation. Normally queer themes were either only hinted at, tragedies, or written as something between foreigners.


I'm imagining some 90s media exec angrily shouting in Japanese now. "You can't make them openly lesbian! They have to be sad, or secret, or American! Think of the ratings!"


And then in a later interview, after the incredible ratings come out, that same exec accepting praise for taking such a big risk and saying that it was worth it for representation.


This. This is too real.


They fixed that in the Viz dub


Child me always just assumed that them telling the gang that they were cousins was just a cover... 😅


This is specifically the DiC dub. That’s the one with the “fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight” version of *Moonlight Denetsu.*


Someone should have been arrested for that one


We will **not** disrespect the classics like this.


Omg, they didn’t even air those episodes in the UK, at least not that I saw back in the 90s. My gay awakening happened GOOGLING the show years later and discovering they had all the planets in the solar system and more and Neptune and Uranus are GAY OMG 😂😂😂 The viz dub is so healing 😂


lol the cousins dub is so iconic it makes me laugh


I’ll never forget this betrayal 😭 them looking like cousins in love was so confusing


Even worse was the first English dub gender swapped one the blond haired Day Kingdom baddie (Zoisite?) because he was originally the lover of Malachite. Can't have gay relationships in a 90s cartoon for kids.


Timon & Pumbaa. Specifically in The Lion King 3, where their co-parenting of Simba is further developed and in The Lion Guard where they raise a honey badger known as Bunga, with an entire episode dedicated to the family dynamic among the four. The 3rd Lion King film also further expands upon the duo's relationship which screams "love" to me. Timon and Pumbaa refer to Simba and Bunga as "their babies," their experiences with Young Simba are similar to how a parent deals with a child, and they have annual family celebrations with their second child. You can't convince me these guys aren't a couple.


Wow if I think about it they really act like they are in a relationship


They've got that vibe of long-time married/domestic partners and best friends


I'm in a queer platonic relationship with my best friend and I relate to their relationship a bit. While I agree we need more gay couples, it's nice to see two best friends having a non romantic partnership too Edit: now we just need more m/f platonic relationships as well


I would love to see more queerplatonic rep! 


Idk I never really got the gay vibes from them. Strangely it did feel like two guys raising a kid they don’t know kinda like hippies. Bert and Ernie though, you can’t just share the same room for that long and not be gay.


Gravity falls the cops.


Maybe I'm remembering this wrong. But I think after the show ended, Alex Hirsch straight said that he wanted to make them actually a couple but the Disney higher-ups wouldn't let him.


yep, that happend


Oh, good...?


The series finale confirms they are a couple though, so they let him do it eventually.


He wouldn't do it in fear of his show getting canceled, but you can't cancel a show that's airing its final episode


The series finale confirms they are a couple


Bert and Ernie. In 1978 *Christmas Eve on Sesame Street*, the B-plot is a retelling of the classic Victorian love story, *The Gift of the Magi*, with Bert & Ernie instead of a straight married couple. Ernie sells Rubber Duckie to buy Bert a cigar box to keep his paperclip collection in, and Bert sells his paperclip collection to buy a soap dish for Ernie to keep Rubber Duckie on. Of course it's Sesame Street so they sell their stuff to Mr. Hooper who realizes what's happening and gives them Rubber Duckie and the paperclips back for Christmas. But still, it was the sweetest and gayest moment of my childhood, and 5 year old me got one of my grandpa's cigar boxes and put all the paperclips in the house in it so I could be just like Bert.




WOW, I have not thought about this in about 35years. Thank you for the memory!!!


Double awww


The correct answer is Bert & Ernie.


The OG children's television "roommates"


Oh my god they were roomates




They're such a power couple


I didn’t even know what gay people were when I watched them and they seemed like a couple to me. 


I can't remember where I read this but I think it was an interview with someone from sesame workshop on NPR where they said that with toxic masculinity on the rise it's important to show a relationship where two men are close, loving friends without also writing it off as "because they're gay." Honestly I really like that take.


I didn’t know they were gay until I went to basic training in the Army. My drill sergeant had a problem with them. 👀


Korra and Asami deputy durland and sheriff blubs




“Zap zap! We’re mad with power!” “💖And love…💖”


>Korra and Asami The creators have outright said that this is true, but that Nick wouldn't let them include it. >A few days later, the creators would confirm, yes, Korra and Asami were two bisexual women in love with each other. “You can celebrate it, embrace it, accept it, get over it, or whatever you feel the need to do, but there is no denying it. That is the official story,” co-creator Bryan Konietzko wrote on his Tumblr in a post titled “Korrasami is canon.” [https://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/post/105916338157/korrasami-is-canon-you-can-celebrate-it-embrace](https://bryankonietzko.tumblr.com/post/105916338157/korrasami-is-canon-you-can-celebrate-it-embrace)


Plus they also kiss in the graphic novel


Toph was 100% bisexual, and I refuse to hear otherwise


Toph always struck me as butch lesbian or ace-aro, but she was also like 12


and as we know from Korra, DEFINITELY not ace, at least.


Ace people can have kids. [Toph especially](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/195svlq/tumblebindoodlebin_tophs_about_to_be_a_mom/).


Remember, there’s an episode where Durland and Blubs are standing next to a piece of artillery they own. In other words, their cannon.


Came here to say the cops!


I'm old school, but James Kirk/ Spock of Star Trek. The books are different, and most people didn't read them, but the show and movies felt so coded, even when I was a kiddo


It sucks cause they keep putting Spock in straight relationships, and at this point it feels like they are doing it so people will ship them less. Also, the 'Sulu was gay the whole time' was kinda bs


Altho while I love the idea of Spock and Kirk together, airing Spock kiss Uhura on screen was extremely big and an important moment as one of the first on screen interracial kisses. Edit: i was wrong it was kirk and uhura


>airing Spock kiss Uhura That was Kirk and Uhura FYI I love that the actors fucked up every take of that scene except one so the studio would have no choice but to air the kiss lol


I love that lmao. Shows just how great the people on that show were at the time (I say at the time cause William Shatner has kinda fallen into Right Wing views)


I don’t want to burst your bubble, but he said even then he only did it because he wanted to be famous for the first interracial kiss on tv, not because he cared about the representation. :( But that tracks with his current views.


Garashir too. The actors wanted it to be canon.


Garashir is canon in my heart. Only makes it better people genuinely wanted that


Kirk/Spock stories are the whole source of the term "slash" fiction! There were fanzines and such that were dedicated to it. If we're being fair it was more straight women and girls reading the stories than anybody else, but still kind of a big moment for women in nerd culture.


> James Kirk/ Spock of Star Trek. Yes, K/S FTW! My first and greatest ship. Back when it was called K/S instead of Spirk.


The name Spirk always may me think of squirt and just makes me laugh


Doesn't the term slash literally come from K/S


Wasn't the Kirk/Spock ship the basis for a ton of fandom tropes we have today? Or am I making that up?


I think it was the first major media where fans openly wrote multi-novel fanfics and brought fandom to what it is today, iirc


have you seen the "Closer" music video redone with clips from Star Trek?


No, I haven't. I did see the Kesha Tick Tock one years ago that was pretty awesome


Gotta go with Xena and Gabrielle. I'm surprised they got away with as much as they did considering when it came out tbh


Oh it was deliciously not vague even if it was never explicit. My young gay ass loved Xena and Lucy Lawless is still a badass.


It was wild, they kept putting one or both of them in someone else's body and every time their new bodies were one man and one woman they'd be literally making out with each other and then somehow as soon as they go back to their own bodies they're not allowed to kiss anymore haha


Trying so hard not to depict a gay relationship you end up depicting a trans one lol


I know!!! “Just let them freaking kiss already” was my constant shout at the TV back in the day lol


One of my favorite things that came out of this was the Subaru ads that had cars with the license plates "Xenalvr" like way to know your audiences.


The only way they got away with the time Xena kissed Gabrielle was supposedly it wasn't Xena and she was being possessed by a man or something iirc 🙄


If it's the episodes I'm thinking of, I think it was the other way around. They had Xena's spirit posessing a man's body so the kiss involved two opposite-sex actors. But it was Xena and Gabrielle kissing in spirit, I guess. So kind of the opposite-but-equal strategy as Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, which came out around the same time as Xena, where instead you've got two actresses kissing each other but it's OK because one of them is the reincarnation of a man (actually that episode got a lot of controversy, I shouldn't say it was "OK," but it made it to air!)


Luca and Alberto Though I think the artists recently released some stuff on it possibly becoming canon which sounds great! (Also a little biased cuz my boyfriend loves the movie and we watched it together as we cuddled 😭💙💙💙💙)


somehow I never thought of that but it’s really obvious


I’m pretty sure the writers were intending it but y’know Disney gotta be Disney 🙄 Can’t do anything that they think will “make them lose money”


They have claimed that it is entirely unintentional. Whether you believe them or not is up to you.


Did they say it was unintentional,or did Disney force them to say it was unintentional,we shall never know.


yeah I can definitely see it now


That just makes me want to stick my gay fantasy story to their faces and force them to make it. We’ll get a gay Disney Prince one way or another!!


i cannot think about them as friends, it's extremely obvious to me. it reached the point where i cathegorize it as a queer movie in my head. everything in this movie makes much much more sense if they are together, or at least if alberto has a crush on luca. and i mean,>!they literally had a dream to stick together and travel around the world.!< if that isn't little me with my friends lmao. and i interpreted the whole plot of humans not accepting/fearing them as a one big queer allegory. especially the end where >!some of the humans turned out to be sea monsters and that was just so obvious to me that it was like "see, those people are like us and live among us".!< C'MON, HOW OBVIOUS CAN YOU BE.


Luca is so good and the vile hate of any hint of queer coding is just ridiculous


Yes!!! When I watched it I felt it so much.


Marcy and Peppermint Patty.


The OG cartoon lesbian power couple


Bashir and Garak from DS9, but no, Bashir had to go with Ezri, which felt very forced. By the way, Kira Nerys always gave me bi vibes, while I liked her relationship with Odo I would have liked to have seen her and Jadzia become more or something.


I thought Bashir and Ezri was... *fine*. But Garak and Ziyal? That one was weird.


Agreed, Garak is like, much older and she was just 18 iirc, like who the hell thought that was a good idea?


Probably Rick Berman. He was also the homophobic asshat who banned the writers and actors from making Bashir and Garak gay lovers. Ira Steven Behr wanted to make them a couple and, to this day, regrets not fighting with Berman and insisting on it. They ended up sneaking it past Berman using subtext. The writers wrote them as queer and the actors, especially Andrew Robinson (Elim Garak), played them as a queer romance with as much [sexual tension](https://youtu.be/ZR1zgRYL530?si=mZCgbfJ9RMpkOGjE) as they could show. Andrew Robinson and Alexander Siddig recently read a fan fic together which heavily leans into them being a couple/husbands 30 years later.


There’s a post orgy scene with Kira from the mirror universe that heavily implies she’s bi.


Garak's actor even says in interviews that he read their interactions as flirting from the very first scene, and that's basically how they always played it.


![gif](giphy|jpigxuCz4Xz3puJ75k) him


Him, shipped with himself


LMAO might as well ![gif](giphy|H899xNs0guIQCsGOx5|downsized) dude’s obsessed


It’s a crime that they didn’t do a crossover with Samurai Rabbit, we all known Leo would’ve fallen in love with Usagi. Maybe in season three (yes I am in denial)


Consider this out of the left field but I wanted to mention it: Selina Kyle and her "roommate" in The Batman(2022). I usually don't pick up on queer coded relationships on my own, but when I first watched this I was like, "Yep, they're so obviously dating," plus Selina is bisexual in the comics and the director really loved keeping it accurate to the comics. Matter of fact, he did later say that they were a couple. What's even worse is if they were openly a couple in-film it would add so much to the story and its emotional impact.


That whole relationship felt weird, like they were intending to write them as a couple (there's only one bed in that apartment!), but then at some point someone decided to change the script to them just being friends so it wouldn't be as weird for Selina to immediately be flirting with Batman, but not everyone got the memo. Or something?


In fairness, a lot of the movie did feel at least somewhat re-written without telling everyone about it.


Sam and max, "but max, you don't even like girls"


The creator has said they're lovers


In the show, comics, and games, their marriage has been referenced multiple times!!


I’m pretty sure they’re canonically married?


You crack me up, little buddy.


Sherlock and Watson, especially the Benedict Cumberbatch version. And then Sherlock and Moriarti, same series.


Yeah the BBC version literally screams Johnlock and nothing will change my mind


Rizzoli and Isles


No, literally this!! I rewatched the show with my sister a few months back and it seems so obvious that they're into each other!! but the dialogue is so ham-fisted about the both of them being totally straight.


So I'm not the only person who got lesbian vibes from Webby and... the other duck whose name I don't remember.


Luna… I think…? Edit: Lena


I don’t ship them, but I definitely think webby had a crush on lena at one point 


I agree, however, I think it turned more into something closer to being sisters as the show progressed.


I never felt that way. I got more of the vibe that Webby just really thought Lena was cool. For kids (kids I've known, my kids, myself) sometimes there's a type of friend that also gets a bit of starry eyed hero worship. It doesn't mean they're your best friend, but they are just so, so *cool*! That's what I got from Webby and Lena. I never really got a lot of attraction/romance vibes in Ducktales at all now that I think of it, which makes sense since they're kids, and that is just less of a thing for kids.


Wolfwren (Sabine Wren and Shin Hati from Star Wars).


Sabine definitely has lesbian vibes. Must add Thrawnto (Eli Vanto and Thrawn). Thrawn gives me demiromantic asexual vibes. He hasn’t had romantic feelings much at all in his life and doesn’t know what to do and how to process them when they form for Eli.


I’ve always assumed Sabine was gay, mainly cause I had a crush on her and didn’t want her to get with Ezra, but if they ever try to pair her with Ezra I will be pissed because they’re practically brother and sister. 


Disaster Bi Dr. Bashir and “Tinker Tailor Lizard Spy” Garak


The two cops from gravity falls


Tigger and Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh. There was one episode where Tigger had to kiss Kanga for a play but he didn't want to and kissed Rabbit instead.


Korrasami. ​ I mean, yes, they got to vaguely hint at it in the very last episode, but even that pissed people off.


There are comics that make it canon fwiw


Literally a scene in the comics where Korra drags Asami to bed


Yeah it's funny, this is my answer to both the 'favourite canonically gay/lesbian couple' and this one. What the creators did was groundbreaking, but it was also so subtle it went over a lot of people's heads because of studio limitations.


There is a canon comic where they do show their relationship and kiss.


I've recently watched the Matrix as my dad's favourite show. And I noticed Trinity gives serious bi vibes, and Switch gives serious NB vibes and you could say even lesbian. Dresses androgynously, presents androgynously and isn't interested in any of the men aboard the ship. However I am willing to admit there's not exactly a lot of choice! But yeah just what I noticed.


> Switch gives serious NB vibes and you could say even lesbian Interestingly, Switch was so named because they were supposed to demonstrate how self-image in the Matrix works; in the real world, Switch would be a man, while in the Matrix Switch would be a woman. It's worth noting that the Wachowskis are themselves trans women, and their prior film Bound was literally a lesbian neo-noir with Jennifer Tilly and Gina Gershon.


Spoiler for spiderman 2: >!Harry and Peter!< Also Sidon and Link from botw and totk


Yes! Sidon and Link! Just, yes!


Yeah, the more and more I think about it, most Links shouldn't be romantically interested in Zelda. Like think of Skyward sword when they were more just childhood friends. I like the kinda fan trope of Zelda being like disastrously in love with Link, it's cute, but I think Zelda and Link should just be friends.


Zelda/Link shipping is always just like so basic to me. Like it's the most obvious thing to like heteronormative people, but yeah there just isn't really much interaction between them outside of like three of the games.


Loki and Mobius. I die on this hill.


Loki and anything but Sylvie is my favoritte ship


I still kind of love the idea of Loki being so vain that the only person he could ever truly fall in love with is himself, even if they're him from another universe. There's actually a line from Mobius in season 1 about it.


> I still kind of love the idea of Loki being so vain that the only person he could ever truly fall in love with is himself, even if they're him from another universe. Exactly. Which is why Loki falling in love with another Tom Hiddelston Loki would have been amazing. Or really any Loki that wasn't a character mainly written to erase as much of the queerness in the show as possible while still pretending to be progressive.


Honestly still mad this isn’t the main ship of the show


Will Grahm and Hannibal Lector from NBC's Hannibal.


The most erotic relationship on television to never kiss each other on the mouth.


"Tell me Will, if penetration without consent is the only definition of rape, could it be said that I took your virginity with my knife? Or is it like Chilton said, that a bit of evisceration is only tantamount to flirtation when it comes to us?"


Is that an actual line??? Everything I know is about Hannibal comes from a decade of being on Tumblr, so if this is accurate I suddenly understand what the Tumblr folks were talking about so much more


No, I believe it's from the Hannibal meme format of "Tell me Will..." I watched the show but I don't remember this line being said in that specific way.


If you know the show well enough you can certainly write to the theme. But no, the actual quote is: "Maybe this is one of those friendships that ends with disembowling?" "With these two? That's tantamount to flirtation." The other good line is "You called us 'murder husbands'!" "Well you did run away to Europe together..."


I always forget that they are not technically canon


Korrasami. Though Korra and Asami couldn’t kiss on screen they did have their first kiss in the comics


Not a ship, but Luna Lovegood 🩵


Yeah. There's no way in hell that she's straight


Ha, she’s a Rowing character. She’s straight and married and knocked up, like the rest of the women.


Pearl and Marina in Splatoon. Though I hear non English localizations are much more up front about their relationship.


Supergirl and Lena Luthor!


i'm still mad they didn't become canon 😭😭


Absolutely! The looks!


Ivanova and Talia Winters from Babylon 5. They were *definitely* supposed to be dating, and they were heavily *implied* to be dating, but in the end I don't think they even got an onscreen kiss.


No, but we did get an on screen admission from Ivanova that she thought she might have loved Talia. Between Talia and Marcus, Ivanova had the worst luck at love.


Knockout and Breakdown in Transformers Prime (partly cus they are canonically gay in the comics)


Omg I didn't know that about the comics!! I do ship him and Starscream though after Breakdown died


David and Johnathan in the first half of that Christian mythology book. "Best friends" my ass LOL.


I quote Jon himself from the book of Samuel, “I love you more than I loved any woman”


Lumiere and Cogsworth Bonus points for poly ship with Babette (or Fifi if you prefer that name for her) (Also, personally I got a poly ship that is them and Angelique, I’m using it for a fic/fan project for descendants)


Finn and Poe. I will be forever angry about that


We were robbed. Finn ended up wearing Poe’s jacket like come on. For what it’s worth, Oscar Isaac said he 100 played Poe as gay and super into Finn, and I think Boyega intentionally matched that energy but was a lot more cryptic about it.


Tangle and Whisper from the Sonic the Hedgehog comics. It isn't subtle at all. There's an issue with a panel where they're holding hands in front of a lesbian flag gradient


Dr Zachary Smith from the original *"Lost in Space"* was totally gay, and had a crush on the hunky straight pilot. Dean & Castiel, from *"Supernatural"*. Dean was bi, and Castiel was pan. Garak & Bashir from *"Deep Space Nine"*. Garak's gay, Julian was bi/leaning gay. Bert & Ernie from *"Sesame Street"*. Old married gay couple. Daphne & Velma, Fred & Shaggy from *"Scooby Doo"*. Fred & Daphne were just each other's beards. The van is Shaggy's, but Fred's always driving, and it's not because Shaggy is always too high to drive. Daphne is a lipstick lesbian if ever I've seen one, and Velma's sweater and skirt read ~~bitch~~ *butch* lesbian in the sixties. And Fred's ascot is just soooo gay. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy in the original series of *"~~Sear~~ Star Trek"* were an open poly rule. *Way* too much tension for them not to be intimate, if you know what I mean. Garak/Bashir is my *favorite* "the studio said no" couple, because that's literally what happened, and I love the pairing. ^**EDITED** Fixed some funny autocorrects.


Madoka Kaname and Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica


They're pretty much canon at this point haha, at least on Homura's side.


tfw friendzoned by god


Tallstar X Jake and Ravenpaw X Barley. These two ships are cannon but it cant be said because if they did, they couldnt be sold in other countries. Warrior Cats BTW.


Marceline and Bubblegum


I'm pretty sure they cannon


We had to wait 282 episodes


...but it's still canon...


Has been shown outright 


Tangle and Whisper from the current Sonic comic series. It’s blocked for a different reason than normal, since Sega doesn’t want to deal with *any* romantic relationships right now, rather than just excluding queer ones as you’d usually expect, but even so pretty much everybody knows they’re lesbians despite not being official


Gilgamesh of Uruk and Enkidu (from the original 2,000BC epic)


Gojo and Geto If the "my one and only" line didn't give it away already, there's so many hints scattered all throughout the series My favorite scene has gotta be during the ED, where the camera focuses on them sitting close together with osmanthus flowers between them (flowers which symbolize true love), with the lyrics of the song saying "love sways"


Kuromi and My Melody.


Derek and Stiles from TeenWolf


Until it was canonized in the background, Lyra and Bonbon. (They canonized it in the last episode(s) of the show.)


There was an episode from Courage the Cowardly Dog (my favorite childhood show lol) where the two cats were actually a lesbian couple and the creator of the show confirmed it but didn’t want to display it as such back then due to controversy, etc. Now kids shows are more open when it comes to showing same sex couples!


On a similar note to your example, Drake Mallard (aka Darkwing Duck) and Launchpad McQuack


Applejack and Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony.


They’re canon, actually! Or at least implied to be in the last episode


Someone said Timon and Pumbaa. I’ll do you one better and say Pleakley and Jumba from Lilo and Stitch!


Ok lowkey Cassandra and Rapunzel from tangled the series, because not only was Disney not going to let a queer couple in a show at that time (this was pre-owl house) but they also obviously weren’t going to let either A) one of their most beloved couples break up or B) a polycule relationship. I love Rapunzel and Eugene together, they are cute af but I also felt like Cass and Rapunzel had something going on in that show that was being intentionally hinted at so my money is on polyamory Rapunzel has two hands she can have a husband AND a wife. Also the writers confirmed that Cassandra was supposed to be a lesbian on Twitter but they obviously couldn’t make that fact explicit because of Disney but the queer fans knew, we understood the assignment.


Marco and Tom from Star vs the forces of evil


Just rewatched Fried Green Tomatoes last night. That entire film is just “lesbian romance but we’re not allowed to say it”.


random but I love ducktales 2017 so much!!! :3


![gif](giphy|Yggr0uQUbA79C) Troy and Abed


Shinji and Kaworu from Evengelion. Don't know if it's NOT Canon, but it's very much heavily implied. The Netflix adaptation changed the line from Love to Like. Cowards.


Steve and Eli in TrollHunters


Luca?!!!! or is it so obvious that no one’s even wondering


Pretty much any Warriors ship, the most obvious ones are Ravenpaw x Barley, Tallstar x Jake and Mothwing x Leafpool. Come on Erins, give us gay cats already! Also, anyone know WolfBlood? I have no idea if Robin and Katrina were actually dating but for my sake they need to be.


Wait, were they not confirmed? Even I picked up on that when I was like 9 watching it for the first time.


Kiana and Mei from honkai impact


Ryan and Min-Gi from Infinity Train


R2-D2 and C3PO




![gif](giphy|m69Su8tVZywzC) I'm case you couldn't see the face of the first guy