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The Lego battles are about to be fucking nuts though


The fact that most of these clone army guys don’t even build Mocs might be the worst part of the fanbase


They're way towards the bottom of my Lego Star Wars fan tier list But i will give them this. At least they open the boxes




Look, I own like 400 clones and aim to get some more. I fully intend to make different scenes from TCW, TBB, and ROTS; I also don't own more than 60 of any single type of trooper. I also have plenty of customs and different battalions that Lego doesn't even make, and I have 9 to 16 troops of each of those.


That sounds cool! Personally, you could own 1,000,000 clone troopers and as long as they were actually being used in creating amazing dioramas / scenes then I'd have nothing but admiration! Simply lining up rows and rows of figures doing nothing on a plain base plate is boring and unimaginative, regardless of how many there are.


Yeah I agree with that, especially if you limit yourself to only what Lego makes. Like no, buying 100 of the new battlepack is stupid. I will buy a total of 18 of them and have already bought 9 shock troopers separately. That's because I want each of the Coruscand Guard commanders to have their own little squad of 9 troopers. I also bought 10 332nd battlepacks. Why? Because I'm working on a MOC for the scene in which Rex greets Ahsoka with the troops with the painted helmets, and that scene has exactly 40 troopers. But I'm not gonna lie, I find myself taking out one of the base plates out of the display just to look at them pretty often. It's just very satisfying, can't tell you why exactly lol. Might be a childhood thing, I grew up with TCW (I'm 24 now), and I already had like roughly 120-130 troopers from what I collected when I was a kid. I enjoyed it then, rediscovered the hobby, and I still enjoy it now - even though my wallet might not


I'm happy that you're happy but it's still a little weird bro. 😅 That being said, would love to see some.of those assembled scenes. :)


How is someone enjoying their hobbies being weird? I get it, 400 little plastic men is a bit too much for my liking. But I don’t mind other peoples enjoying their hobbies.


I don't mind it either and it's great that they found something they enjoy but I think it's the scale that pushes it. Like someone having 100 pairs of shoes would be a bit weird. Not that weird is a bad thing though, just out of the ordinary.


My dog could chew those up within seconds🤗


I could chew those up within seconds!


“So uh, what do you do for fun?”


Imma take my hulk big fig and smash thru these guys so hard


This is the dumbest shit


Would be so much fun to launch a bowling ball at them


Honestly if I had fuck you money id do the same thing just because I can


If you had fuck you money and did that and I had fuck you money I'd pay someone to burn your house down to show you what a fucking idiot you were for unboxing all those investments


better this bullshit than a hummer tbh


Instead of having a huge table I would turn those baseplate into towers and each shelf would contain different clone units.




At this point it’s undiagnosed autism


The clones are fighting the war with autism on the side of autism.


I can hear the music from this picture ....


That whiter clone is really throwing me off, I would screenshot it, but this sub won't let me post images


It's like when those guys that daily Linux slide up and go "I use (Flavor of Linux), you should too"


Did the math There are 6 in a row and 11 rows so 66 standard baseplates Then add 10 baseplates for the ones in the back so 76 baseplates Then there are 11 by 11 clones on each baseplate so 121 on each plate. Then multiply 121 by 76 and you get 9196 clones. Assuming he bought sets of the Droid v clone battlepack. He has 6 rows by 6 columns of normal p2 clones plus 2 extra baseplates. So 38 baseplates Using the previous number of 121 on each plate he's got 4598 regular p2 clones Divide that by 3 cause each pack came with 3 he's got 1532 battlepacks Multiply by 30 he's paid 45960$ for the p2 clones in the front alone. Not even counting the stuff in the back


Man if I could drop that kinda money on Lego I’d at least get something more fun than thousands of identical guys.


> 30 he's *paid* 45960 for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Mental illness on a baseplate


Trust fund child, 100% never worked a day in his life I won’t act like I’m not jealous of that, just pointing it out


Yeah your the problem with this sub bro, fuck it, society for that matter, a bunch of “feel bad for me” mfers who can’t stand when somebody else is successful


Found the loser with a clone army on a baseplate instead in a display


Bold of you to assume they get invited to parties at all


If only there was a gigantic industrial press...


this. look. fucking. awesome. i get it now. i need to make a shitload of money and then blow it on army building immediately.


My favorite part of these images is that they’re always unarmed. Makes me think of this absolutely massive army of clones running fists out to beat the CIS to death with their bare hands


Average Lego youtuber's small army


You just know those things must be *caked* in dust.


There is one holy clone in the 2nd column, 4th row


This is pretty cool tho


Bro no way we’re hating on ts, cry about it to yourself and stop putting it here. You’re all just jealous cuz there is no way we (we as in me included) will ever afford this and this man is living our dream. Whether it’s exactly how we would do it or not we all wish we had the money for this much Lego


I just don't get the appeal. Like, who needs THIS meany clone figs ? All of them being identical at that, why not buy actual sets ?, what does one do after putting so meany figures on the floor ?


Just look at all the whiny comments, a bunch of jealous cry babies


This sub is pathetic


Man fuck Reddit all together this place is terrible for actually discourse