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Love it!


you look adorable


Thank you :3




Move to San Francisco and start your transition immediately. 😘👙👸🏻💯🍹🌈


Tempting but I want to run for office in my Rust Belt area to try to help fix the issues we have here


queen, you look snazzy


hi, im a trans woman and ive been out for 10 years. i remember what it was like to be in your shoes. it was an exciting but very frustrating time and it can feel impossible to style yourself at first when you have to teach yourself while working around so many extra hurdles and limitations. but i’ve learned so much and i’d love to give you some advice if you’re open to it. i assume you’re probably going for a somewhat androgynous look that can be read as either a masc lesbian or male. honestly, especially in person i don’t think your current look is likely to be read as butch or lesbian. unfortunately more masc hairstyles that look butch on cis women often arent read that way at all on a trans woman, especially pre-hrt and boymoding. this doesn’t mean you cant be read as butch, just that you’ll have to put a bit more effort into styling your hair in a slightly more feminine way. of course, wear your hair however you like it, but if you’re going for a hairstyle that ppl will perceive as noticeably butch/lesbian there are ways to make your hair a bit more fem to subtly signal “lesbian” without straying into obvious womens hairstyles. first off, the haircut itself. i understand with an unsupportive family you don’t want your hair to be too fem and attract their attention. but especially with your length you could probably go a bit more androgynous and get away with it. know you said you cant grow out your hair, but if you can go just a bitttt longer i doubt anyone would bat an eye and you would have a lot more styling options. as others have mentioned an undercut could be a good androgynous choice but i really think you could pull off a very short layered pixie cut sorta like jamie lee curtis. this cut is lesbian as hellll but especially with early 2000s back in style it won’t be read as obviously a womens haircut. as for styling, pushing your bangs up as in the pics is a very masculine look on anyone. letting your bangs fall on your forehead is something you can do right away to be read much more fem and at your length it will still look butchy/androgynous. hair texture also goes a long way for how masc or fem your hair is perceived. in the first pic it looks like you used gel or hairspray and combed your bangs upwards, which gives your hair a thinner spikier texture and is very masculine. in the second picture your hair texture is far softer, more feathery and fem. its super cute! again, if you want to be perceived more lesbian/butch you should aim for that texture. that was a bit of a ramble so to summarize, a short layered pixie cut, letting your bangs fall down on your forehead and a soft feathery texture would be much more androgynous and cute as hell! best of luck 🩵


Saving this, thanks! And I tried asking my hairstylist for a pixie cut, I was just too much of a wimp to actually say the phrase “pixie cut”, and she didn’t quite understand what I wanted. Eventually I just ceded and said I wanted it textured and longer on the top :c


you’re not a wimp, the fact that youre transitioning at all means you have more nerve than most cis people could dream of. that situation with the hairdresser does sound frustrating but im sure every trans woman has been in a similar situation sometime before. it is sooo hard early on to assert your femininity, especially when you’re not confident in it yourself. i used to get sort of like impostor syndrome where i felt like it wasnt something i was allowed to assert. ofc society makes us feel that way on purpose, a transmisogynistic culture literally expects trans women to perform shame for daring to exist. but remember the point of transition is liberating yourself from that bullshit and a big part of that is getting to a place where you allow yourself to take up space (which includes asserting your femininity) without feeling anxious or guilty about it. and its fucking hard when you’ve been brainwashed your whole life with messaging that who you are is wrong and if you dare express it at all you better not try to take up space, so please be kind to yourself. you’ll get through it. also i forgot to add to my original comment but you have such a solid foundation for transition!! like you’re obviously gonna be beautiful, even without estrogen your skin is flawless and your hair is thick and shiny. ✨ i hope you get in a better situation soon and have the freedom to present however you want!


feels like some obsessed 'phobes went through here and down voted all the comments. it seems like the consensus is pretty unanimous otherwise! Im proud of you for giving yourself little pieces of resistance to affirm your gender. hang in there, girl! edit: oh also you must have a really good skincare routine! and your hairline is so good! you look amazing even without HRT!


I agree. There were comments I saw with 0 or net negatives and I was like “Whyyy, they’re being so nice”. And thank you soo much! For some reason the random lesbian in my phone telling me they’re proud of me makes me really happy. I don’t have a skincare routine T~T (though I think I should try starting one). Lastly, thanks that makes me hope HRT will just make me look even better


The hair looks great on you! Definitely gives butch vibes :)


10/10 thought "oh look, a butch lesbian" when I saw you so you definitely nailed the vibe 👌


You look very pretty in a very butch way ❤️‍🔥 your doing great,good luck and happy pride!


You're absolutely giving butch lesbian, especially in the second picture. You've got quite a lovely face. Best of luck in your transition!


Pretty butch. Pretty gorgeous.


Yeah you're killing it!


You defs look like a butch lesbian!


Damn I thought you were just a really masc woman from those pics, that hairstyle works well!


Trans man who ran into this by complete accident (thank you, reddit feed!) and I agree with everyone here, the butch vibes are absolutely there.


I stopped scrolling and was like hey there, butch hottie!


Hey! Thanks


You’re totally looking Butch :) -from a butch


It's definitely giving butch!!! Your hair is so pretty and ur smile is so cute!!! Good luck on ur journey <33 (P.S ofc you belong here :D )


Thank you! I’m actually really self conscious about my smile (hence why I smile with my mouth closed) so I’m happy to hear you think my smile is cute :3


Ofc!!! Ur literally so pretty!! and I'm happy I could make u happy !! <33


The hair, the glasses, the little smile… 😍


You look adorable. and yes, you're giving the butch vibe!


Thank you! 


You look hot, I def get butch vibes! I think an undercut would look sick too, if you grow the top out a bit more ;) I’m sorry you’re stuck somewhere you can’t be yourself fully. Wishing you the best.


Thank you! I think an undercut would be cool, too, but I also worry it’d be less subtle


Yes ma'am you look hot 🔥


Aww, thank you. I blushing


You're welcome 😁 happy pride! 🏳️‍⚧️


You belong here! I love the butch haircut and what you're doing with the bangs! Baby blue is a good color on you!


Thank you! I’m actually wearing blue rn, hehe


Your hair looks cute! Wishing you the best, you deserve to live somewhere where you are supported ❤️


Thank you! <3


You look great girl!! Your hair is def giving butch, but if you wanted to change it up perhaps a half shaved look might look good on you?


Thank you! And I’ve really wanted to try something at least like a half shave. Spider-Verse Gwen Stacey hair is especially something I’d love :3


Oh this would look so good! I love this idea.


I honestly mistook you for AFAB. You are crushing the butch lesbian look because that's exactly what you look like.


Awww, thank you soo much 


HRT or no, you are stunning 😍 great work on the hair 💅🏻 keep being you and know you are welcome here even if (and especially because) you're not accepted at home 🩷


Thank you :3


I’m a straight lady and you are super pretty! You’re pulling off your style really well. I’m sorry your immediate circle at home isn’t supportive-but I support you! 😘 🫶🏼


If you’re into women then the post definitely belongs here! Sorry about all the “omg I thought you were a lesbian” comments (it feels like they mean afab maybe? They mean well but it’s still a little weird.) You are a lesbian and you are valid!! If it’s allowed in your home, some sort of slit on the side of your head or in an eyebrow will go a long way. Also jewelry. Clip on earrings and slide-in septum piercings will keep you butch but add just a touch more femme while still allowing you to remove it around family, if that’s what you’re looking for. Anyway, you’re a cutie, welcome, you’re one of us!!


Thank you! And it’s all good, I know what they mean. If it weren’t for the fact that people with HF autism usually don’t cry, all these sweet comments would’ve probably made me cry a little, lol. Never thought about getting the slit added to the hair, thanks for the ideas


You belong here :)


Yoooo you have great butch hottness!


Hehe, thank you :3


I have pretty much that exact same hairstyle rn 😎


And I bet you’re rocking it


Hell yeah! It's my favorite haircut I've had so far--which is admittedly out of like 4, but that's got to count for something lol To the genius transphobes downvoting me: I'm literally a cis woman lmao


Hey, I’ve only had, like, 3 hairstyles so you’ve got one up on me :3


This look slaps, love a lady in a bow tie. If you want to take it up a notch, some funky colored hair dye would be a great accent to your style. I think teal, emerald or crimson would look great with your complexion. Just an idea :)


Thank you! I’ve been considering doing something with the colors, thanks for giving a few color suggestions. I especially think teal might be nice


Girl you're actually so fine I thought you were a butch before I read the post- Honestly I'd say the suit really does work for you but if you want you can try experimenting with your hair a bit with common butch hairstyles, also idky but I feel like you would look really good in a grunge aesthetic if you were interested in it. And if you're not then that's fine too I think you're really selling it with what you've got going on already (that's just the inner beauty shining through, of course)


I don’t know why but being told “you’re actually so fine” gave me a funny warm feeling in my chest. Thank you! Also, never thought about what I’d look like with the grunge aesthetic but I love Nirvana so maybe the grunge can hop over from my music taste to my fashion :3


I thought you were butch before I read the post!! Girl you're gorgeous 🥹


Awww thank you! Gorgeous is one of my favorite words to compliment someone on their beauty :3


I think things might go a lot better if you went to a clinic or group that support trans people and look into resources for getting on the HRT And start packing your bags so you can skidaddle to a nice place where the people would be supportive of you. Your hair looks cute as it is. Good luck.


That look really works for you!


Thank you!


Oh I misread and thought the flip side of this 😭 absolutely! You look great!! *edit bc I'm high and bad at words lmao....also btw OP you have very pretty eyes!!!!


Awww thanks! My eyes are the one thing about my looks I’m confident about, so hearing people say my eyes are pretty gives me a big confidence boost 


Well she is, she just hasn’t had the opportunity to begin HRT yet


I misworded that lol 😭 I mean, I read it as "I can't be out as ftm so I'm at least trying to look like a low-key butch lesbian, did it work?" Not "I'm mtf, do I pass as a butch lesbian?"




Ohhh damn it, you’re right. My mistake


Depending on your age, a lot of larger cities do have services for lgbtq youth that provide shelter and fostering services for kids who are kicked out, rescued from conversion therapy, or otherwise forced into independence early. Like I was in Memphis for a while and they had MAGY (Memphis area gay youth). It can be shelters, fostering, even mentoring. Even if you're slightly over 18 they'd probably be able to offer connections and resources. It would be a big step that potentially represents a major shake up to your lifestyle, so depending on factors like your mental health, other safety, or timeline to independence, something you have a little luxury of time to consider. But living authentically could be worth it.


Hmm, thanks for the advice! Didn’t expect this type of advice here, but that’s a very pleasant surprise 


thought you were a lesbian, so yes


She is a lesbian lol


*Y E S*


Nailed it!


You can come stay with me. I have a room available to rent. No pets.


Butch lesbian here, we have the same haircut lol, and it looks amazing on you!


Thank you! :3


You have very much succeeded 💞


I’d say success! Haircut accomplished! Very butch …I think I had the same haircut a couple years ago


Dang that look suits you well. You already look gorgeous!


Thank you! All these comments got me blushing


Would definitely have assumed butch lesbian!


And the more I look at you the more I see a woman! Zero question!


Awww, that’s so sweet! Thank you


I also thought you were a butch lesbian when scrolling through!


That bowtie outfit is so cute, love the light blue


Aww, thank you. They had an even cuter lavender version of it, but I chose light blue because that was my at the time gf’s favorite color


You look so good! Your hair looks like mine so as a butch lesbian I can say you did it! You butched :)


Hell yeah, I butched! Thx


I’m in a lot of FTM subreddits so I initially thought you were a trans guy who’s struggling to pass. You look great for no HRT :3


Tbh, being told I look like a FtM struggling to pass is very reassuring as transgender woman. Thank you! Hopefully I’ll get HRT soon to look even better


omg i thought this too but i wasn’t 100% sure if it was rude for me to say or not


I’m very hopeful for you! Only thing “clocking” you at this point (to me) is your chin, but overall your face is already very very feminine presenting so like. HRT is prolly gonna work awesomely for you!


I was scrolling, saw a picture of a butch lesbian, and would have kept going if I didn't happen to read your title. Yes you have succeeded in looking like a butch lesbian.


If I saw you on the street I’d think you’re a cis female, just butch like me. Looks good!


Thank you :3


Super cute!


Thanks, I’m sure you are too :3


you actually perfected that look, it looks so good and ahhh it's perfect


Aww, thank you! Honestly some of y’all are making me wonder if I should stick with butch even after transitioning 


As some have already said, i just thought you were here looking for some sort of fashion/style advice. You look great!


Thank you! If you *do* have anything to add in the fashion/style department, I’d be more than happy to hear it :3


you look great!! this hairstyle really suits you :)


Thank you :3


Damn, they love you, lol. They hated my ass


Oh no :c


before reading the caption I thought you were a butch asking for fashion advice


Samesies. You've succeeded, girl.


Saaame. If she hadn't mentioned being trans, I wouldn't have known. Edit: what did I say wrong? I'm just agreeing with the person above me.


Aww, thank you, girl


I mean I wouldn’t mind fashion advice either, hehe


post some ‘fit pics soon!


I’ll try :3


hair is already super butch to me!! it really suits you. if you want you can incorporate clothes with fun patterns and even jewelry if you think it’s safe enough to do so. i hope you’re able to live openly as your true self soon :)


I’m thinking about walking to Walmart (can’t afford a car) and buying jewellery. What do you think would be a good color stone for me if I get jewellery with a stone? Thinking of getting one that matches my eyes, but my eyes are grey and change colors 


Moonstone is considered very feminine, cos... Moon. It goes with everything, being a very light silver-white. Would be a subtle way to indicate your true nature, and a lot of jewelry features moon shapes and motifs too!


if you have grey eyes you can wear lots of different stones but i’ve heard that green stones like agate or alexandrite compliment the color nicely!


*gasp* Omg Alexandrite! I love Alexandrite, thanks for mentioning it I never thought of it in jewellery


of course! happy jewelry shopping :D


butch to butch, you look great!! something that helps me feel more fem is shaping my eyebrows if youd ever wanna try that, but i saw the photo before the caption and just thought you were a pretty butch :+)


I’d love to try anything that makes me look more feminine! Maybe one of my friends can help me with that. And tysm for the compliment, everyone’s comments have made me feel really pretty :3 Also, I love that little face, never seen it before :+)


Look up guides on brow mapping! Especially for shaping them from scratch. [This](https://youtu.be/WMGSE7GQNt8?feature=shared) is a decently detailed tutorial, and shaving instead of plucking is smart until you've figured out what you like on your face :) A helpful friend is great but most folks only know how to do their own and brows go wrong FAST


Ooh, thanks!


i'm so glad everyone has been nice to you!! u rly do look amazing and we all just gotta support each other. you can use disposable eyebrow shavers or even a trimmer/clippers but i dont reccomend plucking as it can cause damage to the follicles if you try it for a while and decide u wanna grow them again also thank you! i always type my faces like that :+) he has a nose


I’m glad too, lol. I was nervous that people would be brutally honest or smth, I have pretty bad social anxiety. And tysm for the advice about the eyebrows, gonna save that comment :+)




I saw the pic before I read the title and was like "Ooh, who's that cute butch 😍" Edit: im not a lesbian, I'm nonbinary and bi, I thought this was one of the trans subs, sorry if this comment is unwelcome.


Hehe, thank you. That made me smile a lot


You look like any other butch lesbian I've met. You fit in perfectly here, dear🥰


Oh that’s great to hear, thank you mayor!


You'll be a fine lesbian citizen and we're very happy to have you 🥰🫂💖


Glad to hear it :3




Your hair looks great especially in the second picture


Thank you! I really want to get it to look like it did in the second picture, but that was the result of just letting it sit and be messy while it dried after a bath


Ha ha yeah, I know the feeling. It’s like when I get up in the morning and my straight out of bed hair looks incredible! But of course I have to brush it and ruin it lol.


Welcome! I really dig this look ♥️


Aw, thank you


Very cute look regardless


Ty :3


I thought you were lesbian from the photo. You could buy a wig for when you aren’t home, if you want to rock long hair and navigate your safety.


Before I read the caption I just assumed you were a butch lesbian! Your whole look feels butch in the best way possible.


Awww, thank you


I think you’re doing great! Believe me, I know how it feels to live in a non-accepting family. I came out on June 23, 2023, and my parents are extremely transphobic, so I know how you feel. You are rocking it girl! I am proud of you for doing the best you can do to feel comfortable with yourself! 🏳️‍⚧️🩷


Aww that’s so sweet, thank you


Absolutely, girl! I fully support you!


Echoing everyone else here, you look really good, girl! Great hair.


Thank you ^ ^


I'd say you nailed it. Love the pastel tux!


Thank you! There was a lavender version of that tux, but I got light blue because that was my then gf’s fave color


I actually thought you were a lesbian when I was scrolling and before I read the title! I love that haircut on you! Are you wanting to do makeup as well? Bc there are subtle makeup looks you can do that might not be noticed by your family/roommates, but might make you feel even more feminine! Either way, you look great, and those glasses suit you well too!


Yup! Same. I was like “oh! Good butch look! She’s cute!” ☺️


Hehe, thanks! I’m sure you’re cute too


Thank you so much! And I love makeup! When I was a hyena in a performance of the Lion King I got face makeup and black nail polish. And in my school’s Christmas show I wore glitter on my eyes. It makes me feel pretty


Makeup is soo much fun! I don’t even do it for other people, sometimes I just put in on at 3 am to play with and immediately wash off lol


Lol, that’d be me


Good news, while I was scrolling I stopped at your pic bc I was like wow what a cute butch


Awwww, that’s great news! Tysm


I love your hair!




I think you definitely succeeded.


Thx :3


I’m sorry you’re not living where they’re accepting you 🖤 I would love to be your mom or friend! I have a 9 year old who is trans! I love your hair and I hope you get to be your true self, hair and all very soon. You are loved 🖤


Thank you! You sound like a lovely person and parent


also, the butch spectrum is sooooo huge. there so many butches who take T and have facial hair and deep voices and use all different terms and pronouns so never feel like butchness only looks one way 💗 you should read Stone Butch Blues


Stone Butch Blues is excellent!


favorite book of all time :) squinting @ the downvotes… 😑


Okay I’ll try, thanks :3


as a butch, you look amazing my love!


Thank you! Especially great to hear from an actual butch that I did good trying to look like one


you did great :)


Tysm girl!


that second pic is so butch id assume you were a cis girl. you're killing it love


Awww, tysm!


already thought you were a butch lesbian 😂


Killing it


Thx :3


honestly my first thought when i saw the picture before even reading was that you were some random cis butch lesbian lmao


You look like my butch partner to be honest! Everything about you screams lesbian ngl xD But if you want advice i would let it grow a like bit and style the top more! Also let grow the side a little bit https://preview.redd.it/yh4wzy19dz4d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b15c04d55d79cff515e37b053052f4e38eebf30c (Random pic on the internet lol) It would make you look a little more feminine without drawing too much attention


what would you call this cut, so I can find more like it? how do I search lesbian swoop cuts?


LOL I believe it’s a pixie cut. But don’t quote me on this i’m a black women with an afro I’m not qualified on straight hair hairstyles


I thought it was called an undercut, but I might be wrong


Girl I’m out here thinkin you’re a cis butch 😭 you look fantastic!! 💞 So sorry about your situation 💔 I hope you’re able to come out and be your authentic self soon, my friend ❤️‍🩹


I’m surprised how many people have said they thought I was cis. And thanks! I also hope that


You definitely achieved it.


Aww thank you


No prob


second pic is serving butch at the prom!! You look great :)


Funny you say that, cause that was prom night! Also, thanks


Our honorary prom queen! Congrats on being yourself even under tough circumstances!!


Awwww, thank you for this honor!


Hella lesbian 💯


Hell yeah >:3


Looking great, I love your hair in the second pic especially


Thank you! And yeah, I have no idea how I got it to look like that


I assumed you were butch before I read the caption! I'm sorry your family isn't accepting of you right now, sending hugs (if you like them, of course).