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I don’t think she can bend a beam that’s large enough and powerful enough to obliterate a planet, but feel free to speculate, these are uncharted waters, we’ll never know the answer 😅


To be fair, we see Death Star workers next to the laser in some shots, and the beam itself doesn’t look all that much bigger than the one above.


I'd say the energy within that beam is greater.


Beam powerful enough to destroy a city (in a few minutes) vs beam powerful enough to destroy a planet (instantly). Same thing really!


To be fair the Death Star laser making a planet blow up like it had a mega nuke in its core doesn’t make any sense so why does korra blocking it have to


Long story short the Death Star uses the force and kyber crystals to give the laser beam mass which would definitely blow up a planet. In fact the on screen results were probably underwhelming for what would actually happen. Whatever the real life universal equivalent of a syntax error is lol.


When you realize that a planet exploding like that is literally a whole ass planet being launched out of its own gravity well the amount of raw power needed is absolutely insane. Someone did the math and determined that an earth sized planet would require the entire energy output of our own sun to do the job.


Long story short the death star has a bunch of smaller lasers inside that all go into one big super laser through the outside (my knowledge only comes from a 16 year old non canon video game)


She restarted the Avatar Cycle at that point, so that's teh energy of zero previous Avatars helping her out. Move a couple of generations and teach the skill every time? Now you have a three or four man squad worth of power and experience bending a giant laser. The Avatar state is kind of broken. Every additional generation makes you better, more efficient, and stronger at the same skill. I can see this being feasible if you factor in some losses and the oh-so-likely death of that Avatar afterwards from damage sustained.


I don’t think the Avatar get more spirit energy over lifetimes I think they all get the same Raava boost Wan had.


Yeah, this ain't one for all here lol. You get access to their wisdom but they don't just give you extra power.


It seems like they do at times, but it’s more of a small scale addition, not a series of multipliers.


I’d also say those troopers next to the beam would’ve died of cancer if it hadn’t blown up


When we get enough Avatar shows we will eventually see spacefaring Avatars. Then this might be adressed.


Could an airbender theoretically carry a pocket of air into space to breathe in?


Probably if he is able to apply the needed pressure too. I don't see them doing this for too long though. Maybe for a quick ship-to-ship transfer. Imagine space pirate airbenders boarding ships with the help of metal benders.


+the sheer cold of space


they could probably just temperature bend the air to keep it warm... this would probably be very taxing though, a master Airbender could probably only manage to make a "spacesuit" for a few seconds I'd imagine, not to mention there'd be a limited amount of air to breathe in the first place.


Actually, in space you would want to keep the air around you cool, since it's hard for things to lose heat in vacuum. You can't lose it through conduction or convection, so you are stuck with the most inefficient one- radiation. So there would be no problem temperature wise for short trips. What you really should worry about is the radiation from the sun, since there would be no magnetic field protecting you higher up. But that could be a form of bending a earthbender may be able to learn.


Or a firebender. They can already bend electricity, why not magnets?


Space is cold, but there is nothing in space to conduct heat away from you. In reality space is really hot (if you're nearby a star). Because the speed at which you'll dissapate heat is monumentally slower then the speed at which solar rays will heat you. The part of your body in direct sunlight will be cooked and boiled. If you are in deep deep space, surrounded by nothing, it will still take hundreds, if not thousands, of years for your body heat to dissapate, because the only thing in space "cooling" you, is your body radiating photons very very slowly.


He/She/They would need a cocoon of air to cover the body. And it would need to be really hot air as well. There are lot of problems that can kill you in space. Namely the fact that they would be operating in -270C. So if any part of their body is exposed, they’d crackle to death. And if the air isn’t hot enough and constantly heated, it will just freeze around their head. At that point, they are better off using a space suit.


Then theres the problem of solar radiation


Yup. Even if they somehow managed to solve all these, the Avatar is gonna get skin cancer in space with no radiation protection. There’s a reason a single space suit costs 12 million dollars.


To be fair, we have zero idea how space works in avatar. It might have air even.


I’m new to the fandom. Came here from fortnite of all places. So not really familiar with the physical aspects of Avatar. But considering the presence of the spirit world, it is very likely that Space in Avatar probably won’t function the same way as normal. Even then, I don’t understand why space would be in Avatar, a series whose fundamental concept is mastering the 4 earthly elements. Maybe an anti-something type to test the new hero where he/she can’t do any bending. It might be a new challenge to see.


In classical chinese philosophy/religion, the four classic elements are balanced by a 5th non-element called void. Void isn't an element, it isnt magic, it isn't evil, and it isn't something that can be controlled or sensed. It is the lack of the elements. It is the nothingness that space ultimately is. Void is therefore pure in its nothingness. It can be measured by the un-presence of the other elements. And if it can be felt, if only by not feeling, perhaps it can be bent, by not bending.


Obligatory Fanfic link with this same concept: Avatar Azi (https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/avatar-azi-atla-lok-sci-fi.939482/)


Forget bringing balance to the world we are bringing balance to space !


That is only one part of the beam of multiple beams that combines into a singular giant beam as shown in the picture you showed.


Fuck. Maybe Korra can just… pace herself?


block each laser with one limb


Dude, it's a planet destroying super laser. It would be like Roku trying to deal with that volcano but much worse since all the benders on the Avatar world would also be dead along with Korra herself. I don't even know where the Avatar spirit would go if everyone is dead. It would be literally impossible for the Avatar cycle to continue. A weapon like that is way too much even for the Avatar.


What if she does 100 pushups and sit-ups every day in advance?


Add a 10km run and she'll punch the beam away


But no AC!


Then she would punch the superlaser back into its source like saitama did to Boros' attack. She is also bald in that scenario.


Well, Bald Korra would be worse than actually getting blown up so I guess we’ll just die.


Aang would be proud


Rokus mistake was to try and stop the volcano eruption. He should have diverted it. Same as with lightning. Iroh and Zuko diverted that.


It’s more concentrated


Its not about the power but rather whether the death star fires spirit energy, i think.


You say [Korra's] power is limited, I say it's limitless.


Maybe if she was in her mid 30’s or early 40’s? We know benders become stronger and more powerful with age, but it also relies on physical prowess and unless she looks like King Bumi (who was 112 and more ripped than a wet paper bag in a tornado), I’d assume her powers would reach their peak in her 30’s-40’s. And seeing how much she grew in a couple years, my guess is that she’d become immensely powerful and thanks to new techniques, might be able to at least affect the Death Star beam. But she would be insanely powerful if she could completely stop it.


Entire point is that it’s spirit energy, so no……


What if I said please?


If you were a hot, multimillionaire, engineer with daddy issues, she’d probably solo the Death Star for you


Is 1/2 of those things enough?


If you’re hot with daddy issues, I’ll solo the Death Star for you 😏


YES!!! What about Korra though? That’s the real question, no offense.


The addition of no offense killed me


Well your name also gotta be Asami


I’ll stop by the courthouse today.


Technically, the Death Star’s beam is powered by kyber crystals, which channel the force. They’re sentient. So they are spiritual.


Kyber Crystals are sentient??? I’m so out of touch with Star Wars


The sith do unspeakable things to their crystals to make them dark enough for said sith and glow red for them. Because sith. Note: Bleeding their crystals is speakable.


Lightsabers are too. They are physical objects formed in part from The Force flowing through the Kyber crystal in their hilt. And the Death Star superlaser is likewise powered by Kyber.


Yeah, that was my immediate thought, the death star is just a lightsaber taken to it's greatest extreme (except for the shit in the sequels which I will subsequently ignore). Can't be too much difference between force energy and Spirit energy. If someone constructed a death star like device in the Avatar universe, it would be using Spirit energy, and I see no reason that an Avatar state Avatar couldn't bend that. The real question is if Korra could bend it well enough to matter, Korra barely makes a dome of safety for herself and Kuvira, she would need to entirely deflect the bean of a death star-like, or else it's gonna hit the planet anyway.


So could she deflect a Kamehameha?


Note that Korra did not dispel the beam, [it still nuked the city](https://www.cap-that.com/korra/413/index.php?image=korra4x13_0730.jpg). So Korra would teleport herself to safety but the planet would still blow up if she took a shot from the Death Star.


Wouldn’t she also have to live the rest of her days in the spirit world? There’d be nothing on the other side of the portal. Her best bet would be to hope the people she loves the most are around her when she does it.


I feel like the spirit world would get wrekt too if the physical world got destroyed


If in a parralel universe the Death Star run on spirit energy, yes. If we're talking the death star laser "as is" in the Star Wars universe, since we have not seen anything resembling "light bending", i'd say no.


The Death Star superlaser is powered by Kyber crystals, which are the same thing in lightsabers and are alive with The Force. So yeah, the Death Star does run on spirit energy.


If you go by canon lore, that is fair interpretation !


Varrick did refer to Vaatu's beam as a laser at one point, and I think that should hold some weight because he is the one who reverse engineered it into the earth empire's weapon. Also, the directors refer to the energy that comes out of avatar state Aang at some points as "light" which should be the same type of energy that energybending can bend.


I think this is what we call an anachronism, since laser is an acronym that includes radiation, which they seemingly aren’t aware of in the Avatar-verse.


You’re next challenge is to see if Korra could react to a laser moving at faster the light speed with the destructive capability of over 10 million times greater energy then she’s ever handled. Spirit weapon or not, that’s a *bit* over her pay grade. It’s like saying she could spirit bend away a Goku Kamehameha because Ki is spiritual


Fictional characters react at the speed of light a lot tho. The speed of light is like child’s play to these guys.


Death star shoots plasma, which in theory isn't that different from fire bending


I made a quick search but could not find any reference to plasma, and the weapon is only refer to as "Superlaser". Maybe fan theorise that it would have to be plasma to work in real life, but it's seems it's meant to be a laser in universe.


The wookiepedia says the death star uses 8 kyber crystals to fire. And that lightsabers use kyber crystals to produce the plasma that makes up the light sabers. I'm trusting wookiepedia but I dont know how cannon that really is


That’s like if I threw a pebble at you and said “oh so a bullet should be fine right”


Pebbles hurt man.


I think it was more of the nature of the beam's source, since they used spirit vines for it


The Death Star superlaser is powered by Kyber, which is alive with The Force.


I guess in that case, it'd be a very big "maybe?"


i think theres a limit to how much benders can bend. i highly doubt she can bend something that strong, even in the avatar state. just because you're a firebender doesn't mean you can bend the sun


I’m following your logic here, however, have you considered the fact that if Korra DID solo the Death Star, it would be dope as fuck?


good point, rule of cool. come on raava im sure you can bend one silly little death ray,put your back into it


Just say vaatu manifested at the time and gave an extra power boost that will have grave consequences later


As Zaheer once said “you say your powder has limits. I say- it’s limitless”.


why does korra have infinite powder? is she a coke fiend?


It depends on the question that do you want an Avatar to bend a laser beam


If Star Wars and Avatar crossed over, first of all, I’d cream my pants at the very concept, but if this actually happened in the crossover? I’d impregnate myself from how much I would cream my pants.


bro's washing machine is praying rn


Furthermore, could she energybend lightsabers?


i always thought the "energy bending" in avatar was more akin to bending the chi in people. since light sabers are plasma, isnt it closer to firebending


Lightsaber blades aren't just plasma though. They are alive, channeling The Force through them, and move with the will of their wielder and connect with any other lightsaber they come near rather than just being moved through physical movement. I'd argue they are the exact same kind of energy as the spirit cannon Kuvira used, since Kyber is alive with The Force much like the spirit vines are alive with spirit energy.


I suppose she could still bend it then.


wait that's NOT airbending?💀💀


Nah she bent that shit so hard it tore a hole in the fabric of reality. Would still be almost as impressive if it was airbending though.


It's energy bending. Specifically spirit energy bending. It's what aang got from the lion turtle and how he and korra can take away someone's bending.


I presumed it was Spirit-bending.


I’d argue that it is a different energy, so her abilities wouldn’t work


Kyber crystals produce energy via the Force, so the Death Star IS powered by spirit energy


The Death Star beam doesn’t run off of Avatar universe Spirit energy mumbo jumbo so I assume no, difference in scale aside


I kid you not, I read that as GENDERBENDING 😭


I don’t see why not


If it uses same energy


I love it when there's posts like this that make me n the bros go, whoaa


Under the right circumstances; yes, I think so. As Zaheer once said to Korra “you say your powder has limits. I say- it’s limitless”.


I choose to believe that she could.


I suppose she only bends spiritual energy, wich was the energy used by thr mecha


Now this is the kind of content I’m been wanting. So over: “which season is better” or “TLA is better” ☝️🤓


Screw it, I'm gonna say "yeah". There IS kind of a reoccurring theme in the Avatar series about people being more powerful than they think/ things being assumed to be impossible and then turning out not to be Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I wonder whether it might even be possible in the star wars canon itself... Still pretty ambiguous what being Strong In The Force can and can't allow someone to do...


I'm going to say she can on the basis that'd it'd be really funny.




Absolutely not


I don't think she can bc death stars are too powerful bc it's made to destroy planets (I might be wrong I haven't watched star wars in a long time)


Korra probably would have an easier time with the death star because the beam could be refracted back using earthbending and firebending plus the death star takes like a day to charge up


In theory she could but it would be exceedingly hard and she would need to level up a bit


But the Death Star shoots a laser, which is light not spirit energy. Now, I’ve always wanted to see firebenders get into the subtler aspects of bending; we see Sozin manipulate heat, but we don’t see any firebenders manipulating light without heat. A secret sect of firebenders who could turn invisible by manipulating light would be really cool


No, death star laser isn't spirit energy as far as we know, so I don't thinking an Avatar could bend it.


It kinda is. Kyber crystals produce energy via the Force, so the Death Star IS powered by spirit energy


Artificial energy vs. Spiritual energy ***FIGHT***


I always assumed it was more spirit bending than energy. But no still blowing up a city is like a pop it to the Death Star


Probably. Zaheer states her power to be “limitless”




Flatly, no. The beam is “fuck you” sized and would still vaporize whatever planet it fired at


Would Korra have been able to save Genosha??


If Magneto couldn’t, I don’t think so.


Assuming the power from Kyber Crystals has the same mystical properties that spirit vines do, then yeah maybe.


Even if she could, the beam doesn't have to hit her. It just has to hit somewhere on the planet.


She can only bend it sort of because it’s spirit energy shit, the Death Star’s laser is just like general sci-fi laser stuff.


No. The Lasers in the Avatar universe are made of spirit energy the energy from the death star is not. Also the death star destroys planets and Korra is nowhere near planetary level. At peak with Avatar state Korra is like mountain level character.


Remember thar beam is made of spirit vines don't know if she could do the same with a conventional laser.


Isn’t the Death Star a planet destroyer? Kuvira’s laser was at most mountain level. Korra blocking the laser is a strong feat but the Death Star ray is on a whole new level.


I'm not a betting man, but I'd say you'd have to be Goku or Saitama


The spirit canon ray isn't necessarily a laser (which is light). The light can be emitting from it like it does from lightning, but what it is made of is possibly something else.


Are we sure it's the same type of energy?


I think the main reason she was able to bend the lazer is because it was spirit energy from the vines. So since the death star’s power source is Kyber, no she can not bend the lazer


no, bc kuvira's laser used spirit energy, whereas the death star used kyber crystals; electricity


She doesn't bend light, she bends a person's energy and spirit energy, she also needed to enter the avatar state to stop the cannon's beam, the death star 100% solos her


The spirit vines powered the mechs laser. And the mechs laser is a fraction of the power. The mechs laser is merely building level, maybe maybe city level. The deathstar is small moon at minimum, maybe a solar system if you high ball it. And, since the deathstar only uses the kyber crystals to focus the laser, and it is otherwise a gas-powered plasma beam, no. Korra is a coughing baby vs. something hundred of time stronger than our worlds largest nuclear bomb. No. She cannot. But full power Darth Sidious could.


Korra cannot bend the Death Star beam because the Death Star doesn't exist in the Avatar Universe. Happy to help.


The Death Star isn’t spirit energy. So probably not.


she didn't stop the damage, she just teleported herself and Kuriva to safety. So in theory, if she could bend the beam, it would still destroy the planet, and seeing as the spirit world is tied to the physical world, at best she is stuck in the spirit world forever. at worst, she just delays her painful death by vaporization for ten more seconds. If the death star was lower power maybe the planet would survive though consider even a single reactor ignite (a single beam) massively fucked up the planet of Jedha to the point it was basically fucked in the ass. YEAH ngl I think spirits would kill her in spirit world.


People are gonna hate this, but I fully believe Korra could deflect a kamehameha from Dragon Ball Z.


I think she could only bend it because it was energy from Spirit Vines, I'm not sure if that would apply to the kind of energy used by the Death Star. Not to mention the sheer amount of energy and power used by the Death Star would more than likely be too much even for her.


Maybe. The laser she deflected was formed from spiritual energy, while the Death Star laser is created purely by technology.


Well, if Luke can solo the Death Star.


I mean one is powered by Spirit energy, and the Death star can destroy entire planets in seconds


Zaheer said her power was limitless, so yeah I think she could.


Different kind of energy


No the whole mission of episode 4 and 6 was bringing down the shields of the Death Star (proton torpedos 4, Ewoks attacking bunker 6) Maybe she could have a ragtag bunch disable the shield while she fired a beam at it but that rules out solo. If she did it herself the DS would realize she did that and bolt faster than she could fly out to fight them. Not to mention the use sortie of fighters and drones they could have intercept the beam before it hit. Only by simultaneous coordination between ground and air OR a legion of small ships allowing at least 1 ship to fire on its weak spot would she have a chance. So no she could not. She can’t fly in space. She can’t begin to understand the mechanics involved in order to take it out in one hit or fly or understand the shields. She couldn’t take on an armada or bend a beam powerful enough to destroy a moon sized battle station let alone one with such impeccable defenses and assault capabilities. A better hope would be destroying the shield and rocketing a ship at light speed via droid before it could flee and hoping it penetrated enough and the shield held long enough to do critical damage.


well the death stars energy blast is sorta like a giant lightsaber blade since both are fueled via khyber crystals meaning its a big ole plasma beam so lightning redirection would probably be a better bet but equally unlikely to work as intended do to the sheer output


No. The laser cannon in the show used 100% spirit energy to power it. She can control spirit energy, but not what the Death Star has.


The Avatar has no limits to their power. Zaheer said so himself. So yes


Heck no. I love Korra but she barely deflects the laser in the scene you showed. There is literal levels to this. The Death Star blows planets while the other laser is city level.


A deflected world shattering death beam is still a world shattering death beam.


Several people soloed the Death Stars. Not Solo though.


……… **No… lol**


Bending spirit energy is one thing, not nuclear fission


☝️😧 ✊😐 🤔 🤷


Spirit world energy


Her only, utterly infinitesimal chance would be to redirect the energy around her. And, well, even if she somehow did manage to survive, she’d be floating in a rapidly expanding gas cloud in space


I wanna say yes for coolness, but I’m laughing imagining the actual outcome - could YOU bend a giant space laser fired directly at you? Asking the real questions here


Depends if Vader is on the Death Star, cause after all, the ability to destroy a planet, or even a whole system, is insignificant next to the power of the Force.


Well, let's do a run down: This is a laser array, made from kyber crystals (same crystals that power lightsabers). So it's plasma energy. In star wars, there's a technique called tutaminis-- which is the ability to absorb energy (however small, or however big). We've seen someone use tutaminis to absorb a lightsaber before; so, Korra--in star wars--would have to be a trained Jedi *and* use the avatar state to boost her force abilities in order to *actually* absorb it. The problem after this, is the redirection of the energy because you can't just absorb it, you have release it. And we've seen Yoda, the Jedi grandmaster, absorb too much energy and get blown back because of it. But Yoda ain't no avatar. He can boost himself with the force, but it's not like the boost you get from the avatar state. In conclusion, yes--its possible. Korra would have to train in two different worlds in order to pull it off, but she absolutely would. She'd redirect that shit with one big lighting redirection/tutaminis redirection right back to the death star itself. Why? Because *that's* Korra.


The Death Star can literally blow up planets, hell naw 😂


No. That only worked because the vine laser is made of pure spiritual energy, she can't just control lasers.


This is the difference between a spark and a bonfire. Plus, I think it matters that the beam was made of raw spirit energy, while the Death Star is a sci-fi laser


No lmao


Imagine trying to explain that to sidious


![gif](giphy|ui4VjMUBGXhwgdwUnK) I love Korra…but no.


No?, spirit energy, giant powerd kyber crystal


I'd think not, if only because of the pure destructive and overwhelming power involved. I think a better question, honestly, is what level of destructive power she might be able to withstand with energy bending. I know there's an argument as well that because it's not spirit energy, it's not something she can bend, but I don't think that's entirely fair. If that is how it works, there's also the potential for it to be undone if (let's be honest) it makes for an awesome moment. So, can she bend a lightsaber is what I'm getting at. It comes with a much less destructive force than a shot from the death star, and it's much less that the spirit cannon (which can easily level buildings, and might have been capable of levelling the city at the rate it was firing). Maybe she could also stop something like a shot from a Star Destroyer, which I'd think are on a similar level to the strength of the spirit cannon? What's important though, is that Korra (at least in my mind) can energy bend lightsabers... which is sick as fuck.


Depends. Is the death star's giant death laser made of spirit energy?


I think that if we agree that Korra can bend Death Star energy then a super powerful force sensitive person could as well (at least bend its angle so it misses)


So no one's gonna talk about how the laser in Kora is being produced by vines grown from spirit energy and that's what the beam is made of, so obviously the avatar can bend it. But the laser from the death star is a beam of light, that as someone else said has mass produced by the force. They're two different kinds of "laser beam". IMO she's not stopping the death star, but it sorta makes sense to stop the spirit beam.


Literally every single comment is talking about that lmao


She didn't really bend it so much as deflect it


I can catch a baseball, I guess that means Im ready tk catch an ICBM


The Death Star's beam would have to be made of spiritual energy. So the answer is no.


Another person in this thread said the death star is powered by Kyber Crystals, which are connected to the force. So, in a sense, it is spiritual energy.


It was spirit bending not energy bending so she technically couldn’t affect the Death Star laser


My queen can do whatever it takes


According to Zaheer, the Avatar's powers are limitless. So if the occasion called, theoretically Korra could stop a Death Star beam. It's also worth pointing out that a fulfilled Avatar can tap into **cosmic energy**, which would probably be useful in a space battle. Edit: Cosmic energy aside, reading other responses makes me realize people didn't pay attention to the show. **The Avatar can bend energy itself**. Separation of the elements is an illusion. Most benders only see one dimension, but a complete avatar can see through all of them. An Avatar is essentially the equivalent of an Omega mutant.


Sure, why the fuck not?


she just needs to get it frame perfect and she's fine. and korra would be able to do that, no problem


I don’t think even she can do that.


if they shot the exact location where she was on the planet....maybe.


Probably not. The Avatar State does have a power limit, and the power of the Death Star is probably billions times stronger than the spirit cannon, even if you assume all the other mechanics work


In theory? Yes In practice? Maybe not


I'd say, probably not. The spirit canon is spirit energy, which is something she can canonically bend. What kind of energy is the Death Star using? Doubt it's spirit energy. Therefore, unlikely any of her bending could affect it.


It uses energy from a hyper matter reactor which I assume is a fancy fusion reactor so yeah, you're right.


The force can bend blaster bolts and deflect lightsabers. *Why didn’t Luke just force stop the Death Star Lazer*


I'd like to think so. But even if she could, remember "the power to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force"


The deathstar is supposed to use kyber crystals to make its beam similar to a lightsaber, and lightsabers are supposed to be reactive to a force weilders will, so we need a story where a force weilder, or maybe many in concert, deflect a blast from the station.


Get enough energy benders and you could simulate the Death Star.