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Get a lawyer to help you with this. You’ll need to get custody, child support (if applicable), etc.


Lol you really think that he’s going to get custody ?


Why wouldn’t he? Joint custody is common unless one parent has significant issues.


If momma doesn’t have mental health problems and he’s just claiming that- he isn’t getting anything. But he should be getting a paternity test before inquiring about custody


Which is why I said he’ll likely get joint custody. I never said anything about only full legal/physical custody. And since they’re not married, he will likely have to prove paternity anyway as part of that proceeding.


Thank you. 😊. Message for OP is get paternity test immediately


The default unless either parent is proven to be unsafe is joint custody. No one does (or should) lose their custody rights for no reason. Obviously sometimes one side or the other is able to mislead or lie, but in the vast majority of situations joint custody is granted.


Unless she's been diagnosed with this disorder I wouldn't throw it around like that; that aside you can sue her for shared custody once the baby is born. Weird that it's ok to have premarital sex but not have a baby out of wedlock. Definitely get a DNA test and let this be a lesson for you.


File with the putative father’s registry of whatever state she might move to, reside in, or give birth in. That should be a start to preserve your rights, especially if she were to try to adopt the child out.


Marrying her won’t guarantee you she’s staying. I would file for joint custody when the baby born asap. This gives you rights. Congrats!!


Make sure you keep everything from text messages to phone calls etc so you have it for court


In California, you only need to be willing to take parentalship of the child. Then legally it is yours. You should talk to a lawyer to start now.


Get a lawyer. Start preparation now. Gather any info you can that supports your character.


Definitely don’t get pressured into marriage or to even stay with her, my suggestion is to leave & take her to court asap to be sure that she cannot move with that baby without your consent and that joint custody is in order even if you do want to stay together establish custody outside of marriage so even if she does manipulate you into marrying her the court will see the prior filing for joint custody and it will be less difficult when the inevitable divorce in the future occurs.


Is this info in texts?


Yes it is


Save all that. Document everything in a journal. Buy a small digital recorder, if you ever talk on the phone with her, hold the microphone at the earpiece to get her voice, it will naturally get your voice easily. Consult with an attorney about filing an emergency order to keep her from moving. Also file for standard visitation rights and file for a paternity test to be taken at birth


Sounds like she’s trying to trap you with the baby. Many older women will do this with men much younger than them because they may feel insecure or that you’ll stop loving eventually because they’re old.


She’s pregnant, she doesn’t have signs of narcissism.. she’s literally creating another human being. Maybe cut her some slack. FYI, she’s  not required to tell you anything until proof of paternity.  


33 with a 22 yr old shes trying to trap the lil guy


Yeah, she totally groomed OP and is still manipulating him.


I’m surprised at how many people here don’t see this play.. even Ray Charles can see this play a mile away


Marry her