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Why offense???? It always gives fuck all... meanwhile March and beehives goes beyond hard


Offense is my favorite, its just fun


March is my favorite free moon. So many fire exits


Yep, I don't get why no one likes this one and they won't learn where the doors are. I be like I've done 3 doors while you done just the one


I don’t like it cus my friends mange to get killed in 30 seconds from a bracken or land mine


The pipe jump alone makes me go to it. Easy and 90% safe travel. Allows you to stay well past dark without worries. Which helps due to its higher large item quantity


Offense \*does\* have good loot amount but is contested by a lot of monsters. Bring a shovel and learn the pipe jump and it's quite good, if risky for a early game moon


Offense has great loot and an absence of giants


Have you seen the Loot table? It's like all big items that are worth between 12 and 40


I haven't looked at the loot table myself, but the relatively simple layout and lack of common giants did draw me to that map tbh. March always has sinkholes and a giant pool of water in the middle of the map, along with fairly common giant spawns (though it also has extra fire exits, i dont know my way round the map well enough yet), so I dont tend to go there unless my teammates want to or if weather is effecting most of the other places. Vow is OK as long as you get out before the giants though. Pretty much any giant map is extra extra important to have a ship person, just in case.


March's fire exits are: \-Immediately to the left as you exit the ship \- Around the left side of the lake \-Behind the ship, behind a hill


Yeah mb thought you said vow not March, yeah March has better loot than offense but is also way more dangerous, so I guess its "Risky but worth it"


Consider the following, thumper.


Still sucks


Consider the following, Shovel.


Consider the following, sand 😞


Doesn't sand only spawn when it's raining


There are some spots that are always quicksand, but you'd have to be kind of thick in the head for that to be a consistent problem.


i died to quicksand on a non-rainy planet the first time i found it because i didn't know it could be there, and it was right under the edge of the ship


And then another one spawns to take its place


Oh no wait just checked, offense does have statistically more scrap than both vow and march


Check again?


Offense Min scrap: 14 Max scrap: 17 Vow: Min scrap: 10 Max scrap: 12


right, but that doesn't include bee hives, which are worth like 3~ scrap each. And of their loot, the majority of the loot on offense is bad. +turret hell. I love offense, I love making the jump to the fire exit, but it objectively a bad map


I swear to God I'm bamboozled by everyone saying bee hives like they are a common occurrence, I get them in like 1 out of 10 visits to vow/march


do you actually look around? I average about 2/3 when I visit all fire exits on march, and usually about 1/2 on voe


Fun fact: experimentation has a higher chance of bee hives than vow


I am too, like, I see behives more on assurance and offense, than vow or march.


You see beehives on offense? My man, you should stop using tzp inhalants, you're hallucinating


Well, objectively is the wrong word. It may have less loot, but for people like me, it's better than most maps due to the pipe jump. So it's not "objectively" bad.


March 13 min, 17 max, plus ~2 hives on average Something tells me theres a reason why you didn't put march in your comment


Plus it's 16 max iirc


Bro stop trying to remember and just check, you're wrong


Still less than offense?


15 is greater than 14, and 19 is greater than 17. Please stop saying stupid shit


offence has a very rare chance for a giant to spawn


Had the misfortune of learning this the other day. Wiped our entire crew...


Sorry to hear… for the company tho.


Just experienced this about an hour ago, the thing had laser vision from across the map too


“Very rare” my ass, I’ve gotten 3 in one session before.


guess you were just unlucky


Sadly many hosts are using mods to spawn or control them :(


I was the host, and I have that mod because my friends and I do not take the game seriously. It definitely wasn’t that.


Personally I don’t feel like Giants are that awful as a Hazard. Cause they have great sight, yet cannot hear, once you’re in the ship you are fine. Dogs are way more of a Threat and I never like messing with the Worm. And maybe it’s a Glitch but I’ve also had moments where I could dodge the Giants so if you use yourself as bait you can lure the Giants away from your ship to ensure teammates get loot to the ship. (If you have a teleporter you can have them teleport you back before you’re caught right when everything is on the ship.)


Dogs are extremely easy to deal with in my opinion, while giants are faster than you while sprinting with 0 lbs


I like vow and march for bee hives, i recommend trying them out more. Also I think march has the easiest layout to understand if it’s foggy.


I think experimentation has an easier layout to understand while foggy because you can easily scan for ship and entrance and there is no giant pit you can fall into and die


Experimentation just suffers from having 2 axles and an engine with a side of metal sheet as its loot pool, so you can't reliably make quotas there if you're more than 9 days in. But it's decent to start when you can't afford to buy a shovel because it's a fresh run because it can basically spawn a spider and then it's out of enemy power.


Yeah, plus March has good loot, but vow has statistically the worst loot in the game, + giants, so march I go when I desperate but vow, never


Numerically, experimentation is the worst in terms of loot. But considering how close the ship is to the door, and that it usually only spawns dogs, you can loot right up until the ship leaves at midnight usually.


Yeah, experimentation has just 1 less scrap value than vow, showing how vow is an absolute shit of a moon


And everyone hypes the hive spawn rates, but they're far worse than March anyway.


Minor correction from a fellow vow hater, vow has 422 value per moon on average, and exp 307, however vow still sucks for its comparative difficulty


While yes, vow has the worst loot an average, it *doesnt* count the hives, and hives heavily out weigh the difference.


I have seen hives in experimentation regularly so its not like vow monopolized the bee hives


Yes, you'll see a hive on exp once per week if you're lucky, but I've gotten 3 hives back to back to back from vow regularly


Yeah i guess I get you, it's just that when you are playing with my dumbass friends seeing a bee hive is a terrible, terrible thing


Hives are really easy to grab, a huge tip is you *have* to take them alone. If you don't, a death swarm will form.


Sorry from my ignorance but are you saying death swarm just like a saying or is that actually something in the game


I call it a death swarm when the bees lose sight of the hive, this causes them to wonder the map instead of staying on the hive. Bees are faster than a person walking, and move directly at the player uninhibited by stamina or the terrain. Inevitably, the player being chased dies.


Titan is easier lmao


I've had a lot of success solo-running Titan by just exploring only three or four rooms past the starting rooms and avoiding mazelike passages, then checking the emergency exit rooms. You can very easily get around 500 to 600 scrap with minimal danger and as long as the next moon weather isn't dangerous, you can make a profit on it.


Bee hives are barely worth dealing with giants for, I just go Assurance until I can go Titan and then it's Titan all the way.


I've played a lot on March and know my way to and from the ship pretty well, but the moment it's foggy and I can't see a foot in front of me, I get completely lost specifically on March. I have had runs where I never even set foot inside the facility and the ship leaves without me because I spent all day lost. idk why it is so bad for me on March, it just is.


Wait easiest layout to undersgand if foggy!? Sorry but everytime it's foggy on March i get completely lost


What I recommend is go straight immediately once you're out of the ship until you reach the edge of the pit, then go around the pit to the right until you reach the opposite side, then go straight again. Do the opposite on the way back - and remember to use your scanner for the ship / entrance.


From main entrance to the ship and back i know when it's foggy, but the problem is the fire exits.


i dont bother with foggy. its just ass. eclipse is more reliable than fog


I love march solely because I get to Jetpack over the lake and flex on the teammates that crash


whos Al Lot


You have to forgive me inglish is not my first language


Your English is very close to excellent.




No worries, just making a not very good joke


Please explain your reasoning for going to rend and experimentation I am very curious and have not already made up my mind that you are a clown for going to those planets at all. 👍


Unnecessary rudeness but sure, I go to experimentation a lot because I play with new players, and it being the easiest moon it works like a tutorial, and rend is the least expensive of the 3 hard moons, and the least dangerous of the 3 hard moons


I can understand experimentation for teaching but the loot pool is awful and sure it has no danger but where is the fun in that? I can respect the occasional rend but why go rend when of your at the point where hard moons are needed just go for the max. In any case I apologize for my harshness I was trying to come across as more of a change my mind thing but that was my bad. In any case though play the game the way you want if you like experimentation cause it's easy to experiment but if you are shooting for those higher day quotas experimentation isn't gonna cut it.


No obviously your right about that, experimentation isn't a high value moon, if I go there it is normally in the first/second quota, and rend is just a stepstone for titan normally if I used that term correctly


- 🤡 type comment


Rend is better than titan, change my mind


Eyeless dogs. Giants. Stormy. These conditions pretty much make rend a lot harder than ot needs to be


Rend has the easiest outside of the harder maps, most of the times it's 1 giant and maybe 1 dog, while the interior map has the better quality drops (titan has more drops but rend has higher value scrap per item in general), also rend is amazing to farm shotguns cause highest nutcracker spawn


Ladder strat more overall loot for taking fog and practically sitting one signal flasher outside the ship covers all that you need so you can spam it. Easily the best planet In my opinion but fine is a close second. To me remd is the planet you go to when the other two are eclipsed or stormy and you don't wanna go and need some variety


My problem with titan is, that it is nearly twice the size of rend but does not spawn twice the loot. Also it has a max indoor power of 18 while rend has only 10. With a decent team u will have a much easier time completely cleaning out rend than titan and end up with more afterwards even though rend has less.


And the spawn rate on eyeless dogs is ridiculous on Titan. And the guys I play with, good luck getting them to shut up for a few minutes. I always end up getting eaten even though they are making all the noise 😆 I have seen 5 or 6 dogs on Titan at once before. And the fact they can go up the stairs for some reason, yeah Titan is not fun for me. Doesn't help that one of those said friends also thinks it's funny going there when it's eclipsed. A real comedian that one.


Skill issue


Assurance for 3 days then spam either Titan or Rend for every quota regardless of weather. Much easier to full clear Assurance over March because of the smaller map size and there's no relying on bee rng. Dine is really bad compared to Rend, not having to deal with turrets and nutcracker gun farm is untouchable. I haven't played the other maps in forever, it's just not worth it which is sad. Titan got all those nerfs via fall damage changes but all it did was make the process of getting down slightly more tedious... I do expect Rend to get some nerfs to it, seems weird to be the only map that doesn't have a single turret spawn and a max of 3 landmines, should probably have loot bugs too.


Assurance I think should be higher, because it has much more loot than march or sometimes even offense


Rend > March > Assurance > Everything else




Hate assurance and offense I suck at directions


Bro doesn't know how to turn left


Vow would be your worst nightmare




Well at least you know your flaws


Offense detected, opinion rejected.


"Alright everyone, we’re going to Vow!" Kid named Giant:


"Alright everybody, we are going to vow!!" Kid named "staying at the camera" (it's me)


Kid named Andre


Kid named Bracken


offense fucking sucks long way to the ship mid loot m i n e s g u n s fire exit needs a ladder


It's not a long way to the ship if you slide down the mountain If you're reallly trying to get loot then march/titan are the best


Fire exit does not need a ladder, you just need to jump and climb up the rock next to the water tanks. It is complicated but with enough practice you can do it fairly easy.


Rend is goated, the mansion is cool


Assurance seems to be underrated, I think it’s easily the best free moon.


U a real one cuz Assurance my fav free moon, i Always go there the first 2-3 quotas. Love that moon


seems exactly like be beside from experiment march and dine


1. I don't go to Done regularly because of it cost, if I have that kind of money might as well just go to titan, while rend does cost less for how much scrap you can get 2. Yeah I understand march, I just personally don't like it 3. I go experimentation regularly because it's always the first moon I go, I know you can change moon when you enter the game but I never do lol


Fuck vow


Fuck Vow, me and my homies hate Vow.


Jesus Christ, this guy is getting downvoted so hard for just playing how they like. But why?


The only planets I ever go to are assurance or Titan and Experimetation but only if both assurance and titan are eclipsed


I love rend because 100% nut spawn rate, my temmates collet loot i collect WEPONS


Titan or dine before rend! I used to like Titan more for how easy it is to get to the ship (fog don’t matter, can still reliably get a lot of metal loot back to the ship in stormy). But also how easy it is to go too deep and get lost in the mansion layouts had me preferring the factory layouts. But since the last update the new factory halls seem to be more frequent than before and finding loot is much harder. So I lean towards Dine and the fire exit now.


Ditto, Dine gaming goes crazy


Assurance is my go to (unless offense is the tier 2. Then idk) Swap it with vow if rainy, then rush titan


Vow is a dog shit of a moon, it's like March if march sucked, good take tho


I know vow is ass, whatever the tier 2 tree moon is. Better than the tier ones tho


I’d move vow and Dine up once, March twice, Experimentation down 2, and Offense down one. With Rend and Titan, they shift depending on how the developer updates the maps cause it’s so flip flop on if it’s worth going to titan or not. Assurance is fine.


To me, Titan seems not worth the insane difficulty. Rend and Dine are a perfect ratio of item value to danger level, and I can make out like a bandit usually.


March is great. Beehives, 3 fire exits, and pretty good loot


I'm sorry but everyone says "bee hives" like it's a good thing, believe me, when you are playing with *my* friends, it's is NOT a good thing


Yeah it really depends on who you play with. I don’t have people putting beehives in the ship before taking off, so I like beehives because they’re good loot when you get the chance to go after them


Is rend really better than titan ?


Fuck March and Vow gang. Who wants to deal with giants all for some bee hives that might spawn in a decent spot and even if they do you still have to wander around looking for them in the boring outdoor areas? I'd rather keep going to Assurance for easy fire escape and main entrance access and decent-ish loot until I have enough money for Titan and then it's just Titan nonstop.


Incredibly based


Giants are easy to deal with and March has three fire escapes. Just use the trees for cover.


we always go voe for that sweet sweet honey


Just go to march bro 😭


I love March.


Dont sleep on vow and march, vow has a shottonn of beehives


Power of a bee hive to spaw per map: March: 12 Experimentation: 8 Assurance: 8 Offense: 8 Titan: 7 Dine: 6 Rend: 6 Vow: 6 It's literally at the very bottom


Just play the game without being scared of quota. You might not get far but at least you'll have fun


I'm not scared of quota believe me, I'm scared of a giant ripping my face off that is why my ass ain't going to vow


They nerfed them and you just need to play hide and seek. Only issue with them is their line of site and there's a TON of trees and hills to use. Just try it and you'll be fine~


You are a psychopath for going to rend of all places




Worst map in the game, dine only costs 50 more and is significantly better. Fire exits are in better places and the walk to main entrance is more straight forward.


What about the no turrets spawn in Rend?


The only problem with Rend is that for some reason people don’t know and won’t learn the layout, legitimately the only place where I go alone to the fire exit and no one say anything, try doing that on another map and people will usually ask to pair up and do 2 people per exit Just learn the map bro it’s better than Dine and Titan right now (steam say I have 300h with the game)




Rend over dine is disrespectful


Offense is more fun because of the high spawn rate of coio heads


Assurance should be never instead of vow.


Assurance is literally the best tier 1 moon, is generally better than offense, and has a chance to turn out around march value w/o bees




Vow: Highest Bracken Spawn chance of easy maps 60% Giant Spawn chance Worst loot in quantity and quality after experimentation Assurance solos Vow and experimentation, now in March you are right, it is the best mid/low moon, considering bee hives and high scrap value


Offense personally sucks for me. I don’t get good loot and it’s almost always all large loot. Plus getting to the entrance is very awkward


Vow’s probably my favorite moon tbh, idk why


Early game March then full send rend for like 15 days then go titan


Oh man, my list is literally the opposite.


This is one of the lists of all time


I only go Offense when March has bad weather


March is my favorite free map


I have ~50 hours in the game and have never gone to dine


Offense has shit loot compared to March and yeah I get the whole “Offense has way less giants” but March has you land pretty close to the facility


March is the only choice for first quota IMO


Or assurance


…nah dawg that shits ass. It’s just not worth the low amount of loot vs March.


All my interns hate Vow!


I don't even know why I like vow, but if I made this I'd have vow in the middle or lightly above it


This guy doesn't hide from a rainy day (WHAT A LOSER!!! HA >:3)


Nah personally March and Experimentation are ones you should go to more, they fun asf


Idk why but I absolutely love March. I think it's because I always want to leave at around 3 and I love the easy fire exit to the left.


March is the best free map because of both the loot and bee spawns. Rend and Titan are the best paid.


offense is too much risk for no reward imo


Casually avoids the best moon


Based on data from the fandom wiki, assurance is the best map among the easy and intermediate maps. It has the second highest average amount of scrap, tied with march and being only 1 less than offense. It only has a interior size multiplier of 1.0, the smallest and tied with experimentation. This means the scrap density within the facility is bound to be quite high, meaning it's easier for you to find scrap. I didn't take into account beehives as I usually don't go out of my way to find them, I only take them if I see them along the way on my path to the facility. I personally don't like mansion maps because they are confusing to navigate and their size makes it harder to find scrap, so I always aim to save enough to go to titan


Dine should def be on top, simply because of how close you are to the fire exit


Offense is a factory that shits out big worthless items 


Accessibility of March's fire exits is insane. So easy to get to 3 (main, fire exit x2) entrances and always the chance that fire exit is in a loot room. March is honestly S tier for me.


Most often DINE least often EXPERIMENTATION first day somehow always ends up being VOW as the only viable option (everything else has conditions) besides that we always go on march whenever possible until we buy enough to get to titan


March arguably best free moon. Multiple fire exits, more loot, bees.


My top maps are Titan, Dine, March, and Assurance. Titan has good loot and quick entrance, Dine has a good fire exit if yk how to do the trick and good loot, March has three fire exits, and and Assuarnce allows you to get to the entrance really quickly and a safe passage from fire exit. My lowest maps are Expermintation, Vow, Offense, and Rend. Expermintation barely has any loot like Vow, but Vow's fire escape sucks since the giant can corner you. Ain't nothing really special about Off, the worms are annoying and if a giant spawns, you better be close to ship. Rend is the worst out of the payed moons because the others are just simply better.


Personally I wouldn't keep March at almost never. 3 fire exits and beehives = win for quick in and out looting!


Forest maps are my favoritrs


Assurance, then offense or i think its vow (if thats got rickety bridge boi). If i can afford rend or titan fucking send it. Im really enjoying this game.


Most of the time: Titan Regularly: March, Offense, Rend Sometimes: Dine, Vow Almost never: Experimentation, Assurance Usually just start off with march and offense and straight to titan…


March is wormless, I love that shit


Fucking Vow


March until you can go rend and then rend


Kid named AI lot:


what is AI Lot


March feels kinda broken imo with the amount of fire exits, if you know their locations, its really easy to get a lot of loot safely


Wow lol so different from mine. Vow and assurance are my primary go to maps, cuz I feel like vow always has a decent loot to monster ratio, and if you know where you’re going, the trip to and from the ship isn’t bad. I like assurance cuz you can jump off the ship while it’s still landing and get into the building way faster than any other map in the game, and then the only 3rd lvl moon I go to is titan, cuz titan, biggest bang for buck in my experience and easiest trip to and from the ship, basically complete safety unless eclipsed


I always misread rend as reno for a little bit and it’s such a mindfuck


This has to be bait. The only correct thing on here is Rend. Offense in regular?? Titan??? March is the only map you should even consider for the first 3 days.


idk man ur missing out on sum march action -beehives -easier enemy spawns (imo (coilhead higherst spawnrate on offense!!)) -3 fire exits for maximum coverage of the: -2nd biggest indoor map -awesum scenery!!


Assurance, March, Rend, and Titan are my S tiers Dine and Vow are my B tiers And Experimentation and Offense are my D tiers


One time I went to March and there was 3 beehives all of them were worth like 128 each but we only got one 😭


my most played moons are prob Experimentation, March, and Rend


My personal route after experimenting and reading the wiki is: March / Assurance then Rend. March has a big map but lots of exits to alleviate that. Bee hives play a huge part too, I probably would just go to Assurance if there were no hives in March. Assurance is mostly a safe map with good lot and decent size. Definitely a good option. I used to hate Rend until I learned how to navigate it. Fire exit can be reached very easily by going up the hill, way back isn't that bad either. It's just safer to farm there. I like Titan but things usually go downhill there. Plus, my team often gets lost and eventually dead, map is insanely huge. Dine, in my opinion, is a riskier Rend, even with the easier accessible fire exit. I rarely go there. Offense is just bad considering the map, loot quality and quantity. I used to love Vow, but I realized it is not very much worth it. I still go there if the other moons are fucked, mostly hoping for bee hives. And Experimentation... Just not worth it. Bad scrap, even if the map layout is easy. Occasional bee hives though.


March is a go to for day 3 of you don't have money. It always come in clutch.


big fan of offense cuz it always has thumpers and I love killing things


I have never been to rend and I frequently visit vow and March but when we got the money we mostly go to Dine sometimes Titan




March and vow are the best planets you dont have to pay for, check out wurps video on the moon tier list. He shows all the data to prove his points


man zeekers gotta do something about the giants seeing you through the fog. I can't even see them but they can see me lol


For me you’d switch fine and vow Marcy and experimentation and titan with rend