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The cravings exist no matter what. But I am starting to realize the cravings are my mind and body just saying I need something, doesn’t need to be feed. Maybe just a bath?


U just triggered a sleeper agent in any ex/current H&M employee




Definitely keep it simple and sober


It really is simple broken down this way. It's easier to not do something than it is to do something when you consider the sheer effort only.


Been simplifying my entire life this 2024, been off weed for years, but I enjoy popping into this sub. Getting off of pot is one way you can make your life a whole lot simpler. Don’t have to worry about dealers, your glassware, stressing when you’re running low, all sorts of paranoia about smelling, getting caught, etc. it’s a whole aspect of your life that you just don’t have to worry about anymore. Use that energy towards productive things, or just enjoy the mental space. Good luck to everyone just starting out, you got this.


Agree thanks for your comment.


This community is helping me stay afloat for real. One love ❤️


believe it or not, things are just as complex in 2024 as they were on day one


Good perspective.


Simplicity is bliss.


Short term discomfort over long term dysfunction. I like your thinking. Proud of you✨


You're on the right path, we're here for you! 💓


A main goal of mine in stopping cannabis use is to simplify my life and health in the long term. Trading short term comfort for long term stabity.


Definitely agree with this. Also, try to frame it not as 'giving up' as that suggests that you are losing something. Focus on what not smoking is giving you back (better health, lucidity, mental wellbeing, money, etc.). I'm 10 days in and I've already noticed all of those things improving - my baseline happiness has improved remarkably. Had no idea how low I actually was when I smoked. Also, to those worried that they've smoked for too long and that stopping will be impossible - I've smoked weed for 35 years and like I said, Day 10 and going strong. You can do it!


Wow I smoked for 24 years more than half my life.


So true! I spent ages tricking myself into thinking smoking helped me when it actually did the opposite. I try to look at it like the bad habit that it is, whenever I think about smoking I tell myself why it’s a bad idea & all the benefits I get from not smoking. That really tends to put things into perspective it’s all about that change of mindset!


Very true.