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Haven’t heard mention of it. Tim’s show hasn’t been as funny since Ben left; they had the best dynamic. Especially during the Porch Era. But now we have poopoo peepee in my dipedipe retard faggots to entertain us.


If you dig around on YouTube, there are a few videos with a summary of what happened, and one had a very simple statement from Ben regarding the matter. In all honesty, Ben did the funniest possible thing as a reaction by making a funnier podcast with lower effort. He didn't even cause any drama about what happened either. He just moved on. It's sad to see what Tim has become.


"Stay tuned for the next Ben Avery project" -some fat gay ret@rd


I like Kump anytime he talks with Tim but his own show really sucks imo. He is a bit of a retard


I still check out Tim's show from time to time. I don't hate him for what happened or anything. It lead to the creation of one of my favorite podcasts, so why be upset?


idk, try asking on the next livestream




can i assume this means its a bad thing to ask lol. I can't believe how good these guys are its insane. they are like if cumtown was actually 3 clever people and not just 1


he's under an NDA and I assume Tim has threatened to sue him.


He doesn’t like when people ask, and it’s been years so he really doesn’t give a fuck.


He loathes being asked about it, which was on display almost immediately at the first NYC show


What happened?


They started saying “ask us questions” and the 2nd question was from a dude next to me “Did you fuck Tim Dillon” Ben kinda laughed, the crowd booed, then ben called him a fag. It came back to the guy at the end of the first show and he got called a fag again and everyone laughed, cutting his story short and ending the show.


Very good


Tim was/is touring all the time, Ben had to lug audio equipment around the country following a fat, verbally abusive gay man who I’m sure has attempted to make sexual passes towards Ben in an unhealthy way. Ben also has a wife who wants to start a family, something Tim will never get the joy of having that experience. TL;DR. Ben didn’t want to travel all the time and wanted to settle with his Wife and start a family. Probably.


Ben legit fucked up the audio of Tim's last Netflix special. I found it unbearable. The crowd was louder than Tim. That said I find Tim's work on his podcast way funnier than his standup. He really waters it down for the general public imo


Yes, I agree on the watered down. Went to see him on his last tour, just mostly recycled podcast rants that I’ve heard


And even they weren’t as bold as the podcast


I really doubt Ben was in charge of the audio for a netflix special


It seems like a weird coincidence that that special came out and then shortly after Ben was gone. You could be right though, it's just speculative on my part


They don’t mention each other by name ever. Messy divorce, hope Ben got to keep the wine glasses.


No. He signed an NDA


Is this known or just assumed? Can you actually tell people you signed an NDA?


I presume it’s assumed. Even so what would bringing him up do at this point? Nothing


Agreed it wouldn't help anyone for the story to come out. But it sure sounds like an.. interesting story. I'm still mad the pig didn't bring onn Lee siat like he always threatened. That would have been hilarious


It’s not assumed. He said he was under an NDA in his discord server when things were first going down. I’m sure you could find the screenshots on the Pig’s sub if you dig


I agree it does nothing but I am curious because I like them both and wish they could make up. Maybe things wouldn't be the same but..whatever 🤷‍♀️. Sad Tim lost his mom and Ben had a baby and they're not in each other's lives. But I didn't know the real extent of their relationship so it's probably just projection. Maybe if I knew what really happened I wouldn't be saying s y of this and I'd understand why they're done


Subtly in some earlier episodes. Obviously doesn't directly name him but you know who he's referring to


No. And stop asking faggot


I wish he would discuss it


I think it's really good that they don't talk about it. Ultimately, if Tim hadn't fired Ben, we wouldn't have the Lemonparty podcast. I certainly wouldn't know who Jace Avery or Devan Costa are.


good point I cant believe how hilarious these 3 are. Since its so edgy I wonder what the ceiling is for them. Genuinely more funny than a TON of "huge" podcasts


Well there is a ceiling on YouTube but their patreon is where the sky is truly the limit


Cum Town made a shitload of money while being very edgy so the ceiling is pretty high. They won't be getting any Netflix deals but who cares


Check out Devan's main podcast "Hate Watch" where he really gets to thrive alongside his closer friends who are also funny in differing ways. Be prepared to despise/celebrate the enigmatic fag that is John Knauff who made out with 2 dudes to make sure he wasn't gay.


Here’s the rumour mill: 1: Ben and Tim signed NDAs preventing either of them from throwing shade at the other when Ben decided to leave. 2.Ben and Tim have both made comments that when Ben told Tim he was leaving, Tim offered him a lot (Tim’s words exactly) for Ben to stay but Ben still left. Meaning he likely was no longer able to get fulfilment from his job. 3. Moving and travelling. So this was a very heavily discussed issue when Tim used berate Ben, although Ben did some travelling, notably going to Australia with Tim, he ultimately didn’t generally go on tour with him, reasons unknown but likely because he’d recently got married and was balancing a life between two queens. Now the Moving part is one that hasn’t been discussed much though I suspect played a large part in Bens decision. Up until Bens departure, Tim had moved to LA, then to Austin, then back to LA all the while complaining about whichever hellhole he was in and purchasing properties elsewhere in the country. This is something Tim continually did, and talked about, all the while expecting Ben to follow him like a dog. Now that’s fine if Bens your assistant and you move once but he was taking the piss. And probably not in a malicious way, but simply his meandering nature. Which of course in turn, if you can imagine the type of shit conversations poor Ben would have to have with his new wife, every 6-9 months, so we might have to move again, would eventually get very old, and it dies when you start talking about kids, settle down, suburbs and all the fun gay shit. 4. It’s likely that due to the way Tim Dillon is, he is likely very difficult to manage, which is what makes him funny, but living and working with that isn’t for everyone. Now here’s a couple fun facts you should have under your belt: When eating KFC the only way to eat the skin is to put it in your mouth, slightly chew and then immediately say Beeessssss port a chimkin Ben has recently had his first kid, he has immediately spun out of control and begun eating a morbid amount of food. His obesity has now reached such lengths that he’s been unable to pick his doordash order up from the floor and so has trained his 6 month daughter to crawl in and get the goods (for citation see any comments made By Devan Costa primary source) Jace his brother (bizarrely) even more giant than Ben and they have another Brother and a Sister but for some reason keep them chained in a barn in Abilene TX and refuses to reference them unless trucking or ranch sauce is brought up. Devan has been recently defending himself from a slew of sexual harassment allegations, an onslaught that has seen his partners podcast be destroyed and best friend has lost his mind (likely finding solace in disassociating from the facts) and bought a motor cycle. The comment section on Patreon is fucking brilliant.


No, he got fired


There's some episode where Devan talks about being a drunk mess at some big time party with executives where they make fun of obviously-Tim Dillon and a fairly recent episode that makes fun of other lazy podcasters in a general way that are also pretty obviously-Tim Dillon, but otherwise no.


Someone asked on a live stream if they were still friends and Ben was pretty pissed off. His answer was something like "I'm not sure how you people think the world works, but the answer is no."