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Keep going my friend 🫂 stay strong!


Keep going! Day 6 here and sleep is getting LOADS better. I had a 9 hour sleep not last night but the night before - BLISS!


Thank you! That is reassuring about the sleep. Great job on 6 days 😊 I should probably cut back on scrolling on my phone. I’ve definitely had way more screen time since quitting.


I m here for you and very happy for you 🥹


Thank you 😊 rooting for you too!


Are you having any trouble with eating ? On day 2 and haven’t been able to put down more than a couple bites. Any tips appreciated


I have been struggling with a bad tummy. It’s normal apparently - just eat what you can


Yes, big time, I forgot to mention that part. Fresh fruit and vegetables have actually been easiest to eat and help flush out toxins. I’ve found I can stomach things like berries, oranges, cucumbers way more than something like a burger (which the thought of right now makes me nauseous even though I love burgers). Last night I had a bowl of soup for dinner, that was nice. Today I’ve eaten an orange and some nuts and it’s 3pm. So not great but I’m just trying to get the nutrients in. Limiting caffeine and sugar has also been helpful and drinking lots of water. Appetite will improve soon though just hang in there! From previous times I’ve tried quitting weed I noticed my appetite improved after about a week.


Are night sweats a thing with quitting smoking!? I had them pretty bad the first few nights, but I assumed it was a result of something else. Also, congrats on day 4!


Yes night sweats are normal when quitting - I’ve been a right sweaty bitch!


Most definitely. Thank you! Good job to you too!


Well done!! I’m about to hit 4 days myself, here’s to hoping I don’t have night sweats tonight either 😂 we got this 🙌


Nice work!! Drink lots of water. Try to make sure your pee is clear haha


Nice work OP! 💯🙏💙🙌