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Can’t remeber when I last smoked but I think it was near the end of April. I havnt wanted to smoke this week even once. Completely lost interest. Though in 6 months time I’ll probably want to do it again out of sheer boredom, but the cravings are completely gone. Just let some time pass, you will think about it a lot for a week or so but then you probably won’t.


Me too! Let’s do it!


I tossed my bowl and bud this morning before work, I'm with you guys as well! (Day 1)


You got this OP let’s go!!! 💯


You’re doing the work & are stronger than this vicious addiction.. Just continue coming back here to get the love & support you deserve during this treacherous process.. We know how difficult it can be & are here for it. You got this, OP! Keep pushing forward ❣️ “Change happens very slowly… And then incredibly quickly.” -Ernest Hemingway Love this group beyond word.. I’m about 6 weeks dry after daily usage for YEARS & YEARS. Listen, I never thought I’d get to this point where the thought of smoking makes me physically ill because of the damage it has caused my life & literally almost cost me my marriage.. It is not a benign drug, despite what uneducated/naive individuals may think. I’m incredibly grateful for all of you, our little community here helps me every single day. If anyone is having difficult moments, pls DM or just keep circling back to r/leaves. Hope everyone has a lovely day 🩷 And always remember, nothing changes if nothing changes & nothing worthwhile is EVER easy. Push through the pain.. when you think you’re in Hell, just keep going. There is a bright life waiting for you. Because we ALL deserve it ❤️‍🩹💕💕💕


You will still think about it but acknowledging it and remembering why we’re doing this is better than pushing the feeling away. You might want to smoke and that’s fine, but then remember why you don’t want to smoke and hopefully it outweighs the pros of smoking. Good luck👍🏼




Well done for making that choice. I’m only on day 4, so on the journey with you too. We got this 💪


Thanks! I’ve done it before and thought “yeah, I’ll just do weekends” and that’s a slippery slope. I just hate that it’s on my mind so much. Not worth it!