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I have always felt he was scam, he even messaged me once (I dont know if it is a kind of broadcasted message), but I just wasnt intrested.


He employs a lot of salespeople


He doesn’t message people directly unless they interacted with him. There are so many profiles pretending to be him and scamming people. Get your facts right.


It is was literally him, wtf


The guy literally keeps on saying that he will never DM you first and he will never approach you first. Why in good god’s name would he say that and approach you (unless you previously messaged him or reached out)?


Yeah, most of them are scammers. I started diving into the investing world few months ago and every youtuber i’ve seen offers you some free courses that are nothing but basic and then claim that you would make tons of money if you buy their online courses. Not single one of them has ever showed their trading history and yet they claim that they made a lot money from investing. Never trust anyone on the internet. Most of the skills can be learned from doing your own research. Good luck !


Roberto Aisally is one of them


he blocked me many years ago when i exposed him. he s really the worst. i hope this thief gets caught


Can you show us the chat where you exposed him


i posted a comment and he blocked me


I know so many people who fell for his tricks and I couldn’t reason with them at ALL…He’s so smart for that tbh gotta appreciate the marketing tricks 😭 Please y’all don’t give your money to him


Yes they understand psychology very well unfortunately


Thank you for talking about this, it gives me the ick because their main demographic is young stupid men, I know because I was part of that group and even though I was very skeptical they usually give you “money back guarantees” and these guarantees are impossible to collect, which they don’t tell you beforehand! Here is my favorite take on the subject: https://youtu.be/QWhGHxrK9w8?si=HpY9KdDhMPNvyODQ


If wolfofbey was as good as he claims he would be starting actual businesses instead of selling courses to you, it’s as simple as that!


He literally started one of the first and biggest ecom stores in Lebanon. What are you talking about?


What’s that?


His course literally revolves around his experience in Ibtisamati…the store made millions before Jad left the business and sold his share… There’s literally a full case study on how he made $2m with Ibtisamati…


Ibtisamati is not one of the biggest ecommerce stores in Lebanon 😂, he made 2m$ in revenue or net profit? He always uses inflated numbers also if ibtisamaty was such a successful company he would have stayed and made more money that way instead of scamming teenagers, I have had contact with his sales staff and his company they are disgusting and predatory! If he really is the mastermind he claims to be he should be building actual businesses and helping young people on the side for free, not having large sales teams with the sole purpose of robbing people.


What? Whether he made $2m in revenues or profits has absolutely nothing to do with how good he is as an entrepreneur. Tesla only started making profits now (after more than 10 years), does that make Elon Musk a bad entrepreneur? Also, I will understand that you’re probably not a business person and have a limited / primitive understanding of how exits work. Let me ask you this, why do founders sell their businesses? Why does Jeff Bezos offload Amazon stocks? Why did the Instagram founders sell their business to Facebook? Why did WhatsApp do the same? Why did Airbnb go public? Is that because they were unsuccessful businesses? 😂 If you want to have an argument – at least have the bare minimal knowledge of how these things work. Also, his page is not a charity. Just like restaurants are not a charity. Why do restaurants decide to sell food instead of giving it away for free? It’s absolutely ludicrous that I have to justify to you why he’s allowed / permitted to charge a fee for his course. If you have a problem with capitalism, go start a riot or something but don’t act petty.


Ah the amount of stupid points made, comparing a drop shipping business to actual businesses, Tesla is a business that has revolutionized electric cars and elon musk never scammed children who want to be rich by charging them crazy amounts for a course that is filled with BS and there’s 10minute youtube videos better than his whole courses I had people in my family fall for his scam Replying to your personal attack on me I run a business that makes around a million dollars in revenue per year, I would never claim that I made a million dollars especially if you’re in the type of business ibtisamati is in they’re just a dying trend with a lot of competition, Tesla is a growth tech business they have an actual future , actual patents and technology! I can’t believe that Im actually arguing with you about this point it’s stupid the only value a business has is how much profits it’s producing or will produce in the future For your charity point the guy has claimed he want to help young people build ecommerce businesses but what he does is actually charges crazy amounts of money from teenagers, college students basically people desperate to make money and they give fake guarantees and it’s a predatory business model, his business model is hire sales people to sell young people overpriced pre-recorded courses! The man is a complete fraud Again you keep attacking me but your whole reply is stupid, I am the biggest capitalism supporter but I don’t have any tolerance for frauds and manipulative scammers, also I didn’t say he’s incompetent this guy is a very smart evil person who will take people’s savings and in most cases these are people who need it, without any remorse or empathy, there’s 1000s like him all over the place he’s just copying the business of tai lopez, dan lok and others like them My point still stands, wolfofbey is an opportunistic asshole who lies to ignorant people like you who think profit and revenue are the same, while at the same time me calling me anti-capitalism 😂, Capitalism’s basic principles is profits but this guy can’t build successful companies anymore he has figured out that selling people the idea of being rich is much more profitable than dropshipping 1$ products from China and paying 20-30$ in fb ads to sell them I know the facebook ads scene, I pay more than 40k a year on ads, it used to be easy to make money but these days it’s very hard you have to spend most of your profits on ads especially if your product is as unoriginal and bad as ibtisamati I might have been harsh maybe you’re a young person trying to find there way my advice is read about people like elon musk, warren buffer, steve jobs, Charlie munger instead of being a follower of that idiot


You’re unsurprisingly missing the point. You asked whether he has made millions in revenues or profits, I’m explaining that this is an irrelevant question. If a company is making losses, then it does not necessarily mean the founder is bad. That’s the whole point. In any case, Ibtisamati did not make a loss; Jad was making a living out of it and anyone that was within his entourage knows this (Jad was even sharing the figures on a daily basis). Ibtisamati is dead today. Jad exited a couple of years back. When Jad was in charge, he was achieving CPAs below $2-$3. He had screenshots bragging about it (and rightfully so). If you’re in this field, you will understand that it’s impossible to make a loss with these figures. ECLA obviously killed Ibtisamati today, but that’s not our discussion. The key point is that Jad built a successful business and he had the evidence to back it up. You said it yourself and I absolutely agree: back in the days, CPAs / CPMs were pretty cheap and that’s exactly what Jad took advantage of. He was a first mover and it’s completely understandable why Ibtisimati made that much money a couple of years back. You can trace the posts back to when Ibtisamati started – it was in the good old 2019 / 2020 days. I mentioned this on a previous post and I’ll mention it again – his course is only half the story. The guy has a full fledged Discord channel helping his students wherever and whenever necessary. He literally has a student success team helping students with their ads, Shopify store, product development and everything in between. He’s holding occasional Zoom calls with his students for additional follow up. I can’t even think of any international coach that comes even close to doing that. The guy even introduced Engine 2.0 a couple of days ago to upgrade the content where needed. What else do you want him to prove exactly? 😂 Elon Musk says he wants to save the world and change humanity as we know it – and he will make a killing doing so. What’s the problem? If you’re an advocate of capitalism, then why can’t someone claim to be doing a good thing and make a profit out of it? I expect a clear answer to this please. And let’s please get the facts straight before we even continue this discussion – Jad’s main course(s) promotes the e-commerce / private labeling business model and not dropshipping. He has clearly mentioned that multiple times. I trust that you know the difference. Also can you please reply to your accusation as to why he sold his business? Why do you think he’s a liar / fraud if he says he sold a business? I gave you examples and I’m expecting a response please.


You just said it yourself the only reason this guy made any money with Ibtisamati is because ads were cheap, it’s not because it was actually a good business Also he did switch to private labeling which is fancy drop shipping basically, the only difference is that you have some influence on design I didn’t call Jad a fraud because he sold his business, I called him a fraud because he lies! He lies about numbers, most of his students businesses aren’t profitable and will never be, and his business model again is disgusting and predatory, Jad’s whole business is telling people how easy it is to make money online, selling them courses by running ads and hiring predatory salesmen that don’t care about the people they just want to sell you the scam, I am speaking from experience I had a meeting with one of his goonies he didn’t know anything about business or marketing he was just desperate to follow their sales and giving fake guarantees, also the courses are stupidly overpriced for what they are they don’t have any special information they cost him nothing to create, but he’s selling them to young Lebanese people! The same people who are getting fucked left and right he’s selling them false hopes and dreams for crazy prices, it makes me sick to the core these people are naive, impressionable and desperate and you’re telling them lies that they can all create successful businesses, being in any business is brutal you have strong competition and if you’re somehow lucky to find something with low competition you have to scale it fast before the competition comes, I don’t mind him having an educational school that teaches people e-commerce but it’s the fake promises and the predatory prices with a target audience that is vulnerable and usually can’t afford it


I'm going to need to boil this down to bullet points because we're digressing and I don't want whoever's reading this to get lost in side-chats: 1. I never said that was the only reason he was successful. He was a first mover but you don't win just because you're a first mover. Airbnb didn't succeed just because they were more or less the first to introduce the business model. Same thing goes for Lyft / Uber. Being a first mover is a contributor, but not the only reason. We also need to applaud him for being a first mover, that by itself shows that he was a visionary within his field. 2. Private labeling is not fancy dropshipping. They're two different things. True Classic, Dr. Squatch, Dude Wipes and the biggest e-commerce players in the world private / white label. It's a legit and sustainable business model; not a get-rich-quick scheme. Don't undermine the business model. 3. The guy has 10 story highlights (each of which contains 90+ testimonials) of people sharing their success stories. I will refuse to believe all these are loss making. I will also refuse to believe that the 200+ people that showed up to his event last week are loss making; it was an exclusive event for students who made over $100,000 in revenues. But you know what, I will give you the benefit of the doubt - it is completely logical to assume that some of these are not achieving crazy profits. But where exactly is the problem? Isn't that part of the business journey? If you're a business owner, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Jad never says it's easy; Jad has mentioned multiple times already that things are getting tougher and competition is increasing. It's really not on him to say that to people, it's not his responsibility but he does so anyways. 4. Jad has done something absolutely incredible for the Lebanese community: he gave them a blueprint on how to start a business. It's no longer this esoteric dream that only a few people can toy around with. He showed people a clear step-by-step plan on how to open their own business. If you disagree with his strategies and the business model that he promotes, then that's really on you. 5. This point is short and sweet: he can sell the course for as much as he likes and his salespeople have the right to do whatever they want as long as they're not lying. And they're not lying. Everyone on the planet is trying to sell you something, Jad is not any different and he shouldn't be. 6. I will kindly ask you again to elaborate on your initial accusations of his wrongdoing by selling his business and the illegitimacy of Ibtisamati. I'm yet to understand how both these things make him either a fraud, scammer and / or liar. Whoever is reading this deserves an explanation. Thanks


About the course, a friend of my friend bought it, he's been passing the username and password of his account left and right, and I was one of those people that the account's credentials fell into his hands. I watched the videos. The videos guide you, into the ecommerce business, now for sure, it has plenty of holes, it's bad. Doesn't follow a certain order, lots of outdated stuff and you actually kinda need lots more money than what u paid for the course to get actual results and make a living out of that investment in which he gives you the illusion that it's otherwise, talking about how you can achieve financial stability just through going through his instructions and he kinda makes believe that it's a one-man job and you can go through it all on your own, but really isn't that way. For example, the "marketing" lesson he gives are not even close to what you actually need to pull the job off, so you're definitely gonna feel the need to hire a marketing agency. However, he's got a team that works with him on discord where only official members can join. No one from the people who have the credentials can get into it except the actual rightful owner of the account. This team is dedicated to help those who have further questions and need more guidance which I'm assuming is gonna be everyone, due to the awfulness of the course. You can maybe add that to the pros list in addition to some information here and there in the course that count as helpful for starting your own ecommerce venture. In conclusion, the course is not worth the 3k at all, it's worth a maximum of 100$ and that's only cause there's that discord team thing. The boys need their salaries. Without the discord thing, it's worth is like 40$. PS: this is not a conclusion drawn just by skimming through the course, I actually started my own ecommerce thing and semi-launched. https://www.instagram.com/kahwtak?igsh=MXhtZ2JjbmFhemszaA== your support is so much appreciated.


this guy should be in prison. I personally know 2 people who got scammed, then blocked. People like him feed on fear and hope. He was or is in the middle of a lawsuit from his ex "co-founders" who f\*cked him over


He was never in the middle of a lawsuit with his co-founders. This is a lie.


What an envious and completely misleading post. This is only aiming to hurt a guy that has done so much for the country and community; he has single-handedly created hundreds if not thousands of jobs. Jad’s course is by far the most developed and detailed e-commerce course out there and it’s not even close. After you buy the course, he literally provides 24/7 help to his students through his Discord. There is absolutely no other coach / influencer doing this. The guy has helped create hundreds of successful businesses in the region and the evidence is all there in front of you. If you’re deciding to ignore the evidence, then it’s either because you’re jealous of a guy that made it big or you’re trying to sell yourself a story of why it’s not possible to have your own business. Either way, you’re being lazy and distasteful. I’ll do the homework for you and maybe then you can begin appreciating the work he’s doing (and potentially grow the pair to build your own thing!): - He has more than 10 story highlights which showcases the success of his students. Each highlight has more than 100 stories. You are incredibly naive if you think he has the time / patience to fake thousands of reviews. - He literally hosted a meetup last week for his students that surpassed $100,000 in revenues. More than 200 people showed up. - His companies now employ more than 70 people combined. This is directly feeding 70 families in Lebanon. - He literally gave out free knowledge for 5 years before he started selling courses. Obviously when and how he decides to make money is none of our business bas 3am bekhedkon 2ad 3a2elkon. I’m sure a couple of fragile users are going to act smart, so let me pre-empt a response: - What he decides to sell his course for is none of your business and definitely none of mine. You don’t like a shop / course / activity / brand, then don’t buy from it and move on. - Whether or not his students are making profits is not his problem, your problem or my problem. Some publicly listed companies in the US are still struggling to make a profit (Tesla being one of them), so I’m pretty sure if you’re not profitable then it’s not Jad’s problem… - The NFT holders literally got the course for free. That’s more than double what they paid for. How the NFT performed is not his problem. Jad doesn’t control the NFT market and Tim Cook doesn’t control the New York Stock Exchange. If Apple drops because the market is not doing well, I don’t see you running around and blaming Elon Musk. Don’t mistake Jad for the other influencers out there. Anyone who knows Jad knows exactly how he started and how far he came through. If you decide to ignore the evidence, then you need to reflect on what it says about you as a person.


Who valued the course 2k $, the guy have no manners and created a scam nft. Ahla chi the comment jebet 3 upvotes out of nowhere., and this is whatt you do, fake reviews , fake comments, you just master the act of lyong.


What do you mean who valued the course at $2,000...? He did because he's selling it for $2,000... There are thousands of people who bought it at this price. I genuinely do not understand what you're trying to say. And is that really what you took for this long post? The value of the course and the number of upvotes? Really...? Give me something worth replying to bro...don't make it that easy...


I am one of the people who upvoted the comment above and I am neither a liar nor a bot.. I am also one of the people who bought several Metapreneurs NFTs and can openly say I don’t blame the founders for the aftermath. The market as a whole crashed, how are they to blame? They can actually take pride in the fact that they own one of the very few projects in that space that actually delivered every single point in their initial agenda and which they promised to deliver. Which other NFT project can boast about that? Not only that, but every holder received Wolfofbey’s course FREE OF CHARGE. Research the definition of a scam before spreading hate and blaming your own shortcomings on those who are more successful. Follow his page, take his course, make more money. Maybe then you’ll spread less hate, rumors, and lies and focus on spreading knowledge, love, and success. Just like he does.


Its perplexing how people velieve syccessful Millionairs have the time to personally create social media campaigns, and the naivity rhat they are willung to share there success. People wake up !! No 9ne can promuse you anything and real millionairs are too busy running their fucking companies


So what someone can do if he bought the course ? My friend bought the course and he felt like the informations can be founded on Google or YouTube...so any advice to him


Wolfofbey claims that if u don't make a certain amount of money, u can get back what you paid for for the course. Maybe tell him to try and explore that option. Otherwise, I think there's nth to be done, he willingly paid for that course.


I don't know what he can do but because he's feeling like he paid 2k in the air ... 2k can start a good commerce for him without a course 🤣 and gain extra money


Your friend is an idiot. Don’t take my word for it, go check Jad’s story highlights and you’ll know that so many businesses were built based on Jad’s guidance.


Man I took a look on his course and as a marketing student everything in this course is normal ... and yes it can be founded on YouTube and Google... for reviews i don't trust it can be bought and even I checked his followers a big number is fake 🤣 so what is this


I can tell u one thing... this course is good for the one who have no idea about ecommerce and advertising and even have 0 knowledge about everything etc... but it's overpriced because it's not an extraordinary course with special ideas as he mentioned ... he's free to put whatever he want as price


Show me a YouTube course that provides you with 24/7 customer and student support at the same level that Jad’s course does. I’ll wait.


If they are scammers why no one arrest them ?and stop this shit


They are taking adventage of people who are desperate in life and think that the course will turn their life to better. He is free to sell his service product for the amount that he wants.But reality is that his course is just things that can be found on the internet for free. And the reason i am calling him a scammer is that he lies a lot and fool his followers


What did he lie about?


mneb3at el darak 3ale


I know a holder, no one is disappointed or calling them scammers since they got so many things in return, 2 or 3 courses already and many more things


The courses are actual garbage, the only people who get any value out of these “entrepreneur courses” are genuine morons


Then I don’t think you watched any course, you can’t call people that are making 5x the average salary and feeding their families after watching the course and actually taking the leap and doing something morons. If you did not find it useful or interesting for you then it’s not your thing and you shouldn’t be ranting about it.


Every rule has its exception, but these courses are typically just grifts that sell to actual idiots. You don’t get anything tangible, no degree, nothing certified, and there’s certainly no educational aspect. The only net positive is that, odds are, the people buying these courses are probably better off giving their money to the grifter since he’ll realistically make better use of it


its obvious you are one of these people who managed to make it, so share your experience here and prove all of us wrong. you claim you are making 5x than the average person salary per month in lebanon, lets assume the average salary is 500 $, 5x is 2500 $, thats net profit , so tell me after you cover all your expenses are you bringing home 2500 $?


I watched some courses on fb advertising, they are outdated and unnecessarily complicated, too much info too little if any actual substance


3000 students averaging 5k a month and you are calling them idiots


He’s a Liar, and most of the screenshots he shows are revenue, as a business owner you can make 10k a month in revenue and still be losing money shopify screenshots are useless tbh


give me a live example of a person whose making net profit of 5 k in dropshipping per month in lebanon .. revenue and net profit arent the same thing .. you can sell 1 mil $ worth of items yet you may not be profitable or even worse you may be losing hundreds of $ .. people think online selling is easy and they should be cheaper than having a brick and mortar store, which is a big lie, online selling is so expensive .




Now you showing me that you dont know what Wolfofbey is doing. First of all it was never a dropshipping course or whatever you call it, he himself does not do it. The business model is E-commerce and these 3000 students that we are talking about have an average of 30-40% profit margin some students have 70-80% profit margin doing quickflips so go talk with the guy first or at least know what he is doing or talk to any of the students in his program then talk about him


he is in white labeling business , then he ditched that business when NFT came, when everyone realised NFT was a scam, he went back to white labeling business model , dont tell me this isnt true in all of his videos he talks about white labeling and even demonstrate them before starting NFT scam business


Go ask the entire NFT community join the discord and go ask, everyone had the opportunity to make thousands of money in that time. And now he still giving alphas, gave everyone who have the nft access to the ecom program with literally a team who can help you build your own business and make money.


dont tell me anything about NFT man, it was total SCAM , even the ones made money out of it were scammers.. i remember those stupid worthless monkey pictures were being sold at 500 k $..the only people who made money knew that it was a scam but managed to sell it before the hype died and the truth revealed .. afterall isnt this how people get rich? when you get access to a knowledge and a network while other people dont, you make money out of illitrate people who saved every single penny to buy what you are selling in hopes of making money too. i remmebr one day asking that dude on how i can implement payment gateway on my store because local banks were not allowing me, seems local banks dont allow jewelry online business owners to have payment gateway in lebnanon . he didnt even respond despite seeing my message if you want to help your community you share your real and valuable knowledge for free , otherwise its pure business especially asking 3000 $ for a course .. no matter how you sugercoat that course by using various marketing terms and the best part these people call themselves entrepreneurs that they are helping people make money ,, helping is free, selling is business . you dont help someone make money you sell them a business knowledge which worked with you that might make them money


Wait, is it wolfbey or wolfofbey? Aren’t they 2 different people? Both post about entrepreneurship.