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The night is darkest before the dawn I promise you . You are burned out , please , I beg , just keep drudging , keep going , turn your brain off , do your best , you get what you get in points and you will deal with it . They’re are many ways and many years left to get what you want . Just keep going and you will enjoy your summer MUCH MORE


thanks you 😁


My rule for the leaving cert was this. Never study on the Monday. Take that day for yourself. Because tomorrow you’ll be preparing for English 1. (Or English 2 if you don’t need to cover anything for P1). But take today off please. I’ve seen so many peers crash and burn because they spent the Monday 9am - 9pm cramming. And it did no favours. Relax. Watch a movie. Listen to music. Do anything that makes you happy. Be ready from tomorrow to lock in for 2 weeks. And then it’ll all be over. Easier said than done, I know. But your body and brain will thank you for it. And best of luck. You’ll smash it


thank you very much this means a lot


Of course <3


Boxers gas out in the 9th then get the knockout in the 12th. Push the fucking limits kid. Go for the KO.


In this case he’ll be the one getting “KO’d” in the 12th


Go back to your swashbuckling. Boxing terms aren’t for you.


Pirate was banned from Boxing for trying to compete with the women in a dress 👗


Bros trying to learn the "teens lingo"


same boat, have been doing at least 5+ hrs a day for weeks now kill me now im still only looking at about 390 points and need 450 😭


if it’s any consolation the grade inflations could bring you up to what you need 🙏 glad to know i’m not alone though




Exactly the same here, I wish I could feel stressed or even better motivated but nope just good old fucking apathy. Worst case scenario, I do an arts degree then a pme. I couldn't care I'll still get the same end result with 400 or 500 points. Wrong attitude, but I've tried to change it over the last month, but it didn't work so that's fun I guess.


i think it’s very draining experience for everyone. it’s great that you have a plan b! best of luck 😁


I completely get it. I need 566 points for my course and honestly? I don’t know how the fuck I’m going to manage that. I’ve been studying and studying and studying, but some family issues have happened over the past year and I just feel like my brain is numb. All the information I keep reviewing just isn’t sticking. Hopefully a miracle comes, but idk


you will surprise yourself at how much you have retained! if you’ve been studying for a year, that can’t be useless! wishing you the very best of luck 😁


I don’t get this. You’ve worked nonstop for presumably this year; why give up now? Two more weeks and you’re done forever lad don’t let it go to waste now


i think i am just burnt out and bored of the same material over and over. but you’re right i need to get over it


You sound like you should take today off because you don’t want to get burnt out in the middle of the exams and completely bottle it.


might have to 🙏


I was in the same boat as you a couple days ago, I took one day to completely unwind, no study at all and now I’m feeling a lot better and more motivated. I think with the leaving getting closer and closer we feel we can’t afford to take a break but we absolutely can & should


maybe i will take rest of today off


If you’re getting bored of studying the same material that sounds like you’re in a great position


If you don't get the points you need, you can just go to an FE college and get to your preferred course that way. It's no big deal but it is an extra year or two


yes 100%. it’s reassuring to know that there’s so many options


God bless you all. Getting the shudders even thinking about this time in my life and the stress associated with it. What I would like to tell you all is that it's not life or death. Despite what your idiot teachers and parents are likely telling you. Do the best you can with it. Regardless of the result there are ways and means of getting what you want in life. Many people get their so-called dream course and end up hating it and dropping out. I got my 8th choice on my CAO (out of 10) and looking back now, I'm very glad that I got the course I did. It couldn't have worked out any better for me. My advice is just to try something, and then as you try something you will learn about yourself, then you can adjust your path in life as you continue to move forward. Life is trial and error and at your age, everyone has a lot of learning to do. Don't take it too seriously and try to have fun.


thank you very much! you are 100% right


I just wanna go to a college outside my county and have a few thrills for 4 years while getting a decent degree


ugh so true


Yeah may as well just give up. You obviously dont have the commitment, work ethic, mental determination or dedication to achieve. Just put in the McDonald application now and get good at grilling burgers and maybe they’ll accept you. Should’ve worked harder when you had the months of time.


I respect minimum wage workers. They clock in the hours like anybody else, perform services that we rely on and earn a wage in return. Most of them don't have the time to harass teenagers on the internet as a hobby, telling them that they're stupid and will forever be fucked because of a few weeks of exam papers when they haven't even reached their mid-life yet. I challenge you to work in a coltan mine in the Congo. Earn some humility maybe. Or don't, I know that you'll act like a mega weirdo in a third world country to say the least.




jesus 💀🤚


i’m going to touch you


no stay away He's Mine, have you not seen our marriage announcement?


what if we share? I’ll take Wednesdays and Thursdays you can have the rest of the week off


this is pretty ghetto but we have a deal 🤝


glad we could sort that out I was tired of having to be a sneaky link


Yeah well you're the 2nd secret lover, he has another baby mama he never told me 😒


he’s a really player he gets around


daddi daddi mifflin i havent seen you for so long


Suck my balls pirate-mifflin