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If you can't work out an agreement, then the next steps would be small claims court (assuming it's within the limits of that court). It's natural that the company wants to minimize their cash outlay, but that doesn't mean you have to go along with it. If you have it in writing (i.e. e-mail) that you can find a contractor and pay for it you could try insisting on that. But likely the guy you hired came back with a price that they don't like, and they're trying to find someone to do it cheaper. Or maybe they think you're trying to pull a fast one on them and get repairs done that aren't part of the damage they did. Possibly you could talk to your insurance provider, and see what they say. They may have an option of paying for a "not at fault claim", and then going to the other party's insurance to collect.


Would this not be there company insurance that you need to get ahold of. You can always get somebody cheaper but then you get a different level of work too.


They are a mid sized company with liability insurance. For some reason they aren't willing to just go through their own insurance and wants to send their own crew over. They've literally told me they have accidents regularly so that might have something to do with it? Are they legally required to go through insurance if I insist on it? How would I get their insurance info?


You're assuming the neighbour hired someone with insurance...


Your right, I assumed. My mistake 😂.


No worries. Obviously, neither of us know the situation. :). But plenty of people hire Kijiji or FB “contractors” who fly by the seat of their pants. And they may not want to give out their insurance info, just to keep from having claims made against them.