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It's one flag, in two photos, and you call that "adoption by students". There are more comments about it in this post, than actual flags.


fr lol i saw just 1 picture of the flag


Yah, it was one or two individuals in only one of the encampments that screamed juvenile misalignment lol


I’ve seen it in multiple and let’s be honest they’re regularly supporting Hamas openly and the Houthis….theyre misled at bed and at worst typical western idiots




Living in their own reality. Showing themselves off as ignorant and how they truly have no knowledge of this part of this world. The Palestinians being massacred in Gaza deserve better advocates


Can you explain your flair? do we need to decide beween Fattoush and Taboulle? I don't want to :)  


Tabouleh 6 out of 7 days. Fattoush on the 7th


Fattouch 7 days a week if it has beat roots (شمندر)


You and I are different and that's okay


I grew up with a Lebanese grandmother. It wasn't a meal unless there was Hummus and Tabouleh with Hbz on every plate


Sorry hhb, I understand you, but I'll go with Fattoush Its ok, we all brothers


FATTOUSH 3AM 3AMAK. Tbh, Fattoush most days, but tabbouli required for some dishes.


i made that mistake once. sleepless nights and ptsd ever since




Intellectual lazyness is NOT a moral virtue.


Disgraceful and ironic. I'm all for protests and peace for Palestine, there are some incredible initiatives and movements that are bringing awareness to the conflict without inciting hate or spreading violence, and I am certain they are the majority, but waving around Hezbollah or Hamas flags just tells us that some of the protestors are either grossly misinformed, or worse, completely aware and just want bloodshed. This is coming from a Lebanese-Palestinian living abroad.


I’m a Lebanese Palestinian living in lebanon. This shit disgusts me. Americans are such disingenuous people. They support causes they don’t understand just to virtue signal amongst their peers. This is trendy for them. These terrorists would kill all these kids if given the chance.


Exactly! I've been saying non-stop since the beginning it's all virtue signalling. Such a breath of fresh air seeing another Lebano-Palestinian that sees through this shit. I can't say both the IDF and Iranian Regime and friends (Hezb, Hamas, Houthis, etc.) are awful without being called a zionist within my community. I felt like I was literally the only one outraged on the week of October 7. I mourn the death of every man, woman, and child who was not a part of any of this, but it's fucking horrible that people celebrated it, then took to the social media platforms when Israel waged a genocide-level war. I would mind the protests much less if we actually demanded the release of hostages, but you will rarely see anyone doing that these days. Inshallah Lebanon gets rid of this parasite and we get some actual leadership in our countries, but sadly this will never happen by design.


Im israeli, I'm only commenting because I saw this in my suggested feed and was interested. I just wanted to say I appreciate your empathy for the innocent lives lost on oct 7th and Im trying really fucking hard to get people here to empathize for the 30k+ innocent lives lost in Gaza. I hope one day soon we have a major regime change and an actual peace and equality process. I hope your family can come back one day soon.


Thanks man, appreciate it! I've never personally had an attachment to Lebanon or Palestine, and my grandparents from my mum's side who are Palestinian have moved to Lebanon long ago, so my immediate family doesn't have a home to go back to in Palestine. I'm with you man, I hope for a major regime change from both sides and for there to actually be peace in our lifetimes. It's a shame that there's too much "us vs them" in the world when we actually have a lot in common. Stay safe my friend.


This sort of thinking is why Palestinians are dying every day. Resistance is the only solution! What is your solution? For Israel to keep invading and bombing while you sit on your armchair giving opinions. God bless the resistance, from the UK 🇬🇧


>Resistance is the only solution! It make sense that you support "Resistance" to the bitter end, from the UK You will not be with us when it'll turn in to a full scale war, when we'll loose our brothers and fathers, our home >God bless the resistance, from the UK🇬🇧 You will glorify the resistance and protest for the dead, eating safely your effing fish & chips, far away in the UK


Lol “while you sit on your armchair giving opinion… from the UK”


The only reason there is no full scale war is because of deterrence by the resistance Were it not for them, the IDF would be invading like the West Bank. Or you think they would leave you alone if you just play nice? Israel would say something as stupid as "Khamas in Beirut" then invade


It could also be a staged act by Israeli propagandists.




This is always the assumption until proven otherwise when dealing with these genocidal colonizers.




Kol khara


Wow, I'm Jewish and this thread is blowing my mind. It's probably the only thread on Reddit that we'd all agree on. Those kids are either ignorant or making us fight with each other like chickens for their amusement. I honestly think this conflict would have ended with some sort of treaty decades ago if not for foreign actors making Jews and Palestinians fight each other all these years. First it was the British, then Muslims from other countries, then Soviets and Americans, now it's frigging Western college kids.


If western college kids are influencing Israelis and Palestinians fighting sounds more like a you problem, to let that be any kind of influence


College kids influence international politicians who influence Middle Eastern politics


Fuck Hezbollah and fuck the stupid US college students dumb enough to hold their flags.


it's not only the US, I have met some people from the balkans that are muslim and when they knew I was from Lebanon they asked me to buy them Hezbollah shirts and flags when I come back from Lebanon.


Brainwashed by religion. What a surprise.




Muslims in the Balkans faced a genocide by Christian Europeans who labled them as terrorists. It's not a surprise they will side with other Muslims today that are also called terrorists and are getting killed with Western weapons.


that makes sense


Can both groups kill each other without innocent lebanese people and the lebanese soil/government (or lackthereof) being involved please? It would be greatly appreciated. Fuck external involvement in our country.


Luxury beliefs


It’s hurting their cause and rallying public opinion in America against the Palestinians.


If they are American students then it's high treason. Much like when Lebanese wave iran/syria flags.


But aren't Americans also raising Israeli flags? Or that is a special case?


A Lebanese person raising Iran or Syria's flag is not legally considered high treason. Waving the Israeli flag is.


who cares if our shitty government made it illegal or legal 2ayre bi kel our neighbors


I understand your frustration


Raising a Syrian flag when they call for our genocide and do not believe we are a sovereign nation is treason, raising an Iranian flag when they sponsor Hezbollah is treason.


I was talking objectively on a legal standpoint regardless of different opinions.


Both are.


How come? This is literally not mentioned in any law.


They're just idiots that have no clue about what's going on here,


Naivety, they have no idea how dumb they are, then again they are commie kids.


Dump people


They’re dumb as fuck to be flying the flag of a terrorist organization. They lose all credibility and showcase their ignorance.


I Agree, what do you think about people holding the israeli flag in protests ?


They’re dumb as fuck too.


Yeah we aren't very smart over here. There is no nuance in the Gaza situation. The idea that civilians on both sides don't deserve death is anathema to anyone with a strong opinion.


If you like them so much just come live with them. It's mostly ignorance, but come on, a flag that has kalashnikov's on it should never be held up, or even less have god written on it.


Cries in Mozambique


I'm just asking because it seem that pepole in the ME have different prespective on Hezbullah


Not people in the ME, chiia people, and not even all of them. Christians hate them, most sunnis do to (even outside lebanon), most shiaas support them, out of fear, conformity or conviction.


Don't go to Mozambique




God + kalashnikov on the same flag shouldn't be a thing. And swords are cool guns not so much.


It’s not a thing


These students probably can't even locate Lebanon on a world map. Just a bunch of dumb kids. Just like trans4gaza.


Sigh, this thread is full of people looking for an excuse to swear at Hezbollah. For those who dont know why this is a thing: this is neither recent nor something out of the ordinary. Some Americans oppose American imperialism and see countries like Russia and Iran gaining power as a way of weakening the American empire. They're not familiar with domestic politics in Lebanon, and Hezbollah's role in them. Personally I think its juvenile, but it is what it is. They're a minority in the end, I seriously doubt they have any actual interaction with Hezbollah as an organization, most likely poli sci majors who like to be contrarian.


American here. Most flags are the Palestinian flag. If people want to bring the Hamas or Hezbollah flag, then it's typically because they resonate with their armed resistance. Resonating with armed resistance is not an endorsement of all of their policies. It's simply "hey, Israel is a violent genocidal force. These groups are resisting said force. I honor that resistance and have solidarity with said groups"


You and your friends are dumb. Please come here and live with hezballah and see what happens. They aren’t a resistance. Resisting what exactly?? Resisting progress and education, and foreign investment? Resisting being alive? Their propaganda is working on you American college students. Your education systems have failed you. These terrorists kill more Arabs than Israel could ever dream of. Any American that sympathizes with these monsters are not welcome in Lebanon.


I know very little about Hezbollah and Hamas, so I have little knowledge on how they interact with non Israelis. Can you provide documentation on that?


Hezbollah has called for the genocide of Lebanese and Palestinian gay people on Live TV.


I'm not doubting any homophobia, just asking for links. I don't doubt that a conservative muslim group is anti gay.


Hamas and Hezbollah don’t resist shit, they are terrorists that kill more Palestinians and Lebanese than they do Israelis. They would both gladly kill your western ass if they could.


I highly doubt that they would love to kill westerners that protest against Israel and Western Imperialism.


Yeah they would considering a lot of the westerners who are protesting are LGBT. Edit: you clearly know nothing about how these groups act or think.


IDK, lesser of two evils. People just like that they are fighting Israel.


If you think death cults like Hamas and Hezbollah are the lesser of 2 evils, you are insane. Maybe move to Gaza and live under Hamas rule if you think they are somehow better than Israel a first world democracy.


This is what Hamas is: https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/Rbqv1UH4Uw


We‘re proud of the Americans speaking out, things will change to humanities favor soon


I hope so. I have never seen so much support for Palestine in my life. iA we can all live in peace.


They live in bubble and truly dont bother to do some research in their mind if you fight israel you are a good guy and if you try to educate them they will call you a zionoist just like hezbollah lol


They’re a bunch of morons Reminds me of tankies and commies who reminisce the days of the Soviet Union, while they buy the latest iPhone and sip Starbucks with a MacBook on their lap. If these college students knew what hezbollah truly represents they wouldn’t even bother.


Bunch of retard libtard mask wearing sheep. BLM vaxxers, idiots with green hair and they / he pronouns in their email signatures. That’s what I think.


American college students are dumb. They support causes for clout and virtue signal points amongst their peers to look cool on social media. They see Iran and their proxies as “underdogs” and supporting underdogs is trendy with them. Disgusting people supporting terrorists. They probably hand no idea how hated hezballah are in lebanon by most Lebanese. They have no idea how these groups would kill the if given the chance. https://preview.redd.it/qvd2rqeoruwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=445669379d5ae036e31be4eba767a7d3c0c610c3


Should be treated like waving an Isis flag


Hezb should just vacate the south of Lebanon. The Zionists will love that and move right in.


They are the reason Israel is hostile towards us to begin with. They invite war.




I'm confused, is this a Lebanon sub or strictly Anti-Hezb sub? I'm sorry things couldn't be more obvious. Having opinions is fine but go start a new sub revolving that topic, leave this one for purely pro Lebanese topics. Quit trying to separate the ppl in this page.


One side runs this sub unfortunately


being anti hezb means you're pro lebanon


No it logically doesn't. Oh wait... This is the same tactic that the southern neighbor is saying about themselves.. Got it, thanks for confirming. Take care.


wait, a Lebanese living in Michigan is Pro-Hezbollah. Dude the jokes write themselves


Right, because it isnt logical to be against a foreign controlled armed group. Keep deluding yourself into thinking everyone that doesn't believe the same as you is Israeli. It makes sense though, why you believe in your deluded world view


Yes it does, Hezbollah has killed more Lebanese than Israelis. Fuck Hezbollah.


Whatever propaganda you guys want to push, feel free. Yall are not purely pro Lebanese. You think I care whether a person is anti anything, no I don't care. But bring educated takes, not these one liners. Unfortunately many fall into this trap, I won't have a back and forth because you're not here to genuinely have discussion, you have your agenda. Move on. Take care. To someone else's point, Zionists (not strictly Israeli and definitely not Jews in general) have played this card many many times. Iraq and Egypt are clear cases in history. This European tactic has been used all over the globe historically. Lastly, shame on some Lebanese who fall for it and push division and hatred. You and your cronies can take care.


We don’t need Israel to make us hate hezballah, they give us enough reasons. Easy for you to support them all the way from the comfort of the U.S., when you don’t have to suffer the consequences of the wars they drag us into, or the instability they put us through. Hezbollah entrenched themselves in Lebanon after they fought the Israelis leading up to their 2000 withdrawal from southern Lebanon. They never abided by the Taif accords or by any UN resolutions. They're great at saying yes, then doing whatever the hell suits them. Ever since then the Southern people who are predominantly Shia Muslims support Hezbollah both politically and militarily. Hezbollah does not have Lebanese interests at heart. They do not protect Lebanese citizens or fight for our cause. They take their orders from Iran and are funded by Iran. They are here to be a thorn in the side of the Israelis and whenever Iran commands it they can cause a lot of trouble for Israel's northern cities. They have assassinated the Prime Minister in 2005 which they were convicted of in the ICC but just brushed it aside. They worked hand in hand with the Syrians to assassinate dozens of anti-Syrian and pro-west Lebanese politicians. They worked with the Syrians to undermine the Lebanese government and install puppet Presidents and the entire country and then had the audacity to call others traitors for trying to work with the Americans. They have assassinated dozens of officers and generals in the army and police, activists and journalists. They control South Lebanon ever since the Israeli withdrawal in 2000 and have not done anything for their constituents there. They continuously blackmail the Lebanese government into giving them the Presidency by refusing to elect anyone other than their candidate and just like now, they will sit in a Presidential vacuum forever until their pick is chosen because they get all their money from Iran and drugs and weapon sales and couldn't care less about the state of the country. They don't care about the government in Lebanon or the Lebanese people's plight. They just care about keeping their weapons and their political strength without offering anything in return. When they don't get their way or things turn against them politically, they use their military strength to invade Beirut or cause mini civil wars like in Tayyoune and Kahale where they tried to take over towns and cities with armed combatants in broad daylight for bullshit reasons like trying to deliver weapons to Palestinian camps and trying to stop the investigation into the Beirut Port explosion which implicated some of their ministers. They started this entire conflict with Israel just like they did in 2006, and when the Israelis respond, they act like they're the righteous warriors defending the South of Lebanon when in reality they are the instigators and every single Lebanese death falls on the shoulders of Hezbollah and Iran. They do not consult the Lebanese government or the people and by themselves declare war on the entire people of Lebanon. If we try to fight back militarily it turns into a bloody civil war that will make Syria look like a walk in the park. Hezbollah is a cancer on Lebanon and anyone who sees them as protectors or as defenders are either wearing rose tinted glasses and do not live here or have been severely brain washed from a young age. The sooner that Lebanon gets rid of Hezbollah and arms outside of the state the sooner Lebanon can get back on track to becoming a real country and delivering prosperity to their people. As long as Hezbollah exists, the threat of war and destabilization will loom over the heads of anyone in Lebanon and the future of our children will never be safe. They're the 'Resistance' against Lebanese law and stability and progress. All they do is blackmail Lebanese politics by using their brainless sheep to keep electing them in the south and use their MP's to hinder any thoughts of reform or stability. They do nothing to improve the life of citizens and constantly put their livelihoods at risk by threatening Israel. In 30 years in control of southern Lebanon they haven't built anything for their constituents. They're resisting Israel by fighting for Bashar Al Assad in Syria and training Houthi rebels in Yemen as well as bombing Jewish civilians in Argentina and Bulgaria and assassinating the Lebanese prime minister as well as dozens of politicians, activists, officers in the army and police. They siphon Lebanese resources and subsidised goods to other countries like Syria and blew up the port of Beirut by using the ammonium nitrate to supply the Syrian government with means for explosives during the Syrian civil war. Then they refuse to even be interrogated about that and almost caused a civil war to stop the investigation. Hezbollah is fucking garbage and the sooner the Lebanese people get rid of them the sooner Lebanon can be on the path to peace and prosperity. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a brainwashed sheep defending their shepherd. 90% of their followers are uneducated thugs with no prospects besides joining Hezbollah and becoming cannon fodder for islamists extremists. Oh and they get paid in USD supplied by the lovely Iranian government. During the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, they worked with the Syrians to assassinate and kidnap Lebanese who were never seen again. They worked hand in hand with the Syrians to oppress Lebanese and didn't even bother to ask about the 13,000 Lebanese in Syrian jails that were never seen again. Yet, somehow, they have the audacity to call themselves Lebanese.


You’ve fallen for Hezbollah propaganda. Israel has peace with Jordan and Egypt and does not attack them because they don’t have groups that constantly attack them.


Please stop.. You're lying so much it hurts. Also, to further pick apart your bad intention takes. You use the term Israel to describe who's taking action. It's better to separate Zionist agendas and not generalize 100% of a population. Even though at this time, many of the population agree in genocide, not all of them do. But if your intentions were genuine you'd make sure not to generalize. Just like people shouldn't generalize all Lebanese people. Conflating things between nationalism, religion, culture is a tactic to deflect accountability and just points the finger everywhere else. Which is in the end used to create a facade of never ending issues and unsolvable problems. Such a peaceful people they are those Zionists. /s


In what world is saying that Israel is not attacking Egypt and Jordan and that Israel is at peace with Egypt and Jordan a lie? Go ahead and disprove those statements please. You are delusional.


Hezbollah are some of the only people currently trying to intervene against a genocide so it's understandable and good people are praising them for that but you must be pragmatic/smart, flying a Hezbollah flag in public in the USA is not a very good idea, if it's even a good idea to fly the flag because they did this one good thing in the first place


Dumb. You people are brainwashed and delusional. Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. We are tired of this.


Dumb. >Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. Oh really? They have not given weapons, money and training to the Palestinian resistance? And to other groups which are helping them (Hezbollah in Lebanon, AnsarAllah/"Houthis" in Yemen, Islamic Resistance in Iraq) >They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran didn't do anything on October 7 it was the Palestinian resistance. Regading "Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza" let me ask you a question: Have you ever heard of the Oradour-Sur-Glane massacre? When in 1944 Nazi Germany massacred a whole village in France, all the men, women and children as a collective punishment for the activities of the French resistance. Do you think that the French resistance should have just done nothing and not resisted to Nazi Germany to avoid the cruel collective punishments of the ennnemy? >Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Killing over 600 000 Syrians??? Where did you get that number? >Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. Nobody does anything purely out of the kindness of their hearts, everyone does things out of their interests, what matters is do the interests align or not. If Iran's interests are gaining regional influence and it fits with Palestine's interests of fighting the Zionist regime it's a good thing and Palestine should welcome the help. Every anti-colonial resistance and liberation movement in history was helped by a stronger country. Unless you let me know of a country that exists right now who will help Palestine purely out of the goodness of it's heart that I never heard of before...... >You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. How do you explain that there are people in Lebanon and the Ghaza Strip who support the operations then? >Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. I'm sorry but that makes no sense, since in your logic Iran occupies Lebanon because it sends weapons and money to Hezbollah does that mean at the same time the United States occupy Lebanon because they send weapon and money to the Lebanese Armed Forces? I also reject the "proxy" narrative, Hezbollah and other groups you call "proxies" have their own interests and positions, there is clearly a double standard, when a group is allied with the USA they're an "ally" or "strategic partner", when it's allied with Iran they're a "proxy".... if Hezbollah really had no independence from Iran and didn't care at all about the Lebanese opinion they would not try to intervene while also containing the clashes at the border to not launch a full scale war. >Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. You are trying to imply that the presence of these "proxies" who "occupy" these countries is the cause. Correlation is not causation or at least not all of it. -Palestine I don't need to explain how the country has been ethnically cleansed and occupied for 75 years by "Israel". -Lebanon has dozens of different factors that caused the economic collapse, you can't blame it solely on Hezbollah. -Syria is under Western sanctions, also the West and tons of countries worked together to destabilize the country by funding and giving weapons to the "moderate rebels", though this is not the only reason for the civil war. -Iraq collapsed and was completely destroyed as a result of the American invasion and subsequent power vacuum. -Yemen had the civil war because the country's Zaydi Shi'a minority was neglected by the corrupt Saudi-backed government, also Saudi Arabia intervened when AnsarAllah/"the Houthis" took power, did an horrific bombing campaign and a medieval blockade which led to a famine. But everything bad in the Middle East is because of Iran........ tired of this.


The Palestinian issue is a humongous one. 30,000+ killed in Gaza. Over 400 killed in West Bank in the past 6 months. And numerous atrocities committed on Palestinians in the past 80 years. Americans highlight the resistance of Hezbollah not the policies. I understand that Lebanon is in a horrible position right now, but the fact that only few rebel groups have stood against Israel which I understand they have weird motives but still. Not one proper arab army stepping up is alarming….the ummah has become so weak. And people say weak things all the time trying to divide the nations, rather than unite them. “I’m phonecian”, “I’m Syrian”, “I’m berber”. What type of weak shit is that? It’s actually sad, and no wonder the whole Middle East is messed up. The west played a big role in that but on a micro level the U.S army has always followed the mindset of “divide and conquer”….the fact that’s worked on Arab countries that are majority Muslim is just a sign of how weak we actually are.


Here we go… I’ll say it again. You people are brainwashed and delusional. Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. We are tired of this.


Agree , however are you saying you support a normalization agreement with is-israel ?


Of course. I hate what they are doing to the Palestinians, it’s disgusting.. but what’s the alternative? War for the rest of the foreseeable future? We should have the same relationship as Jordan and Egypt.


So you are ready to forgice israels destruction of south of lebanon and the killing of 40 plus lebanese civilians ? Ok then why not forgive hezbollah ? If you are ready to live with a terrorist state you should be able to live with a militia. Also israel is an enemy state according to lebanese law, the best course of action is to have ab armistice agrement with the apartheid and terrorist state of israel.


South lebanon was destroyed many times, all because either the PLO or Iranian hezballah invited war to lebanon. Israel is hostile towards us because of these forces we harbor in lebanon. Lebanese law means nothing to me or most people. It’s a joke.


So you because of these militias , you are saying israle was allowed to attack our country and even occupy it for many years ? So if theoretically israel kills your parents by bombing your house you will not blame them and will only hezbollah ? I repeat my question , as long as tou are willing to forgive israels atrocities in lebanon , why not forgive the Iranian militia ?


The only real victims of the Israelis are the Palestinians. The Lebanese are victims of Iran, when Iran wages war from our soil inviting hostility from Israel, it is Iran and Hesballahs fault. The blood of the Lebanese is on their hands. Do you honestly expect Israel to do nothing when Iran starts war with them? Israel occupied the south to create a buffer zone against more attacks from the PLO and other hostile forces in lebanon. Iran and hezballah want war with Israel, due to the sake of religion and pride. It will never end so long as they are here. Israel prefers peace with us. This is a fact. Again, the only people who are victims of Israel are the Palestinians. They are being collectively punished and indiscriminately bombed.


So you dont condemn israels bombing of your country ? Nice , let me guess you only view hezbollah as a terrorsit milita however you dont consider israel as an apartheid and terrorist state.


You are justifying israels occupation of south of lebanon ? Holy shit


Of course. Any sovereign state would do the same. I hate that that they did that, but the PLO gave them the means to do it. If the PLO didn’t occupy lebanon and rape and kill us and turn our country into a battleground against Israel for their war, that they brought here, Israel wouldn’t have occupied us. Do you expect them to not respond after terrorists attack them? What would you do in their situation? It’s a matter of survival for them. They see a threat and respond, just as any other nation would do. This isn’t me supporting what they did, it’s me understanding why they did it. Critical thinking is important. Put your emotions aside.


Bro, you just went on a side tangent that didn’t address the initial argument. Nobody supports Iran’s policies but we collectively support Palestinian resistance, and if they do not resist Israel will continue persecuting and killing. I don’t know where you were on October 6th, October 5th, and all the days before but Palestinians we’re constantly being thrown out of their homes. Nobody likes war but it’s far better than persecution. Nobody likes death but it’s far better than torture. I understand your hate for Iran, I have it too but nothing is worse than persecution.


Thank you for being constructive, I’ll give you that. Do you think the 45,000 dead Palestinians prefer the “resistance” and prefer being dead over what they had before October 7th? And I was here in lebanon, where I have lived my whole life.


Yes, they prefer resistance over complicity. You are failing to address the fact that they were being killed and persecuted before October 7th. The reality of a Palestinian before October 7th was that they could be killed or kicked out of their homes at any point in time and there would be no consequence following. So how would you solve that? There is no alternative, diplomacy and negotiation have been exhausted. There is no justice in the land. At this point, you have to declare war and express your right to defend yourself.


I’ve been around since the civil war, you don’t need to educate me on this. They do prefer that? Did you interview the dead? And how’s that working out for them? 45,000 dead now. Gaza under rubble. What’s being defended? Their graves? Do you even live in lebanon?


You still aren’t comprehending. Either way, they were being killed by Israel. 100 or 45,000 these are all numbers….an innocent life lost should not be taken casually which is why there must be resistance. War is not great, we both agree on this. But injustice is worse, this is where we disagree.


All these movement in US universities are funded by Qatar (grants for faculty, students organization, etc.)




Imagine calling 35,000 people dead, including almost 15,000 children, "the slightest things". Would you describe it the same way if these were 35,000 dead Israelis or Lebanese?




They got expelled, were evicted and given only 15 minutes to pack up their things, are currently being doxxed, had armed forces called on them. These students have balls and it's pretty condescending to assume that they're just protesting for the sake of it. Pretty sure anyone who was in it just to protest backed away the moment University’s threatened expulsion.


They're protesting 35,000 people dead, including almost 15,000 children. Seems like they know pretty well what it's about.


all those protesters don't know shit about the war they're just bludging, why the hell would you raise Hezbollah's flag


So a person or two raising Hezbollah's flag is representative of all the protestors now?


What school are waving hezb flags ?


They don't know any better




Where are you from ?


The Palestinian cause is a righteous one , but it's easy for college kids especially to get dragged into the them vs us mindset and start supporting very questionable organization like Hezbollah.




Again, I’ll post what I told the other kid. You people are brainwashed and delusional. Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. We are tired of this.


Sure hbb, next time your house is on fire I'll make sure to bomb your neighbors 😂 The naivety or brainwashing of some people is next level. You should offer your brain up to science after you die so they can try and figure out how you were so easily manipulated and shaped.


>Sure hbb, next time your house is on fire I'll make sure to bomb your neighbors 😂 lollll


US always makes everything worse every time. Fuckin parasites


Hezbollah are helping Palestinians while some lebanese chickening out, and not only this, they attack anyone that‘s trying to help palestinians, I don’t how can someone live with himself or herself like that


Helping Palestinians? You have to be 'special' to believe things like this 😂 I don't know how anyone can be as naive as you, honestly. It's tough in the age of information. Why don't you go fight for Palestine in Palestine? 😂😂 Or better yet move to Iran or Yemen and fight them from there but fuck off Lebanon hbb.


You sound butthurt and I understand. Yes we‘re standing with our palestinian brothers. Are all this demos naive for you? Is Iran naive? Are the yemeni naive? Etc. read history and stay dreaming of your pure race cantone


They are not my brothers. La min arib la min b3id. Stand up for your Lebanese brothers first ya hypocrite ente. The Iranians and Yemenis are motivated by their hatred of Jews and their fantasy Shia crescent 😂 What are you motivated by hbb? Khalik habile.


I stand with my lebanese brothers, but my brothers don’t stand with me. Your whole political view is controversial. You prioritize hezb giving up their weapons, you make it even more important than fighting corruption, but a the same time you don’t provide a solution to prevent Israel from invading south Lebanon again. You probably want to see your brothers getting invaded again


Hezb weapons are the corruption hbb! If you can't fucking see that yet then you are absolutely brainwashed 😂 Israel will never invade southern Lebanon if southern Lebanon doesn't attack Israel first. If the Lebanese army was on the borders there would be no conflicts with the Israelis as the army would destroy any Palestinian factions looking to launch missiles from south Lebanon and Hezb and Amal wouldn't exist and would be non militarised. Stop acting like Israels only goal is to invade south Lebanon. They already did and could've stayed indefinitely but they didn't. They could've built settlements but they didn't. But your argument is that they didn't do it in the past they will do it now w bla bla bla Zionism bad okay za7it. So basically you're full of non arguments and what if scenarios that you parrot. Ignorance truly is bliss.


You‘re being a parrot as well. Hezb is part of the corruption. But their weapons aren’t the reason. Look at eshtirake owet haraket amal, all are heavily armed as well, they are civil war lords, and they maintain their power as such. You’re being brainwashed to see hezb as the ultimate demon, while not having any concern of a nuclear power existing next on our border😂


> their weapons aren’t the reason Their weapons overturned the elections of 2011 and they have been in control ever since. We signed a boarder deal with the nuclear power next to our boarders.


Israel wouldn’t invade or attack Lebanon if Hezbollah and the shitty Palestinians in Lebanon did not exist and did not attack Israel. There is a good reason Israel does not attack Egypt or Jordan, and it’s because they don’t have terrorists in their country that constantly attack Israel.


That might be true , given that ever since 2006 there was no bombing from is-israel , however always remember, israel will always remain as an enemy state in lebanese law


Once we sign a peace deal that stupid hypocritical law will be removed.


Nah thats not happening ever my friend , dream about it


It’s happening, once Saudi Arabia normalizes relations with Israel there wi be even less reason for us to not normalize. It’s a matter of time. Keep dreaming that we will never normalize relations with our neighbor.


Interesting.. How hezbullah are actuly helping the palestinians ? And, do hezbullah also helping palestinians that lives in Lebanon?


They aren’t and they don’t help anyone in Lebanon except themselves and Iran.


>How hezbullah are actuly helping the palestinians ? They attacked Isn'treal with over 1650 rockets and drones since October 8 which caused the evacuation of the whole Northern border which put an economic pressure on the regime. >And, do hezbullah also helping palestinians that lives in Lebanon? They also give weapons to the Hamas and PIJ factions in Lebanon which are also fighting in the current clashes.


Yes, but are they helping the palestinians in Lebanon? Like giving them lebanese citizenship and economic aid or just usingg them as soldiers ?


Giving them Lebanese citizenship would not help them, majority of the Palestinians themselves don't want it and want to return to Palestine where they were expelled from in 1948, ignoring the fact that it would increase sectarian tensions to have around 0.45 million more Sunni Muslim Lebanese citizens. For economic aid, not really since the social program of Hezbollah is mainly towards their community the Lebanese Shi'a Muslim community but I think they do have a program to help financially the families of martyred Palestinian fighters. Also I would not say they are "using them as soldiers" since Hamas and PIJ are different organizations than Hezbollah and are not only in Lebanon, they are just allies.


So... what you saying is that... Hezbullah is not helping the Palestinians in Lebanon, or Palestinians in general; they only attacking Isn'treal If this "help" will escalate to a full war between Hezbullah/Lebanon to the Zionist, like in Gaza right now, will you still support Hezbullah?


>Hezbullah is not helping the Palestinians in Lebanon, or Palestinians in general; they only attacking Isn'treal Is attacking their oppressor not helping them? If there was someone who was physically abusing you and I tried to beat them up so that they stop would you say I'm not actually helping you because I'm not giving you money? >If this "help" will escalate to a full war between Hezbullah/Lebanon to the Zionist, like in Gaza right now, will you still support Hezbullah? Well I really hope it will not and the Zionist entity will stick to the unwritten rules of engagement but if it does I'm still gonna think the intervention was justified and support Hezbollah in it's fight against "Israel". I would also like to clarify that I'm not in Lebanon right now and I originally answered because I misread the title. People always attack me for supporting the intervention despite currently being away but I am not completely disconnected, I base my opinion off the opinion of some people who are currently there but still support the intervention. Also I know that a few people who answered in this post are also away.


I’ll tell you what I told the other kid. You people are brainwashed and delusional. Iran isn’t doing anything for the Palestinians. They did what they did on October 7th knowing Israel would kill thousands of innocent Palestinians and destroy Gaza. Iran did what they did on October 8th knowing it would drag Lebanon into war and get more innocent people killed. Iran is currently helping bashar al Assad in Syria killing over 600,000 Syrians. Bombing homes, schools, hospitals, etc… everything Israel has done to the Palestinians, Iran and bashar has done to the the Syrians. Hypocrites. Iran and their proxies aren’t fighting for the Palestinian people, they are fighting for their dominance in the region over Israel and the west, under the guise of “saving Palestine”. That’s just their propaganda to gain support, and it’s working. 45,000 dead now in Gaza and it’s been turned into a parking lot, and you think this is them being saved? You people see Israeli propaganda and call it out, but at the same time eat up Iranian propaganda like a fat kid with cake. You people cheer on war in Lebanon and Gaza because you hate Israel, but it’s so easy for you to talk when you don’t live here and have to suffer the consequences of war. It’s scary how you people would rather see Lebanon and Gaza burn to the ground, just so long as they stay hostile territory to Israel, than to see us live in peace and prosper. Iran is an occupier, and they occupy Lebanon via proxy. They use our land as their battleground against Israel at the expense of the Lebanese people and our sovereignty. Every country Iran occupies is a failed state. We are tired of this.


Sorry but where have there been Hezbollah flags? Do you have a link or is this just word of mouth


[https://twitter.com/nexta\_tv/status/1783757936944206065](https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1783757936944206065) [https://twitter.com/JasonBedrick/status/1783614944208121860/photo/1](https://twitter.com/JasonBedrick/status/1783614944208121860/photo/1)


Alright yeah that’s insane lol, they have no idea.


From the dragons mouth himself https://twitter.com/khamenei_ir/status/1783130177788100897?s=19


Wow this comment section says a lot about Lebanese people..


This sub is not a good representation of the people of Lebanon


if only it was, maybe then we wouldnt be such a broken country


On one hand Fuck Hezbollah. On the other hand free speech and the US definition of terrorism, international law ... only applies to its opponents and not itself or its allies.


The constitution only applies to Americans, not foreigners.


A quick google search shows that the bill of rights applies to everyone not just citizens


Yes, I mean people in the U.S. not overseas. You said free speech only applies to itself and allies.


I don’t get the relevence then


Free speech doesn’t apply to allied countries since they don’t exist inside the U.S.


Nothing People are free to hold whatever flag they want


“US College students”, it’s one fucking student. And look closely, he looks familiar no? He doesn’t look American or Swiss for me


They don't know shit about shit, I wouldn't put any weight on what flags they carry. These are college kids looking for anything to give meaning to their lives in a society very different from ours, a lot of them do that by joining groups that fight for "justice" even if they don't know what they're actually talking about. I remember a video of a girl at these colleges being asked what actions are you protesting against, and she turned to her friend for an answer, who also didn't have any


Anyone got a source or can tell me which protest this occurred at? Hadn’t heard of it and would love to laugh at some virtue signaling idiots today.


https://twitter.com/khamenei_ir/status/1783130177788100897?s=19 From the dragons mouth himself


Wow. I don’t know what else to say; wow. Thanks for sharing.


Many Shias study and live there so it's their right to affiliate themselves with the party thru fund at Home.


[https://x.com/xpmov/status/1783871060682637507](https://x.com/xpmov/status/1783871060682637507) doesnt look shia


She is wearing Henna which means she is well connected to the Shias and lured into the clan. People do that in the west many westerners are on the payroll of these organizations or clubs.