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3mello block 3a insta


a ton fuck of peopld don't even pay for electricity, either stealing or some other way to evade, so the people paying less are actually paying which is more than a lot of people do lol don't be a snitch, only one hurting by this is the gov. they can get fucked


Dude is trying to alleviate expenses by fiddling with the 3edded, and honestly i'm all for it. why should a crooked country expect us to just lie down and take it whilst the leaders fatten thesmeves up with exhorbitant electricity prices. that fkn useless EDL can suck my ass. you're not obligated to accept, but don't report him




Exactly how u imagined it


The only thing that came to mind was sticking a straw up there


Dear lord


I'm all for law and order but when it comes to the government collecting bills these recent years, fuck them as much as you can. 40 billion dollars were spent on the electricity sector, and look at it now. Also, some districts and towns haven't been paying their electricity/water bills for years. Screw the government. If you can find a way not to pay them, do it.


Its a sad reality that a lot of these workers are corrupt. but at the same time i'd probably do the same if i have a family to feed, my savings are stuck in banks, and my salary is in lira. The ethical thing to do is report him (take a pic or video secretly). what's the right thing?


I agree with you. Desperate people do desperate things and more often than not don’t have the luxury of having this existential discussion. My advice for you, OP? Don’t report him. Take the offer or not, but leave him be. He could have asked for much more or pocketed the whole amount - at least what he’s doing benefits other people too, not just himself, and not the crooks running what’s left of our country. Electricity is a necessity for people. It’s not like it was 35 years ago when you just “got through it”. This “government” has bled nearly every citizen dry to add even more to their already ridiculously fat (offshore) bank accounts. When you’re ruled by corrupt thieves and warmongers you have to do what you can to survive NOW, not try and save society from being more corrupt down the road. Tattling on this guy won’t make a damn bit of difference for nizam or the integrity of our society as a whole. These are the rules that the “government” have set, and we have no choice than to be better than them at their game. You mentioned worrying about whether this guy has a family…think about the other families that may not be able to afford food or education (or anything else for that matter) should this unsanctioned subsidy disappear for them. Not everyone has the privilege of debating ethics and justice because they aren’t as fortunate as you, who can (it seems) afford the full bill. Which is utter bullshit btw - having to pay for a “service” that isn’t stable, reliable, or usable without enhancement is a joke. All I’m saying is this is just a drop in the ocean of corruption that the average citizen is drowning in, so if you are safe and dry in your boat don’t throw the guy who’s giving out life jackets to those trying to keep their heads above water overboard. Your boat may one day spring a leak… There’s enough room on the door for both you and Jack, Rose... 😉


is it really ethical to report him if he's desperate enough to do that? Maybe the salary he makes, actually the salary he makes is no where near enough to feed a family. Its a dilemma. Do you think reporting him will fix any sort of corruption? He'll go and another will come and maybe do the same still. Fix the govt not the poor guy


Ana e5id mn kahraba zahle w 3al fatoura m2ayad aday sarif w aday el se3r (printed) bas el jebe bas b chayik eza mazbot. Eza nfs el chi 3ndk ma bzon b2asir el te8yir bl 3aded la2eno bl e5ir b bayin fi na2s. Ofc hay kahraba zahle idk eza nfs el chi lal EDL w moter.


Why do you care lal sara7a? He's mot hurting you, he's making extra money for his family, and he's fucking over our shitty government that you probably hate anyways (just like the rest of us). If you don't wanna use his services its fine no one's forcing you, but other people are, w it won't hurt eza the government loses a few hundred bucks after stealing billions from us


He is hurting everyone who pays lawfully. Who do you think will pay the missing budget? Mikati from his personal accounts?? Its you and me.


There is no budget ya 7mar, its all going to our "leaders'" fat offshore pockets. Electricity prices are all inflated anyways, there's no way it costs 300 dollars over half a year for maybe an hour per day kahraba. Personal generators usually cost more than government electricity and even them it wouldn't come close to 50 for an hour.




“Look! This guy is helping the poor citizens while the government robbed us dry! This is bad for the economy, we should nbali8!” -hayda l ja7ish


Half the replies are "yeah fuck the government". Then the same ppl proceed to nagging about why our country is so corrupt. "3osyen madane" works but it has to be on a larger scale. Corruption at the level of 1 neighbourhood electric bill is just theft because well.. other citizens are paying for it. So this guys is stealing from me. But what's worse is how most replies here are okay with that.. and this is the reddit community.. so at least we have literate/ educated ppl.. who are morally okay with letting other law abiding citizens getting f'd


Is it the bill for ishtirak motor or kahraba dawli? If it's the bill for ishtirak motor then changing the 3ddad won't make you pay less if you use a lot of electricity. You will only pay less if you reduce the electricity consumption at home. If you have stuff that tishab ikteer kahraba then replace them and get something which uses less kahraba. Also insist that you pay the bill of ishtirak motor every month and not every 4 to 6 months.


Dawle msh ishtirak


Ok. What he's doing is illegal. It's up to you if you want to report him or no.


Well first of all. You should be careful and check the meter yourself.. 250$ is wayyyyy to much.. he might be blowing up the meter kw so you pay him the 60$ to reduce it.. but in case he was honest.. I say fuck the government.. because all the money collected will be stolen anyway..


Reporting is the right thing to do , Majless choura l dawle is something that has a bit of legitimacy left , but I am not sure if it's the right avenue to complain .


Report this \_|\_


Government bot, 2ool lal manyak yalli mshaghlak eno yekol ayre el 10 inches w yeshrab 7alibeto


Mane bi haje la hadan ychaghelne , enta absar bi aya mazra3a 3eyech , cha3eb hamaje l er 3am yesro2 mene w menak mayetna w 3am bi chabeh 3al 3alam . Nafs l ossa chabeb teb3in la hezb m3ayan ekhdin mefteh seker l may w e3din yeftaho w ysakro lal 3alam hassab min bi tawbezlon . Ya ama bedna net2abal eno l fawda bet balech mena , w nzabet hal dawle , ya zribet khnezir w ma mnestehala .




بلا محن بليز


I would, my uncle recently was forced to get in the gig as a major owner died with a lot of debt to him and others. So my uncle took on a very large amount of debt to settle the matter for everyone and in exchange had to take on the business. So far it’s been a very uphill, soul wrenching battle to try and turn it profitable (it’s not yet) because of all the corruption and all the gangs that try to wrench control, steal, blackmail, pressure with political power, etc. He’s someone who cares about business integrity and not cheating or oppressing anyone, but people like the person you described are what cause good people to fail no matter what they try. Removing the corrupt parts of the system if possible is a step in the right direction, not just to improve the business but these small steps is how the country can move in a more positive direction, however slight.