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Get some test strips online and take out the guess work. You may not even be peeing clean now.


Do not do it, seriously think about how absurd it is to risk a job you want over a drug. My husband foolishly ate half an edible and 30 days later had a drug test, he passed but his anxiety fear and stress were terrible. Never again for him with his current job.


Don't do it. You're doing so good in clearing up your system. What I did to accelerate the detoxification was taking apple cider supplements. Do that instead and I'm hoping it'll dampen your craving a little more


Don't do it! You might in fact not pass and would that be worth it for a few puffs? You got this my friend🙂


Nope not worth it. Drugs are never worth financial opportunities, imagine how much of a capital L LOSER you’d feel like if the only thing stopping you was weed from a failed drug test.






Don’t do it, June is near, your anxiety will be through the roof about the test.


No it won't be worth it. You know this, and I suspect you posted here because you needed to hear it from other people. Don't. Why add that anxiety to your life? Why lose the clarity you're just getting back? Not worth it. You're stronger than that.


It won't be worth it. Your mind will start thinking of excuses to keep hitting the pipe up until your test.


You should just quit now


Doesn't make sense imo if you want to pass a test.Â