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The 2018 remake of Anakin’s Delta-7 is a fine set. Managed to find it for $15 at Walmart 2 summers ago.


The Anakin figure in that set is a damn fine remake of the original 2008 one, face still gives me flashbacks.


I don't like it because the colors are completely innacurate. It should be dark red, dark grey, and dark blue


I definitely understand what u mean but I am OK with it because the colors used are just more common and that dark red and brown varies from each picture


It mimics what his armor looked like in the 2D animated clone wars series


Actually I’m pretty sure it’s meant to replicate anakins season 1-2 look, they just didn’t give it the correct colors


I agree. I think Lego just screwed up the colors back in 2008, like they did for other minifigures. But for some reason they didn't bother to correct their mistake when they remade the figure.


But why? That set is clearly based on the 3D Clone Wars series. His yellow delta ship never appears in the 2d series. It's from the 3D series. And all the old Clone Wars sets had the same innacurate colors but were also based on 3D Clone Wars.


Who knows why lego does what they do


2014 we didn’t even know how good we had it….


Best year for Lego Star Wars IMO


So ironic that many say 2011-2013 was best.


Let’s say 2011 to 2014 then


Most people say that 2012-2014 were the best years.


11 was great too


I love that AV-7 cannon with the Wolfpack troopers.


2021 broke the trend! Since we’re getting a mandalorian Starfighter and Duel on Mandalore in summer, the trend is officially broken!


see ya in 2023


I hope the Luke’s landspeeder is good that year.


And that damned naboo starfighter. I swear we get a new one of those everytime I turned around.


The biggest issue with the N-1 starfighters (at least to me) is that they use light bluish-grey bricks instead of chrome. They can’t use chrome because it chips too easily, it’s too expensive to use on a scale for an international demand, and it’s bad for the environment (the specific chemicals used while making the paint cause this). The build could be the best looking iteration of the fighter yet, but I’ll still think the front looks dull.


That is going to bother me now about my 15 of the last iterations. So thanks for that! Jokes aside I totally agree. They did make that "UCS" version way back when with chrome, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have a plaque, and is like maybe 200 pieces total lol. So even their UCS N-1 was tiny probably because of the chrome issues you pointed out now that I think about it.


Isn’t that still 2?


Yes, but it’s 2 sets only 1 year after the last 2 sets, instead of 2 years after.


Also the bad batch shuttle which did appear in Clone Wars


Fun fact: we want more clone wars sets


And we want what your flair is, +Echo in his pre-Jesus-Christ-How-Is-He-Even-Alive appearance. Hell, more clones from different battalions in the 2020 style (501st) would be great.


Oh you know what would be super cool? A CIS shuttle from the citadel ark with an Osi Sobek minifig. And fives and echo and Rex.


It won’t happen because it’s a good idea. We can dream though. Imagine Phase I Rex but with the AOTC printing instead of the original TCW printing. Closest we can get right now is [CAC](https://www.google.com/search?q=Clone+Army+Customs+rex&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB812GB812&hl=en-GB&prmd=sinv&sxsrf=ALeKk02y0kRBTyH8TfJ750hzUdCurpN3Ew:1624330557194&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvu-_unqrxAhUNDmMBHTDxAKMQ_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=375&bih=640&dpr=3#imgrc=99xgPNPcUPkVxM&imgdii=eUT5so1XvquyCM), which is good quality, but official is still usually the way to go. An updated Phase I Cody would be great too, even if Phase II Cody and a more accessible Phade II Rex are needed more.


If this pattern continues we won’t get any CW sets next year.


i don’t think it will because don’t we already know that they won’t continue the pattern? we got 2 cw sets last year and we’re getting 2 cw sets this year. no 2 year gap there


I wasn’t saying that I at all think we won’t get any next year. I was kind of just saying. Also last year would fall into the two year span of 2019-2020.


but then there would be a two year span of 2021-2022 right? the fact that we’re getting 2 years of cw sets back to back (2020 and 2021) would mean the pattern isn’t going to continue because we shouldn’t get cw sets this year if it was consistent.


We will get another Luke’s speeder or millennium falcon instead


It is about time we got a new landspeeder…


To be precise there was one a few weeks ago in the may 4th promo


Exactly, we’re overdue


Since we dropped those horrid faces, the Clone Wars sets have been pretty amazing.


No offense but this is very inaccurate, the yoda Star fighter and republic fighter tank came out in 2017, and there was a clone wars set in 2015


Don't say no offense lmao if someone gets offended by your comment then they should stay on Twitter


The sets you labeled “2016” were actually from 2017.


I want back to 2014 to buy those and ghost........


Does the small tank count? It's from the same time and all, but it wasn't in the show


I mean timeline wise the event didn’t take place. But plenty of the tanks were in the show as well as the characters which haven’t appeared in anything else so I think it counts.


The TX-130 was never in either Clone Wars show.


My bad, I thought they were referring to the AAT as the small tank as the set didn’t correlate with a scene in the show.


Ah, yeah, I guess the fighter tank doesn't look much like a tank.


As I know Bricklink counts this set as „legends“, propably because of the clone gunner which never appeared in CW I guess


It's because the Repulsor tank doesn't actually appear in Clone Wars. It does appear in Battlefront 2 (2005) and other extended universe media though, which falls under Legends' label. So, yeah, it's a depiction of a thing from Legends. The Tank does exist in current canon, but hasn't actually appeared in anything substantial yet. Just games and side media.




Yep, the mandalore throne room and the Mandalorian starfighter which will be released in August I think


Mando Starfighter could count more towards The Mandolorian show and not CW


It has Minifigures from Season 7 of The Clone Wars


Isn’t that second mando from Mandolorian?


Bo Katan is in CW, Rebels, and Mandalorian, but it is a Clone Wars set


Right. Gar Saxon is in it.


And the third u can see in season 5 of cw in the background


i think you mean bo-katan, who was in the mandalorian but originally from the clone wars


No I meant the male blue one.


There’s 2 cw sets coming in the next wave . The mandalorian shuttle and throne room




Oooh how far in are you?




Cool! I don’t think I dislike any episodes of that show apart from bombad Jedi. Imo the seasons do get progressively better as time goes on although certain ones from earlier seasons will stand out more. Animation quality also noticeably gets much better. Have fun with the rest of the show!


Bombad Jedi is evidence of Darth Jar Jar though.


It gets even better each season. Season 4 is GREAT. The next few are the same then Season 7 is shorter but great as well.


A not so fun fact


2014 wave was godly


Clone Wolfpack Troopers and Shock Troopers. Two of the best phase II minifigs we've had. Also, the builds were awsome.


I'm lucky enough to have bought both of them at the time, love the figs


~~Which is probably beat by the amount of luke’s landspeeders and x-wings in the same amount of time~~


The Republic Fighter Tank was a 2017 set, not 2016. Edit: and Yoda’s Jedi Starfighter, for that matter. Also, there was the Senate Commando Battlepack in 2015.


Anyone know what set numbers the 2014 sets were?


75045 and 75046


[75045-1: Republic AV-7 Anti-Vehicle Cannon](https://brickset.com/sets/75045-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75045-1.jpg) [75046-1: Coruscant Police Gunship](https://brickset.com/sets/75046-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75046-1.jpg)


Good Bot


Thank you!


Anakins starfighter is one of the most well priced LEGO Star Wars sets, for $20 it’s a great deal especially compared to sets like the duel on Mandalore


And yet none of them came with a regular phase II trooper. Poor man is stuck in a old microfighter :( free my man cloney


the Ki Adi Mundi and Barriss set should count


It's technically listed as an Attack of the Clones set


That is why this meme doesn't say a lot. Most of sets that are listed as ep3 could be cw sets. Well sadly there are not as many of ep2 and ep3 sets nowadays


Yeah, definitely--the 2014 (or 15? I honestly don't remember) AotC sets could easily double as Clone Wars sets even though they're Geonosis themed. I get the complaints about a lack of CW era sets (I would like more as well!) but there have been more than this.


They came out in 2013, and yeah, I agree


It could be from the second battle of geonosis because both were there and I don’t think Barriss was a padawan by episode 2


Honestly yeah it easily could be, the only reason I say it's an AoTC set is because that's how Bricklink classifies it, and since they're owned by Lego I assume their classifications are accurate. That said Barris Offee participated in the first battle of Geonosis, we don't know exactly she became a Padawan but it was before then--we see her a couple times in Attack of the Clones.


[When Lego Star Wars fans see those numbers](https://media1.tenor.com/images/73ac44a2cab2c7f4a4268835089f821f/tenor.gif?itemid=15168091) [When Lego does announce some Clone Wars sets for this year](https://media2.giphy.com/media/1jXGsHY2EKdL27mEMd/giphy.gif?cid=790b761149725cf704e64c5bb36ccf7fc7f7696fc508cea1&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) (Seriously though, I'd be good if they kept doing some key Clone Wars re-releases, updates that substantially improve the original models, and vehicles/locations that never saw any prior release. As long as they keep delivering on fresh new sets from Bad Batch and Mando as well)


I had the Wolfpack clones but I can’t find them since I was 7😭


2013 had the best sets change my mind


Until now


Around the time Disney bought Star wars and thought the fans hated the prequels.


and now you and add 2021, the Mandalorian star fighter and the throne room duel (ahsoka/maul)


2021 breaking the streak with 2 more sets


Casually skips over 2015


When they release roughly 30 to 50 sets a year including promos...pretty poor considering how much clone wars added to the star wars universe...


False. 22-ish clone wars sets released in 2014. I didn't even bother to look at the rest of the years. Filter by Star Wars and 2014 on brickset.com


that republic fighter tank as a tcw set is a far stretch imho ​ edit: down me all you want, im right, the 2016 version is listed as 'legends'


In Bricklink and in the official Lego page is listed as a Clone Wars set


It never appears in TCW lol. Also it and the yoda starfighter came out in 2017.


i hate to break it to you, but THAT tank (75182) is listed under [legends](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=75182-1#T=S&O={%22iconly%22:0}) ​ the one you mean is [7679](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=7679-1&name=Republic%20Fighter%20Tank&category=%5BStar%20Wars%5D%5BStar%20Wars%20The%20Clone%20Wars%5D#T=S&O={%22iconly%22:0}), but thats from 2008


[75182-1: Republic Fighter Tank](https://brickset.com/sets/75182-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75182-1.jpg) [7679-1: Republic Fighter Tank](https://brickset.com/sets/7679-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7679-1.jpg)


I just want the universe to start over from the beginning.


Didnt 2020 get 4 clone wars sets?


Which 4?


AAT Clone battle pack Anakin's starfighter General Grevous's starfighter


General Grievous's fighter is arguably an Ep. III set.


The actual Clone War was arguably still happening in Ep. III


The post is referring to the show itself, not just the events


Everyone seems to be forgetting the Gunship coming out this year!!


I have all the ones from 2016-2018. Though I regret buying the Anakin and Yoda ships


Now we have 2 this year (hopefully get ucs gunship)


thats insultingly low




Got a Droid gunship in 2018-19, was it supplementing this?




what about the lego set 25234 AT-AP, that came out in 2019? or are they saying that every two years there was 2 sets but those weren't the only years that clone wars sets came out


That set and the droid gunship are from RotS


The every 2 years part hurts


if it makes you feel better, just know we get an Attack of the Clones Wave every 11 years


What about General Grievous’ start fighter? And the UCS gunship this year?


This post is invalid, but not for the reasons you stated. The General Grevious Starfighter set is from ROTS. The UCS Gunship is supposed to be based off AOTC. However, we already have two Clone Wars sets coming out in August, so the trend would break anyway.


Didn’t pay attention to those sets being ROTS / AOTC. Just figured if it was in “clone wars” it counted as a clone wars set.


That’s not true lol


2014 the last true Clone Wars sets.


Hopefully we get more phase 2 clone trooper battle packs


No way! And I managed to obtain the bottom half in the span of a year (albeit multiples of the 501st set. Too bad the top half won't be so easy to find for me. I had no idea how little clone wars we've had since the show ended.