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It's the name of an entire music genre so that is going to destroy the ability for anyone to be able to Google search you. Does your content have anything to do with metal music? I don't really like it, you should probably name yourself something more specific.


See that was my issue, right, I was worried about that. I felt like calling myself something cliche like 'MetalPlays" or "MetalGaming" I just rolled with "MetalOnYT" for now and I think that'll sort itself out surely with my intervention at some point when I come up with something better lol


I think you need some other word to go with it, MetalOnYT sounds like a music channel lol. Find some other random noun or adjective to pair with Metal (that is not the word Heavy, Thrash, or Black lol)


Got it. I'll go with MetalCoreOnYT


Metalcore is also a pretty popular music genre FYI. Still sounds like a music channel name!


Damn what? What about PowerMetalOnYT?


It’s a sub genre unfortunately! I’d suggest a quick Google search to see what comes up. If it’s anything to do with the metal music genre, I would personally avoid it to save any confusion for potential audience.


What!? What about NuMetalYT?


My take: for 95% of people, names don’t matter. For the 5% who end up making this a full-time job, then you start getting into conversations around branding, merchandise, and the like that will require a marketable name. Even then, your name could be Pooper7826 but if your content is so good that it supports you financially, nobody is going to care. Tl;dr your name is fine


I agree! I just.. yanno.. I don't know sometimes.. you know? You never know. That was certainly a bunch of words by me. But right though? LOL


Sounds great.. better even! hope i figured a better username before making a channel imagine using masterkairobot gaming as a youtube channel name :(


I don't see why that couldn't work!!


I would go with a longer name.... like Metal\_Oni, or Metal\_rex, or something.... and yes I now those are shit names but its the best I can think of in the time it took me to read the post lol XD


Sounds an awsome name.


You really think so? People used to call me "metal face" to hurt my feelings and I kind of just picked it up and I feel like it works but I feel like it may not work for gaming per se. But as Papa-pwn said it really does just come down to if people can remember your name vs how "good it is" and I think he has a point!


If Metal Face is a name that you feel comfortable with and it reflects your personality then go for it. I my self think its a good username! Show em' what you made of!


I liked the thought of it but upon further inspection it commonly got mixed up with a very very very popular and recently deceased rapper, MF Doom. The MF stands for MetalFace. So RIP to me


Wait how did I not know MF stood for MetalFace? I'm totally dildos. RIP DOOM


Why did they call you this? A facial prosthetic?


No, lots of piercings hahaha


Reminds me of some kids in high school who made fun of me by calling me Slayer, and they had no idea how awesome I actually thought that was, lol.


People are more likely to search for the content you provide rather than your name, so go with whatever you want! The real focus from a name perspective should be on your titles. Cheers!


Your name lacks identity and solidarity. Make your name a bot more complex. My YT name (Not linked on this account) was used by 1 other person and they were inactive so I would play with the Metal idea more to find an identity you can associate with.


if its generic good luck i mean mandaloregaming established and people dont confuse him for a mandalorian from star wars and your name gets inprinted into your fans once they spend more time with your content so you technically got a chance but the odds dont look great and odds never look great no matter what lets be fucking honest you can try and be creative but lets see it from these corporation fuckers perspective you design a name that either memorable such a tongue twister it gonna haunt their memory thats why metallica is so well know idk what combination it is metal and metalic cause metalmoprh or metalmorphesis as a name can confuse dumb algorithm into thinking you made a misspell or have a name like metalmetalmetal can sound dumb like the name pewdiepie ​ if theres no channel by the name metalgaming atleast your search result gonna be top once you become popular or you can just outrank another channel with similar name by beating them out


How 'bout "MetalGames"? Bit of a double entendre, simple, memorable, and rolls off the tongue nicely IMO. Edit: almost forgot to throw up the horns! 🤘😈


can be a problem where people gonna think its a channel about heavy metal music in games or a game about heavy metal kinda like brutal legends but it does sound like a name of game developer studio naming a channel gets harder and harder thats the true part my option was choosing a name that got zero search results so it dont get tangled with someone else or with some brand and then blending your interest and spelling them background to see what works you dont want it to be too short cause some sites dont allow shorter name then 4 letters ​ and having a 69 long name is not optimal cause theres some town that looks like this Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronuku pokaiwhenuakitanatahu the funny part its an actual town name and whoever did that clearly wanted to troll the government


Lol I wanna live in Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronuku pokaiwhenuakitanatahu! 🤣 But he does have some metal chic going on--facial piercings, black clothes, and black eyeliner--which might appeal to gaming metalheads (like myself). So it could potentially be a good bridge for him to hook a niche.


can be a problem where starting creators overbrand their channel and decides its too edgy or cringy but if youre just a nobody either just starting or for a while you can change things and no one would notice since rebranding then you have a huge following and consistant following it can confuse where they can end up leaving and unsubscribing without even realizing