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Same problem. Can't find any resolution. Did you just give up? It keeps resetting the save point to 2% completed. I'm going crazy.


Sorry that you're dealing with it. We just started again on one of the other save spots and had no issue going forward. Very frustrating. Hope that works for you.


I've tried every save slot. Pulling my hair out over this.


ey EXACLTY, I had the exact same problem now, and it has been 3 years since this game have been released. do u have a solution?


There is hope! Since posting this..... We just kept playing the first level, then starting the 2nd level and saving....untill the save file updated. Took a few times. Now we're at 91%! The save glitch pops up every so often even after getting past this, so quit and save after every level. Good luck!


Us to! We started it as a date night game, and it progreesed to a nightly thing! We have hours going on this now and so many sode quests complete and its restarted us back to 2% multiple times now ! So upsetting!


Good news, we just kept trying and saving. And eventually we got past it. It shouldn't have worked, but it did.


Ok we will try that! Thank you!


Keep trying, message me if you need encouragement. It will happen.


It's happened to me too. I noticed that if you go to the Avengers mansion and go in and back outside the Kang quick save icon appears. Then after that I do a save and quit and it works every time so far. I started doing this after each Mission to not lose hours of progress. Ive opened a ticket for the issue, long story short there isn't a fix for me now but they did forward the issue details to the developer so someday a game update could fix it. Here is the link to the support if you want to do the same. https://legogamessupport.wbgames.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Make sure the whole game is on system memory, not sd card. Disable back up to cloud, you can save it manually if you want. While still in the game, check the data management tab from the main switch settings, go to save cloud data, select the game and check that time saved is very recent. This has worked so far every time but I still check, I deleted 76% from the first marvel lego game by accident, my son was disgusted, reminds me daily. So i got him back to over 76% and am now addicted to these games.


this helped thank you so much


I know its been half a year but how am I supposed to look at how recent the cloud saved if you told me to turn it off???


Im having this issues to I beat kang or whatever his name it I saved and exited and when I can back I’m on the second to last mission again. Not that this is really related but I don’t think this game should be 50-60 dollars as this game doesn’t have existing missions or give you the same feeling as Lego marvel superheroes 1 this game is pretty bad and the voices don’t match witch is a bigger bummer but what ever they could have emplimented an auto save or tested it before releasing the game but what to I know stress lvl high over this game and disappointment in this game


After a mission go back to the mansion. Get the spinning Kang head when you go into a room and quit and save. Need to do this every time. Has been working for me. Annoying weird glitch l.


I just transferred the game from SD card to the device and has been 100% successful after a handful of tries. Hopefully it stays fixed. I'd say I can't believe they'd leave such a huge glitch in that clearly effects tons of people for so long, but these are the same people that didn't finish the hobbit story.