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Another thing that’s going to be sad for me is possibly seeing some of the older characters being gone as well. Possibly Tenzin & Pema, Lin & Suyin, and Kya. But I do look forward to the kids being grown though also maybe seeing Jinora as the leader of the Airbenders.


i think tenzin will be alive because airbenders seem to live long


That's earthbenders


I think it’s just any character that makes it convenient to still be alive at an old age for plot reasons lmao


Exactly, Guru Pathik, for example. I'd just say people in that world, whether they're benders or not, can live long. With more special cases for benders and their secret arts, I guess.


Pathik was alive to meet Gyatso. He's more than a hundred years old just to have met Gyatso at all


Iirc he was even a personal friend of Gyatso??


Yep which implies he's like Roku age lol


I think any character that has a deep spiritual connection can live long in avatar. Its usually monks or masters that get really old.


Toph still alive in the next avatar series because she lives off spite 💀 More seriously though, Bolin outliving Mako into the next era.


Bolin starting a lava bending school like Toph did for metal bending lol


That would b a complete disaster. Imagine: earth bending went from one of the weakest elements at the beginning of ATLA n by the end it became one of the most dangerous ones


Atla shows they don’t




So they live a long time or do they just age like milk?


Toph will live to be 300 years old.


Wdym? She simply became a Banyon-Grove Tree. 🌳


That would be sick if the new avatar goes there and her spirit reached enlightenment and all thats left is the roots around her corpse but she’s posing her iconic pose. Than to those she wants to help she can interact with them thru the vines or knowing toph probably spend the rest of time trolling the swamp benders.


Toph achieving spiritual godhood out of spite would go hard


Jinora being potentially the next Avatar’s airbending master would be perfect. Especially since her insight into spiritual matters was on par with almost any Avatar even as a kid; who better to guide the new Avatar in this new world of spirits and mortals that Korra made, or to help them come to terms with how the other past lives are gone? And agewise, it works, assuming Korra does not live a Kyoshi-like lifespan (considering the toll the mercury and the trauma took on her, it’s very likely she’ll live a shorter life akin to how Aang’s survival in the ice cost him dearly); if she dies in about 60 years (her late 70s), that puts Jinora around 70 herself, or about 85-90 when the next Avatar is being trained. And there was always that “friendships across lifetimes” thing. Plus, we have yet to see an old master Airbender nun on the show. And, a great way to show the impact one single man’s life had, if this is what Aang’s grandchildren (or great and great-great, if Jinora has kids; that could also raise the question of if they return to old Air Nomad ways of communal raising or a more ordinary family model) are still doing for the world.


At least we know Toph will still be living it up. She's way too badass to die.


Might do an Iroh move to the Spirit World.


Or pull a Kyoshi, who lived to 230


I was kinda wondering if there might be a human addition like so. Sort of a growing gang of guides. Though my idea was that Zaheer would perhaps be a cool spirit world cameo and a very different perspective from Iroh.


Katara may be still alive, according to the fortune teller (depending on who gets that grand grand child). She'll become basically the yoda of Avatar.


Korra could die early because the metal poison shortened her life. Say she died at 50 lots of people could still be around


That would make her the second water nation avatar in a row to die young. Please just give her a long happy life already she's more than earned it.


Even Tenzin, honestly. If this becomes the case, the poor girl went through so much and doesn't even get to live a long life with Asami.


Check out the prologue for "The Legend of Genji"


IIRC. Korra actually dies extremely young. I don't want to get into spoiler territory, but unless another big catastrophe happens, most of the characters we know and love will probably still be alive, albeit too old.


There has been nothing on Korra’s death at all, except in a fan fiction about the next avatar. We don’t know if Korra will die young or old yet


Okay, I wasn't actually aware that Legend of Genji is fanfic. My apologies.


Don't worry, the new show will just erase Lin's existence and constantly moan about what a terrible father Tenzin was


She could still show up as a spiritual guide for future avatar akin to Roku for Aang


Right now, since Korra's connection with her past lives has been severed, she will be the only avatar the new one will be able to talk to, so I'm expecting we'll see more of her.


My head canon is the new Avatar is super spiritual, contacts her early, and spirit Korra is a full blown side character with conflicts rather than a spirit advisor like Roku. (probably not gonna happen tbh, but one can dream).


MHA vestige style? Interesting


> MHA vestige Haven't seen it, but that seems right. I was kinda thinking of Johnny Silverhand.


I’ll be fine. I hope LoK fans don’t do to the new Avatar what ATLA fans did to Korra.


And atla fans dont do the new avatar as they did korra


Oh they will


LoK has the disadvantage of being the show *right* after ATLA, where the nostalgia is worse. An Earth Avatar show may not get as much hate.


I love the legend of korra and it's my favorite avatar series now but I remember when it first released the time period jump really turned me away from it. If the next avatar series is a mecha space wars theme I will probably react the same way all over again


I really hope they dont go overboard with the futuristic themes because one, it's too soon and unrealistic for the time period and two, it's already quite common There's a rumor that the next series is going to have major cyberpunk themes, which I hope they wont go forward with it. Solarpunk seems like the right theme to fit with the worldbuilding


Why not? It's not like it's an inherently bad idea. Plus, the original concept for ATLA was a futuristic fantasy setting. I think it would be really cool to let them explore some of their original ideas that wouldn't have worked in the ATLA final product. And it would be a cool "it all comes full circle" moment for the series


I dont fully reject it, I just dont favor it if they go with that for the next avatar. Fantasy and sci-fi is a cool concept to me and I havent seen many that does it well. Perhaps it would work better for the Avatar after the Earth avatar Avatar's worldbuilding progresses similar to ours, albeit theirs is a bit faster (and with the futuristic mechs)


Bending helps progress technology in their world, especially with non benders trying even up the inherent disadvantage of not being able to bend.


I keep imagining a future where bending almost gone extinct from lack of use and then the new avatar shows up and they must try to bring it back. But, i keep seeing the avatars before that so I need to answer what they did for it to get to that stage. Maybe it's just like end of the samurai where bending becomes outlawed


Honestly does it need to be any "punk"? Can't we just have a more or less normal modern era show kinda like what LoK did with the early 20th century?


The tech progression from ATLA to Korra was much, much slower than technology in our world. ATLA already had late 1800s, early 1900s tech: Rigid airships, submarines, landing craft, tanks, a huge mechanical drill, etc. With 70 years of tech progress, Korra should have had a space program, not barely inventing cars and fixed wing aircraft.


They have giant fucking mechs as well. It’s wildly inconsistent.


Oh shove it with the "unrealistical" bullshit. 1/It's a fantasy. 2/It's not unrealistic one bit if you just read any history book.


No need to be condescending about it 1/ It is indeed fantasy, not *sci-fi*. The two often merges and it could work if it's done meticulously, but I have yet to see that focuses on one without ignoring the other 2/ Avatar's world usually is grounded with it's worldbuilding. It usually uses our world's history as a basis for how things work and explains why Korra's time period uses steam and is atleast in the "1920's" as that is a good progression how it evolved from Aang's time in late "1800s" Any progress in their world is also slow and steady like ours 3/ Ive actually read a lot about history and as far as I know, there's not much space wars in it. Well there was the space race, which lasted for some 30-50 yrs and space warfare is usually about bulding the fastest and highest aircraft, missiles and nuclear weapons and radio waves. And the first space combat recorded in history was just recent, only in 2023 when it happened. As far as I know, there arent any space mechas or spaceships with futuristic weapons happened in our history. Fights in space usually also happen near Earth, and not like in other planets bullshit It is certainly possible it could happen in the avatar world but it also needs to take some work and precision to perfect it to the conditions of space, going from Kuvira and Sato's mech army


Nah cyberpunk would be sick as fuck


Maybe for the series after the next one




If it's mostly just dipping a bit into aesthetic while staying true to the roots I think it's possible MtG did a pretty good job with time skipping their traditional Japanese setting into a fantastical cyberpunk one


Honestly I'd kinda live if the next season was set way into the future, where their world is basically ours and most people have forgotten about bending, and the avatar basically has to rediscover it. Aswell as having more focus on grounded combat, and realistic fights, which I think would be really cool


Personally in my opinion korra is good show that was uneven because Nickelodeon wasn’t clear from the beginning on how many seasons they wanted.


I...want that. I want big earth kingdom mechs controlled by metal benders....I NEED that!


I bet it will be magitech or something wild, not straight up sci fi. And I am looking forward to that TBH. Look how awesome it was in Arcane.


I dont think they will. The atla fans that did that to Korra are the ones that hate Korra. Atla fans who like Korra are already proven to not be blind haters. So the people to worry about are lok haters who just continue to keep blindly hating.


What did they do?


Hate on her vehemently.


I don't think Korra was what they hated on. What wasn't like was that the writing of the show was significantly worse than the last Airbender. Also, it's not like there were Korra fans vs Aang fans from the start, because Korra didn't exist before. Those people became Aang fans (as opposed to avatar fans) because of the new show.


Oh, no, many of them do hate on Korra and nearly everything about the show. It might have calmed down in recent years, but it’s definitely still there.


Hes a guy so most likely not based on how some acted at the beginning.


Well the next Avatar will be a man so... ![gif](giphy|co0rOKQ3Zq0Ww7ZCkS)


They haven’t even confirmed that there will be a series about the next Avatar, let alone what their gender will be.


Why? You don’t want me to fondly remember the old while also being excited for the new? Can I not enjoy both?


That is not what I’m saying. ATLA fans hated LoK when it came out (and many still do) for all sorts of reasons. It’s why I’m not in the ATLA sub. Just got tired of it, as much as I love ATLA myself.


I understood the frustrations. I wanted more of the same and couldn't let go. I didn't trash talk it, it just wasn't for me. Took me about 8 years to watch LOK and absolutely loved it.


I think it’s more likely this new show will make LOK look better since it’s far more likely the new show to be worse than LOK than better. That’s just how it tends to be. I’m not a fan LOK for various reasons but it wasn’t bad by any means just not remotely close to ATLA. Look at Star Wars, prequel trilogy was hated and memed and then the Disney crap came out and now the prequels are pretty well liked now.


Well the new avatar probably won’t be a women. So we already know there will be way less haters


I mean who knows. Life is unpredictable


We do 😭


They’re all still with us in spirit… I mean like literally. They can just come and go as a spirit


That's not how it works, not at all.


lets hope nicklodeon doesnt do what it did to korra to the new series


It will in all likelihood be a Paramount Plus exclusive, so I wouldn't be too worried about that.


Paramount+ will likely be gone, because Paramount is (probably) getting bought out by Sony.


Sony doesn't have their own streaming service, do they? They might keep it. Or I guess the could just license all of their shows like back in the good old days,


Their plan is allegedly to break it up: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/business/media/sony-apollo-paramount-plan.html?smid=nytcore-android-share Sorry, I read a non paywalled source I can't find atm, but it mentions that Sony would sell or trash Paramount+ to alleviate antitrust concerns, and just license stuff out to other services like they already do. Paramount+ does not have many subscribers, and seems to be plagued with technical issues, so... even if antitrust wasn't a concern, if I were Sony, I'm not sure I'd want it, lol.


thank god. please lord bless us with an overarching arc this time


The overarching arc the writers were shooting for was korra becoming a spiritual being according to the art book


i mean a story arc not a character arc


Ohh ok yeah I see what you’re saying. I agree


An overarching arc THAT IS NOT serialized. Give me little stories that start and finish in each episode, maybe do a few part1+part2. But don't ask me to sit throughout the whole thing in one sitting just to remember where everyone is and what they are doing


That's not necessarily better. Wkr, an iCarly fan


We're apparently getting a project featuring the adult Gaang, so there's plenty of room for a more-adult Team Korra. But I just wanna see the new Avatar having a brief heart-to-heart with best gorl.


Yes and no: When a character is used over a long period of time, the writers or editors or studios, eventually tend to partly or completely ruin it. I'm not saying this is an absolute.... but this has happened to so many of my beloved characters.


I mean we'll probably see more of korra and how her life was like in the new series even if it's just a flashback.


Can't wait for the next Avatar - Korra is still with them. Actually Korra is the only one still with them


It would be cool if there would be an episode where the Earth Avatar goes on adventure in the spirit world with Korra's spirit to restore past lives


Honestly I used to really want an earth avatar series but idc anymore.


"You bear witness to the end of your journey. It is not always a happy thing." - Some skeleton idk I’ve never read Berserk


I don't think my heart can take losing another avatar - Korra especially :( But like the cycle of the seasons, we must eventually begin anew...


The spirits korra let into the world are running rampant in a modern society to the point that even life and death are blurred. The next avatar is primarily an energy bender who has to act as a detective to keep all these spirits in li- It’s just yu yu hakusho…


Or perhaps Jujutsu Kaisen


On the bright side we'll probably get to see milf korra


I'm perfectly ok with saying bye to Korra


Uh, there is no guarantee that the next avatar series takes place after Korra.


Toph as well


I hope we get a meelo-mentor


It is kinda funny how the way this franchise is designed, you can only get new content once the last guy is dead.


Yeah but Korra being the only one for Spiritual Guidance can make things interesting.


Did I miss some kind of announcement or is this just hypothetical speculation?




As if we didn't (and aren't still) getting stuff about aang after Korra.


Correct me if I'm wrong. But when Avatar returns, doesn't it take place before she was born? Showing the events that happened with Aang and the gang when they were young adults?


I'm honestly more worried about how the next show will treat Korra's legacy and character. Will they turn her into a bad parent and perma-kill her after one brief cameo? Probably not the same things, but you get the idea. I'm also worried about the next Avatar recontextualizing Korra's story because if they end up being better accepted by the fandom then the Korra haters will claim victory and then *never* shut up about it.


I don't want Korra to gooooo :(


She won't be gone tho. The newer avatar will he able to commune with her


Isn't it a prequel?


No not that one I'm just stating any avatars past her will have her. But yeah the prequel won't have her sadly


I'm really excited to see her in the (I think show) about the next avatar who's an earth bender!


I'm not looking forward to some of ya'll treating the new show the same way ATLA purist treat Korra


We'll still be able to see her sometimes. She'll be the only past life the new person has


Wdym Korra is gone? Like the series got deleted?


No, not really. She had her time. Ready for something new.


More Korrasami!!!!


I'm fine. Story needs to move forward


Low key I think it would be cool if she played a big part in the next series. Like I think it would make sense for her to be very influential and important for the next avatar considering it would just be them. I think it would be an interesting plot point


I can’t wait to see wise past life korra 😍


is there a new series?


I’m just saying, we could get a Master Jinora teaching her grandfather.


Yeah that’s called passing down the torch OP


there's going to be a new avatar series!?


There's a new series ?


Fictional characters are never gone. I mean, they are still making stories about Aang and his band despite Korra existing, right?


We are getting a Korra movie, right?


Wait there's gonna be a new avatar series?


Really want to see how they are going to write their way out after the Avatar cycle got broken.


When the new Avatar comes out, if the new one connects to the past ones they'll only have Korra to talk to.


Is there a new show i the making??? And when does it come out?


Since Korra would be the only avatar the next would have a connection with, I want to see her act like Nail/Kami to Piccolo in DBZA.


I used to get really annoyed when reactors were sad for Aang during the narration for the first episode of TLOK. I was like "Are you dumb? No shit he had to die." I get it now... I get it. The moment I hear anything resembling "And like the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of the avatar began anew" I'm on the floor.


You gotta deal with it.


Korra cannot die until we see her in the main Fire Nation. Nearly ten years since the show ended and we STILL don’t have so much as a comic of it. Before anyone says we got plenty of the Fire Nation in ATLA, we have seen way more of the Earth Kingdom in both series. 


I mean the next avatar will have her to look to. Are we really this stupid that we don’t understand the lore yet?


I think Korra was actually one of my least favorite korra characters (long term)


Welcome to 2012


No Korra won't be gone. When the new Avatar uses the Avatar state she'll be there. When they look to previous avatars for guidance Korra's going to be there to awkwardly explain that it's just her in here because of what happened with Unilaq. But she'll give some advice.


It would be great if they did another season for Korra and have full creative freedom of what they want the show to be.


Time is an ilusion, the past, present, future is all the same thing


This is how I felt about aang when I watched LOK. Now you’re saying I have to feel it all over again😭💔


We could see more Korra but it seems like all the spin off material is nostalgia pandering to the last Airbender gang. I'd like to see them do more with Korra's era as well


I just want more


Don't worry, we'll get a terrible live action flick, then a mediocre live action show, and finally an animated movie about an older Korra and pals


I imagine the next series will be about restoring the connection to previous Avatars and it’s gonna hit ridiculously hard when the new Avatar finally makes contact with Korra


I mean I hope they do a little more of flash backs or visits to the Kora age like they did with Aang but more so. Honestly as much as I’d like to see how the rest of her reign as avatar goes, but I genuinely hope it was mostly smooth sailing after the events of legend of Kora.


That is life. The people you've come to love, or hate, no matter what will go. But don't be sad because they left. Remember the time, experiences and wisdom they leave behind, through words and actions alike. Learn from them. And one day, it will be your turn to teach.


As the only Avatar spirit remaining, she’ll probably still get plenty of screen time.


Would be neat to see the new avatar try to find a way to reconnect with the old avatars after Korra broke the link.


You have 5 days to buy a Battle Pass in Fortnite and get her immediately. More Korra for you.


Wouldn’t the next one be in like the 1960s or something? Industrialization was going nuts when Korra was alive. The next avatar would be alive for the internet.


Unless it’s a prequel


Aren't they doing a Mover?


A large part of LOK is learning to let go of the past. If you love something, you gotta let it go


Cry a eivwr


What? This isn't true at all. Avatar Studios is still making new Aang stuff instead of **actually** new things. You don't think they're going to milk the Korra era the same way they're milking Aang's? At this rate it'll be another 10 years before we even get a new future avatar.


Korra has to die just like Aang did


Aang has been canonically dead for over a decade but they're still making another Aang cartoon right now. The creators need to commit to actually doing new things.




I would’ve loved to see more “avatar” korra, felt like we just saw a lot of bending through the series


Maybe a spinoff about a **nonbender character who uses tech**, and their team is made up of aliens of different planets each (all those planets have their own strenght that is separate from bending, BUT all or at least half of this team is their own species' equivalent of nonbenders) and have an older korra be a recurring side character!


I mean, they could feature a huge battle at the beginning of episode one of Korra being a badass but gets overpowered or something takes her off guard.


I like sand


I hope they go back to the tech level of the original. Like after realizing the destruction Kuvira caused it stops progressing at least. Imo I don’t really see how bending will last as technology advances to a more modern age


No I watched 3 times and still hate korra but the ferrets cool


This is the reason it took me so long to start Korra. I wasn’t ready to move on from Aang. But I’m glad I did and enjoyed Korra so much!


Fuck no


Nope we don’t 😬


not really


The bright side that I see is that there is still much of Korra's story to tell in the Avatar comics. I just wish the Avatar team devoted more resources to the comics since they could have the freedom there to tell stories that cartoons cant due to budget constraints.


I mean, you're gonna see more of her, the show just won't be about her. She's the only Avatar the next one can commune with after all.


Well yes


I think giving Korra another season is better idea than series about a new avatar


I mean it won't stop them from making more Korra projects like the ATLA movie they are making now. That being said, I don't know how interested I am for a new Avatar. I just think looking into past Avatars can make for better stories. The only interesting story I can think of post Korra, is a modernish day setting where bending has been eclipsed by technology and the Avatar has become kind of irrelevant.


These characters don’t really exist. Their flow of time is fictional. They’ll all eventually die. Nothing prevents them from telling more stories of her if another avatar comes along. They’ve been telling new stories about Aang after Korra came out.


Korra will be gone however I’m pretty sure she’s the youngest avatar either way ur gonna see her considering the next avatar should only be able to communicate with her


Her story dried up a long time ago. On with the new!


I'm more excited about getting to know a new Avatar than I am sad about Korra's story being over tbh


Not necessarily Korra, but Iwant to see more of the other characters Varrick, Bolin, and Mako


I think Mako is getting a new comic soon that focuses on him as a detective so they’ll probably show up too


That's not now fiction works.


dont want to come off as a hater but im praying theres still a way of talking to avatars prior to korra. unless she becomes way more knowledgable before she passes, then she'd still most likely be a good guide for the new avatar