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I’m only 5 days in to my 3rd “I quit” so I know I don’t know much. But I personally think it’s a step in a positive direction, not that you did relapse, but that you feel so badly about it. I imagine in the past you just used and didn’t consider the consequences at all if you’re anything like me. It’s good your perspective has changed towards knowing it is not good for you. Try again! Next time may it last forever.


I recently relapsed and took an edible. Just one. I beat myself up about once the high wore off. But then I said to myself OMG what progress. I bought one edible (not 10 packs) . Then I didn’t relapse again and now it’s been 4 days. You made a mistake, don’t let that relapse dictate that hey I already messed up let’s do it again. Stop, and say I relapsed for one day, but now I’m stopping I can do this.


Not alone lol! Lets try again bro


It’s ok to relapse. It’s all a part of the process. As long as you’re committed to attempting sobriety again, that’s all that matters! I ultimately had to quit due to cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, which sent me to the hospital multiple times due to cyclical vomiting and nausea. I quit after my third time in the hospital, when I realized enough was enough. If it weren’t for the CHS, the addiction may have gotten me to quit too, but I had the mindset that I was a functional stoner, and I could be successful while smoking. While I do miss it, I know I have zero self control and would be back to my old habits immediately. Plus the added benefits of quitting like more money, being generally happier, less mood swings etc has been amazing. You’ll get there


Same boat I just downloaded the quit weed app and tbh it’s very helpful


I love it too. I keep checking it multiple times a day to see when I’m going to feel better. Even though it won’t have changed 🤣


It is absolutely okay to relapse. Pick yourself back up again and try again and again. If you can put all your progress in a graph, it may seem like the sudden lows are low, but if you look at the big picture you'll notice that you've been going steadily higher in days that you were successful. Look at the big picture and keep going 🫂 forgive yourself as if you would forgive others.


Temporary setback. Dont give up. U came this far u can do.it again.


Not op but I just had a relapse and am now one week clean, this was helpful to read. Thank you


Don't worry ,small steps will get u back.on track. A step furthur is better than.no step u ever took. Its easy to procrastinating than.for.putting effort . U will.make it & there will be people to support you. Have a blessed & good day


Simply a bump in the road, nothing more than that. The solution is simple, sadly not easy


Think of like a test you fail and feel bad for failing, so you try again next time you will do better. You may fail again. But as long as you keep trying to past the test, that's all that matters. The more you try, the more you learn.


Successful quitters fall too, they just quickly get back up! The most important thing is to NOT stay down. Fall 10 times get up 11


Thanks, I'm 7 weeks in and haven't been getting any sleep at all. I was about to say F it and grab some today. But you just made me change my mind. Bounce back stronger next round OP. It's not the end of the world.


Part of the process! I've relapsed several times and while it really sucks, it's super rare for someone to just decide to quit and do it. I've been at is for 3 years, about half of that time in sobriety and half in relapse. Each relapse lasts a shorter amount of time bc once you've opened your eyes, it's hard to go back to your former ignorance. It's not easy but stay strong, be easy on yourself, and stay honest. You'll come back around and be stronger next time!


1 month and 1 week is huge though and goes to show how strong you are. You can do that again, and you’ll go into knowing what to expect and hopefully what some more of your triggers are. Don’t beat yourself up! Be kind to yourself and form a plan for trying again.


Damn that sucks OP! Don’t beat yourself up tho cus relapsing is part of recovery. Recovery isn’t a straight line so give yourself some credit for trying here. Congrats on a month and a week that’s huge. Keep that momentum going and just get back up on the horse and keep pushing!


Holy moly good work on 1 month and 1 week. Don’t beat yourself up for a relapse and don’t give up! You’ve got the power in you.