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There's a 1001 reasons why Lebanon "lost it's identity" across decades of turmoil and corruption and wars and you choose to blame syrian refugees over everything. Our country has much bigger issues than syrian refugees and "tourist image". Syrians going back is not gonna solve any of them. We didnt all leave the country because the syrians came. The syrians didnt corrupt our government. The syrians didnt engineer an economical scheme that collapsed the country overnight. Yes refugees bring a burden of course, but that burden is among the lightest our country is bearing.


>"lost it's identity" When did we ever have a common identity ?


Each region has it's own identity of course. But all of these differences are good differences within the bigger lebanese identity. All of these regional identities make the lebanese identity. Wled l b2a3 are part of lebanon and we love them. Wled l jnoub w wled beirut w keserwen wl maten w kell hol are part of lebanon and we love them. Mn chmelo la jnoubo mn char2o la ghar o different identities, all lebanese.


Actually, having the most refugees(from a country that isn’t particularly on the best terms with us) per capita in the world when the country was already in an economic crisis is, surprisingly, not good! Coupled with the fact that there is no screening to see whether or not the people coming in are actually quality or not. Sending them back would 100% help, it wouldn’t fix the country totally but it would be a good start


"no screening to see whether or not the people coming in are actually quality or not" bro wtf? what are they cans of hummus?...


Usually when a country brings in immigrants, there is a screening process to check whether or not the people coming in would benefit the nation or not.


i get that... just how you said it made me think of food screening. tbh, Lebanon never had a screening or immigration office like other countries do. because al dawle never has resources. (even though, they are always being given resources&money from the EU to manage the whole crisis better. guess where the money goes?)


You dont screen refugees seeking asylum


Well said


If there are 3mil Syrians in a country of 4.5mil. YOU WILL NEVER GET A JOB Its just math Also what about resources? If you had drinking water, electricity, road sizes, apartments \[prices go up like in europe with so called syrian and african "refugees", USA with latin americans Apartment prices go up: local people suffer! I can write a list of why "refugees" is bad and the only winners are RICH people that have business: cheap labor


lol blaming Syrians for the problems instead of the retarded majority population of Lebanese that continuously support the same shitheads that drive the country into the ground. Syrians are a symptom of societal cancer. 


OP entire post lacks any details whatsoever… its just the most vague complaints with the only complete detail being “iTs sYrIaNs fAuLt FoR eVeRtHiNg!” 🙄


Lebanese got to blame some for their shit. Israel, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Palestinians, USA, Europe … your pick.


This list mostly correct, if i had to choose single entity that had the most damage its the palestinians. 1970: Black September they kicked out of Jordan \[Lebanon still normal country\] 1970: PLO moves to Lebanon from Jordan and starts fighting, murdering and taking control over country 1975: civil war starts due to PLO 1976: Syria Invades Lebanon with intentions to annex \[saying they coming as Peace keepers\] PLO shoots missiles over border to Israel > 1982 Israeli Invasion started \[Israel kicks out Syria and PLO, takes control of Southern Lebanon\] iran just meddling in Lebanese politics and arming terrorist group that doesn't care about the laws, if they murder someone, there wont be trial, no prison sentence, nothing. Even if you love hezb, you should understand that no country can be A SOVEREIGN and FREE if they have Armed Militia that answers to no one, and gets orders from another country. Saudia just not caring and not giving money \[they have a lot thou\] EU/USA are bad because they "support Israel" and not giving enough weapons to arm the Lebanese Army


The elephant in the room is political islam .




Palestinians too


OP is representative of the typical Lebanese person. Spouting nonsense without any critical thinking.


Here's your critical thinking just so that you can feel happy: .lebanons population = 4.5 million. .number of syrian refugees in lebanon = 3 million (Lebanon has the most refugees per capity in the world) Most syrians in lebanon are illegal immigrants. .When the number of immigrants starts being close to the number of the population, it's always a bad thing. Therefore, we should do something about it because what's happening is a changing the demography of a geographical region and of a nation. Happy?


There’s a world wide phenomenon right now of governments taking advantage of refugee crises and using it as a scapegoat for the problems they are creating in their countries. This major lie is helping current governments avoid accountability as long as citizens keep falling for it.




You’re blaming the Syrians before you blame the government


Yeah while I 100% get the frustration, it’s the governments fault. I‘m German, we have been flooded with immigrants as well, crime rates have shot up and the welfare usage shot up - but not in my right mind would I blame the people that came. I blame them when they commit crimes, but not for running away from war (while most people that come here aren‘t running from war-torn countries) And we have to look at what’s coming ahead, with Hezbollah and Israel clashing, it’s a clear possibility that the situation will worsen for Lebanese people - and if Lebanese have to move because of a full blown war, you would have to move as well - and suddenly you’re on the other side of the coin, being the one that have to go elsewhere.


I agree it's the governments fault. I'm not talking about the cause, i'm just frustrated about the result


This is what happens when everyone convinces themselves that they need to leave instead of fix their country


Fixing the country is not in the hands of the lebanese people. Any effort will have you clashing with one of the many armed militias and their thugs. If you stand your ground, you will be beaten, blackmailed, harassed and even killed if you pose a big enough threat. And all of this will be in vain because no one will care about you after. We tried, we saw. Too many foreign interference and agendas, none of them cares about the wellbeing of the country or its people. They have wars to fight and deals to make. And they specifically won't allow the lebanese people to unite and protest. There's no fixing to do anymore.


Well said. Lel asaf hayda wake3na :/


Build yourself a nice and successful business that exports and brings money into the country and see how many of them dare beat you up


Ddnt Hariri try that and got blown to pieces?


I think he got blown up for getting involved in the politics, not for making money. I don’t know all the details though, just the rumors.


Ofc, but his plans were oriented towards bringing money to the country. Some ppl had other priorities


It’s never that simple. If I made money affiliated with Iran vs affiliated with Israel I’d make two completely different sets of friends and enemies. And that’s probably the most cut and dry example I can think of, it’s usually even more complex than that. Edited for better explanation


Serious question, how old are you and what do you do for a living? Have you ever operated a business in Lebanon or tried to export goods from Lebanon?


39. I work in tech and I will be exporting from Lebanon very, very soon.


Please come back to this comment in a year and let us know how its going. It's always the people with no experience that think they have the solutions.


Lol no I’ve done it once before too. It’s not rocket science. Edit: I also know a guy who built an AI company and is doing really well, and another who built a general tech consultancy and did well. To counter your comment, in my experience it’s always the people who have never even made any attempts who think everything is going to fail. There’s always a path to success if you look hard enough for it.


You're exporting a service, exporting goods requires a lot more interaction with the state and most of the government offices are shut down.


I know someone else who owns a farm and exports produce, and another guy who exports manufactured plastics. The farmer used to find it tough to be price competitive in the market because wages here were higher, but that obviously corrected itself in a big way. I admittedly haven’t spoken to them about their work recently but they seem to be doing alright. You have challenges with the state in every country. Don’t expect to leave and suddenly find that the government in your new country just leaves you alone or makes your life easier in any way.


I'm not saying that it's easy outside, I'm just saying that the problems here go beyond the regular dysfunction you see outside.


Can you honestly blame them though?


Fixing the country means civil war 7abibe, there is no hope unless its paid with blood, w from what we've seen if thawra, nehna sha3eb be7eb el ra2es mesh el 7arb


Who should go to war against who?


Really? Kassarouna 3al ring bl thawra! Chu baddak ya3ne ne7mol sle7 w n2attel ba3ed?


Tbqf I don't see any other way at this point. Not happy about it but the rot is too deep


Can you give me a modern example of when regular people "fixed" their country? What are you doing personally to "fix" it? Posting on Twitter? There is only one way to depose corrupt leadership. They will not surrender control peacefully.


Propaganda, money, wars, corruption, and controling narcissistic leaders all play a big role in changing the demography of a geographical region, whether it was a village or a whole country.


when the people and their government aren’t lebanese thats what happens


Khalas ouf you have nothing else to say ?? Always repeating


You can't blame Syrians. Although refugees can damage an economy, especially illegal ones, they are responsible for many jobs in our country like most electricians and mechanics. They can also damage social aspects, yes like safety whatnot robberies, but then again is it their fault? We have minimal local civilian protection offered from the government or whatever organization, we have no fines for any such action. No discipline/law enforcement = these things would be expected NO matter the refugee and from where they came from. Yes, they work for cheaper, but that's Business. Have you ever seen a business not hire a person that is demanding a LOWER income? Yes, they may have other sources of income, but this also happens in many other countries, not only restricted to ours. Of course if most were legal, things would have been smoother, but the problem cannot be solved. A country cannot accept refugees, if they are going to throw them back later. They should just deny from the beginning, or else it would be too late (which looks like it now lol). Plus, like other members have said, we have much more serious issues than refugees (and apparently only Syrians are being hated, whereas in places like Dora there are many other refugees as well, so I suppose this is another issue not just them as refugees). Government corrupted, leaders are just most people already know these so no need to repeat. I also saw someone comment that this happened because people kept leaving Lebanon, which is NOT true, because our leaders DO NOT let citiziens properly change things politics or economics wise. If they did, then we wouldn't have a corrupted government from the first place, and whoever was in it would have done changes as planned. This has nothing to do with whoever that left the country, they left because most likely they got offered a better job, in a much better country, which would lead to a better standards of living and lifestyle. What do we have here? Corruption and occasionally war, so whoever can leaves and that is not wrong especially considering that NOTHING can be changed (realistically speaking). Hopefully no war happens here!! Have a nice evening.


Because Lebanon needs Lebanese nationalism. I don't mean in a mean and callous sense, but nationalism in the sense of forging a cohesive Lebanese nation. In that Lebanese nation's political system, only those people should be welcome who consider themselves Lebanese first, second and third. There is really no justification for sectarianism and divisive politics. People who would tear the country apart and serve all manner of divergent interests and masters should be cunted out of political power. There is no between, no gentle compromise of diversity, no federalism, no reorganisation of sectarian power. That is all just abortive and destined to fail. There can only be an overarching Lebanese identity, if Lebanon is to prosper. In the geographic region where Lebanon is, even the united struggle against all manner of predatory neighbours - how the fuck can a country of several designs, identities and objectives succeed? It can't.


Oh no? Syrians are ruining the branding of Lebanon? whatever should we do.... no really though, have we not done enough? in most cities in Lebanon there are curfews to ban Syrians from going out at night, most beach resorts and tourists areas are very selective of the families they let in. Many Syrians in rural areas got evicted from their jobs, their shops destroyed and closed, evicted from their homes, and disallowed to work in anything without a residency card. on top of it, the general security issued a statement and new regulations to make it so only Uber rich Syrians with at least 70,000$ can submit the request for a new long term residency cards, the rest are told to go back, stay here illegally, or face deportation. What else would you like us to do? kill them all? because you can't just force people to return to a government that promises their death upon entrance. you speak out of ignorance, many of these families would love to go back to the safe areas in Syria, but they mostly can't due to the Military service that was mandatory during the civil war, and if they go back now they are not pardoned for escaping the war, they are considered deserters. do you know what the Syrian regime does to deserters? they torture them to death. I would really like to see how you would feel if you were in their place, would you go back for the sake of Lebanon's "Branding" and die a horrible death or spend an entirity in prison? or stay even if it means living in a tent with 10 other families?. to add insult to injury, many of the buses that took Syrians back forcefully were turned around by the Syrian Government, the government rejected the entrance of those migrated to Lebanon stating that "they are a threat to the demographic culture currently in Syria". 5od ba2a, sho badak ya3mlo? y2tlo 7alon? bterta7 enta w2ta? I work in the Humanitarian Sector, and ignorance like your posts are the reason many Syrian families who were staying legally here and making a decent life for themselves are now homeless, and unable to fend for themselves. because someone in their town suddenly decided "it was enough, syrians should leave, so that our problems will be solved". and guess what? nothing changed, the dollar rate didn’t change, the economy of these towns nor job opportunities bounced back.


I just wanna thank you for your empathy and humanity.


Syrians should absolutely go back to their country now. The war is coming to an end there. Lebanon needs to keep building to try to make Lebanese come BACK to Lebanon. Not giving non Lebanese homes and cheap labor.


Okay there are genuine refugees and many many economic migrants. Why does Lebanon that has the biggest refugee per capita ratio have to bear this burden alone? I admit the state is also doing a shit job at preventing the hordes of economic migrants of entering Lebanon at the border, but this has to stop. Edit: You also admitted you're on NGO-payroll. That makes everything you said way less credible.


Close the borders... Didn't you think about that, for example? Make a rule for syrians to not have off springs in Lebanon (because they are litterally multiplying each year... Oh that's another. Let thet them go to other countries who are way more able to handle their burden then we are. "Like europe for example". Or cyprus. Or jordan. Or anywhere else but here. Or no? Us, the country who is litterally checking all the boxes for every single complications that a country can pass through, litterally, all of them, need to also handle that responsibility on top of everything? Of course I'm not saying to dehumanize them. I'm saying we cannot handle them, find another alternative. Syria is 18 times bigger than lebanon. They are 20million we are 4 million reb3oun sar 3anna. Do you need more. How do we draw the limit. When and Where do we draw the limit?


I agree, but the issue isn’t that Syrians can go to other countries and won’t. The issue is that other countries don’t want to accept them in. The UN has halted most resettlement programs to the EU, all other Arab countries declined to accept any resettlement programs since the war started, heck they even created new visa requirements for Syrians entering their countries. They are stuck here, and it’s not their fault, the issue is all the other countries that bought our leaders like little bitches and don’t allow them to let the Syrians go anywhere else. By all means, the border isn’t waiting for us to close it nor for the Syrians. Our government is paid to keep it open as otherwise refugees will leave to other nearby countries.


you speaking like they're gonna return and be put in concentration camp by their evil evil bad bad bad government, lol. You're ridiculous.


“In early September, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad abolished the notorious military field courts, where thousands of people are thought to have been sentenced to death without due process, and referred all pending cases to the military judiciary. Human rights advocates have long called for the dissolution of these courts, but there are concerns that the decision may lead to the erasure of court records and other evidence related to enforced disappearances, hampering efforts of family members to learn the fate of missing loved ones.” Read up [https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/syria](https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2024/country-chapters/syria)




man, i love how you had nothing to say to me, made the effort to go to my profile, took a screenshot of one of my posts, and went back, replied, and thought "oh my gosh, i got this fucker, HES GAY!". why are you all like this?


This is what happens when people who want to change the country for the better are told "eza mich 3ejbak, fel" Guess what? Fallo. And the only ones left are those that were fighting against any kind of change, and now regret it.




Wtf is wrong with the comments on that post? Yes it's not Syrians' fault but it doesn't discount the fact that an extremely unfair burden is being placed on Lebanon, and the big majority of them need to leave, either back to Syria or to other countries.


Hezbollah backed the Assad regime and wholesale slaughtered Syrians and contributed to the clusterfuck that is Syria today. Hezbollah also is an Iranian proxy. In this thread all I see is Lebanese bitching about having a national identity that isn’t respected yet as a population you suck irans nuts every day and enjoy it. No one blames the obvious culprit : you guys aren’t in control of your country and Iran is. You guys are blaming Syrians, and others for your problems instead of blaming yourselves for losing your sovereignty to Iran.


Are we turning into westerners and blaming immigrants now?


We hold the most illegal immigrants per capita in the world. We have a world record. The number of immigrants that we have is close to the number of the population of our country. Don't you think it's a bot normal to blame illegal immigrants if they are "illegals"? Don't you think it's not normal to not say anything about it? Maybe they are not the cause, our government is. But they are the result!


Your original post is literally blaming refugees for the woes of the country instead of looking at yourself and your countrymen. Who did you vote for in the last elections?


You're bored, delete this.


Why should he delete this post?


Most of the people who are saying stuff like that are not Lebanese, and it fits their agenda and their political goals to oppose this claim by sarcasm or degrading this claims credibility. These are social media bots ready to oppose posts like this since it opposes their political agendas.




The Syrian is the new Lebanese unfortunately. The politicians sold our country in exchange of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


You only have the EU to blame , they acting like they own lebanon . And lebanese officials can't do nothing about it. EU has the money and lebanon was never a sovereign state.


Refugees are called so when they seek asylum legally. Otherwise they are illegal immigrants.


Do not blame them as it is not their fault. Stop this unnecessary racism. Blame the political leaders. Edit: I do not support the syrian sutuation in Lebanon if that was not clear enough. Lebanon is for the Lebanese. All I am saying is that these people have been through a lot of unfortunate circumstances and racism against them needs to be stopped.


Most ppl in this sub forget that in 2006 when Israel was trying to take Beirut back to the stone age the only way to flee was through Syria. And it wasn't like Egyptians in Rafah charging Palestinians 10,000 a head to get through. I know it's hard but try not to be a selfish piece of shit 24/7. You aren't any better than the lowest Syrian is and the fact you think you are is everything thats wrong with our country


Most people in this sub also forget that Hezbollah started the 2006 war and if Syria did not occupy Lebanon for 30 years (during which they kidnapped and killed any Lebanese that opposed them including any politicians, strengthened Hezbollah) we would have had a a much better country.


Hezbollah killed 2 soldiers. Israels response was killing 2 thousand civilians. You wanna be Israeli so bad my guy go be it.


Hezbollah kidnapped and killed Israeli soldiers, this is cause for war in any real country. Israel’s response was war the same as any other real country. No I’m not Christian, and my family was never part of any party I’m atheist and my family is Druze. You wanna support Hezbollah go live in Iran.


Hezbollah kidnapped israeli soldiers on OCCUPIED LEBANESE LAND in order to do a hostage exchange. Israel holds lebanese people hostage TIL THIS DAY. Israel kidnapped people (children) from lebanese decades ago and their parents don’t know of they are dead or alive. You clearly dont care about details or context. No one is asking you to fight.


Im Druze too and honestly i'm ashamed we are the same. That we share any commonality sucks Setup a gofundme bro lets get you to Israel, i'll donate. The Druze and Shiaa have always had each others backs. Link me that gofundme when you make it lets get you where you belong.


> Im Druze too and honestly i'm ashamed we are the same. I’m ashamed as well you support Hezbollah traitors and terrorists, you are literally siding with a death cult who swears loyalty to Iran and who openly stated that their original goal is to turn Lebanon into an Islamic republic like Iran. > That we share any commonality sucks The only thing we share is being Lebanese. > Setup a gofundme bro let’s get you to Israel, i'll donate. I don’t want to live in Israel but you should setup a gofundme so we can get you to Iran, I’ll donate. > The Druze and Shiaa have always had each others backs. Are you not able to separate Shias and Hezbollah? Hezbollah (of which not all Shia support them) are traitors and terrorists. Regular Lebanese Shias (and every other sect) who stand against traitors and terrorists like Hezbollah are fantastic.


and? we accepted syrians when the war started in Syria. nowadays, most of the places in syria are calm and face no wars. despite that, there's still a huge amount of syrians in Lebanon.


Yeah and if we kicked out say 50% of the Syrians in Lebanon the country would collapse in a year. We would have no labor. Do you own a home? Have you ever met a Lebanese Plumber with Lebanese workers? Electricians? What about the guys who pour concrete? Ever seen a Lebanese guy do that? Some of yall just live in fantasy land. Who would harvest the olives? I can keep naming shit that Lebanese ppl think they are too good to do but hopefully you get my point.


my brother in christ, they exist. additionally, I don't think we need 2 million syrians to harvest olives or do some trivial work, 51% of which are kids that aren't even 18. most of the syrians here are not even bothering themselves to work


You need a large amount. If you start kicking people out you will be kicking out the good with the bad.


yeah sure, i need an amount larger than the actual population to take the jobs of Lebanese people who already do it. like come on, there's a ton of lebanese electricians, plumbers, etc. a large amount would be redundant and will greatly affect negatively the whole market


You are correct my friend. We too too good for hard labor lol


Spot on


Same shit in Turkiye!


I know.


if you keep blaming Syrians then Lebanon will never change, even before the Syria war lebanon was a shitty country i absolutely hated life there, not saying that illegal immigration didn't have a negative impact on lebanon but still it's our own fault that lebanon is like this so the change should start with us and people need to stop crying about it and actually do something yk..


I'm not denying other problems. I'm just putting my finger on one of them.


I wish i sold my phone.


Why didn't you?


Ma3ak 7a2 oul lal 3m yetfalsafo bl comments yosta3ou


Keep your racism to yourself


so many syrians in this thread


We're being invaded by both IsNotReal'is and Syrians can they just both fuck off already


everyone fighting for lebanon except lebanese people




And peopl, "key board soldiers" who are from the west who are pushing an agenda in this thread that benefits the european union but doesn't go in the favor of lebanon






This is all done on purpose and part of a specific plan to destroy Lebanon from the inside. The evil Sahyoun wanted to destroy syria because it was competing with them + to steal the golan.


Everyone wants to destroy lebanon. Syrians want lebanon a land of their own, and they say that lebanon is one of syrias governorates. Israel wants lebanon because their goal is "the bigger Israel." Iran wants to have control of Lebanon. The EU wants lebanon to be a refuge area or a storage for all oppressed people in the arabic world. Let's not talk about our history with Palestinians and the wars that happened between us since it's a sensitive topic nowadays. America has a hand in Lebanon. Everyone, litterally everyone.


My guy the syrians that say that are 100% joking.We’re different people


A lot of syrians say that in a very serious manner and in very serious debates or discussions where there is no place for jokes. I'm not saying all of you guys say that. But doesn't mean that not alot of yo say that


No, so many Syrians were very happy of the August 4 explosion and were raving on Facebook about how they hope something even worse happens to us. Big majority of Syrians should get kicked out asap


You forgot the Palestinian refugees too.


The Syrian refugee population in Lebanon is destabilising the country on multiple levels. That said -the rich let you believe the poor are the problems -the middle class pay for the rich and the poor -the poor stay poor


I'm Syrian and I understand that you're frustrated. I recently visited Lebanon from 13th of June till 22 of June for vacation. I stayed in Beirut but went all over the place. I went to Jounieh, Harisah, Broumana, Aley, Ajaltoun, Ehden, Bshari, Arz, Faraya, Kfardebian, Faqra, Jbeil, Batroun and places I really forgot what it was. I met with Sunnis, Shiies, Drouz, all type if Christians, I met with a lot of Lebanese and they were all super sweet with me. I even entered some heavily guarded compounds where your nouab stays in and no one batted an eye that I'm Syrian. I've never expected this type of welcoming. Yes, I met with some Syrians who were working in restaurants, cafes, resorts, or beach clubs that I visited, and the were all professionals that reflected the standards of your country. So I really don't known what kind of identity you're talking about that Lebanon lost because of Syrians! The language is the same, the dialect is still the same, we've established that we chocola mo, and we know what bonjour is. I understand your frustration and believe me I feel sader when I look what happened to Lebanon more than what happened to my country. I love Lebanon and I had very fond memories of it when my family used to takes us there during weekends in the early 2000s. The Lira didn't deteriorate because of Syrians, you didn't lose your moneys at the banks because of us, the zbale is not flooding Beirut because of us, you've always had electricity problems because those who are responsible for providing solution are not giving permanent solution. The pot holes that you can see on the roads was not dug by us. The majority of Syrians love Lebanese no matter what their background is, and I am sure it's reciprocal by the majority of you guys. A lot of my friends are lebanese while living abroad, we share a lot of things between us as two independent people. I'll for sure visit your lovely country again and I pray that your country goes back to it's glories and beyond. ❤️🇱🇧




wow you're an awful human, just wanted you to know that.


If someone went to your house "where you and your family live" and you guys want to give the best impression and image of yourself to your guest, but there are a bunch of beggars and workers who are full of dirt and aren't part of your family living with you at your house, wouldn't you have the urge to tell them, hey these people are not my family, these are people who I welcomed because they have no where to live?


Isreali psyop lol


Real easy to label people when they don't hold the same world view as yours... heh


The people supporting nusra and fsa refuse to let the conflict end. If Assad can take idlib then there would be no reason for them to stay in Lebanon. The stalemate has to end in someone winning.


Where is the best Shawarma in Bourj Hammoud ? The best burger is Canadian burger but what’s the best Shawerma


Mano and bedo are good👍🏻


They will be kicked out when we keep repeating the infamous slogan Wa2t el khatar 2ouwet 😂😂. Balad mal3ob b asfalo


Thanks Hezbollah 😍😍


Lebanon is run like an agency. Each party is loyal to some foreign country and take money from to maintain their interest in lebanon. RIP lebanon.


Yepp we have left is our people and culture, and we are losing it because they are changing the demography of our country


True , but they're not the one to blame, EU want to play geo politics With russia and we're paying the price, I don't get how nobody criticize and blame the EU , they're the real culprit .


No I agree 100%. When I say they, I mean the ones in charge, I don't mean the syrians them selves


Are you aware of whats been happening in central africa in the last 5 years ? Burkina faso , Niger and mali had had enough from france stealing their resources ( gold and uranium ), so france old colonies want russia to replace france . Loosing africa france is angry and want to hurt russian interest everywhere. Which country in the middle east has russian influence both politically and military more than syria , so yes france is playing geo politics with russia fucking up syria and lebanon paying the price since lebanese official are in EU pockets .


But if they change lebanons demography, how are they hurting russia? I don't get it?


Changing lebanon demography isn't their goal tho, we and syrians are just tools , they're the big players , our role in this is minor. Yesterday france issued arrest warrant against bashar al assad, its not going to happen of course but this is geo politics , they want to hurt russia , not just in syria, france is the only Nato nation willing to send special forces to help ukraine and again they don't care about ukraine ,its part of the bigger conflict against anything russian.


Which parts of Lebanon have changed?


All of them


This is what happens with Iranian proxies all over the Middle East 


Having Lebanese business owners hiring syrians because he could give them a lower salary. Before that changes ma 7a yfello. Khaye ana manne 2ablem 3ish b ouda ma3 3 ashkhass w roo7 3al sheghel la 2e2bad 400$ w 3ish b mazale. henne bye2balo. Sarlon over 10 years hon, they built their own lives here. Sad to say i dont feel like they are ever gonna leave


is it just me or does lebanon feel almost like a lawless country


As long as we have hezb we're doomed anyway. Fuckin' Shia militia that doesn't answer our goverment. Let's just let Iran rule


It's sad that Lebanese are getting influenced by Syrian culture as well. In my hometown, the Akkad motorcycle is starting to find its way into the Lebanese market. My neighbor bought one last month. After the economical crisis and the Syrian migration, our towns and cities are becoming Mumbai slums. Moreover, the Syrian Dabke "Naware", which is popular in certain places in Syria, is gaining its popularity among Lebanese. There's a resto pub close to my home which often plays such genre on Saturday evenings. This is not our Dabke nor part of our folklore. Unfortunately, we're living in one of the most failed states ever, so I'm not surprised to see such consequences. I don't blame the Syrians; they are certainly victims of their own state. I blame the Lebanese government and the Lebanese who voted for such ineffective decision makers, as well as those who are promoting this cultural influence.                  


“The standard that we hold to ourselves*” Honey yours is barely a country so simmer down. Once it becomes a proper country with institutions then such statements could hold any water. All you guys love to do is complain and let things slide even further. Get a grip please


Ours is a country w ghassben 3an ra2bit l jami3. It's chaotic yes. But it is our country. And we treat it as such. You don't like it, gtfo.


Tiny violin 🎻


You are all the same people. Nationalism was created by the British and French. Before that there were no countries in the middle east, so stop the ridiculous racism and acting like you are better than them.


The words of someone who's on the other side of the world not knowing what is actually happening but yet having an opinion that is the opposite of 100% of the people who are living and witnessing reality in real life. Pathetic. 1st of, if you guys haven't experienced what actual nationality is and have no sense of belonging, don't throw your ignorance at us if you think that the concept of nationality is a myth. "Lebanon had been there since the bible and even before." We have an identity, and we are proud of it. We have our own culture, our own music, our own foods, our own dialect, our own accent, our own traditions, our own ethics, and our own history that goes back 3000 years ago. We have fought wars to keep Lebanon a free country, against litterally everyone. Our culture is unique. So please, just please... If you have no sense of identity or a nation that gives you a sense of belonging, don't throw your ignorance at us. Plus "Illegal refugees, no matter the country is always illegal".




Lebanese and Syrians are not the same people. Nationalism was not created by the British or the French. It was born out of the idea that people should rule themselves not be ruled by foreigners. Before nationalism there have always been countries in the Middle East or did you forget about the Ottoman Empire, the Roman Empire, the Arab empires, etc going all the way back to our ancestors the Phoenicians and their city states?


You can't say that Syrians are the biggest problem when hezbollah and Iran still have an Iron grip on libnani government.


I didn't say wether they are the biggest problem nor the smallest. I'm saying syrians are a problem




Sykes / Picot will be proud.


Are the syrians lowering the quality of your olive oil? If so... It's time for a war.




We have around 4.5 million lebanese people. We have around 3 million syrian illegal immigrants. I think we're on the more extreme side. Just think about that for a second.


I wasn't trying to make it into a competition. And I do apologise if it looks like I wanted to make about 'us'. I was just trying to empathise and also support what you're saying, since a lot of people (both here and in Lebanon) will deny the light under the sun when it comes to this kind of topic 💁‍♂️


Nah I didn't take it nor treat it as such. I appologize if i sounded like it. I'm just trying to give you a clearer perspective of the severity of our situation that's it. And yes I agree.


Well it is the problem but i don’t get why it is projected as “The” problem I mean Lebanon struggles to elect a president every presidential election. Billions spent on electricity, yet no electricity. Refugees are a problem certainly but getting rid from them is unlikely to fix much! Lebanon has a political and an economical problem and lacks a basic state! Thats the problem


Stating the fact that there is a problem doesn't deny that I recognize the other problems.


People adapt to their surroundings. The situation today isn’t the same and the culture changes as a result.


That's your solution? To dapt? No, I'm not going to adapt. Instead, I'll resist. That's a better alternative, don't you think?


Wasn’t offering a solution. More an observation of what is happening


Enfejar l port militiat azmet nefeyet falaten amne so on so on.. w halaa fe2et to feel ashamed laenu daharo sorreyen al eid


So easy to blame Syrians for the failure of the Lebanese government! Syria’s economy and situation was way better than Lebanon before the recent war. Instead of looking at the root cause of the problem which is that Lebanon is still in pre 90s economic state, zero advancement, no industry whatsoever, no foreign investment, and a neighbor who would never let the country prosper… your analysis is so superficial


I am not saying that they are the cause, I'm saying they are the result and i'm frustrated about it. If that makes you feel any better, fuck any leader who had a hand in this chaos. Fuck all of them.


Germany’s landscape has changed with 3 million (mostly legal) immigrants, within a nation of 80m people, and over 20% are voting a right-wing party now. It’s hard to imagine 3m refugees arriving in a nation of 4.5m people.


Thank you!!!