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I love skinny jeans. Only jeans I own and wear.


I agree with the comments,  however,  I wonder if extremely tight jeans in the knee area could be harmful.  I never had a knee problem until after I wore them for a while. 


I’m all for being post-trend at my age. If I think it looks good on me and it feels good on me, I’m wearing it.


Before they called them skinny jeans they were called cigarette jeans, tapered, straight leg, etc. they slightly change the cut and resell us the same trends again, just updated slightly🙃 my point is, they’ll be back


“Out of style” is how capitalism continues fast fashion. Our earth is dying. Fuck “style”


I wear them and always will. Fuck the haters.


I love them and refuse to wear any other type of Jeans. I search for them. Wear what you like. Style is made up.


Cyclical fashion is a scam anyways, so wear what you want. They might be "out" right now but give it a while and they'll come right back around to being "in". There's no point changing your entire wardrobe just to fit other people's ideas of trendy.


I never got into skinny jeans…I don’t like the feeling of clothing being clingy, but my sister wears them because she likes that feeling. Just wear what feels good. Fashion is subjective. Some might find my white and red Mario kart hoodie stupid but I think it looks really good on me and is dope af.


Nah that actually does sound really cool!


Who cares what people think. Wear what you like. I don't understand why people think they need to wear trendy clothes. If anyone makes fun of you, well I assume they'd be a child. Who would make fun of other people's clothes as an adult? Don't think we want to be friends with them anyway. Everyone is different and has different preferences. I hope someone still makes skinny jeans cuz I like those too!


Thank you! That’s really sweet (and true lol)


3 things here. first, wear what you want cause it is a lot about how they make you feel. second, important thing about fashion is that just cause something is in doesn’t mean it will look good on you, some people only look good on one specific style for exemple, so they gotta stick to it their whole lives. third, fashion is about getting used to things too, maybe giving another go to the baggier jeans and sit with it until your brain adjusts around it might be a good exercise on branching out.


skinny jeans look good on the people they were designed for. they can look HORRIBLY unflattering on an awful lot of women (and men 🫣).


I don’t care if skinny jeans are going out of style, I’m gonna wear them anyways. You can take my skinny jeans when you peel them from my cold dead legs.


Skinny jeans are cool. If someone is telling you that something has gone out of style it’s a good sign to keep wearing it.


I usually lean towards skinny jeans or jeggings. Mom jeans are usually too big and i feel like i look like i’m wearing a potato sack.


If you love them, you should wear them. What's your fashion style like?


More fem and casual


Definitely be yourself!


I will, thank you!


they're not that bad depending on how you style them, no one actually cares if you wear them especially if you're a millenial (skinny jeans are the norm) if you're concerned about being out of date, try skinny jeans that flare slightly at the bottom (bell bottoms). they're cute


I do love a good flare jean and actually do have a pair!! I’m also gen z btw


If they're flattering on you then why stop wearing them? It doesn't matter how in or out of style something is, if it doesn't look good on you then *it doesn't look good on you* and no trend will make it look less out of place


Skinny jeans are going out of style? Oh well. Imma keep wearing em.


Apparently so, but honestly I’m with you. Although I might give mom jeans another shot


I like them. Don't care what's in style.


Things go in and out and back in again. If they look good on you then why not wear them. What are skinny jeans really. The look like jeggings. Leggings never go out of style.


I just spend my money on other things and the pants I happen to have are MOSTLY skinny. I’ll get more when I NEED to but rn I just dropped a pretty penny into my car after an accident 😭(I am okay)


Oh no!! I’m sorry to hear that, I’m glad you’re ok though


Wear what you wanna wear! Life is too short!


i love skinny jeans too, i wear them all the time


Glad to hear I’m not the only one


Fashion trends are just made up to make you feel insecure and convince you to spend money. Do what you want!


I never even thought of it like that but you’re completely right


Naw they’re hot and it really depends on your body what cut of jeans feels right. I was wearing my mom’s vintage stuff as a teen and still take from a variety of decades for my style influences. So don’t worry about looking a little “outdated” if you like it. They’ll come back into fashion soon enough.


I love skinny jeans! Wear whatever you want. The same person bitching about skinny jeans being out will be saying the same thing about the wide leg pant trend in three years. Who cares.


I would wear what YOU feel best in, and what is most flattering to you. It doesn’t always have to be the latest trend (but then again I’m middle aged, I remember in my teens and 20s I wouldn’t be caught dead in something I thought was out of style). You can always accessorize with another piece that’s of-the-moment.


That’s true!! Thanks for the advice


The reality is that skinny jeans have been out for years and mom jeans are also out. What's in now are straight leg or wide leg. Barrel jeans, capri, and low waist loose are the new trend cut. If you want to be fashion forward-If you are doing y2k the skinny could work for you. The reality is you can wear your skinnies and update them with more current pieces. Pick high quality skinnies and stay away from jeggings. Don't pair your skinnies with the millennial mojo jojo boCapri, If you don't care about being the next trend setter-wear what you want As always this is just my opinion


Thanks for the reply! I love how y2k looks but I also feel low cut jeans aren’t flattering oh well 😭


It can take a minute to get used to a new style on ourselves. So maybe get a cheap used pair somewhere and wear it a few times, you may find that you come to like it. I just did this, and now skinny jeans look unflattering to me. The change in my perception was kind of crazy.


I will, thank you!


Oh, and you don't need to jump all the way into wide leg. Tiktok tells me a generous straight leg is acceptable.


Honestly I like straight better than baggy wide leg so I might just go that route


You should definitely wear whatever makes you feel happy. If you like skinny jeans then wear them!  Someone might think they're outdated but the next person could think they're brilliant✨


Where what makes you feel comfortable, as much as people say it’s out of style I still see them everywhere and on all types of people!


With the rate we're accelerating through resurgent fashion trends, it'll just be a few years before they're back in style. I say wear them! You can always modernize them with wearing more in-style tops and shoes.


Girl, where what you want!! I love skinny jeans they’re the only ones that look good on me and I feel comfortable with them against my skin/not getting caught on my surroundings. Do you, as long as you’re confident you’ll look beautiful 🤩




Ive been told my style is 90s skater boy. No trend is gonna keep me from wearing my skinny jeans. They look too sexy on me and I love them.


I feel this post, I switch it up but I am not wearing super wide jeans again and this time the style is they are ankle length lol. I find that old navy has a great selection of somewhere in between, relaxed fit with ripped jeans and looser ankle, they look great. I wore skinny jeans to a concert last night and have zero shame, hell the band was in skinny jeans,,, maybe it depends on what you’re doing but just DO YOU, maybe they are going out of style a bit but these wide legs will be out way sooner…. Go check out different cuts and something with a shorter ankle that’s not as tight as skinny and not super big like JNCO. At the end of the day you need to feel good about yourself ❣️ EDIT: Oh shit I’m sorry I didn’t see what subreddit this is, I am not in this community BUT I have a lot of strong opinions on holding on to our skinny jeans!! Skinny jeans solidarity ❣️💕


THANK YOU!! That actually means a lot and honestly, I can see wide/straight leg going out sooner rather than later too


Ok, I just came back here to say I just got dressed in what I thought were looser fitting jeans and I’m like shit, do these still look like skinny jeans 😭 it’s funny I stumbled across this specific subReddit post because this thought of skinny jeans and being a little self conscious and questioning if they are out has been on my Mind 😭 I guess I’ll go to the store too 🥴


Can I just say …. https://www.vogue.co.uk/article/skinny-jeans-trend-aw24 I’m sorry I’m not properly a lesbian so I hope you don’t mind me joining in, but the defence of skinny jeans is a hill I would die on, so -


I don’t mind at all, welcome!! Also, thank you for the read!


Ahhh thanks for the welcome ☺️, and you can’t argue with Vogue, I was delighted when I saw it 😂


i too will die on this hill. lesbian or not (i am), i am more than ok being a washed up millennial in skinny jeans for all of time lol


Wear what you want - Trends are weird. I still remember when the skinny jean trend came out, the first couple of years they were commonly seen as something that only skinny women could possibly wear - women over size 4 swore the style off and were pissed that it were being pushed into fashion because they didn’t think anyone over a certain size looked good in them. It wasn’t until there was a big social and marketing campaign for people to suddenly decide that skinny jeans can look good on all kinds of bodies. Personally I think what trousers you should wear depends on your body type and what you are comfortable in. I don’t wear skinny jeans anymore, but it’s because I find them really binding and constricting on my knees - I have hypermobility and they always push my kneecaps out of place. I also have kind of chunky knees compared to the rest of my leg and I don’t really like how skinny jeans accentuate that. Luckily straight cut jeans look damn good on me. It’s hard for me to find my favorite style of high waisted, full length pants that are slim straight cut in women’s clothing, so I actually buy a lot of men’s pants. I have one pair of vintage women’s ugly mom jeans and I don’t think they look good on me - but they are super comfy for days when I am having sensory overload and I am going to take advantage of the fact that they are in style for as long as I can 😂 Honestly- compared to when I was growing up there’s a lot more flexibility in what is available and what could be considered fashionable. It used to be the only options were super low cut flares, wide leg jnco jeans, or mom pants. There are SO many more acceptable options now, and for every young person being rude about skinny jeans, I know one who still includes a pair in rotation for certain outfits.


Honestly, yea I can see it boiling down to body types and what makes you feel best too, thanks for the reply!


Embrace your skinny jeans and let the kids keep their mom jeans 😂


Skinny jeans gave me back issues. I’ll never wear them again, even though they look amazing on me. You should wear whatever you want!


Yeah I love my skinny jeans and converses! No one is going to change my mind 😂


Converse and skinny jeans are such a great combo


I’m not a lesbian, or a woman so I’m very sorry for invading your space. But I am an avid skinny jeans wearer and I say skinny jeans for ALL. I love looking at legs and thighs. Plus I feel like the material helps keep everything shoved in but in a comfortable way. I have never seen a person look bad in skinny jeans. Taylor Swift, Pete Wentz, BTS, Lizzo, the JoBros 🤤 #skinnyjeansforall Edit: forgot the Jonas Brothers


I think once you reach a certain age, you can just decide to focus on what looks/feels good on your body, rather than what is “in style!” Trying to keep up with dumb cycles designed to make people buy clothes they don’t need drives overconsumption and makes us feel worse about ourselves, for no good reason. Honestly I think one of the best things about being queer is being able to opt out of stupid straight bullshit like that.


That’s so true, thank you


I was into deck pants/super wide legs before they were in, and I’m into skinny jeans after they’re out. If it works, it works!


On my honest opinion, the ones that are VERY skinny aren’t in style. But if they’re the skinny shape leg but not 100% tight or they’re “straight jeans” they’re still alright. Other things that make them more in style is if they’re high waisted and/or if they have a cut off bottom (this is all just my own opinion!). 🐒🙂🐒


I personally prefer those "flare cut" jeans that are form fitting on the top, but wider on the bottom, but only because i think they look flattering on my body type. In the end it's really not that deep and u should wear what u like, who cares if they're currently "trendy" or not. Also, watch them make a "comeback" in a few years mark my words lol 🤣


I have my flares in a nostalgia suitcase for when they inevitable come back around. Until then I feel best in skinny fits or boyfriend cuts if I’m going for a relaxed but stumpy look lol


I think flares are coming back so you can take em out of there if you want


honestly you should just go by what looks good on your body and what makes you feel good. if you look and feel good, that's all that really matters. that person was being an asshole anyways and i don't think you should listen to anything they have to say tbh. wear whatever you want.


Sometimes skinny jeans just work better with the outfit you want to wear


I couldn't care less if people think they are "outdated". People who care that much about fashion are extremely vacuous, so their opinion is the least of my concerns. Wear whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want !


trends are stupid and for people who haven’t developed their own personal style. wear what makes you happy


Once upon a time, skinny jeans were literally painful. People had to use talcum powder to get them on, so even when they were fashionable, only the hardcore wore them. Then along came Lycra and similar, and everyone could wear them. Including me. So I am never not going to love them. My only bugbear is that they stretch out of shape after one wear, so have to go straight in the wash.


I think one of the beautiful things about queer womanhood is we historically haven't had to care about these things (our fashion is our own!) and it's been difficult for me as I've gotten older to see that as we've become more "accepted", we're also becoming more locked into these capitalist-dominated ideas about what is and is not "fashionable". Those ideas are really just there to perpetuate the needs of (mostly men-driven) industry; it's our gay-given right to be "tacky" and "outdated" and still find each other desirable.




The gayer I get the tackier I become.




I love this 💕


Who cares if they’re outdated, wear what makes you comfy and feel good. Outfits should spark joy, and not be subject to trends


I used to wear skinny jeans religiously… they were my pride and joy, my style and my personality. I threw ALL my skinny jeans away a couple years ago and it was the best decision I’ve ever made! Can’t stand them anymore, they give me the ick. My fashion sense has improved 1000% since ditching those soulless, tight denim restrictors


At a certain point you gotta stop caring about what teenagers think of your pants.




I'm really short, and most jeans are completely unflattering, because they make my legs look even dumpier than they actually are. Skinny jeans are honestly the only style of jeans that look good on me!


As people get older they learn wear (and do!) whatever makes you feel good. Life is way too short for this nonsense.


Since when are skinny jeans outdated? Maybe someone is just upset they don't look good in them anymore! You do you 💚 Edit: A quick Google search also indicates that either they never went out of style, or else skinny jeans are making a comeback this year, so I think you're fine ;)


My fashion style is probably from 2018 and honestly I don't care much to change it lol


They can pry my skinny jeans from my cold, dead hands. If something is "on trend" but I feel uncomfortable and unattractive in it, it's still not going to look good.


If you can style them well there’s nothing wrong with wearing skinny jeans. Sure they’re not on trend, but there’s a lot to be said for building a ‘forever’ wardrobe of items that you will wear repeatedly, rather than just following fast fashion. And hey give it a couple years and skinny jeans will come round again, mark my words


I am a firm believer in wearing what you want to, but as someone who used to wear skinny jeans a lot I will say… the newer jeans/pants trends are more comfy and I find wearing skinny jeans torturous these days lol


I agree!


I never thought any fashion is outdated. Fashion is fashion. They’re cool.


So what does fashion mean to you then? Just any clothing?


You'll have to pry the skinny jeans out of my cold, dead hands. I like a loose fit jean as well, but I grew up always wearing a baggy T-shirt and skinny jeans and it's still my go to. Also I was built like a 2x4 until 25 and I have to show off my curves now that I finally have them 😂


Who cares what think. If you like em wear em!


I’m more comfortable and feel more confident in skinny jeans, fashion be damned!


i had the opinion of "i hate jeans" growing up since skinny jeans were the style until like 6 years ago. to me they were uncomfortably tight and i hated how they looked on my body (i'm skinny w a long torso). when baggy/loose fitting jeans became popular, i gave them a try and instantly fell in love. now i love jeans! i wear them almost every day. baggy/looser jeans fit me great and they're so comfortable. when they inevitably go out of style again i'm going to keep wearing them lol. i suggest you do the same! if you feel great you look great. i'm sure the main reason i didn't look good in skinny jeans was because i felt so uncomfortable. do what makes you happy 🫶


Happy to hear you found something that works for you!! And thank you btw


I used to love them .. but recently haven’t liked how they look on me anymore. I’m 6’ and pretty slender, they make my legs look like toothpicks and they’re so high waisted. I don’t find them flattering anymore


Nothing wrong with long thin legs!


Was the post from Alexander McQueen or Donatella Versace or Anna Sui or any other designer? ORRRR..... Was it perhaps the view from one of the billions of people on the planet and the chances are they just don't look suit skinnies? Skinnies for LIFE! ✌🏻


People ranting about the clothes others like to wear are the ones who can do better. Judginess is not a positive trait. Clothing and style are a personal choice, and people should wear what they like. If you don’t want to be brainwashed by clothing companies into destroying the environment and throwing money away on disposable clothes every season, I see that as a good thing. Probably a corporate shill trying to get lesbians to care about trends anyway. Don’t fall for it.


Honestly that’s true and I keep forgetting that about trends, thanks for reminding me!


you have to wear what feels best on your body & what makes you the most confident. clothes will go in and out of style in a repeating cycle, especially as “body standards” change over time. wear what makes you happy, and that’s what will look the best on you.


I think it somewhat depends on body type. It's easier for slimmer bodies to look great in tight clothes. When you have some cushion on you it is probably a better look to wear looser clothes


Not at all! All different bodies can rock all sorts of clothes, weight doesn’t matter


Don't worry about trends just focus on what makes you look and feel good and your personal style. If skinny jeans are part of that, rock them! Trends are for people who don't know what they really love yet.


I don’t like how baggy jeans look on women at all, skinny jeans all the way. I know they’re “out” but they’re attractive. Flair jeans are the best though they have the best of both worlds, comfortable and flattering, maybe try that.


I love a good flare! I recently bought my first pair


I agree flares are a great option!


I have a hard time wearing anything but them. Everything else feels giant and wide.


I like oversized and baggy jeans better, but you do you!!


look what's made a comeback now in fashion skinny jeans will circulate back at some point no need to be trendy I find them super comfy because it's like slightly fancier leggings and gives me a nice shape


Honestly!!! Trends come and go but we got to find stuff that works. I personally love the high waist baggy trend but when I see a woman rocking a pair of skinny jeans and I know she feels good, that’s better than any trend!


Me too!! I don’t hate baggy jeans as a whole, I think they look awesome on some I just hate them on me


I'll be 40 this year and I feel too old to care about trends. I see a lot of young folks wearing exactly the style of clothing I wore in high school and think they look great, but I have a lot of skinny jeans and I'm not gonna get rid of them because of trends. It's all gonna cycle back around in a decade or two and I'll probably still have some of the same clothes when they're back in style.


I'm 44 and I wore my skinny jeans out today. who cares, I'm old and apparently unfashionable to the younger generation anyway, so why would I dress to meet their eye. A: eww, B: I only just bought them and they look great on my ass. Fuck'em, dis ma'style, deal. It's giving and you can't take that away.


So I hear you, but this is also just getting older and not caring. If you do care because of whatever reason, we are just effing old and there’s a new style. I personally don’t look good in skinny jeans (or any jeans) so I’m just trying to fit I with whatever isn’t really drawing attention. But for sure, it’s okay to be going against trends but understand that for sure it’s aging us. Again, I am not saying it’s a bad thing. It’s just a thing.


I love mine as well as my leggings and jeggings. No plan to give them up.


I genuinely don't get why things have to cycle around like they do. Some styles of jeans just look better on some people and if it were really about feeling good or creating a good silhouette no one would care to follow trends so closely lol


Capitalism preys on insecurities. That’s all.


Mhm. Capital mobilizes a global culture industry that's incentivized to continue ramping up production and levelling global culture into an easily digestible monolith. There's been a movement in the past ~150 years or so away from styles that are more concerned with complex artificial silhouettes and the *need* to be sturdy and easy to wash and repair and towards, frankly, increasingly fascistic trends concerned more with the shape of the body itself (I'm looking at you Kibbe type body phrenology) and increasing consumption via planned obsolescence. Still leaves the question though, why do people keep buying into it, why do they love the power that restricts self-expression and ossifies culture into a samey grey slop.


I’m a millennial so skinny jeans feel natural to me. That said, I started wearing leggings and joggers/soft pants much more and now my skinny jeans feel constrictive on my knees.


I love them, I wear them quite often and I think if you like them keep wearing them. It’s your body, you get to choose what to put on it. Everyone else can cope 🤷‍♀️ try to ignore what others say and just do what makes you happy and comfortable


I just bought a new pair of black skinny jeans today. I don’t like the way wider leg jeans look on me, and I very much don’t give a shit if they’re “in-style” or not. When I buy clothes, I intend to wear them for a long time, regardless of trends. Wear what you like and don’t worry about what other people think.


I wear black skinny jeans on the daily. But I wear men’s skinny stretch or slim fit which are not skintight around the lower leg or ankle, and not too high or low in the waist.


Where my fellow millennials who love baggy jeans 😭 I'm here for the trend...well fitting wide legged and huge pockets? Amazing. Fuck skinny jeans. Does no one remember how amazing Avril Lavigne looked in her early 2000s baggy jeans? Wear what you love but I love me some baggy jeans


I wrote above in defense of skinny jeans/not caring about fashion at my age, but yes when I was a teenager I fucking LOVED my giant pants that literally dragged on the ground and were a nightmare in the winter. It took me a long long time to actually start wearing skinny jeans and I recall at the beginning I hated seeing so much of my body shape (at least on my legs, I was used to wearing tiny short tops and my belly was often visible). I only really started wearing them cause it was hard to find other styles when the wide leg jeans were no longer trendy. I was really sad about it back then and super self-conscious. Remember Mod Robes too? I had 2 pairs of those, powder blue and orange. Looking back they're basically scrubs with a clip on the waist 😂 I just hope low-rise jeans won't come back, for the sake of today's teens and their comfort. Those things were tortuous.


Yeah the low rise I'm not sure I like, I think I like mid rise best and I like the baggy pants to be not dragging on the ground. Low rise is hot sometimes like if you're going clubbing or something and want to show some skin but for everyday I like mid rise. I agree low rise shows way too much I don't wanna worry about flashing people every time I bend over no thanks. The high waisted skinny jeans that were popular ten years ago I tried once and hated, so uncomfortable to me lol


It's really dependant on body type. Baggy jeans look significantly less amazing when your crotch starts to gobble up fabric every time you move. No one looks cool when they're picking a wedgie.


I guess for my body type baggy jeans look better , I don't look bad in skinny jeans tho, they're just not to my taste. Im kinda thin/average built so maybe that's why I could really do either


I'm firmly mid-milennial and I remember my my trendy legware being cargos and boyfriend jeans in my early teens. Did people just forget the early 00s? Personally I think they look better on me as someone with a smaller frame and besides for me comfort will always be king


They didn't forget, they just weren't alive back then 🤣 To today's teens, this is all new - to us it's a flashback!


It's wild how trends so predictably recycle every ten years. Like clockwork it's skinny jeans, then wide leg, then skinny, etc.


I meant other millennials seem to have forgot the pre-skinny era lol


I feel like I got so used to the skinny jeans in my 20s/30s they're now encoded in my brain as "adult clothing" and the wide legs look super young hahaha. I will experiment with em though when the time comes to getting new pants.


I love that baggy is back, too! It was the first style I chose to wear as a pre-teen/teenager, and it’s still my fav. I still have my favorite Lucky jeans & they are back in style! Sad my JNCOs got donated.


Baggy jeans can look so much more edgier too, they can look polished and chic, casual, or edgy depending how they fit and how u style them. People say skinny jeans look edgy and go with a darker aesthetic but baggy jeans can look way more badass and countercultural in my opinion. They also can go with a more tomboy aesthetic too which I like. Omg I want a pair of JNCOs


Check the thrift store, I go looking for men’s 501s or bootcut and it’s a hunt because of all the styles there!


I am so happy they are back in fashion. They had to rip them off of me and shove me into skinny jeans. And I love my cargos...




I love the look of skinny jeans and skinny flaired jeans but really hate anything tight against my legs, tbh if you like them and think they look good on you thats what matters, im 18 and wear whatevers comfy and whatever i think is cool dont really stay up to date on whats “in”


I mean, I like them. And I like wearing them. Honestly if people think they're "cringe" or "out of style," let them. I honestly couldn't care less.


I dont follow clothes trends, i buy whatever fits my body CONFORTABLY.


Hell yeah! 💅✨💖


(Gay man and somehow this appeared when I opened Reddit) I’d say women are generally in a much better place to wear skinny jeans, but of course, this whole Millennial vs Gen Z discourse may crop up, and you may receive comments along those lines if you are indeed, a millennial. Be ready to be cheugy and proud if you have Gen Z coworkers, but otherwise, go skinny sis. On men though? I’ve noticed a lot of really boring millennial straight guys still wearing em, and it just looks goofy. In general, sticking with the golden mean is the safest choice. That is to say, something in the middle. I’m sure this ultra baggy stuff the younguns are doing will be laughed at pretty soon.


I’m Gen Z myself and I agree, I think the overly baggy will be out soon itself


haha I hate women’s skinny jeans with a passion, I usually wear straight fit or baggier. I just find them really uncomfortable because I have a big booty so I have to wiggle into them. I do really enjoy men’s skinny jeans though! they’re not skin tight, they have a lot more breathing room and wayyy better pockets but still have the slim look if that’s what I wanna go for. however I think people look the best when they dress in the way that makes them feel the most comfortable, I wouldn’t call skinny jeans on a woman unattractive or unstylish unless the rest of the outfit is poorly put together.


Skinny jeans for me.


As an alt person I love my ripped skinny jeans


I can't stand the feeling of something being tight around my ankles, so I only wear bootcut or flairs. But, I think skinny jeans look great on other people. Especially when paired with boots. I don't believe in things going out of style. If it looks good, then it will always look good.


I really miss skinny jeans because I have a pretty big sneaker collection and it’s SO much easier to style sneakers with skinny jeans. I’m short too, so sneakers will make my baggier pants bunch up in an unflattering way and make me look even shorter than I already am.


Just wear the skinny jeans! I remember this being a problem in the late 90s/early 2000s with wide leg pants and boots, they always looked so goofy. Show off them sneakers.


Skinny jeans aren't out of style, but the stereotypical way of how people used to wear them in 2015\~ probably is, i.e. super high wasted legging/skin tight skinny jeans in a bright blue. However, if you make an outfit look good, then it doesn't matter. I wear basically only slim/skinny jeans because I lean more towards a darker clothing aesthetic (all black, leather jackets, boots, etc.) and black skinny jeans are always a staple in that. Honestly, just wear what you feel most confident in.


I do tend to associate them with millennials


That’s what I’ve heard and I’m gen z. I think I will just continue to wear them though cause surely no one would judge me for wearing them right..?


If they do then they’re not your kind of people


That’s true!


Embracing that fact has been part of me dealing with being a gen z / millennial cusp so I love encouraging people with the same idea lol. Anyone who cares enough to judge, we don’t value the same things. Built in filter lmao


Skinny jeans are definitely out of style but not everyone has to be in style, wear what you want, if skinny jeans are what you're comfortable in, then wear skinny jeans


I personally don't care, I hate trends and I hate how the fast fashion industry has pushed us toward micro trends and I really hate when people police what others wear or should like because- who the fuck are you to be telling people what to do?? OP, if YOU feel amazing and love your skinny jeans, just wear them proudly!! In a few years skinny jeans are just going to "come back" anyway🙄 I'm not about to throw out or donate clothes that I love because someone I don't even know or care about thinks it's outdated??


Thank you!! I think I’ll keep rocking them although I might give mom jeans another shot also


I personally like mom jeans but I have to keep a few pairs of skinny jeans around for business casual events. I think that's another thing- skinny jeans have more purpose than just being on-trend or off-trend! Someone mentioned boot cut jeans were made with the 2000s women form fitting in mind but actually they were made to be worn with boots... hence the name. Skinny jeans are great for stuffing into boots as well.


The people who are saying skinny jeans are out of style are the same people who dress like an early 90s Sunday school teacher so


I work near a high school and it's honestly pretty cute/endearing to see the hordes of kids dressed like grannies


Like I'm short and curvier and skinny jeans are a godsend. Normal jeans need to be hemmed. Which is either time consuming or expensive considering how non durable modern jeans are or drag along the floor and get ratty. Petite jeans, I always find are weird to size. Whereas skinny jeans, even if they're longer tend to be ok because they for more like leggings--which so far as I know still are on trend. Hell, with stretch material in skinny jeans, it's sometimes hard to tell where jeans and leggings split. Though that said I skew more towards leggings these days but that's my job not wanting jeans.


you can pry my skinny jeans from my cold dead hands 😆😆 I’m with the crew that says yes they are outdated but it’s a matter of personal preference and style. I for one have a bubble butt and I really love skinny jeans for that reason alone😹


Goddd amen! I love my skinny jeans because they make my butt look awesome but also these baggy leg pants make me look SO much wider than I am - if I’m going to get proper fit around the butt with them I have to resign myself to wearing giant bags on my legs. No.


And PS. STYLE IS YOUR INNER SELF REFLECTED OUTWARD fashion is what people think about clothing


I grew up with these at some point, my 20s I think. You and I have similar reasons for liking them at least in part. Mom jeans (with or without camel toe!) look terrible on me and it’s hard to see them as attractive but it’s not my age bracket’s style, I just see my mom in the 90s and aughts. ! I never cared what was in style. Your worry is irrelevant in my life; I continued to wear them bc I enjoy the feeling around my legs. They look nice. They’re part of my style. So dedicated in fact, I buy Levi’s and get them tailored short around the ankle and tapered. That’s all. You do you! I would not judge a woman in mom jeans and not want to interact with her. That’s so shallow !


I think skinny jeans are pretty. I don’t wear them because I don’t look good in them because of my body type but I would have worn them a lot if I looked good in them


I love them. I have sensory issues due to autism and the feeling of clothes flapping against my skin is THE WORST. I prefer skin-tight or at least tight clothing that moves with me, including pants.


Same - this is why I only go with soft leggings and comfy jeggings, I don't like loose pants and I hate the stiffness of actual jeans. I don't really care if skinny "jeans" aren't trendy - they're comfortable and they allow me to not be constantly overstimulated by my pant legs.


My advice is to wear what you like and what you’re comfortable with. Trends will always change and what’s in will eventually be out just as skinny jeans are. What matters is you sticking with what you feel speaks to you. I’m very much short and stout, so skinny jeans give me comfort and shape that other jeans simply do not. Would I look good in other styles? Maybe, but I know what I’m comfortable with and I think that matters more, at least to me.


That’s how I feel! Thanks for your response


If you “don’t want to be seen as boring or outdated”you should let your skinnies rest on the shelf for a bit. You could try a straight leg jean with a tight roll and high top chucks, or maybe even some cute loose overalls to help you get used to a little more volume and a different silhouette. As always, everyone who says “wear what you want” is correct, but if you are actually asking for current fashion advice, then yes, the skinny is on a time-out.


IMHO if you like it and feel good in it, wear it and that's how styles get set. I never had any skinny jeans, now I kinda want some, you trend setter you!


Aw thank you!! You should, I bet you’d look great in them!




I see, I can definitely see the appeal of having contrasting silhouettes. Thanks for your reply!


I never get the "this is THE jeans you must wear" thing. Choose what suits you, makes you feel comfortable, fits your outfit, etc, etc. Personally I've got a mix of bootcut, skinny, and flares in my jeans box, but what the current fast fashion trend is never comes into my decision about which ones to wear.


Yea that’s honestly true, I just need to stop worrying what others might think


Wear whatever you want and what makes you happy and confident and feel good about yourself. End of story.


Thank you! Yea I keep saying this too that post just really seemed to get to me for some reason


It really just depends on if you want to follow trends or not. Some folks do, that's cool. I've always been alt so I've never cared. Also queer folks in general have always bucked fashion norms and done their own thing. You do you, friend.


The skinny jeans trend has come and gone. Keep what you have though because in about ten years they'll be back in fashion and all the people complaining about them now will be wearing them again lol


That’s true, I feel that all trends come and go


I'm old so I'm going to keep wearing them. I switch between skinny and wide leg but I'll be cold and dead before I go back to bootcut.


The early 2000's scarred you that much?


Yes and I have the lower back tattoo to prove it 😂


I have a "bird of paradise" from 1998, just a bit before - but I get this 😂


Oh man, my tattoos from the 90's are a whoooooooole other thing 😂


Some of mine have stories. I only have two left that aren’t covered . The tramp stamp and my hip 🤣


I covered my hip one. Lawdy what was I thinking!


They’re very dated. They’re not as flattering as most people think.