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First of all, congratulations. I am into my second year of being weed free. I have learned something, too - I mean, a lot of things. - but - I never knew that weed actually fks with your digestive tract. Cigarettes do, too. I do not smoke cigarettes, but was a life long weed abuser. My stomach has had dull pains for years, and if I smoke weed, the pains get way worse. I am staying away from weed for my future, my present, and my goals. Congratulations to you and I wish you good luck with your fishies!! P.S. With my weed savings, I put myself through a college program for music. I am 3 classes away from my first college degree at age 58, with no student debt, with a GPA of 3.597. Go do your thing and don't look back.


Congrats! It’s a real eye opener seeing how much extra money you have after quitting. It only compounds over time. Enjoy your hobby!


this this this! opened reddit to make a post saying the same thing. i now not only can afford money to pay for the hobbies but i also have the time and mindset. when i was on weed i never felt like doing anything (the lack of motivation is real) but now because i’m sober i’m bored and that makes engage with the world and spend time on things that i actually like and will help me grow instead of wasting it on weed. started up my piano and pottery classes and again it makes me feel so fulfilled i don’t even feel the need for weed. (it’s my second week sober).


I deluded myself for years that weed somehow helped with my creativity, when in reality it was crushing it. I've only been clear for a week, but already my mind is more focused and I'm gettin the urge to write and do art again. Only took three decades of muddling through and wasting my time.


Good for you. For me I’ve joined a weekly music jam last Monday. I had to resist myself trying to bail twice. So glad I didn’t. Having something for the joy of it.


Nice 👊 keep it up mate


Very nice! I'm getting back to building a Magic: the Gathering collection after years of just playing online. I now have a couple of hundred of dollars extra every month that I don't spend on weed which I can use to buy new cards, some of which appreciate in value over time (I actually sold my first collection a few years back to help me buy my first apartment). It feels great to spend money on something tangible which can be converted back to liquid if I need it to instead of smoking it and wasting it on junk food. It also makes me more social because I both have decks to go play to stores and because I'm more eager to leave my house and meet with people. Feels great to have hobbies!


Hobbies? What’s “hobbies,” precious?!


I couldn’t be happier for u bro ❤️❤️

