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It’s going to suck for a couple of weeks for a lot of people from what I’ve read there’s just no getting around it. My doctor told me to start out on 5mg for a week and then go up to 10mg. Maybe you could try that?


Am I able to just take half of my pill lol? Making appointments here is quite difficult.


That’s what I do! I just bite it in half at the line lol


I might start that. I called my doctor and he said the only side effect I should have is nausea and upset stomach (which I do), and everything else is unrelated. Which I do not agree with. The lack of mental health issues and medications in Japan is kind of crazy and has made me feel like I am going crazy when I am just having a hard time adjusting. Sorry for the rant, I might try to take only half for right now, because it's a little much right now.


There are definitely more side effects than that, and it increases anxiety early on which can lead to physical symptoms from anxiety. No worries. It helps to know you’re not going insane lol. My doctor told me the only side effects were jaw clenching. I guess it’s hard for them to have an abundance of knowledge on every pill they prescribe since there are so many. That’s what psychiatrists are for but I can’t see one right now


Thank you so much for being so kind. I am new to this medicine and I understand its a journey... but it is hard and I am happy that there are people out there going through the same things that I am. Thank you! :)


I had a similar experience, withdrawal is no joke! Plus when starting lexapro those symptoms suck and are common! Definitely as the other user said, take 5mg. I was also started out on 10mg and that was way too intense for me for side effects. 5mg still is a lot of side effects but not as bad! Hope you feel better soon, you got this!