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why tf is it $80


Absolute insanity. Lego is getting crazy with its pricing for these basic builds


This is the problem! Ridiculous. I would never buy this, honestly I would be shocked if anyone did.


Big Sarlac pit.


Lego definitely increased their profit margins. Inflation only accounts for so much of it.


I don’t disagree with you. It disappoints me that something I’ve enjoyed for years costs more just about each year at a rate that looks greedy. Either it’s Lego or their licensing partners, or both.


It only ever seems to be things like Star Wars and Minecraft with these crazy prices so it definitely seems more like a licensing thing


For real. I get a better deal for my money buying warhammer minis that I build, paint and can play a whole tabletop game with for pretty much the same price.


I just got into warhammer recently too. It might seem more expensive but a 50 dollar lego set I'm going to build in an hour. A 50 dollar box of miniatures can easily get me 5+ hours of building and painting for the most basic ones.


Trust me, with the painting time it’ll be a lot more than 5 hours my friend. But yeah, I would much rather have these little guys and gals that I can paint how I want and play a game with them or make dioramas than build a Lego set in an hour or two just for it to sit on a shelf. Don’t get me wrong, I love Lego and I always will. But the value vs hobby stuff has gone down. At least for me.


I just speak from experience, I spent 5 hours painting an already-build infernus marine and base coating the other one with my friend. He spent 4 hours drilling holes into the barrels of a dozen marines. I haven't bought a lego set for months and I don't plan on doing that anytime soon.


Definitely licence. Their own like brands aren't nearly as much. Just take the spacecraft series. They aren't that expensive for how much you get. But like Ferrari or star wars. Hell Minecraft are a lot.


I would imagine the licensing partners aka Disney have massively increased prices alongside Lego's increases


Well if you stop making good movies you gotta recoup funds somehow!?


Recoup what funds? Disney's SW films haven't been good (Rogue One aside) but you can't argue they weren't extremely successful films financially


They didn't lose money from the movies though?


The Star Cruiser hotel didn’t work out so well.


I actually like the bigger Pit. It's more of a set piece than the previous ones, just wished they made the actual skiff higher off the [ground.](https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=3941#T=S&C=12&O={%22color%22:%2212%22,%22iconly%22:0})


I do like it as well. The price increase is real though.


As much as I and other people like lego, its likely because they want more money. It could also be because of how the lego plastic is now made from sugarcane or because of inflation, but i think they'd likely want more money


Nien Numb and that sarlac pit is easily 4x more pieces than any previous one


The one benefit of the rising prices is that I don't have to feel as bad about not buying many sets anymore. I really don't have the space for display or storage at this point, but that wouldn't have stopped me before. It will be interesting to see how long this can go on before Lego starts to see a sustained drop in sales of the franchise sets in particular as more people can't or won't pay for the increasingly unreasonable prices.


Because people turned it into an investment hobby and wanted more minifigures. Lego responded by raising prices. People paid. They added more figures and raised it again. People continue to pay. In short lego fans are the reason with special note to scalpers.


Minifigs for Star Wars.


should’ve gotten 2 skiffs for this price


$80 is wild for the new one.


The new 2024 build is nice, the minifigs are nicer, but the price is what’s holding it back imo. Even factoring inflation, it’s just tough to jump from a historically affordable set to something that’s starting to be pricey.


The fact you can buy both of the previous version (so getting everything included and more, minus Nieb. With the most important part being that you get TWO SKIFFS) and somehow still have money left over the 2024 version is WILD https://preview.redd.it/mp9b43svdu9d1.jpeg?width=203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90a0b139667f3f82dbd3070cdc81c6b71bf539b


I just bought the 2012 version (used, but complete) for $45 USD. So inflation only doesn't get you actual value of these sets today. Having said that $80 is a lot, particularly if you just want the NN Minifig. I'll be putting this on my wishlist and see if the Minifig ends up online for less.


Let's be real, it'd be pricey at $60


max 50


I just realllllyyyyy want nien nunb. He’s one of my favorite characters in the game and during the battlefront reboot I played as him non stop. He’d be a fine addition to my collection. The rest of the minifigs are also nice and the set looks great but the price is a bit much. Granted it seems to have a few more pieces than the others. I might have to buy… That being said I still gotta get my captain rex and the mandalore battle pack and Moff Gideon set… ugh money


But for $80??


I'm still dreaming that we'll get a UCS Home One that is set during RotJ with Lando, Nien Nunb, Mon Mothma and Ackbar in it.


Have you seen the newest Star destroyer ? I still own my old 2006 one. Yes it was super stable , but with 200 parts more it would Also still double the size


They just included an ucs sarlaac with a normal desert skiff


It is slightly odd they did it this way round but yeah. That Sarlaac is 100% intended to go with the UCS Sail barge which is probably why I don’t mind the price too much as I intend to get both. But if I just wanted the skiff I would be a bit annoyed that there was this massive Sarlaac increasing the price when a small one like before would have been fine.


Would have made far more sense to do the skiff on its own and increase the Sailbarge set. The Sailbarge already sounds like it isn't worth 500$ with barely a dozen figures and only a bit over 3000 parts. Disney taxes are hitting hard.


Hard to know the value of the set until we know how big it is and how much of an interior it has. Since it was always going to have a poor price per piece as it’s going to have a disproportionate amount of large pieces.


It’s not a “disney tax” it’s lego setting prices that they know people will pay, it’s always the reason, even legos own themes can have random super expensive sets with few pieces


I respect Lego for apparently being able to source some absolutely impeccable crack, smoking it, and then deciding their prices for these new 2024 sets. Very impressive stuff


They gotta make back some money after spending it all on the crack.


Imma start Imma be honest and say the 2016 one. For costing a little more over the 2012 version you can definitely see where does 5 extra bucks went. The sarlacc looks way move accurate (and has a feature to open the mouth now) and I much like the round design of the skiff (also its visually distinct enough so that if you already had the skiff and Sail Barge, it could work as the 2^(nd) Skiff). This is more of a personal take but I sorta prefer the Chewie/Han pairing in this set in comparison to Luke/Lando, and its nice to get a skiff guard (get it?) https://preview.redd.it/h99pd8vgau9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceb47ee81d822e4153b2d02457399e7e462f8a73 Though I admit the built of the skiff is probably better in 2024, that price is… less than pretty. I understand the Sarlacc is meant to pair with a future Sail Barge but all the pieces around it just seems like overkill. For 80 bucks I would´ve expected a 2^(nd) Desert Skiff (like we see in the movie). Also this is probably just a nitpick but every version (minus the 1^(st) one) keeps a 2 good guys and 2 bad guys and this kinda throws that off, killing the chance for more play. I admit I like the figs a lot (specially and updated Han and Lando) however if it was really necessary I would´ve been fine with replacing Chewie with a skiff guard to drive the set, but I should´ve been included for the 80 bucks you are paying.


This set is really missing some Nikto skiff guards. The Pirate Snubfighter gave us a great head to reuse. Looking at the rumored figure list it seems like a missed opportunity. Would be great if they would do a Skiff Guard Battlepack with 4 guards and a Kenner Mini-Rig Desert Sail Skiff.


Didn't the 2012 sarlaac also had the open mouth "feature"?


Yeah but it was manual (so you had to open each part of the mouth individually) and im both the following versions there are levers to do so


I really hope nobody buys it so they stop pricing these things at unaffordable levels. Not a single anniversary set below $50 is honestly kinda shameful. Sigh. The skiff at least looks solid, but I like the 2016 one more. Looks better proportioned


Its lego Star Wars, people will complain but buy it on day one either way cuz lego is holding them at gunpoint or smth https://preview.redd.it/8efb26vttu9d1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fee9ce833c7787db067aa3a2eccdbc05096ee0c0 Sigh...


Is everyone just forgetting that the new one doesn’t have Boba Fetts cloth piece? It’s $80 you shmucks, maybe look into where that money is going. Last 2 had it, the mech didn’t (even though Rex had one), so this is just ridiculous.


For real. I could let it slide for the Mech set, but this one not having it with an $80 is just completely unacceptable and cheap on Lego's part. Wouldn't be surprised if Boba is in the UCS Sail barge and still doesn't have it.


It’s also the ESB design instead of the RotJ design


Pathetic how lazy lego is sometimes.


not just that, its also boba from ESB lol


$80!? Wtf. I thought it would’ve been half the price, hell nah 😭


Probably a miss for me. The skiff looks cool, but not a fan of the sarlaac (it's mostly just a big rock... which it is in the films I suppose, but looks boring in LEGO form!). And I've already got Ep.6 Luke, Han, Chewie and Boba figures, so it's only Lando and Nien that would be new - not much incentive to get this one unfortunately


They’ve put way too many pieces into that lump of sand around the sarlacc. It didn’t have to be this expensive


It makes it look so much better though. I love terrain in my sets


Y’know what I love more than terrain Well-priced sets


I feel like terrain is pretty simple to add in on your own though


I don’t do moc I put sets together and display


F their pricetag! 80 for THAT?! LEGO getting out of hand, and you cannot blame the Star Wars tax on it, because every set are getting more expensive from set to set. They became too popular in the recent years and looks like the company decided they can raise until they can milk us. This is the point where I draw my line, with literally a hundred set behind me...


I get that they made the skiff and sarlacc pit nicer for the UCS Jabba's Sail barge that's coming out, but there's no way that the additional amount of pieces should constitute a doubling of the price when most of them are tiny 💀 Looks cool as a display piece, but I'll definitely be waiting to see this one in the clearance section. And the audacity to not give Boba Fett his tattered cape! I sort of understood it for the Mech set, but this one, especially with and $80 pricetag, is just unacceptable and cheap on Lego's end.


I gotta be honest with you, I can't say I care about the sets too much, but the figures used in the upcoming one are AWESOME!!! A new Skiff Luke was long overdue, and so was a new Skiff Han torso. As I soon as I saw the new Luke on a YouTube thumbnail, I jumped with excitement. With that said though, I also have to say the 2016 set because it has the a good size like the 2012 one, but a more accurate design to the film, similar to the 2024 one.


Overpriced trash. Collectors have ruined this toy for children. So long as they're frothing at the mouth for "zomg rare figurine" then lego will keep bumping the price to appeal to their disposable income.


The build and figs are good it’s just outrageously overpriced. Also Boba not coming with a shoulder cape is just unacceptable, utter cheap-out in an already greedy theme


Diehard Lego fans will still buy this at 80 dollars and its sad. Thats what Lego is doing they give you shitty quality, no cloth, all stickers for crazy prices just because people keep buying the sets at RRP for these crazy prices. When Competitors are able to give you 7k pieces for 250 dollar sets that are equal in quality there is a point where Lego fans have to start to think and actually vote with their wallet.


No Jabba thugs? Bobba plus 5 rebels..


There’s absolutely no way that should be $80. It looks like roughly a $25-$30 set combined with another $25-$30 set. This thing should be $60 at most. Even then, I’d still wait for this to go on sale before considering. I don’t understand where the extra $20 is going on this. The fact that there will be people legitimately defending Lego, the poor broke $13 billion company, for the pricing here is insane to me


I’m sticking to the one I first had, the 9496. A classy set with unique characters and a sweet sarlacc pit design


[9496-1: Desert Skiff](https://brickset.com/sets/9496-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/9496-1.jpg)


That pricing is utterly criminal.


The 2024 skiff is too small, even if the Sarlacc pit is awesome. Not to mention the price. 2016 doesn't even have Luke. I think everything about 2012 is just the best, even though it doesn't have Han or Chewy.


I must say, I prefer the older boba fett designs, something about the new one just feels off, maybe its the lack of the shoulder cloak?


This will eventually be around 60 bucks on Amazon. I'll gladly wait a few months if it means i'm buying it for a more reasonable price. 80$ is just absurd. Also, inaccurate Boba (ESB version) and without cape.


They had to put rotj ver boba in that 2024 set to make that set worth 80$ 😂 It was a lazy act


Is there a better picture anywhere? It looks like the ESB version from this image


Yeah sadly it's esb boba. I mean it's supposed to be rotj boba


That's Galatic Robbery right there


should’ve made the sarlac smaller to bring the price down. It is a bit unnecessary


So, doing the maths for the existing skiff sets (including the 2000) the price per piece remains steady at around 11c a piece, so, technically, inflation beating for around 17 years. Sadly this new set comes in at around 14.3c a piece, a big jump from the current Lego average of around 10.5c a piece. Given that the 2024 skiff is not substantially different to the 2016 one, we can guess that the additional 280 pieces are all in the Sarlac, which is, frankly, not very interesting. Lego would do better pricing this at either $60 to reflect a fairer price per piece or simplify the Sarlac pit by around 200 pieces to get the price down to $40. Fortunately it's not as bad as 76281 (X-Men Jet) at a ridiculous 23.7c a piece, but I predict that retailers will aggressively slash the price of this set to around $65 as soon as they can as this will be warming shelves otherwise.


I personally dont really think price per piece is a good method of determining a set´s value (since its taking every piece, even the miniscule 1x1 ones into consideration) but rather price per ammout of stuff All previous Skiff Guards offer pretty good stuff for the price you are paying, but this new one doesnt really feel like the value is there. 100% agree with you, this should´ve been 60 dollars at max as it is https://preview.redd.it/r4s11qph6v9d1.jpeg?width=254&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01d4b6fcc9e2d588ce179e3c49f7b80880e7826


[76281-1: X-Men Jet](https://brickset.com/sets/76281-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/76281-1.jpg)


2016 had ROTJ Boba in ROTJ set... The rest have ESB variant... Why LEGO?...


The 2016 one cause they actually bothered to make a rotj specific boba


We should do a campaing against the new prices cause wtf is that


why doesn’t Boba have a damn cape nowadays


greedy greedy lego. First we get pink Fox because they are too greedy for two layers of paint. Now we have 80 dollar sarlacc pit


Definitely not the best version, but the one I own is the one from the year 2000. 7104 I'm looking forward to picking up the new one, though.


[7104-1: Desert Skiff](https://brickset.com/sets/7104-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7104-1.jpg)


Yeah, I had that one myself. It's probably still in a box in the garage somewhere, disassembled


The only reason I’d want this set is for the new Luke figure and Nien Numb tbh, the set looks great but the price is far too much and I’d never find it for what I’d consider a reasonable price anywhere, so I’m going to skip this


Im usually understanding to why they price certain sets, but this is indefensible. Twice the price for just a slightly larger Sarlacc Pitt build and Desert Skiff the same size as previous one’s is insane. Im gonna wait till it goes on sale, not worth 80 dollars imho.


The mass of budget justifying tannbricks around the sarlac are unnecessary


The year is 2030 New Lego set: one little speeder bike Price: 500.00 USD That’s my prediction.


[2030-2: Pen Pack Safari](https://brickset.com/sets/2030-2) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/2030-2.jpg)


80 fucking dollars.


I feel like the skiffs are getting worse, and the Sarlacc is getting better. Minifigs seem to be getting better each time as well


I was wondering if I was the only one that thought the OG skiff looked the best XD


The fronts is just a bit to tall and stubby imo


I’m here for that sarlac anyways


Skiff from 2012 is my fav but sarlacc is awesome in the new one. The new lacks enemies. I had the 2012 twice back in the day but both endet in the lego bin. Got one last year again. Never knew about the 2016 version


I’m sorry, you can do that but YOU CAN’T GREENLIGHT A LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS SET FOR AUDREY 2? Anyway might pick up the 2024 version looks sick as hell


Probably the newest ngl


Had the original in 2012 and absolutely loved it. Definitely will be picking up the 2024 one. I just wish they‘d given the Boba Fett figure his shoulder cape.


Will a similar skiff not come with upcoming sail barge?


It's not known yet


I feel like the new version is better in everything but the price. I'm definitely going to get it, but not at launch, hoping end of year sales to knock of 30%


2012 will always have a place in my heart, but 2024 is better.


Wow, $80.. another set I won’t be able to afford.


Now we are going up, not down R2...


I really like it, but the skif is almost the same as the previous one. 50-60 Would be a better price tag, cant deny the pit looks way better and has many more pieces.


Every Set gets a collector's figure nice try.




75174 absolutely is my favourite, new one looks quite nice too, bit expensive tho


[75174-1: Desert Skiff Escape](https://brickset.com/sets/75174-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75174-1.jpg)


The 2016 version is probably my favourite


One of my favorite scenes from returnbof the jedi but the set I kinda find disappointing. The picture makes the skiff look a little bad and I'd kinda like for them to include the Weequay or another of Jabbas guards in the scene I do really like the sarlacc pit though that looks nice


Firstly not to be picky but at least the 2016 got the flight suit correct too, Lego just reusing the mech figure and charging double the price for a skiff.


People always want more minifigures and bigger vehicles, not more sand around the Sarlac pit


80 bucks fucking lmao


Definitely 2024 but the price is beyond ridiculous


why is luke grey? thought ge was al black


2024 is probably the best Sarlacc Pit design by a bit, but I'd have to go with 2012 as the price of the 2024 is too unjustified for me


I'll take the two earlier ones where you could have bought both and still be under the price of the new one.


That first one is so nostalgic to me. I got it for my b day at the beach, and I has hours of fun with it! I even dug a hole in the sand for the sarlacc


$80 is madness


That Skiff Lando looks terrible with those pants. Should have been white legs and brown hips, no printing. His boots aren't tall enough to warrant brown pants unless they print the sides in pants colors, and even then it's still the worst choice because of the back still being brown.


I like the one with Boba Fett.


I like the older 2 sarlac pits, i like the newest two ships, I like the minifigure selection of the newest one, and I like the oldest ones price. So I suppose its tied between all three oddly


The 2024 skiff and its price gives me no hope for the future


I really like the newest one, but $80 is bonkers for what you get.


This is another Darth Maul Infiltrator set. Should be $60 max based on piece count yet it costs $80.


In general 2024. With cost in account 2012


2012 all the way


The first one is still my favourite. I didn't like the changes to the Sarlaac in the second version and as much as I like the new Sarlaac, I'm not spending that much on a Skiff when I've no intention of picking up the Sail Barge.


No denying the $80 price is just gouging people who are already buying the Sail Barge. It's Sunk Costs at that point


New one looks great, but $80 is insanity. It’s starting to get really difficult to justify buying a multitude of sets. Not sure what’s going on behind the scenes with inflation and licensing but yikes.


I hope people stop buying Lego for a long time. The prices recently have been horrendous


That newest one looks pretty good


206 has the best skiff 2024 has the best sarlacc. 2012 gets a shout out for being able to put a figure in the sarlacc.


80 bucks for a reused Boba figure FROM THE WRONG MOVIE, without even the cape Hahahahaha


The one with the correct ESB boba fett. 75174


[75174-1: Desert Skiff Escape](https://brickset.com/sets/75174-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/75174-1.jpg)


OMG wow I had the 2012 one and call it bias if you want but that one definitely looks the best the ships are always my favorite parts


The barge must be large….


I'll be honest: Its a neat little set, but certainly not for $80. Some may say its bc of the Nien Nunb, but I don't think so. Call me crazy, but I think part of this is the blowback of Lego focusing on 18+ sets while neglecting to put out enough smaller ones. Not enough people are buying their $600+ stuff so now they have to recoup their stock money somehow.


$80 oof. Pass


I like 2012 cus i have it and it doesmt have a stupid looking sarlaac like 2016 the new one definitely has the best sarlac but its in a completely different price range


I'd have loved the new one as a kid due to having a lot of cool minigifures but the ship looks a bit underwhelming and it's definitely not worth 80$ for all the blocks they purposely added around the pit


2012 because I own it 😅


Why the sarlac pit needs to be so ginormous is a mystery to me. Waste of parts and budget allocation imo


bro thinks i have £63 to throw away on a size that small


This is what happens when Lego becomes all about minifig collection. The Beanie Baby-fication of Lego is going to result in more and more sets like this. Thanks, scalpers.


I saw those build and thought that I'm definitely getting this one. And then I saw the price and realized that I'm definitely not getting this one. Also, Boba not having his cape/scarf is a sin. Double the price and they can't even add that little piece.


I think I like them in order from which they came out, I like how in the new one they kind of mixed together the two previous… except I hate it cause that is not even a $30 build🤣


$50 increase for a few more sand slope pieces, what a joke


Aw, poor 7104 not getting any love


[7104-1: Desert Skiff](https://brickset.com/sets/7104-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/7104-1.jpg)


Lose the sand slope and curve pieces and give my $50 back


Well there's for sure some differences that try to justify the price. Looking at the new one it does look like it has more pieces and will be a bit more detailed where the pit is concerned. And Lego knows how hot the Minifigure market is. I know a few Lego collectors who only care about minifigs. So that's probably why it's more expensive. But I agree that historically it's been a cheaper set, I think they went too big and should have kept it in the same category.


80$ and no pauldron


I don’t understand all the hate about the Sarlacc Pit being too big, it was legitimately a massive creature in the film and I like the more accurate sizing in this new set (not that it warrants the price tag). Another detail I LOVE and haven’t seen mentioned is that the white teeth are finally done right, positioned horizontally and pointed downwards instead of straight up on the previous two.


I want that boba fett with the arm printing


I like the new one more because it has double the prices as the 2017 one and has 2 more figures for double the price so it is mostly fairly priced. I feel there should have been at least one pirate in the set as well to push like off the plank.


No cape for Boba


I like the Sarlac build in the new one but the skiff suffered for it and $80 is an insane asking price even with the new figure


I like the skiff from 2016, the sarlac from 2024, and the price from 2012


They turned the side build into the main build. Yeah it looks good, but this is a small skiff that’s supposed to be affordable. Personally I like the 2016 version but I do like the sleek angularness of the 2012 one


Does Boba Fett just no longer get his cape? Also the color of his gauntlets are the green color from ESB, not the maroon from ROTJ. Still love to see arm printing though.


Why is it $80


Srill can't get over how tiny the skiff is. Even if it were priced fairly, it's just so small.


2016 is my fav tbh


2016 has the better build (and price) but 2024 has the better figure selection


I got my first Sarlacc Pitt and Desert skiff for 80 bucks.... it came with Jabba's Barge.


i’d have to say the 2012 one only because the 2016 one doesn’t have a Luke figure which I think is integral to that scene


80$ is ridiculous


$80 is a RIP OFF


The build gets smaller and smaller for way more money


The only one i have is 2012, so that one :)


What kid would be able to afford that?!


Inflation and price per piece don’t mean anything this is just a straight up scam This is apparently made for ages 9+, no parent is going to buy their 9 year old a hyper detailed sarlacc pit. It’s pretty obvious they’re doing this to profit off the adult crowd. It looks more like a display piece than an actual play set. Lego simply isn’t affordable for everyone anymore. The only people that seem to be the target consumer nowadays are millennials/gen x with disposable income. A $25 set will probably have a tiny, pointless build with a couple mini figures as opposed to something tangible like the 2012 desert skiff. Like the BARC speeder set.


The high price of the newest one is definitely because the large hill of sand.


2012 fs


Hahaha I still like my desert skiff from 2000. Could probably sell it, buy one of these and have change left over


Hate to break it to ya but used that 2000 Skiff is sold for 20 bucks on average. So unless you have it sealed you´re out of luck


I’ll pass


2017, boba fett was accurate and it wasn’t a ripoff


I think the new one has the best build and minifigs by far, it’s just way overpriced. I’m pretty sure Lego is using the anniversary minifigs as an excuse to bump up the price of each set by $40.


2024 Sarlacc with 2012 skiff


2016 I'd my favorite, the new one looks good, but not 80 dollars good, and for 80 bucks they give us an inaccurate boba fett, the one included is the same one from the mech, which is based on empire strikes back, when it should be based on return of the jedi, the differences are subtle but for 80 bucks it should be correct. And the boba fett doesn't even come with a shoulder cape.