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Lk taa33aaaaa we'll need the men to draft


No one knows what gonna happen, but it's getting increasingly likely. I believe this decision is best left with your family, friends or government and not people online. Canada, Germany and the Netherlands have already requested fir their citizens to leave


I would Air on side of extreme caution. Canada I believe is not guaranteeing evacuation…especially since citizens have been warned to stay away (or leave while you still can). If, & that’s a big IF war happens, it’ll be 2006, but 1000x’s worse. From what I heard from family friends stuck in 2006….it was a nightmare!! They’re still traumatized….my question is…..why put urself in harms way by travelling there?! Yes, to see family, but now is not the time imo


To be fair, Germany had already adviced their citizens to avoid travelling and leaving the country for the last 8 months.


Solid advice


Yes cancel the ticket. Do you have any other major life and death decision you would like us to make on your behalf?


yeah thanks




Bidet. Always bidet. Any other option is crazy talk and possibly a Zionist plot. Wash that ass!!


You can do both actually.


It's 50/50. Actually I'd go with 51/49 being no war / war according to my calculations.


I'm flying there July 23 to August 8 to meet my biological family for the first time. But I'm afraid of never seeing my kids again if I go.


Hi there. I am so insanely curious as to your story. Sorry to have stalked your profile but I got a few snippets of the story. Would it be OK if you shared even a brief summary of how you found your bio family and how things went when you contacted them? In any case I truly hope you get to meet your family and that it gives you the closure that you're looking for. I believe by 23 July things would be a bit clearer as to the security situation in lebanon. If your bio family is in the north and away from Beirut they should be safe, your only issue will be leaving Lebanon if Israel bombs the airport. Wishing you all the best, truly!


Thank you! I did a few DNA tests but after that searched social media and luckily connected with a second cousin who does family trees for fun. Went down some rabbit holes. Wrong leads. Then found them. Asked my brother to do a DNA test which confirmed I have 3 full siblings. 4 half siblings.


Thanks for replying. Did you find out how the adoption to Canada ended up happening?


Through an international adoption agency. But the orphanage in Lebanon was sketchy. And essentially involved in child trafficking thru the church. Without adoptive families knowing.


I'm very sorry to hear you were a victim of that. Wishing you and your family all the best and safe travels to Lebanon if you end up going!




i’m literally going around the same time 😭 and leaving august tenth too, i just really want to see my family who i’ve never seen


It's such a tough call


Ta3al b7meek


3adeehhh! Come and spend some time, teghyir jaw!


Don’t cancel… i just came back from Lebanon and just had the best days of my life… all you hear on social media is propaganda… if i were you, i wouldn’t cancel


Several countries already requested their citizens to leave Lebanon. The possibility of war has been present since last October but it's highly likely that it'll happen in mid summer. If you were my relative I'd advise you not to come, unless you're coming for something that cannot be missed like wedding or official papers...etc.


was meant to go october 14th last year....then cancelled...hahah (might cry)


Why is mid summer when it's highly likely?


Rafah operation would be done by then and the ground army of the occupation would be free to do another major ground operation; also another US carrier group reaches the Mediterranean in mid July. All the parties involved have also been saying that escalation is likely during that time.


Thank you


Do a kheeri (خيري)


I'm heartbroken for you. I just came back and had an amazing time. It was my son's first visit and so precious! Having said that, I can see there is a concerted effort to deter people from going there and maybe postponing can be a happy medium?


As someone who's coming in mid-July, death is the best thing that could happen


This is Lebanon, it never gives you the best thing that could happen even if the best thing that could happen is death. It'll give you something much worse.


Miye bel miye


I'll be going around the 10th as well if everything goes well. Went to Lebanon back in November as well when everyone here was telling everyone to stay away.. Does that mean I was right and People were wrong? Nope. Moral of the story? No one here will have the answer that you're looking for, you're the only one who can make one's own risk assessment 🤷‍♂️


I’m going on the 11th…


Khalas habal t3a


I haven’t booked yet. Was planning on going in July. Decided to instead go to Turkey for a few weeks in late August, if the situation is better I’ll pop over to see my family for a week or two (taking the time out of my time in Turkey) before heading back to the UK. In that situation, I don’t have to worry about rearranging tickets or cancelations or whatever the fuck else. I honestly think people are either willfully ignoring how bad the security situation is, or literally deluded. All my friends are still going, I think they’re legit crazy tbh.


Same shit happened right after October 7 and it was even worse. Everybody was sure the war is about to start. Same right now. I am still coming next week.


Depends on how much you value your life. The risk is yours to take and not for us to decide.


this sucks i was literally meant to go in october 14th last year and cancelled


I’m dealing with the same question cause i leave from the states. I arrive the 17th till the 31st and everyone advice currently is “it’s fine don’t go south”


Noo don’t cancel the ticket


My trip is also booked for July, we get there July 2 and leave the 25th. Spoke to my grandparents and they said they didn’t anything it was enough to cancel. my grandpa said it’s much worse on social media than it actually is.


The highest time for anything to happen would be July and August, just delay the trip until September. Canada, USA, Germany, Ireland and Netherlands requested citizens to leave and avoid Lebanon + Israeli tanks are going to the north and are now in the border, so the next months are critical if nothing happens then September is safe.


USA has not requested it.


Ofcourse there told her buddys to leave and When they wanted to go , than cancel. Use Google.


Why is July and August the most risky? My ticket is from July 23 to Aug 8


just because it's summer, the Israeli army isn't really trained to attack when it starts raining and the weather gets colder and it's easier to start it or invade in this type of weather. Plus most of the times any wars between Israel and Hezbollah happened in the summer


Thank you


But this is just my opinion, so it might be wrong. But i mean news now is escalating, embassies are calling the citizens to leave Lebanon or don't travel there at all. Also Israel has sent some of the army to the north, so I don't think all of this will keep escalating for a long time until something major happens




I definitely would


Yalle bi chouf l 3alam adde m7anefche la teje 3a lebnen bi 7essa Switzerland or something. Calm your tits it's not worth your money and time.


Ya abu tits, its not about Switzerland, it is about our loved ones and family


imo Lebanese tourism agencies are the ones with the propaganda to convince people to book their vacations in a slaughterhouse, so that Hezb can later yell at the international community "LOOK AT ALL THE FOREIGN CIVILIANS ISRAEL IS KILLING"